WELCOME Don't fail to attend the Franklin County fair. A good time is in store for everyone. Don't stay at-hQJpe a glorious time awaits 70a at the Greater Franklin County Fair. Make our store your headquarters. Coats and parcels checked free. We know of no better proof than the KLINE policy and methods are right than our immense and constantly increasing business. We can offer no stronger argument for your patronage than our unmatchable -values. We are proud of the extensivenees of our stocks, we commend you to our splendid store service with our ? homelike .at mosphere, but after all our compelling reason of why we deserve and receive your patronage is? QUALITY CONSIDERED, OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOWEST. We court comparison, look around, then come to KLINE'S and YOU BE THE JUDGE as to the best place to do your buying. NEW FALL SILKS Creye tie Chine, 40 in. wide, all silk, good heavy quality, all wanted shades $1.49 Canton Crepe, 40 in. wide, heavy, all silk canton, new shades, excel lent quality $1.98 Others priced $2.45 and $2.95 Satin Canton in wide dark brown, black and navy $3.95 Brocaded Ci^epe Satin, 40 inches wide, newest material, fine finish navy and black $3.95 NEW FALL DRESS GOODS w1 Fifty-five serge good width, all col ors 48c Double warp serge,, 50 in, wide, guar anteed to wear 98c Monish serge, 56 in. wide, sponged and shrunk, all wool, navy, black brown $1.89 Poiret Twill, 44 in. wide all wool, black and navy $2.45 54 in. wide Poiret Twill .... $3.45 Plaid Skirting, all wool plaid skirt ing, 54 in. wide, range of pat terns $295 OPENING SPECIAL8 IN SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES Your choice of smart new styles for street aiuL dress wear. Fashioned of the most popular fabrics, serges, Poiret Twill, Flat Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Canton Crepes, trimmed with silk bi;aid, pleated tiers, wide tucks, cording, narrow pleats, silk embroidery, beads, buttons, in brown, navy and black, sizes 16 to 46. Priced $4.95, $6.95, $9.95, $12.95, $19.95 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S TWO TROUSER SUITS AND OVERCO^T^j. Regular and sport mwfels, all sizes 33 to-44, cassimereB and hard finish worsfins, priced $14.95 Young Men '8 suits in neat cassimers dark colors, plain and sport mod els, sizes 34 to 42 $12.45 Men 'b and Young Men's regular an4, _yonng men models wide va riety 6t patterns, all sizes 33 to 50 i includes famous Griffon Clothes, moderately priced from \ $18.50 to $39.80 Youilg Men's pants in neat patterns worsted, cassmeres, serges, cordu roys, kusy and khaki panto are priced from L . . . $1.46 up to $6.95 FEATURING STRICTLY TAIL ORED SUITS AT $12.45, $14.95, $19.95, $24.95 High grade suits of Poiret Twill and Tricotine, in a number of beau tifully tailored, well fitting styles, slashed coats, finished with silk doss, or braid, silk lined, navy and black, sizes 16 to 44.r i FALL CLOTHES FOR BOY'S* 'I Boy's suits (extra pants) medium, light and dark patterns, sizes 8 to 17 $5.95 Boy's Juvenile suits, fancy cheviots navy blue, serge and all wool ser sey, priced $2.95 to $5.50 Boy's all wool sweaters in blue, gray, brown, maroon and college combinations sizes 26 to 34 $2.95 Boy's shirts and blouses, percale, chambrav and fancy stripes, col lar attacher, sizes 8 to 16 in blouses, shirts 12!,^ to 14, priced 59 to 98c Boy's pants, sizes 4 to 20, varied as sortment, any cloth wanted, ser ges, cassmeres, tweeds, worsted, khaki,- corduroy and moleskin, 98c to $3.95 KRINKLE BED SPREADS Made of finest quality, with assort ed color stripes 63x90 $1.49 72x90 $1.79 81x90 $2.25 Turkish towels, full size fancy bor ders 25c Huck towels, good quality fancy borders 25c Outings, good grade heavy assort ed stripes 17VjC Outings, solid colors, blue and pink . 19c Curtain goods, fancy border, good grade 10c Motor satine, extra fine quality, 40 inch wide J . 39c Heavy shirting, solid and fancy patterns, good weight 19c 32 in. Gingham, fancy patterns, al so solid colors, best grade . . . 25c Percale, light and dark patterns, 36 inches wide . . . ._. . 19c \L Kline & Company :tp*fi0uisburg's Biggest and Bpst Department Store ; LOUISBURG, N. C. THUSTKK'S SAJJS OF TOWN LOTS AND LANDS IN NASH AND FRANKLIN COUNT IB8 By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made toy J. H. Culpepper, Z. N. Cul pepper. D. Li. Culpepper and wife and Mrs. Nannie T. Sjrku, Dowereaa, to ?m. H. Ruffln. Trustee, dated Deo. 23. 19tl and recorded In Naah Regls try Book 171. page 253. and In Prank 11 n Registry In Book 244. paces 112-14, default hkvlng been made In the pay ment ot the debt thereby secured and . demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder ot the Indebted ness so secured on the said trustee; ?->ih rt?f?uit h?Tinf k? n made In the payment ot said debt according to the terms of the decree ot the Superior Court ot Nash county tn that action entitled Mrs. Nannie T. Sykeg et al vs. Wm. H. Ruftln, Trustee, et al ; and pursuant to the decree ot the said Su perior Courts ot said counties of Naah and Franklin upon advance bids made on the sales of 8ept 3rd and 4th, 1923, the undersigned will on MONDAY. OCTOBER 8th, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Nashville, N. C. offer tor sale at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash, those certain lots and tracts of land situate in Nashville and Nash county, in said deed ot trust conveyed and there described as fol lows: ... Fourth Iract ? A tract of land situ ate in Mannings township, Nash coun ty which is composed of three tracts, separately described as follows: Tract (a) ? Beginning at a stake in Breedlove's corner Inwilliam B. Wil liams' line; thence S 87 E 148 1-2 pol es to a Pine ?}tump; thence S 4 W 86 poles to a Blackgum; thence S 88 E 40 poles to a stake; thence N 4 E 113 poles to a Blackjack on the Road; thence along said road to Geo. Powell's rock corner; thence N 4 E 153 poles to. a stake near a Cedar; thence N 88 W 157 poles to a Redoak; thence S' 152 1-2 poles to the beginning, con- 1 talning one hundred and seventy three and 1-8 acres (173 1-8), more or less. | Tract (b) ? A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Culpepper by J. T. Webb and wife, by deed re corded in Book 73, page 52 and follow lng of Nash County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for fuller description, said tract containing 17 - 3-8 acres, more or less. I Tract (c) ? A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Culpepper by J. T. Webb and wife, containing 36 acres, more or less, by deed recorded ln Nash Registry Book 73, page 76 and following, to which reference is here by made for fuller description. Out ot the foregoing tracts (a), (b) and (c) one hundred acres has been conveyed to J. B. Jeffreys by deed recorded in Nash Registry, Book 102, page 91 and following, leaving lands now oonveyed 125 1-2 acres, more or less. Sixth Tract ? A certain tract or lot of land lying and Being situate in the town ot Nashville, Nash county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. H. Baker, D. H. B. Wester and the Hotel property, known as the Old Culpep per Home Place, occupied at present by Z. N. Culpepper. Fifth Tract? That tract of land pear to the corporate limits of the town ?f Nashville, Nash county. North Car ollna. purchased by the said B. N, Culpepper from R. A. P. Cooley, boun ded on the North by the public road, on the East, South and West by the lands of Dr.' T. T. Ross, containing ten acres, more or less, reference be> ing had to the deed to the same of re cord In Nash county for a -full des cription thereof. And pursuant to said decree of Mid Superior Court In said action, by vir tue of the power of sale contained in said deed of trust and by virtue of the order of sale of said Superior Court of Franklin county, the undersigned will on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9th, 1.28 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer at public auction, to the highest bid-, der, for cash, the following described lands situate In Franklin county. North Carolina: First Tract ? Beginning at a Holly and Cypress stump on the North bank of Tar River in William B. Williams Une; thence an Easterly direction with said line to a stake In said Will iams' line; thence a Southerly direc tion to the said Tar River, to a corner Hickory in Williams' line; thence up the meanders of said Tar River to the first station, containing One Hundred and Twenty Eight and one halt (129 1-2 ) acres, more or less ; It being the tract of land purchased by W. K Da vts from William Stone, deed for which la recorded In Book 33, page 811 of Franklin Registry, and being the same land purchased by B. N. Cu! pepper from the said W. K. Davis In 1878, as will appear by reference to ? certain obligation bond recorded In Book 166, page 264. to which refer ence is hereby made. Second Tract ? Beginning at a Beech tree " on the bank ot Cypress Creek, thence a Southerly direction William B. Williams' line to a Walnut tree on the North bank ot Tar Rtver; thence down said River to Cypress Creek in ?aid Williams corner; thence an Eas terly direction to a corner Postoak in Williams' corner; thence East to Cy press Creek, corner Post oak in Wlll lama* corner; thence along the mean ders of said Creek to the beginning, containing 101 1-2 acres, more or less. T be same being the lands purchased by W. K. Davis of William Stone as recorded in Book 33, page 318 ot Ranklln Registry, and later purchas ed by B. N. Culpepper from the said W. K. Davis, as will appear by ref erence to a certain obligation bond, dated 1878, and recorded In Book 166 page 264 of said Registry. All of the above described tracts ot land afe situate In Cypress Creek township, Franklin county. "iftjird Tr-ot?'ThU tract adjoins the lands of Calvin Wiggs. X. 1. Balnes ?state, J. J. A I ford and others, and Is composed ot three tracts or parcels of land which are separate and describ ed a* follows : Tract (a)1? Beginning at a stake In Oay'a corner on the Tarboro road; A. Tonkel's , LOUISBURG'S NEW STORE ANNOUNCES THEIR FALL OPENING SALE BEGINNING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4TH The ontire New Fall Stock will be on display with the most attractive Low Prices. We want the people of Louisburg and Franklin County to watch for the circulars, that will be thrown in each and every home throughout the county. Note the prices on the n -w fall wearing apparels, dry goods, shoes and millinery. We are in a position to save the public a great deal of money by purchasing your fall and winter goods. DON'T FAIL TO NOTICE WHEN THE BIG FALL OPENING SALE BEGINS o THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4TH, AT A. Tonkel LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STORE Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N. C. Sell Your Tobacco in LOUISBURG . And make our store your headquarters, where we are always glad to see you whether you buy or not. While all merchandise 1b going up we are still selling what we have at and below what we can buy and replace for. We are still selling Red Dog, per bag -- Corn Heal, per bag Powhatan full patent flour, per bbl. Snowdrift Lard, g lb. bucket Snowdrift Lard, 4 lb. bucket Loose Lard, per lb. .... Snuff, 10 oz. gullets ? Snuff, 30o gullets _ Snuff, 15c gullets We also carry a line of Men's Shoes, Work Shirts, Dress Shirts, Underwear, Overalls, Collars and Ties. Come to see us before you buy. C&50 _ ?&?0 ilu? $7.00 ?1.4J 78c 15c ? 60c 20c 18c F. N. S P I V E Y NEAR THE BRIDGE Phone :-22 Louisburg, N. 0. L ?PROMPT DELIVERY? along said road N 59 W 160 poles 2ft links to a small Poatoak, Balnes' cor ner in Tant'a line; thence 8 29 E 60 poles to a Pine stump, Tant's line or comer; thence N 78 E 19 poles to a Pine, Tant'a corner; thence 8 2 B 174 poles to a Gum and Pine In Afford's line; thence E 97 poles 7 links to a Pine In Wlggs' line; thence N 140 pol es 10 links to the beginning contain* lng by surrey one hundred and two and one halt (102 1-2) acres, more or less. Tract (b) ? Beginning at the ceater Of the Loulsburg and Tarboro road In Wlggs' line; thence N 88 W 17 poles 1 ; links to a rock; thence N 12 1-2 E 8 1-2 poles to the center o( the Louls bnrg and Tarboro road; tbence along ?aid road 8 60 E 18 poles 1 link to the beginning, containing by puryey twt> Mths (2-6) of an acre, more or less. Tract (c)? Beginning at a rock In Wlggs' line; thence N 12 1-2 B 16 pol es to the center of the Loulsburg road; thence along said road N 66 W 86 pol ea 2 links to the center of said road, a, Pine on the North side; thence 8 68 poles 5 links to a rock In Wlgga' cor ner; thence 8 88 E 70 poles 19 IThks to the beginning, containing by sur rey 16 1-2 acres, more or less. (The s&i/ie being Hie lands purchased by B. N. Culpepper from J. P. Tlmber k 1 lake and wife aa *111 appear by ref erence to deed recorded In Book 92, page 342 of Franklin Registry. Seventh .Tract ? Also one other tract situate In Franklin County, North Carolina, being Lot No. S In the partition of the J. Madison Culpepper lands allotted in the Special Proceed ings entitled J. H. Culpepper and others against Edgar Sykes and oth ers, as recorded In Book No. 9 of Or ders and Decrees, page 85 et seq., to James, Dwight and Zollle Culpepper, containing 37 and 9-10 acres, more "or less, reference being had to said re cord for full description thereof. Terms of Sale ? Cash, and a deposit of 25 per cent of each bid will be re quired Immediately at the conclusion of the bidding, and It deposit not sat isfactory to the trustee, bidding will be Immediately re-opened and anoth er stile made, i i ' This Sept. 20th, 1828. 9-21-3t WM. H, RUFFIN, Trustee, Swifts Meat 14 cents a poind at W. D. Fuller & Co. 9-28-lt LOSTt? Automobile Rim and Casing, Fisk R*d tfbp 31 * 4 1-2, betweem Fair Ground and Mr. Onnie Spenoer's residence. Rewatd If returned to 'A. ?. FLEMING, Loulsbtirr, N. C. 9-284t I