""BALE OF VALUABLE RIAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the authority confined In the deed ot trust execut ed end delivered by W. F. Mltchlner and wife ot Franklin County to G. M. Beam, Trustee, and recorded in Frank tin County Registry In Book 241 at page 600, and default, having been made in the payment of notes thereby secured and upon demand and request of the holders of the said notes des cribed therein, and by virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty upon advance bids on the sale ot Nov. Mth, 1923,, I will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1923 at or near the hour ot 12 o'clock M. at the courthouse door of Franklin county at Loulsburg, N. C., oiler for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts or parcel of land situate In Frankllnton Township, Franklin county. State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: First Tract: Beginning at a stake now a pine stump. Mrs. Fannie Haw kins corner in line of the Perry land; thence by survey of W. N. Fuller of about 1873. N 100 poles to a small dead pine, A. C. Perry's corner in Dili's line; thence S 83 1-2 E 22 poles 14 links to a large red oak. Gill's corner; thence N 1 W 43 1-2 poles to a rock In Gill's line: thence E 125 poles to a stake In A. F. Mitchlner's line; thence a new line S 24 1-2 W 109 poles 17 links to a stake in the field; thence 5 16 3-4 W 36 poles, 14 links to a stake, a new corner; thence S 85 E 34 poles, 10 links to a stake, a new corner; thence S 4 W 7 poles to a stake In Mrs. Fannie Harrison's corner line; thence along her line about N 87 W 50 poles 6 links to a stake, formerly called a forked pine; thence about N 84 W 81 1-2 poles to the beginning' containing 100 acres more or less, being the land conveyed to W. F. Mltchlner by deed duly recorded In Franklin County Reg iBtry, in Book 213, page 293. Second Tract: W. F. Mitchlner's four-fifths undivided interest in and to a certain tract of land defined as fol lows: Beginning at a sweet gum on the Lick branch, corner for J. A. Mitch lner, 11 poles northwestward from a small pine, corner of J. F. Mitchlner's; thence S 2 W 151 poles to an iron stake, J. F. Mltchiner's corner In the line of S." A-'L. Railway Co's. right-of way; thence along said right-of-way 40-ft. from the center of the tract east ward to the crossing of the line of that part of the Jeffreys land assigned to Jno^ Jeffreys: thence along that line of the old road; thence along said old road X 70 E 5 poles 17 links; N 64 E 36 poles, 10 links to a rock In the road, the Jeffreys corner; thence along the Jeffreys line X 3 E 13 poles 5 links to a rock and post oak. Mrs. Emily Banks corner; thence N 2 E about 133 poles to a stake in Mrs. Banks line; thence N 88 W 76 poles to a stake on the Lick branch; thence up said branch as it meanders to the beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. Third Tract: "SV. F. Mitchlner's one half undivided Interest in and to a certain tract of land, bounded as fol lows: On the N by the lands of Smith Brothers and J. M. Allen: on the east by the lands of J. M. Allen, on the south by the lands of J. R. Jones and the S. A. L. Railway: and on the west by the lands of Dr. C. H. Banks, which is a part of the Ellis tract, containing 101 3-4 acres more or less, by survey ot M. 8. Davis. Surveyor. February 15. 1917; it being that part of the Ellis Tract bought by John F. Mltchlner and Dr. C. H. Bank* of Av C. Ellis, which in division of the Vame was conveyed to Dr. C. H. Banks and wife to John F. Mltchlner by deed dated March 9, 1917, and recorded in the Registry of Franklin County, to which deed reference is had for the metes and bounds thereof. There is except ed from this tract one acre sold to Mltchiner Baptist church. This sale Is made subject to a mort gage to J. E. Noltlng Co. on Bald land which mortgage Is duly recorded in Franklin County Registry. This the 4th day of Dec., 1923. 12-7-3t G. M. BEAM, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE O*1 FARM LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by Bills McKnlght to Wm. H. Ruf On Trusted, dated Oct. 9, 1918, record ed In Franklin Registry, Book 224. page 278, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of the said debt, the under signed will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg. N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that tract of land by said deed of trust conveyed and there described as fellows: It being a section of Lot No. 5 of the F. W. Justice Farm as surveyed and plotted by Ctodflelder, *3, E Nov. 10, 1P)E. the map of which form Is duly rccc > dort In Book of Maps 1, page ?1. Registry Of Franklin County, refer fnf to which map Is her -by made for description of tjie entire lot. The sec tion herein conveyed lying described by mete* and bounds as follows: Be ginning at a point In the middle of the rood whl#ti forms the Wester i Boun dary Of said property, a stake on East side of said road, corner of lot recent 1y conveyed to Louisa Williamson, and ronirlfag along said road 240 ft. to the middle -of Wolf Pit Creek; thence along said creek as It meanders ?bout IM ft to line of Lot No. 9 of mid survey; thence along the line of JMfcJto. > US ft. to a stake, corner of lot recently told to Louisa William son above referred to; thence along Botltfc ItM-of said Williamson Lot 800 ft. to the ?enter of the road, place of muaM ?~-u? containing four and 4-10 > or less, by above referred H being land conveyed to miw McKirtght by Franklin Land Co. Kfertho M which deed Is hereby ? 7, 1HI. , . mIMN, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL E8TATE Under and by virtue of the authority contained In the deed of trust execut ed to mc by J. V. Harper and duly re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin county. North Carolina, in Book 224 page 247, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the notes secured therein, and at the request of the holder of the said notes, I will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour of noon, sell at pub lic auction at the courthouse door in I ouisburg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash two certain tracts or parcels of land situate In Franklin county, Sandy Creek township. State of North Carolina and described as follows: First Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands formerly owned by P. W. Cupton; on the East by the lands of Mary E. Oupton ; on -the South by the lards of J. W. Griffin and J. M. it W. H. Alien and on the West by the lands of E. A. Oupton, containing forty-one and one-half (41 1-2) acres, more or lem. Second Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. H. Wood; on the East by the lands of Nancy Oup ton ; on th? South by the lands of Sal ly Foster and on the West by the lands of Lucy Foster, containing thirteen and one-half (13 1-2) acres more or less. Both of said tracts being the same lands conveyed to the said J. V. Har per by warranty deed dated June ltth, 1919. from J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen. This the 3rd day of Deo,, 1923. > 12-7-6t O. M. BEAM, Trustee. TRUSTEE S SALE OF LANDS IN FRANKLIN COUNTY, N. C. By virtue of power of sale contain ed in that certain deed of trust dated Nov. 9. 1917, Book 224, page 64, made by Thos. Davis to Thos. W. Ruffln, | Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby "Se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made on. saV. trustee, by the holder of the debt thereby secur ed, the undersUmed will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about th* hoar of boon at the court house door Loulgbufg, N. Ci offer for safe at public UNM M itfce high est blddM'for c*?k thai, certain trart of land I* Aid deed ?rt tost describ ed as foltowt: mtmn* m Frank'lln County, Sandy Creek township. Beginning at the southwest corner of No. 1 In the old path; thenco S 88 1-2 E 99 poles to a corner of No. 1, Ingram's corner; thence 8 72 W 116 poles 10 links to the center of Flat Rock Creek; thence along the creek nearly North about 61 poles to a stake; thence along the old line S 73 1-2 W 10 poles, 14 links to the center of the old path, where it crosses the old line; thence along the old path nearly North about 46 poles to the beginning, con taining forty-eight and 2-10 acres. It being Lot No. 2 In the division of the lands of Jacob R. Debnam by will to said W. A. and Addle Debnam. This December 7, 1923. 12-7-5t THOS. W. RUFFIN, Trustee. 8 ALE OP LAND UndeT and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of trust executed by Vernon Dunston and wife on the 1st day of February, 1921 to the undersigned Trustee which Is duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeeds of Franklin county In Book 234 page 197 default having been made In the pay ment of the Indebtedness thereby ee cured and demand made upon the un dersigned Trustee by the owner and holder of said Indebtedness to fore close said deed of trust, I will sell at public auction to thehlghest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Franklin County on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour of noon that certain tract or parcel of land situate In Dunns township, Franklin county. North Car ollna. known and designated as tarms Nos. 2, .4 and 5 on plot of property formerly owned by the Fowler heirs aud known and designated as the Dr. Fowler farm as surveyed and plotted by Joseph T. Inscoe surveyor, which plot survey and map is duly recorded In the office of Register of Deeds of Franklin county In Book 1st pace K60 to which plot, map and snrv?y, refer ence Is .hereby made tor a fhll and complete description by metes and bounds. The said three farm lota contained In the aggregate 97. M acres. TMe the 30tlx & Nov.. 19B?. v ; w. e. bbDDinofiei.d, * Trustee; ' SALE OF DWELLING AND LOT IN LOUISBURG. N. C. By virtue of power of sale contain ed in that certain deed of trust dated Jan. 21, 1921, recorded In Book 234, page 222, Franklin Registry, made by J. B. Davis and wife to Thos. W. Ruf fln. Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on the said trustee by the holder of the debt thereby se cured, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, that cor'ain tot of land and dwelling thereon, situate on Main St., In the town of Louisburg, N. C., described In said deed of trust as follows: Beginning at the corner of Main Street and River Road in town of Louisburg, N. C., thence along Main Street In a Southerly direction to Zol lie Wllklns corner on Main Street, thence In a Westerly direction along Zollle Wllklns line to Wllklns corner In J. M. Allen's line, thence at light angles to the last line In a Northerly direction a straight line to the River Road, J. M. Allen's corner, thence in a Nartheasterly direction along the River Road to the beginning, contain ing about one-fifth of one acre, It be ing the land conveyed by J. B. Deb nam and wife to J. B. Dnvls, by deed dated Oct. 16, 1917, dnly recorded In the Registry of Franklin county, In Book 216. page 348, reference to which Is hereby expressly made for further description. The said sale to be made subject to a first lien deed of trust made to Wm. H. Ruff In,. Trustee, recoraed In Book 210. Franklin Registry. This December 7, 1923. 12-7-Bt THOS. W. RfTFFTN, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in that certain deed of trust executed on the 18U} day of March, 1904 by I. H. Kearney and wife, recorded in Book 137, page 81, ftrgiatry of Franklin county, N. C.. detaftlt Jxrtm been made in the pay meuf of the l?d?bt?<lneee -? secured 'hereby and demand bavtog be?n in?i!o uoou me by the holder thfcr*nf. tar foreclosure, I will offer for sal? ati public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of I Franklin county In Loulsburg, N. C.,| at or about the hour of Noon on MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1923 those certain lots or parcels of land situate in the town ot Frankllnton, Franklin County, North Carolina and described as follows; First Lot: Store lot on corner ot Main Street and Hlllsboro Road, now used as a store by X. H. Kearney. Second Lot: The Mrs. E. F. Long Home Place, containing 1-4 ot an acre, more or less, lying on the South side of Green Street, described In deed of O. L. Ellis, Admr. Third Lot: The Lee Long lot on Main Street between J. J. Thomas lot and Mayor's Office described In deed from I. O. Staunton. This 1st day of Dec., 1923. 12-7-4t R. B. WHITE, Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Before the Clerk. Commissioners of the Town of Loulsburg, V* A. H. Fleming and others and Hall Wynne Co. t, The defendant Hall Wynne Co., above named, will take notice that a Special Proceeding* entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Franklin County by the plain tiff Which 1* a Municipal Corporation to condemn lands for public use, to wn : a filtration plant; and that said defendant has an Interest therein by virtue of a docketed judgment against J. A- Turner, a former owner of said lands which Is yet a lien on the same; and the said defendant will further take notice that It Is required to ap pear before the Clerk at his office In Loulsburg, N. C., on January 7th, 1924 and answer or demur to the petition now on file In said action or proceed ing*, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said petition. This Nov. 80, 1928.* J. J. YOUNO, 12-7-5t Clerk Superior Court.. Feed Is the foundation ot the live stock Industry and gracing the basis for Its success say livestock special^ .1st* ot the State College and Depart mefct. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF FARM LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by Dave C. Evans to W. H. Per nell. Trustee, and recorded Id Frank lin Registry In Book 234, page 244, dated March 29, 1921, default having been made In the payment of the In debtedness thereby secured and de mand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on _ ? MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1824 at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that tract of land situate In Sandy Creek township, In said deed of trust conveyed, and there described as follows: Joining the lands of C. P. Thorne. W. G. Faulkner, 8am Solomon, and others, beginning at a stone In the C. P. Thome's line (?) 11 1-8 W 4.16 chains to an oak; thence S 4 3-4 W 7.45 chains to a stone; thenee 8 8 W IK. 12 chains to a stone; thence 8 87 1-2 W 17.64 chains to an Iron stake thence N B 1-2 W 16.25 chains to an Iron stake; thence N 62 1-J W 4.70 chains to beginning, containing flfty two and one-half (52 1-2) acres, mote or less. This December 7, 1923. W. H. PERNELL, Trusted Wm. H. ft Thos. W. Rultm, Attorneys. l2-7-6t SEALED PROPOSALS FOR STREET CLEANING FOR THE TOWN OF LOUISBURO, N. C. Sealed bids will be received by Board of Town Commissioners tor the Town of Loulsburg, N. O. on contract price for Street Cleaning as per the contract herewith: All streets tn the butffifttt lection shall be swept, ojeaned and garbage taken off every dinr. All streets tp tie Mgldent Motion of the Town sfcalrbVWept twice a week and garbage to he taken nff once a week,, where gart>ags Is plac ed on the street* In recaptaales,' Which shall Include brash, cat grass, etc. i 'All bids to be mailed to the Town Clerk. This Dec. ?th, 1W*. jv a B. -CSJONAItfl Chairman Street Committee J. 1 BARROW, Town Olertt. U-T-lt ALL ABOARD FOR L. KLINE & COMPANY Ladies Department Smart Dress ? $9.95 Dress of Polret fwUl and Serge, Terj becoming styles, fancy braids and embroideries, erery new trim ming touch, Black, Nary, Brown, "flwTlt to M, Humming Bird Silk Hose for Ladies ? $1.50 pair Newest shades, all sires, plenty ot Blacks, packed In single boxes, each pair guaranteed. Silk and Wool Hose for Ladies ? 98c pair AllTiew shades, all sizes, $1.50 value. New Crease Plain Toe Oxfords for Women ? $4.95 Low heel Black and Tan, plain toe, all sites 3 to 8, regular $6 shoe. New Hats ? 98c to $7.50 Purchased especially for Christmas trade, new novelty millinery, priced within reach ot all, you can be fitted up tor 98c to $7.50. College Sweaters ? $4.95 In shades of Maroon. Navy, Brown and White, coat style or slip over. all sizes. Serge Dresses ? $4.95 All wool serge dresses, smart combinations, new??t tailored mod els. copied from high priced dresses, long sleeves, alFisiies. Women's Suits ? $17.95 An u->'isual special in Women's Suits. SuitB that formerly sold for several dollars more and real values at original price, made of Poiret Twill and Tricotine, full silk lined, Navy, Black and Blue, sizes 16 to 44. Coat Values Exceptional ? $9.95 All wool Velour and dressplain fine materials, fur collars and fancy e-nbroidered models, all sizes, worth up to $20.00. T adies Huge Fur Collared Coates ? $24.95 Coats cf cut Bolivia and other soft material pretty trimmed and well finished, flowered linings, fringe trimmed collar and cuffs, all shades, sizes up to 44. Ladies Coat Suits ? $9.95 All wool Serge fancy braid trimmed, new designs in Black and Navy, al! sizes, worth $20.00. Men's Department HEN'S SHIBTS? #6e Collar attached tan Pongee, all Bizes 14 to 17. 2 PANTS SUITS? $16.95 For young men, sport and plain mod els, tweeds, plaldB and stripes, all sixes BOYS' SUITS? titi Sizes 3 to 17, made of One Casslmere In Blue and Brown stripe, belted mod els. BOYS' OVEBCOATS? #i.#5 Made in new belted models In Brown and Navy, all wool coatings, sizes 3 to 9. MEN'S OVEBCOATS ? $12.95 Half belt models, fall lined, Brown and Grey, all sizes. MEN'S PANTS? S2.85 Dress pants all wool, fancy stripes, all sizes. BOYS' PANTS? ?6e Corduroy, Moleskin, Kbakl and wool en pants, sizes 4 to 18. BOYS' BLOUSES? 60c Fancy striped Madras, also dark Blue stripe, all sizes. SILK AND KNIT TIES Newest Knits and Cut Silks, regular $1.00 value 50c $1.50 value.. 95c Each Packed in Christmas Box. \ HATS FOB SHE N ? $2.95 All new shapes and new shades, wide and narrow brims. MEWS 8HIBTS? $8.9.) $5.00 value Baby Broad and King Satin In White, Tan, Grey and Blue, ccllar attached. MEN'S SHIRTS ? $1.15 $2.50 value shirts, collar attached, chocks and Ptripes, all siz->s 11 to IK, a!so neckband. MEN'S CAPS AM) HATS? 9.1c to $1.#? New pleated backs, fancy patterns, light and dark caps, all sizes.

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