Tutfs Pills ? food to a body, g DEVELOP FLESH ?n KnH Against Barren, Bit What A best Kats! Rat* steal million! of dollars' worth of (rain, chickens, ugljljk. Destroy property and are a menace to health. If yo? are troubled with rata, try ItAT-SNAP. It will surely kill them. ? pre Tent odars. Cats or doss won't touch It. Comes In cakes. Three sixes. 30c, 65c. $1 25. Sold and guar anteed by Cash Grocery and Market P I c- N I C S and otLer orderly gatherings are invited to use our grounds when needed. Good battling, boating, danc ing an-* excellent orchestra... Dancing every week night. Sacred concerts Sunday afternoons. P UNION CENTRE AMUSEMENT CO , Inc. (At Clifton's Pond) Oakda'e Tobacco Twine ? ^55c lb. Thermometers, Red Bead 45c Lanterns $1.00 to $1.65 Ice Cream Freeiers, 1 quart to 2 gallons Water Coolers, 2 to 6 gallons Fruit Jars, Tops and Rubbers OIL end WOOD COOK STOVKS AND RANGES I can save yon money on stoves and ranges, Come and get my prices. HARD BRICK $2.00 per 100 A store full of good Hardware H. C. TAYLOR i Hardware N0TICE! We are glad U uwuct to ear trieads of Uibkn^ iN i'raaklla Canty tkzt we have Jut listalM ? SEW, VODERS ASD THOROUGHLY SASITARY SODA F0U5TAI5 *ad hare rmnltl oar eatire store aad we cordially . in Tit* yomr (aspects**. MAURICE CLIFTON, JR, who will be glad to serve yon, and t miles while be makes your drink, because he knows you will smile back at h!>c. with that happy smile of satisfaction alter yon drink it. In tact our drug store now la good enough to be patronized by the rich, but none too good for the poor, so we lnrite yon all. Our prices are very reasonable and our aerrices courteous Tours to aerr? and to please, G. L. ATCOCK, MAI RICE CUTT05, JB, L. E. SCOUttIS 1 Scoggln Drug Store All Summer Goods a. MUST BE SOLD We pre offering our entire line of Rummer piece goods, trimmings, neckwear, underwear, hosiery, rib bon, etc., at cost. We carry Miller Bathing Caps and Slippers. Kabo Corsets Pictorial Review and Fashionable Dress Patterns. Come in and see us before yon bny. e-? 7? . ? - ' f FHE LADIES SHOP . Harris, Prop. Mra. J. A. Turnar, Mgr. - * ? ' LovUborg, M. 0. ?Severe , Indigestion BLACK-DRAUBHT FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 1M - y* ch ill TONIC I vartkntirwks viH , pra*? tW dMtion. end act uaGcMnlfl ?N nMl wkok itKma. Nctm ? la pertM health. IVuul to tmht He J FOR SALE We bare listed (or sale several ral uable (arms, amou^ which are (1) kbout 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (1) about 135 acres Hayesrille T. S. known as part of Whltaker land*. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. ? REALTY CO. ? (Over First National flank) MORTGAGEES SAT.F. OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained in ih.it certain mortgage deed, made on Sept. 2, 1918, by Alex Mc Knixht end wife, Martha Mi Knight. U K. L, 1'uBier, murtgagtg, aud ? re? c.i-ued in Book 210. page 42S, Regie try of Franklin County. N. C., default baring bfen made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby securt 1 and demand for foreclosure having been made en said mortgagee t>y the hold er of said indebtedness, the under signed will on MONDAY. AUGUST 20, 1923 at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In Louisburg, N. C. effer tor sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain piece or tract of land lying and be ing in Louisburg Township, Frank lin County. N. C. described in said mortgage deed aa fallows: Lot No. 2 and 8 situate on Granite Street In the Liberty Heights Property, front ing 107 feet, running back 188 feet, with a back of 94 feet, as surveyed I and plotted by Ml Stuart Davis, Sur- 1 veyor, which said plat is duly record- j ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, reference to which is hereby had. This July 18, 1923. E. G. FOSTER, Mortgagee to the use of R- A| Foster, transferee. Wm. H. tc Thos. W . Ruff in. Attorneys. 7-20-5t NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as administrator upon the estate of H. L Pippin, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1924, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This July 17th. 1923. J. A. PIPPIN. Administrator of B. L. Pippin, deceased. W. H Yarborough, Atty. 7-20-?t BE RID OF THAT ACHE If you are a cofferer with lam* back, backach*. dtulneaa, nervous neaa and kidney dlaorriera, why don't 70a try the remedy that you own neighbor* recommend? Aak your neighbor? Mia. D. C. High, Naah St., Lonl? burg, aaya: 1 wal nearly down with my back and at tlmea I oould hardly set around my back pained aa 1 read about the good Doaa'a Kidney Plila were doing tor other*, ao I procured 1 eapply at Sooggln'i Drag Store. A boat alx boxaa ot Doaa'a eared me and my tMk baa aarar fait lame alnce. I oan recom mend Doaa'a highly." The above statement waa glreo June 14. lilt, and on Dm. IT. ltSl, Mn. High added: -Wheat far 1 . hay* the least algn of kMaey diaorder 1 reaort to Doaa a Kidney mia aad alwaya with the KM b? leflt I gladly wafcm my former state ment." PrVee Ma, at all iaalwa. Don't simply aak tor a kidney remedy ? gat Doaa'a Kidney Pllla? the aama that Ma Bgh had. Stotar-Mflbwa O*. Mb*, Buffalo, M. T. THE WBOSQ riCTtTUE It se??ns redSculosa to hasr pS> ttclaaa and labor agitators let A and tear the atr expounding un {S fight between labor and capital. "Wt bear Ibalr apesehes and public A U ranees, an unlformco parson would hare a vision of the wealthy men In this nation biding bebtnd breastworks ot money bag, and fighting off aUrr ing millions who are trying to scale tjis wall of gold. In tba next breath, we read In our daily paper* that a rich employer 1b New York baa turned crrer his clothing bcaifceas to a taw employes, Automatically these employes must b< come tbe bated capital lists and take their places behind the barriers flt gold, which In turn the workman they hire will strive to tear down. Is not thla the wrong picture to finish constantly before the eyes of millions? Is not a captallsts and in dividual who has Bared fifty or a hun dred dollars and through wise Invest ment. either in a peanut wagon, a tootblack stand or .in industrial or govennont bond, caused that money to earn more dollars T Is the man who saves one hundred dollars which he puts In a public ntilitv or a sawmill property, where, vith money contributed by hundreds ot others like himself, it employe thousands of people at good wages, a bad citizen? Yet he la a capitalists Just as truly as the man who invests a hundred thouaand or a million dol lars. When there is removed the Incen tive for the man with one hunderd dollars to lncreaae that amount to one thousand and then to ten thousand dollars, and so on, there la also re moved the chance of reward that la the stake tor which the average able bodied Amercan strives. -The majority ot capitalists today started aa hardl workers, andj J tut, according to the radical politicians and labor agitators, the salvation of the country lies in denying to others the chance which these men had to benefit themselves and, incidentally, humanity in genenral through the mo dern conveniences they have given to the humblest American cltlien. SubscrtDe to The Frmnklin Times / To Cwa a Cold In One Da* SALE . . ABJTC SHOES . ? SALE We have Just bought a tremendous stock of Arm y Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct . Price $2.76. These shoes are 100 per cent ?olid leather with heavy double soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are ot heavy tan chrome leather with bellow* tongue, thereby mating them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we adrlse 700 to order at once to Insure your order being niiea. : The sizes are < toll all widths; Pay I Postman on receipt or goods or send I money order. Money refunded If shoes] are not satisfactory. X-U-tf The U. 8. Stores Co..| 1441 Broadway, New York City' NOTICE SALE OP LAND Under and by Ttrtue of the power and authority contained in that Deed of Trust, executed on the 1st day of October 1917 by 0. Y. Yarboro. de fault haring been made in the paying of 'the Indebtedness secured thereby and the demand made upon me by the hclder of said indebtedness to fore close, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, State of North Car olina, on MONDAY, JULY 30, 1923 at about the hour of noon, that tract ,or parcel of land situate In Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning at a Black Jack on a I. ranch, the Macon land; thence down the Branch aa It meanders 109 poles to Sycamore Creek; thence down said creek as It meanders 8 poles, IS links to O. W. Ford's corner at a small drain (a Ash Pointer); thence N 24 ; Vf 181 poles to the center of the path leading to the Uziell place; thence 'along said path N 51 1-8 E H poles, | 88 1-2 E IS poles 11 links to a rock; thence 8 8 W 110 poles IS links to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more I or less [ This June 28th, 1923. G-29-St B. T. HOLD EN, Trustee. THE franklin ins. and REALTY 00. Annoaaoe that Mr. B R Prrrjr IU taken eherje uf Ha < tutruM tanMb. Mr. P?i rj vOl be ?Ud to MC hi. friend*, , ud when in need of AIT EIHB of immil, mm hinv Mr. Ferry Ma M many year* err- , perleooe ta Insnranee, and is i ?ra pared to ghra the public the beat of aeiftee. IM Inavaaee of aay kind, writ*, phone or Bo* Bennett Perry '??v J ~ v; THE franklin DIB. AND REALTY 00. TONKEL'S T at ' New Store T f; * Offers Big Reductions on Hofcj Weather Goods For This Week # \ Men's Palm Beach, Cool Cloth and Mohair Suits, worth up to $19.50, will close them out for. . . . $9.95 Men's Straw and Panama Hats, worth up to $5.00 Special at $1.49 and $1.95 BIO REDUCTION ON SHOES, SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS Special prices on Printed Voiles and Dotted Swiss in the v^ry newest patterns, worth up to 50c, now - per y.ird>v.... _...j 25c A big lot of Tissue Ginghams which will make up a dainty cool looking dress, worth up to 69c, Special for this week, per yard 39c ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A 310 LINE OF LADIES SILK HOSE AT A GREAT REDUCTION We have new Millinery arriving daily and you can se lect a beautiful trimmed or Sport Hat for ..... 98c Remember 70a are always WELCOME at A. Tonkel LOUISBURO*S NEWEST STORE Next Door toEC. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N> C. Ito QMiIWDmiM Subscribe to THB FRANKLIN TIMES 11.60 Far Tur in Adnnca. The world gets faster, A man can get married In two minutes or drink himself to death in one. ? German passive resistance is in the active voice. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PKLNTINU PHONE NO. 283. Brick Lime * Tobacco Twine Thermometers Lanterns McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS

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