(Cootiauad from naarth Page) tionr Md snrollmeut ? We do? And we thank each of you tor your co-op eration In everything. We certainly can not be without helpers, and we surely have them here. All o( us can be lylpers, let's be! The curtain committee reported that they have, samples on hand and hope td make purchase soon. We thank them. The Bheets answer very well, but do not look as well as we wnilllt wish. . The number of bibles "brought lasT Sunday was better than before but ' we urge everyone to tie a string around your finger or do anything to make you remember that yqur Sun day is incomplete unless you bring a bible to Sunday school. ot?lsl)urk' Friday Evening. Mr. UApard and son, W11J irtqr . lard, were In Wood Saturday.- ? . l^uua Karnor was (Beat o t Ellsa beth fuller Wednesday night. Mrs J 37 Sheartn. Mi*. O. M. Ray 11 or, Leona and Ruasel Rayaor Floyd. Robert and Paul Griffin spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. H. B. Sheartn. Messrs. Charles Burnettr and Hay wood Gupton passed through Wood Saturday. Messrs. Meadows and T. C. Dor sey, of Hollister were visitors Satur day. Mr. Jim Collins, of Sandy Creek wns iht* giu>Ht of Mr. und Mrs. N. C. Gupton anil family Saturday after noon . We are very glad to learn that Miss Wheless Guptbn '8 out again after being kept In for quite a while on ac count of sickness. Messrs. Cleveland Foster and Phil lips of Louisburg were visitors of Wood Saturday. Messrs. Lewis Smith, son and Doc Gupton. Red Bud. were among the visitors here Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Swanson and son. Wal ter. his wife and family of Red Oak were week-end guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. J. Hamlett and family. Mrs. Swanson is a sister of Mr. Hamlett. Mrs. H. C. Radford and son, Gra ham. were week-end guests of Mr. C. Early Denton last week.* Messrs. George G. and Joe Wood, Red Bud, were among the visitors here Saturday. Master Freeland Green has return ed from an Extended visit to his grand mother, Mrs. Wells, near Henderson We are glad to welcome Freeland back to our community and B. P. U. Mr. Marlon Parker was the guest of Mlsa Daisy Ball Wednesday night. We regret to learn that Mr. Cleacy Gupton is confined to his home this week on account of illness. We hope to be able to report next Issue his re turn to duty. Leland Gupton, Centervllle, was week-end visitor of Torbert Sturgess In another column we are giving an account of the series of meetings at Mt. Hebron church by one of Its mem bers. Miss Bonnie Griffin. We thank her very much for favoring us with It and assure her and the good people of her church that we enjoyed and received great benefit from worship ping with them. Rev. D. T. Bunn the pastor, preached strong, uplifting and Instructive sermons which struck deep and left our hearts and souls in a better and stronger mood to strive each day to get In closer touch with the Master. We hope he will com* again to see us soon. Miss Irene Gupton and Mr. H. B. Cobb were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Roval. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neal, and Mrs. Henry Griffin, Centreville, spent Thursday with their sistefc, Mrs. P. M. Sykes, Seven Paths.' Mr. Arch Alston and son, Cheatham were Sunday afternoon visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Messrs. Corbett Cash and Irvin Gil> liam Royal, were guests of friends Sunday attenoon ..and evening. j Misses Ruth and Pearl Gupton and Cleveland Gupton were Sunday after noon visitors of Miss Lanice Horton, Bunn. Messrs. W. D. Fuller and Robert Gupton and Olcey Prldgen, were Louis burg callers Monday. Messrs. M. D. Smith and son, Fur ney. of Rocky Mount, and Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Griffin and son, George Irving, of Louisburg were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith Sunday. Miss Annie Harper, of Rocky Mount 1s the guest of Mrs. M. T. Griffin and Miss Irene Gupton this week. Messrs. Dorrls Llverman and Jotyl| Robert Montgomery, Aulander, w ere visitors ot friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brett, Raleigh, Mr.-"and Mrs. W. D. Fuller and Dr. H. M. Beam were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neal, Centervllle Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tharrlngton and family, Holllster, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Shearin and Mr. and Mrs. Bobble Shearin and fam ily of Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearin and fam ily. " Mrs. "Lacy Reynolds, daughter Lull* sons, Thomas and Nelson Reynold* spent Sunday here with relatives. Mif Irwin King and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bry ant King and family. ' Master Thurma Griffin, Centerfill* was guest ot mother, Mrs. G. M. Ra/ nor Sunday. Mr. Bonnie Nicholson, Miss Mary Galloway, cf Hi. iliater attended Wood B. Y. P. U. Sunday night. Mr. and Mr?. W. T. Benton, Mfj' and Mrs. W. L. Bellamy, Mr. anA Mrs. Foy Mosley, Mr. Doris, Mrs, Walker, Mr. Roach and Miss Theatug Bellamy of Rocky Mount were vist' tors ot Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Bentog Sunday. Miss Geneva Benton Is visiting rel atives at Rocky Mount this week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Griffin havg Just returned from sn automobile trip to eastern counties where they vlslteA relatives at Hertford and Eden ton. We are glad to have them back In oar community. We have missed thill very much In our Sunday school and B. T. P. U. and the. editing of thedfe columns. i. Messrs. Sidney Gupton and Flo/d Griffin were visitors of Holllster Sua day. Mr. R. B. Wicker, of Sanford is visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. P, Leonard and Edna Wicker this week. Master Edward Stovmll, Ixralshurg, arrived Monday to spend several day* this week as the guest of Master Bid gar Fuller. - , _ Rev. and Mrs. May, Mrs. Arch RS4 ford, Miss Clayton Burnette and Mfg. A. A. Shearin of Centervllle W. M. f. at t fended the W. M. U. of the Ta* River Asoclation held In the Baptist church ot Warrentoa on Friday of last weci.. Messrs. Dunham Qrifffn and ,T NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK. Louisburg, N. C. ***** *?,T- * t, r