?THE FRANKLIN TIMES A.fr. JOHN HON, Iilter u4 t>? Iwi tl.M Blgkt iMtti l.M t?t* loaUl .? FNr Monti. M ^ I 'S ASSOCIATION Foreign Adv?rtl?lnf I THE AMERICAN PW?S: Cntered at the Post Office at Louis- | ? org, N. C.. aa second claas matter. 1 i The negores who caught one of their color who had murdered one of their number at a lodge meeting near MDul toa Saturday night and held him (or the officers are to be congratulated. This is the kind of acts they should have been doing for a long time. Whenever they wish to hare the row dyism ar)<] murderous activities Of their race stopped they can easily ac complish that by rendering assistance to the officers In catching the crimi nals and then furnishing evidence fv conviction . PROVIDE A COTTON YARI) That LOUidtWi* Is badly in need of ?a Cotton Yard that will be convenient for the buyers as well as the grow ers has been again forcibly demonstra ted this werf, , when merchants oc cupying storej on the streets now used for cotton wagons registered ob jections to tfce no parking regulations that reserve^, .this space for cotton wagons, upon the grounds that it In terfered witii tfciir customers getting to their stoffes Conveniently. This is a just complaint and Is entitled to be heeded and. i Mags more forcibly to mind the necessity for Loulsburg hay ing a public i cotton yard where the farmers can take their cotton and un load it and sot jip their team if they like, while they are waiting for bids. And the buyers should arrange to do their buying- -on this yard. They could easily (range to be at the yard on certain fegRrs, and etiminate any Inconvenience that otherwise might be experienced from the change. This it a question the Business Men's As sociation can well take up and ar range. ?. i THE BEST EVIDENCE The following letter addressed to Mf. Bepa, Looiabnrg, N. C. and mailed at. Gupton, N. C? has been received by Supt. E. Lf. Best Aside from the fact that its a shame that Frank)in County has a citizen who would . at tack an educational program that will n at cost him one cent extra, in an asnonymons style like this, which fact only commands the greatest con tempt from our best citixeirt-. it is the beet of evidence that the Bpard of Edmcatlon has acted wlaety, The coming generation is entitlM} to .be taught better judgment and better common sense and above all a totter moral 'standard. The letted which bears ao name at all follows: "dear Mr Bess 1 am Wrlghting to you as a frind to let you know it would Be Best for yon to drop this high school for we don't need it It Is not done fair if I werar you I would Be afraid to go eny farth er with this school, as I am a friend to you there are so many Pepe here mad a Bout it it Is dangers" The letter Itself In the best of evi dence that the Board of Education is acting wisely in Its efforts to give to the children of Sandy Creek and Gold Mine townships an opportunity to be come bigger, better and broader cltl lens and enjoy life more abundantly because of the advantages offered them as children. BARBECUE Quite a large number of the officers and directors of the Franklin County Fair Association enjoyed a most de lightful barbecue at the Fair Grounds I on last Friday evening. The cue and ' the speeches were One and all enjoyed I the occasion hugely, ' 1 ST., (KM) HEAR JUDGE RUTHERFORD LECTURE "Armugeddon At Hand," Declares Mead ?f Bible Student*. (Contributed) 1 W 1 til street ear transportation awaaiped with roads and thorough fares clicked with traffic and hund reds and thousands of people aoming from points as far as San Diego to hear the famous lecture "Armaged don" given by Judge Rutherford, pres ident at the International Bible Stu dents Usaoclatlon at the Oolleelum Exposition Park, Sunday afternoon, ?K. 26 ? a new record was establish ed la Loe Angeles for attendance at B VabUc gathering. The late president Harding vai to havfe had the honor of being the flret Man to speak la this giant coileslnm but death preventing ? the honor fell Upon Judge Rutherford. Ten West ern Hlectric loud speaking horns, five feet long, were arranged In a circle thirty feet above the speaker's head and two Microphone Transmitters Ware placed on the stand making It PQ?it le to hear distinctly elaht ban trad fee* away. Jadge Rutherford Is conceded to be ?M tt the best lecturers on public ?tat terms today. The lecture was Wss< apod actual conditions which ha toand apon a recent tour of Bu ff*** Always a student of world 4 and Mrs. W. D. Fuller attended the unveiling ceremonies of the monu ment as memorial to the Stars and Bars in Loulsburg Wednesday. Mr. Herbert Leonard and son Wll llard of Centervllle were Wood visi tors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris T. Griffin vis ited Mrs. Wordie Gupton, Sandy Creek Sunday. Mr. H. B. Cobb, of Holllster, was the guest' of Miss Pearl Gupton Sat urday night. Misses Ruth and Pearl Gupton and Daisy Bell Denton visited Centervllle and Mrs. E. J. Fuller Monday evening. Mr. Robert Jenkins, South Hill, Va. visited his sister, Mrs. Billie Tucker Saturday and Sunday. Misses Ruth Parrlah and Katie Bell Griffin were pleasant callers of Mrs. Davis, Red Bud Sunday. Mrs. Swan son, Mrs. Norman Smith and son, Nelson, fed Genie Stalling a. Red Bud, visited friends here Wed-.' nesday night. Mr. N. C. Gupton visited Lo?tofeu? Fndaj. Miss Nellie Griffin spent last Spy day In Durham with Mrs. Carl Strick land. Mr. John Lancaster went to Ral slgh Wednesday on business. Mr. Will Taylor visited Nashville Friday. Mr. Roger Griffin has accepted 'it position with a construction company In Durham. Misses Dollle Gupton and Lucy Be0 Denton were the guest of Mr I. M. *E Lewis Saturday night. ?" * Miss Viola Gupton. was the guest of E- J. JFuller Saturday night. 1 Misses Dollle Gupton and Lucy filfls Denton, Mr. Buddy Gupton visited Mrs. Clomas Radford Sunday. T " Messrs. Ennis Lancaster. Graham Radford, Lewis Neal and Thomas Leonard were among the visitors here Saturday. Messrs. George and Ivory Coley, Romie and Battle Wester were War reaton visitors Monday. Last week our citizens entertained In their homes two representatives of our school faculty. This being their first time in our community the hos pitality shown them could hardly ba surpassed. We wish to thank each person for their hospitality and es pecially the following who entertain ed them In their homes at meal time: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearin, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J H. Radford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Denton. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. J. Ham lett, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Major Gupton, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gupton and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Parker. We would not fail to thank those who made it possible by the use of their cars for the faculty to visit these homes, Messrs. G. M. Ray nor, J. P. Leonard and W. D. Fuller. Again we thank the teachers for en tering our community life and every one who made It pleasant for them. Miss Ruth Parrlsh was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. May Wednesday and Thursday. ? The many friends of Mr. L. E. Gup ton will be glad to learn that he has gained sufficient health to be out again . Mr. Cleacy Gupton visited Rocky Mount Saturday. Miss Bonnie Dare Fogleman, Greens boro, of the school faculty arrived here Sanday evening. Miss Fogleman cones to our community for the first time with accellent references as to her professional training, character and interest in the welfare of church, school and community activities With Tier arrival the local faculty was com pleted. We are to be congratulated upon our faculty and should show our appreciation of their efforts and abil ity by cooperating with them when ever possible. We have their assur ance that they have the Interest of every child and parent at lieart and Will strive In every way to train and give our children the very best of ad vantages possible. The success of their efforts will largely depend upon Just ho* much we try to cooperate and make their burdens lighter. Herer to a spirit of full cooperation between school committee, school faculty, pa trons, pupils and community. A suc cessful .school session Is our alnt What we make of It rests entirely In our hands right now, from the first day to the last. May not a single one of us be termed slackers at the end of the session Is our earnest wish. Yo Ho. Heave He, all together for a suc cessful school year) Mr. Dave Hunt, Alert, visited here Saturday on trip to visit relatives In Nash cocunt* There were 44 bates of cotton gtn nsd at our leoal gin for three aad one half days for the first week. Mr. Har MJT Qupton bad the first tp be ginned. Leonard and Parry the largest welch ing 528 pounds, while E. L Harris and Alston the smallest, weight 391 lbs. Mrs. Anna Jones. Norfolk, Va., 1s spendlag this week with Mr. and Mrs. Blount Bgerton, Laurel. Messrs. Lambert Brown and Glen Hudson, Vaughan, were among (tie visitors' here Monday. In last weeks Issue due to a typo graphical error we stated that Mr. Boat Denton suffered the loss of a fine hog due to the fun secured by his children of seeing It chased by a dog. It should have been Mr. Saint Leon ard, Messrs. Dolphin, Samfnie Gup ton, and June Hamlett went to Warrenton Monday on buslnei*. Messrs. Qua Wester, Thomas B. Denton and George Coley visited Loulsburg Monday. Messrsi J. Pete and Zet) Davis, Red Bud were visitors here Monday. Last week about twenty dollars , worth of damage was done to articles and goods In the store of C. G. Wood and Co. by a dog which had been left in'there when the store was closed at night. No blame can be attached to the animal since it was due to failure of letting him out when the store was closed for night. Messrs. Louis and George Capps, of Areola were visitors here Sunday. Messrs. Sprulll Upchurch and J. L Pernell, of Nashville, were visitors of Wood Sunday night. Mr. Richard Pullln, of Rlngwood. visited Mils DalBy Ball Sunday. Mr. Prank Raynor. of Rocky Mount, was a visitor here Sunday. Messrs. Metcer, Thomas ville, Ga.. and Alston, Henderson were business callers Tuesday in Centervllle. Mr. Henry Griffin, Centervllle, has accepted a position with the City Bar ber Shop, Loulsburg. Messrs. A. A. Shearin and C. C. Murphy, Centervllle were business callers of Loulsburg Tuesday. Messrs J. S. Shearin and Saint Denton went to Loulsburg Tuesday on business. Mr. Prank Neel, Embro, visited rela tlves In Centerrille Monday. Mesdames A. A. Shearin and Henry Griffin and Louis Neal visited Rocky Mount Wednesday. Dr. W eat Preaches Dr. West preached at Baptist church last Sunday. ? - ? ? C J Sunday morning subject : ' 'The Three Qreat Christian Assurances"; text, I shall be satisfied, when I awake ?1th thy likeness. ? Psalms 17:15. 1. "I shall awake." a. The ftollng that "I shall awake" has been the ex* perlence of all man kind from the early dawn of creation down to the present. The God-given feeling pre vailed among the early Egyptians. ,'tfce Indians, and It Is the feeling among the heathens today, although they have not heard of the God of the Resurrection . b. The Old Testament la gradually unfolding this trnth. We see Job in the 14 Chap, struggling with the question: "It a man die IHMkll he IWe again?" But In the 1ft Cfcap. his assurance comes: "For T know that my Redeemer liveth, etc _ a In the New Testament the assurance is confirmed and demonstrated. 1. In the life of Christ, His words to Mar tha concerning the death of Lazarus. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Loulsbuic. Id the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on September 14, 1923. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ? J 453,668.47 Demand Loans ... 13,777 , 47 Overdrafts, secured 1796.64; unsecured $614.82, , ? 1,311.46 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 8,667.87 Banklcg Houses $3,300.00; Furniture and fixtures, $4,600.00... 7,800.00 Cash In rault and net amts. due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies - 33,495.06 Cash Items held over 24 hourB 739.03 Checks for clearing 32.669.60 Bills of Exchange 289.40 Total $ 652,218.26 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Fund ^ 16.000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 12,018.01 Notes and Bills redlscounted - 30,000.00 Bills Payable 65,000.00 Deposits subject to check, Individual .". 166,804.91 Demand Certificates of Deposit 26,482.42 lime Certificates of Deposit, Due in Less Than 30 Days 21,950.93 Cashier's Checks outstanding LijU. 1,786.85 Certified Checks Jz. 76.60 Savings Deposits 164,859.14 Collections >_!_ 239.49 Total .1 $ 652,218.25 Statn of North Carolina, County of Franklin, ss: I. M. 8 V.Clifton. Cashier of the above named Bank, do soiemuly swear that tho n'.ove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. S. CLIFTUX. Cashier. Correct ? Attest : L. L. JOYNER, J. W. KING. F. W. WHELR8S, o . ,. . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 25th day of Sept., 1923. H. M. STOVALL, Notary Public. i My commission expires January 22, 1925. His words to the thief on the cross. The Resurrection ot Jesus Himself. 2. "I shall be in God's likeness." a. This Is God's Ideal for man ? Gen. 1: | 26. b. This Ideal has been fulfilled In only one man ? the Christ-Man. c. It la the purpose ot this Q^rlst-Man to present -usi hi* followers, back to Gedin His own likeness, thus fulfill ing- God's Ideal for man ? Rom .8:28. 3. "I shall be satisfied", a. Satis tac tion or happiness Is the Holy Grail of every man's: -life . b. It Is attained only In Christ, our Ixtrd and Master, c. Tennyson's Crossing the Bar. Sunday evening subject: "The Sec ond Mtle"; text. And Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with' him twain. 1. The second mile is what makes life sweet and . worth while, a. In business, b. In Ikscsnunalty. c. In the home. 2. Two roads ? -on which the Christian Is t* travel the second mile. a. The highway o( un< selfisimees. IVkat a haaiiHfni blissfnl world the arena would be it every one traveled the second mile In the life of tbat real, ideal spirit > of unselfishness. b.' The path at for giveness. 3. The second mile with our fellow-man is essential to the reach of the first mile with our Lord. There can be no fellowship or glor ious association with our Lord and Master apart from the forgiving^ Un selfishness, and untiring service with our fellow-man. "Lift Is not living Just for the day, Life Is not dreaming all the short way. To live, la to do what must be done, To work and be true, fdr work is eoop done." * Swifts Jewell Coppound ljfr cents a pound at W. D. FutUr & Co. 9-28 It ? ? , ? ? ' - i J .', r fc .f J f . Swifts Meat 14 cents a pound at W. D. Fuller & Co. 8*28-3 1 . ? r. ' - ' ' '?*."> t ? ' - ????:' lA Swifts Jewell Corapound-15 hen til a pound at "ffi. T). Pullet ift Oo. r . ? -f. ? . h I in*, in/ A'i1 - 3 J i? J r ; ?> Swifts Meat 14 centsia.jpoiind at W. D. Fuller & Cqv 9-28>-M Buy Your Tires from a ytrt^tom DEALER At the Late?t Price?-The Lowest In History You wQl find the Fbeatone Dealer one of the (table bwkmi men of yoor com tmmlty. Ha oflhn a dean, ft-eeh ml backed by a wetl rirgMitwil Mrrtoe. He Wauti jrou as ? permanent easterner. That I* the reason ha wDi Firestone . He know* and has plenty of proof they era the best ttfes oil the mar Ha can |hn jroa the greatest vatas thereby ratals jfoot Ml for ; - Ka Ub the lwn of tWt , Ptrestooa Tbas feet two new am ?cord* at ^raeoMwhenTmqr . . slid ? round Dor tunatt every B and oovesed 5| 100 aMfea in ]% mta ' 1 hundredth* seoonda. He alto i record fbrone and 30 boo t fcur can ta wKh nmtoM of tfcsai btiehed a new we?id> i wort the entkc wtec wtthoct a rtnp. Tfcfa isd every othcc tmportest rece ihki you wti won on Firestone CVum- Dipped A___4- ??- _ A M-i- _ _ Vi. . Jl UOKM IT?l Dtcam- WfWM luDCt. pQCD performance ghree you oooclurfvc proof ht their i^iengdi and dorebtHty. Not only do r?ce< Ttres^at protection 1 ore uuyeea bd .IM'W MM uMB (IIMUnl Too c?n bar tjha from toy ?f ft* H. C. TAYLOR Hi^DWARE CO