Noncr salb or land | .Under and by virtue ot the power , and authority contained In that Deed of Trust, executed on the 1st day oi October 1917 by O. Y. Yarboro, de fault having been made In the paying of the indebtedness secured thereby' and the demand made upon me by the | holder of said- indebtedness to fore close, the undersigned will sell at I public auction to the highest bidder ' for caah at the Courthouse door of ' Franklin County, State of North Car olina, on MONDAY, JULY 30, 1923 at about the hour of noon, that tract ur parcel of land situate In Louisburg Township, franklin County, North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning at a Black Jack on a Branch, the Macon land; th?bce down the Branch as it meanders 109 poles to Sycamore Creek; thence down said creek as it meanders 8 poles, 16 links to O. W. Ford's corner at a small drain (a Ash Pointer); thencn N 24 W 181 poles to the center of the path leading to the Unell place; thence along said path N 51 1-2 E 64 poles, N 68 1-2 E 15 poles 11 links to a rock; thence S 3 W 110 poles 16 links to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or leas This June 28th, 1923. 6-29-f.t B. T. HOLDEJX, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that mort gage deed executed on the 19th day of November, 1919, duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County In Book 210, page 471, default hi Tine been made la the payment of the Indebtedness ' thereby tocured, I. the undersigned Mortga gee. will sell at public auction to the highest? bidder foLcash, at the Court House door of Franklin County. N. C., on MONDAY. JULY 16. 192$ at 12 o'clock M.. a certain piece or tiact of land lying and being in .Frank linton Township. Franklin County, and State of North Carolina, and de scribed and defined as follows, to wlt: Beginning on the East side of the Tomllnson-Bevei roadway at an iron stake, corner for W. H. Long; thence S 87 l-2d E 13 and 72^100 chains to a stake, corner for Lots Nos. 3 and 4; thence N 2 l-2d E 12 and 20-100 chains to a stake In Driveway ; thence N *7 l-2d W 13 61-100 chains to a stake on I the East side of the Tomlinson-Bevel* .roadway; thence S 3 l-2d W 12 20-100 I chains to the beginning, containing 16 68-100 acres, being Lota Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of the land conveyed by deed of W. H. Long to W. R. Hunt, and re corded in Book Page of the Registry of Franklin County, as will appear Irom plot and survey of H. A. Chappell, C. E., November 10th, 1919. said plot or survey recorded In Book at Page of the Registry of Franklin County. This the 16th day of June, 1923. 6-22-4t W. R. HTJNT. Mortgagse. Piles Cured la 6 to 1 4 ?moist! refund mooer ff P/pO OINTMENT faiu to care ltchl&i. Blind. Blrfdim fw YYatnxiiiitf Plkt. Inatantly reller*? ItchlntPfc^'mnd you can tot restful ueep after the fir* a^pOcatJoo. PriceWc. Fro? Flower (Ntdt You *UJ bo gtad lo BOW lid Hoo Ungo', "The Booth' ? atdouL" wtfl Ktr? away ? bout 1.00MM packet* ot h?J ot the South'* moat popular flow In thla ?prtng.-' Thar* ta nothing In tka hew that can compare wttk rloh oolored flc w?i. Th?7 brighten u* all up ud make ur houM attraetlTe. Tou out pint too many flower* and thla opportunity to let SUitar Popgdo*. BrerlaaUag now on, ?tanl??. Ookqoo mad Uulcu Bum In* Boob abooluUly tree, is o*talolz to bo volooeiod by all i ?a Carried in Stock ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY OARAGE Lonisbnrg, N. C. Phone 295-J MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. ? per cant Interest. No commission^ no bonus . May ran for S3 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to set the money. T*14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. HALS ? ? AEMY SH0F8 ? - SALE We hare Just bought a tremendous ?tock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct . Price tS.TB. These shoe* are 100 per cent Volld leather with heavy double soles p?w*d and nailed. The nppers are of heavy tan cfefome leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them (waterproof. These shoes are selling Very fast and we advise yon to order at onoe to Insure you* order being ?uod. : . r ses are 6 toll all widths; Pay on receipt of goods er send 2-U-tf The U. ?. Stores Co., 1441 Broadway, New York City to TN mtMbt-nm* I This Is the month for sh Hcine vAlch stops the cough by healing tbe\nflaiied and Irritated tissues A box o\ GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for CKest fcolds. Head Colds and Ooup k encloMd with every bottle of HAYH8' HEAIJVq HONEY. The salve should be robbed the cheat and throat of children sufferinl from a Cold or Croup. Grow'i O V?'? Mp Ikamm Um pot? of the ftkln ftOOQ stop* A OO^k. Both remadiea are packed In OM carton and the coat 01 the combined treatment la 86c. JSbff " BAYlr Will we have a wool pool this year ask many farmers. "Ves" r.eply the' county agents. L,. V>'. AncVrsor. has collected 2,000 pounds In Porqitmans County, J. E. Chandler is busy col lecting and others over the state are now gathering the wool into central locations tor a pool. NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Willie Z. Arnold, de ceased, late of Franklin County, all persons holding claims against said eelate are hereby notified to present them to the underslgnpd on or before the 8th day of June, 1924, or this no tice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This June 7th, 1923. MRS. ZANIE ARNOLD, Admrx. B. T. Holden, Atty. 6-8-6t NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate ot Mrs. Mary G. Hudson, deceased, late of Franklin County, no. tlce is hereby given all persons hold, ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please com* for ward and make Immediate settlement. This June 21st, 1928. 6-22-6t W. H. HUD80N, Adm'r. FBAKKLHf IKS. * REALTY CO. LOAK8 AXD IKSUEANCM 7-21 tf TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG. N. C. The best of meals the mar ket affords and prepared In the beat of fashion Plenty of rooms for the accommodation of all -rho wish to spend the night, all well furnished. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH P8PSIN" is Specially, prepared Syrup Xonio-Laxativwfcr Habitual Constipation. It relieves /promptly but should be taken regnlarlyJhr 14 to 21 days to Induce regular action. /ft Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take.* 60c per bottle. / THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Par Year la Advance .? I . NOTICE Havlnlg qualiird as Administratrix of the estate ot J. T. Edwards, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come tor ward and make immediate settlement This June 21st, 1923. C-22-et MRS. M E. EDWARDS, Admrx "HEN'S U. 8. ARMY HUHSOff-XAST SHOES AT I8.K Sixes SH to 11 Never again will yon be able to boy these shoes at such a low prioe. We were lucky In finding a manufacturer, who was overstocked with them, and needed ready cash, so w* bought them at almost one-half of the regu lar price. This shoe Is made over the TJ. S. Artsy Mnnson-last with ex tra heavy stitch lag; special grained chrome brown leather used through 1 oat An Ideal shoe tor workman, far mar S, ice-men, postmen, carpenters and motormen, who are obliged to be on their feat. all day. Send oorrect site. Pay Ppstman $2.95 on delivery, or send us^d jnonny order. ?? "Nf If yon are not satisfied with these shoes after yon examine them, we will | promptly rotund your money." U. S. DISTRIBUTING ft SALES - COMPANY, 20-26 West 22nd Ftreot, g-2-tf New York City, N Y A TONIC Orove's Tasteless chill Tonic lesmree Energy uid vitality by Purifying and Enrlcbing'lhe Ekod. When yoa feel Its strengthening. Invigorating effect see bow It brings cnloK to the cheeks and how It Improve* th?\Vppetlte, you will then appreciate Its trt??\onlc valae. Grora's TmMIm kill Tonfc, U simply Iron and Quinine stHended In syrup. So P**rrt- gYg_*hM Enrich It Dea troys Kalarlsl germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. In vigor SPECIAL PRICES FOR SATURDAY \ V -ON FLOUR & SUGAR Remember we carry five of the best Brands of Flour Don't buy from us until you get the other fellow's price CIGARETTES Chesterfield 20's 13c or 2 pkgs. for 25c Camel 20' s 13c or 2 pfegs. for 25c The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers National Bank At I* .