IE FRANKLIN TIMES K F. JOHN 80S, Kdltor mm* luifti *?0 I Mr II . M SJfcfct ???tin 1.00 mt Inlti 74 r*ar Months 60 Repr?wntattv* S ASSOCIATION : Entered at the Post Office at L Per Year in Advance. See My Shoes fj And Save Money Be stfre and look over my stock of Shoes before you buy. I am selling them very cheap and every pair is guaranteed to be as represented or your money back. I have a good line of Hosiery, Overalls, Shirts and -ants and anything in groceries and feedstuffs you want. We have got a good tobacco market. Bring your t )bacco to Louisburg and get the best prices and make my store headquarters while in town. Yours truiy, J-. W. PERRY NASH STREET LOTISBURO. N C. LAUNDRY CLEANING and PRESSING Don't forget we can wash your Old Quilts, Blankets, Rugs a id Washable Druggets. W-. ? All /vrk sent for and delivered in town. "WE DYE TO LIVE" The Service Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager [OWE lOt ' I ? f LOCI8BCH6, !?. C. "ALL WORK CASH ON DXLTVttT"