WOOD DE PARTMENT WOOD News of Wood and sur . roundin gcommunity. Edited by Wood Citizens That Christmas 1% near Is being manifested by the gait, and expres sions of every one. 177 ATTENDED SCfiDAY SCHOOL Collection gV.00 ? Bibles <0 ? No Money In Treasury? Superintendents and Secretary's Reports Failed to be Presented ? Honor Roll Pupils Read ? Monthly Reports Given Out ? Prof. B. M. Crawford and Mr. Roy Jones Make Talks ? Curtains Up and Win dows Painted ? Pictures Take". Sunday morning was full of Interest to the 177 who gathered at the church It was a beautiful day, neither too cold, nor loo hot, neither too sunny or tco cloudy but just an ideal morulas to go to our place of worship, shake hands, see the new fixtures and antic ipate having our "beauties struck." We could not have asked for a more beautiful time and we could not have ? better time than we did last Sunday. Promptly at 10:30 the Sunday school wag opened by associate superintend ent in the absence of the superintend ent. The classes assembled, classes taught, remarks by Prof. B. M. Craw ford. principal of our high school and Mr. Roy Jones of Sandy Creek, and then the Pictures! It was a magnifi cent body of young people, middle :^ed people and old people who allow ed themselves to be exposed to the " <-ra. regret very mufch that we were v ' '? to have a photographer preg * the kodak pictures Were good an course, they will be put in the TIMES next week. Ths ^ tendance of 177 even In the face of the necessitated absence of quit* a number who were away on ac count of sickness, visiting and pleas ure was magnificent. We are ex tremely glad that we are able to com pare this attendance with 4 months ago. Curtains Up Last Wednesday the curtain com mittee did wonders. They got 6 ma chines, carried them to the church, enlisted a score or more of ladles and made and put up the curtains that day. Yes they are workers. You' bet tWy are. Even tho they did not have the rings to hang them by they secured the help of some of the men who used wire in the place of the rings. To these women we have nothing but the highest of praise, honor and reverence ? for they secured the very best material possible at a reasonable price, made them and put them up In a hurry. They never ceased In their toil even tho they were discouraged on account of the delay In securing the material. We thank them for their faithfulness and want them to continue to make our Sunday school the best anywhere. We also thank the Rod committee ? for they certainly did their part well and had the rods up in short time. In regards to the curtains we are mindful of the fact that the Calvin class will need more space and are extremely glad that they have under consideration folding petitions. You Calving can do things when you try. So get together and make a space large enough and appropriate for men of such real worth as you. We think also if you divide your class into two divisions and have two captains It would be well worth considering. Think over It and act Sunday morn Inj Also we will have to have another space for one of the other classes ? either the Willing Workers or Faith fuls. Let this be finding favor In your minds. We are Indeed sorry that the month ly superintendent's report In his ab sence was not read as promised. It will be given next Sunday sure. How ever. by perusing the condensed and general reports the substance may be secured. Also we regret very much that the Secretary's report was not read. We sincerely hate to make a promise only to break it ? but thlg we say ? that we will have nothing In the treasury ? when the ctirtalns are paid for. We wished to show what hag been receiv ed In the treasury during the 4 months what It went for, how much we owe and what we will need goon for It lg a dire need we will be In when the first of the year strikes ua. Here lg what we are facing: 1. Some form of preeent, gift or enjoyment for the children Chrlgtmaa. 2. New Sunday school books for next quarter. 3. Some gift to orphanage or mis sion board. Now you stop to think that we must make our contributing as large as possible. This has been thy best Fall we hare had In some time. Cotton has brought and lg now bringing ex cellent prices, and why can't we make our hearts glad by opening our pocket hookg to the best canses we have In the community, Bunday school, Church and Day school. People, (ire and will receive great bleastngs. Don't forget that we are way behind with fi nances when we think of what we want to do and what we muat do to be come Standard. Keep up your inter est. $0.00 is good but we must contri oute more etch Sunday in order that we can par caah for the niw books for next quarter and be not crafnped I when we think of Christmas gifts trr our Sunday school children. Now, go to work -with a zeal ana vtm ran ?irr l-ri-.g results. Wtr again wish to thans the peoplo for their coopeitvl'm in doing things You have no Idea *OFt what It means to those who attempt to push things when they meet cooperation on all ' .lands. We thank ev-ry one of you. I Keep It up. ? I Now we want you to look next week for the pictures lh the TIMES. It wan a fine bunch of people together and my! how each class looked. We Just can't wait to see them ? the pictures. Please remember that we are put ting on a drive this month tor the lar 1 gest average attendance, collection, . and number bibles during this quar ter, You have your part, we have ours. We are striving to do ours and want you to do yours. Will you? Kindly bear In mind that: 1. We begin at 10:30. 2. We need larger collections now than ever ? Treasurers report shows deficit when new books are purchased. 3. The "big fight" for larger attend ance In December Is on and started I with a grand rush. 4. That "Old Santa" should remem ber the Sunday school. 6. That each of us has a part to do. 6. That our enrollment is growing ? out of 350 people living within a ra dius of 3 miles and in our district we ' have enrolled 301 In the Sunday 'school. What do you think of that? j Well we want every one enlisted. 7. The Secretary says that the en velopes should be here by Sunday?' and if they are not ? teachers see that your secretaries make some arrange ment. Now we thank the officers for what they are doing to make their classes Interesting and ask them to continue. jWe want to wind up this year with a J gala rush. "To those who work and have faith" nothing Is Impossible. Next Sunday we hope to show you where the deficit is in our treasury and give an itemized account of every penny that has been taken in and spent. W4 believe you are due It and we hope to give It to you. We are giving below the report of Oct. 1, and as far as possible ? not of ficially, what has been taken In and since that date ? taking In to consid eration that the curtains which cost I about $85.00 or $90.00 haven't been paid for but will be when the Invoice Is received. The above amounts show a little in the treasury but Invoice for some books, envelopes, literature for the Sunday school have not been received ? should show a deficit. The amounts received Includes the amount taken in by the Manless Wed ding which was $62.00, leaving $102.00 contributed in Sunday school since Oct. 1, 1923 This should make us get to work and see If we can't show a surplus Instead of a deficit. Balance on hagd Oct. 1, 1923 2.11 Collections since Oct. 1, 1923.. 102.00 < Manless Wedding 62.00 Total $166.11 Curtains about $90 to be paid out. Literature, envelopes, etc. more than to take up the rest ? over $70.00. Please give your attention to the re ports below. Report for Sunday December 2nd, by classes: ; Calvin class ? Miss ~ Pearle Gupton teacher present, scholars present 35, absent 17, visitors 2, collection $3.19, I bibles 9. Rebecca class ? Mrs. Alex Wester , teacher present, scholars present 23, ?absent 9, visitors 1, collection $1.26, bibles 13. I Albert class ? Miss Woodburn teach er absent, scholars present 5, absent 5, collection 20c, bibles 1. I Harper class ? Miss Frye teacher ab sent, scholars present 11, absent 6, visitors 2, collection 29c, bibles 9. Raymond class ? R. O. Thompson teacher present, scholars present 16, absent 1, visitors 1 collection 83c, bi bles 6. Dorcas class ? Miss Daisy Ball tea cher present, scholars present 11, ab sent 9, collection 27c, bibles 4. Willing Workers ? Mrs. W. D. Fuller teacher present, scholars present 17, absent 4, collection '4c, bibles 9. Faithful class ? Mrs. M. H. Gupton teacher present, scholars present 11, absent 4, visitors 1, collection 15c, bi bles 9. Bright Jewels ? Mrs. Morris Griffin teacher present, scholars present 21, absent 7. collection 29c. Sunshine class ? Miss Annie F. Oup ton teacher present, scholars present 7, absent 7, visitors 1, collection 6c. Gesersl Report | General Officers ? enrolled 16, ab I sent 4, present 12, on time 12, No. bl jbles 8, No. contributing 12, offering $2.12, prepared lessons 10,- attending preaching 12. Adult Dept ? enrolled 84, absent 26, present 58, on time 68, bibles 22, No. contributing 54, offering $4.45, prepar ed lessons 26, attending preaching 58. Young Peoples Dept. ? enrolled 27, absent 11, present 16, on time 16, bt bles 10, No. contributing 16, offering 49c, prepared lessons, attending prea ching 16. Intermediate Dept. ? enrolled 87, ab sent 10. present 27, on time 27, bibles 10, No. contributing 18, offering 81.10, prepared lessons 12, attending preach Ing 27. Junior Dept. ? enrolled 36, absent 8, present 28, on time 28. bibles 18, No. contributing 27, offering 4tc, prepared lessons It, attending preaching 28. Primary Dept. ? enrolled 28, absent 7, present 21, on time 20, No. contrib uting 15, offering 29, prepared lessons 18. Beginners Dept. ? enrolled 14, ab sent 7, present 7. on time 7. No. Con tributing 6, offering 6c, prepared les sons 6. . Totals ? enrolled 242, absent 73? present 169, on time 168, bibles 68, fJo. contributing 149, offering $9.00, pre pared lessons 101, attending preach ing 1??, visitors 8. - 4, ? > * - ? ] HONOR ROLL? NOVEMBER fy00D BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL Officers: Miss Pearl Gupton R. 0. Thompson Mrs. Major Gupton Mrs. W. D. Fuller Calvin Class: W. J. Galloway Morris Griffin A. S J- Hamlett M. F. Parker Rebeccas: Mrs. Battle Wester Mrs. Nancy Gupton Mrs. M. F. Parker Mrs. Coleman Denton Mrs. J. J. Lanier Mrs. W. J. Galloway Miss Ruth Parker Sunshine: Molly Gupton Harpers: Bertha Burnette Moneta Denton Willing Workers: Mary Sturges Elizabeth Fuller Faithfuls: Maurice Wester Doris Wester Edgar Fuller Leona Raynor Dorcas Class: Penola Burnette Leah Coley Grand total present 177. Grand to tal present last Sunday 157. Eurolled In main school 242. Horn? Dept. 32. Cradle Roll 27. Total en rollment fit ? juduy school 301. ? ? Our 'acuity are beautifying as far as they can tl cir school rooms. We certainly o?3Bt to help them by paint ing their rooms. ? * Card of Thanks On behalf of the Sunday school I wish to express appreciation for the work done towards the curtaining of the church. To Mrs. P. G. Sturges and Mrs. M. H. Gupton for aid in the selection and purchasing of cloth. To Mrs. Major Gupton. Mrs. J. 8. Shearin, Mrs. H. R. Waters, Mrs. P. G. Sturges and Miss Daisy Ball for lend ing their machines ana allowing to be carried to the church so that we could all work together. And to Mrs. Sturges, Mrs. Waters, Miss Ruth Parker, Mrs. Major Gup ton, Mrs. Martin Gupton, Mrs. Nancy Gupton, Mrs. C. E. Denton, Mrs. Park er, Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mrs. Shearin, Mr. Elijah Gupton and Mr. Cleveland Gup ! ton for the making of the curtains making temporary rings and hanging .ready for use. MRS. M. T. GRIFFIN, Chm'n. * The school and well houses are still unpainted. And the roof of the wood shed still leaks. ? * Christmas has "penetrated the bones" of the children as manifested by their decorations in the school room. i ?? ? Preaching Service ! Next Sunday night Mr. H. T. Wright | will preach for us at 7 o'clock. Lets be there to enjoy his message. ? ? Perfect Attendance Honor Eoll Wood Elemental-}' School 1st Grade ? L. N. Benton, Rudolph Denton, Llnwood Griffin, William Johnson, Thomas Jones, Russel Leon ard, John Jr. Lanier, Russet Raynor, Lena Griffin, Mozelle Griffin, Luclle Johnson, Myrtle Leonard, Evelyn Stur ges. 2nd Grade ? Rufus Denton, Roland Grey Gupton, Sidney Perry Hamlett, Ronald Shearln, Troy Wilder, Sue Den :on, Martha Lynn Denton, Evelyn Johnson, Mildred Johnson, Betty Ruth Leonard, Ruby Leonard, Ruby Lanier, Anna Mae Sturges, Ruby Thomas Shearln, Katie Wilder. 3rd Grade ? Garland Burnette, Ned Gupton, Marshall Gupton, Preston King, Cooper Leonard, Elmer Rad ford, Parry Lee Denton, Pearl Den ton, Vera Gupton, Nannie Bell Gup ton, Bruce Lee Leonard, Edna Lanier, Alma Pearce. 4th Grade ? Eugene Denton, IJzra Denton, Edgar Fuller, OUle Gupton, Henry Ale* Gupton, L. E. Oupton, Hu bert Hamlett, Collie Thompson, Jas per Tucker, Herman Tucker, Maurice Wester, Clee Griffin, Wllmer Gupton, Dell Gupton, Matilda Gupton, Doris Wester, Edna Wicker. 5th Grade ? Vonnle Benton, Dolan Hamlett, Garnold Leonard, Geneva Benton, Freddie Thompson, Mabel Gupton, Bula Griffin, Leona Raynor, Mary Sturges. 6th Grade ? Freeland Oreen, Clyde Griffin, Jettle Oupton. 7th Grade-- K<ftineth Ayscue, Thur man Gupton, Torbert Sturges, Eliza beth Fuller, Hattle Belle Gupton, Dell Pearce. ? ? Honor Roll Gold-Sand High School Last week thru an error on some one's part the tenth grade honor roll pupils were left out. We are Includ ing them this week. We regret very much to have left them out but trust we will not be so unfortunate again. For November 18, 1923: 10th Grade ? Lola Leonard. Bonnie Griffin, Bert Htght For November 26, 1923: 8th Grade ? Alberta Aycock, Maur ice Bledsoe, Alice Deprlest, David Ful ler, Klrby Gupton, Annie Gupton. Clement Harper, Nell Joyner, Harold Oarbee, Charlie May, Owen Tharrlng ton, Annie Tharrlngton. 9th Grade ? Louise Parrish), Marie Joyner, Clayton Burnette, Austin Ful ler, Irene Oupton, Fannie Oupton. 10th Grade? <Lola Leonard. ? ? Only two more weeks of school be fore "Santa" arrives. "JU*? Topsy Torrey" The play presented to us last Fri day night by the Holllster players was very much enjoyed. Topsy Tur vey and Prank were continually keep ing us wondering what prank they would play next and Ned, a negro, was a ready prey to their jokes as was all members of the cast. The old Deacon Bhowed us a typical tightwad and Miss SprlggB who became his second wife to fill Jennie's place In his heart, lite and housework, soon turned the Joke with the aid of Topsy and they lived happily?? ever after with the wife as boss. The English Lord was the sub ject of many Jokes but came out all right in the end with Topsy as his fi ance. "Ah don cher know." ? ? Our school children certainly are worthy of the best desks to be had. We should investigate the kind they have to sit on every day. ? ? B. Y. P. I*. Our B. V. P. C. for Dec. 2nd was enjoyed by all. There was a large at tendance and the program was splen did. All parts were spoken except one. That was for Leona Raynor and she didn't get It in time to get it up and Elizabeth Fuller read it. Next time lets get every part u^.and teHf it if its not but two word?* That is bet ter than nothing. We can have a per feet program each time If each one that Is on program will render his or her part. Lets do It. Everybody come out next Sunday night and you will (eel much bettor: the next day, I know, because I have tried It. Come, bring your friends out to our B. Y. P. U. It will do you good. Lets have a perfect program for next Sunday night. Why is there such little Interest shown in the contest in B. Y. P. O.? There seems to be very little rivalry as there have been very few per fect programs during this quarter, and the quarter ends with this month! The group making the best show ing In the presenting of programs is to havs^ their picture put in the TIME8. Also a subscription to the Biblical Recorder to the individual making the most Improvement in B. Y. P. U. and a subscription to the FRANKLIN TIMES for the one making next best improvement. Lets see who will win out now in these last few weeks. ? ? LOCAL NEWS Christmas comes on Tuesday only two and a half weeks away! Mr. C. S. Poison and daughter. Miss Mlna Poison and son have occupied the Gold Mine house known as the Sturgess home place. Mr. Pol son Is Wood's foreman for the Holllster Lumber Co. We welcome theae good people to our community and hope they will enter Into our community enterprises with a vim and push which will mean much to them and us. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ennls Lan caster, Nov. 25, a boy. A hunting party consisting of Mr. J. R. Collie 0( Raleigh. Poltmutar tjenerat Ettsworth of Washington, D. C.. Captain Newell and Dr. Fleming, of Louisburg, are camping here and enjoying the hunting of this vicinity. ? We are sorry to note that Htdv Dor othy Sturges and Laverne Gupton are on the sick list. Misses Lela Mae and Ida Coley, Messrs. Graham Radford and William Coley motored to White Level Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Coley and chil dren, William. Ida and Lawrence went to Louisburg Monday. Mr. Sidney Parker of Holllster, *u In Wood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Gupton and chil dren. were visitors of Rosemary Sun day. Miss Xannle Gupton of White 'Level visited Mr. and Mrs. David (Toad) Gupton Sunday. Mr. Crawford, principal of Gold Sand school visited our Sunday school Sunday and made a wonderful talk about what line work we are doing. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith spent Thanksgiving with relatives In Rocky Mount. Misses Aleen Woodburn and Mlaa Flora Frye were guests of friends In Raleigh and Apex last week. Miss Bonnie Fogleman spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends In Greenville. ? Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Griffin and Mr. Willie Tucker attended moving pic tures In Rocky Mount Thursday even Continued on Page Seven) For her Christmas WHY NOT A BOX OF CA>DY? Mate yonr selection early while there are lots oi pretty ones to select from. What will you irWe Dad? or Mother! 1 or Sister? or Brother. Let ns help you solve your Christmas Problem. SERVICE DRUG CO. r Wood, N. C. W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY We Wish to Invite You To Our Store Where you will find the most complete and prettiest line of Dry Goods that we have had in a number of years and priced so low that a bale of cotton will buy them all. Ask any visior we have had. Come and make your selection before they are picked over. We are having customers daily that have visited other places and then come back to purchase of us, and are frank to tell us that we are selling Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions, Flour, Meat, Lard, in fact our en tire stock at prices sufficiently low to cause them to come back and trade with us.. Our merchandise was purchased at the right time and price and we are giving our customers this advantage. Our Cotton Gin is in that same good condition to handle your cotton and seed. We have in hand a large stock of cotton seed meal and hulls. Our Blacksmith Shop is open to the public six days in each week with a good Blacksmith always there to do your work promptly and properly. Whether it be shoeing your animals or ro;c.ir'ng your wheels. We invite your visits and inspection whether you purchase or not.

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