HELP! _ It is a strong, appealing word ? a word that should be in the lexicon of universal brotherhood. There is a Help that is fostered by this Institution, through its Savings Departments, that will be a benefit to all who become depositors with us, whether it be in the permanent 4 per cent, compound interest Savings Fund or the 4 per cent. Certificates of Deposit. These all bring jusF the help wanted, when old age, sickness or unemployment confronts us. Start an account of some kind with us now which will be a help to you later on. P. S ? A few school bags left. Free to child making Savings deposit $1.00 or more. \ After a bltr Dinner, a hearjr Desert Is not desirable either for health or enJoy?nent. >'uts, assorted from the many Tarietles we hare just receded, answers the Desert question easily and economically. A fall and select line of fruit* and candles for the holidays. Our lliie of Feed Staffs Is complete a"d our prices are attractlTe. COME A3D SEE ME. J. Allen Harris LOUISBU2G, North Carolina ? ? ? ? ? HOTEL and CAPE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. Th? beat of meals the mar ket affords and prepared Id ih? best of fashion. for the of all vho the night, all Hastings' 8eeds 1993 Oatalog F ? ?fayf A**-** am* How aad wh*t to tor wrmry ton ?~m. jwia M i color (Mm at Iha b loll *a4 otfcar Oowm. 1 1 of Mat at ta How Mtt m ? row or met% VMk*U of a erfflnarr m four ytnu for It today. H. ?L HAmffjp OA. JOB PRIMTINU IONE 283 * Neglected coughs - A cold often leaves behind * cough that hang* on and am wearing you out with its perm tent hacking. Dr. Kind's New Discovery will stop it quacklj by stimulating the mucous mem branes to throw off the dogging secretions. It has an agreeabfi taste. All druggists. William Tell Floor la every sack guaranteed or money refunded. 10-12-12t COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LOUIS-' BURG LANDS Under and by virtue of the order of re-sale of the Superior Court of Frank Hn County, dated Dec. 4. 1923, made In that special proceedings entitled J. J. Murray and C. B. Brantley, adminis trators of J. C. Brantley, deceased, vs. Mrs. Mavis Brantley, wodow of, and C. E. Brantley, et al, heirs at law, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924, at about the hour of noon at the Court House door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidders for cash the following de scribed tracts of land situate In Frank 'In County, N. C., and more particu larly defined as follows: FIRST TRACT? The lands lying on the LouleDurg R. ad bounded, accord ing to said survey as follows: Be- ' ginning at a stake, Ransom Dodd'* corner on said road, thence N 3 45 E 13.44 chains to a stake; thence N 87 30 W 8.52 chains; thence S 230 W 1.51 chains to a stake; thence N 87 30 W 25.16 chains to a stake, Ransom Dodds corner; thence N 3 30 E 11.34 chains to a stake, corner for Lot No. 2 of Do ver; thence S 87 30 E 13. chains to a stake, corner for said dower lot* thence N 3 30 E 8 chains to a stake, tho corner for said dower lot: ttience S 87 30 E 15.34 chains to a stake; thence N 8 E 3 chains to a stake in Henry Jones line; thence S 83 IS 7.1(1 chaius to a stake, corner for Henry Jones and the Dower lot No. 1; thence S 87 E 5.44 chains to a stake on the road, corner for Dower lot No. 1 on said road; thence along said road N 26 E 2.25 chains to a stake lu said road; thence N 65 W 1 chain to a stake; thence N 19 E 5.30 chains to a stake; thence S 87 E 5.44 chains to a stake corner for said Dower lot No. 1 In Baldy Rice's line; thence S 3 45 W 41 47 chains to a stake; thence N 84 W 12.50 chains to the point of begin ning, containing 110 acres, more or less, by survey of Pittman Stell, Sur veyor, Nov. 15, 1922. But from this Tract there was sold under a Mortgage made by said intes tate, dated Jan. 1, 1922. and recorded In Book 242, page 529, Franklin Reg istry, to Spring Hope Supply Co., 12.50 acres which is not in said mort gage described by metes and bounds but which is correctly defined by met es and bounds as follows: reference being had to deed of Isaac Jones to John Jones, Book 117, page 27: "Beginning at a corner Hickory Btump on the East side of the Louls burg road said Ransom Dodd's cor ner; thence with his line N 87 1-2 W 148 poles to a stake; thence N 2 3-4 E 45 1-2 poles to a stake; thence S B7 1-2 E 148 poles to a stake, W. H. Brantley's corner; thence with his line S 2 1-4 W 45 1-2 poles to the be ginning, containing 42 1-2 acres, more Dr less." - i And therefore there is now left available for sale in this proceedings only 67 1-2 acres, more or less in said tract. SECOND TRACT? Situate on Crook ed Creek and bounded as follows; Be ginning at a stake, corner thence N 5 E 27.80 chains to a stake and stump; thence N 44 W 1.25 chains to a Holly; thence N 76 W 77-100 chains to a stake; thence N 85 E 2.20 chains to a stake; thence N 76 3.50 chains to a stake; thence N 35 E 2.20 chains to a stake; thence # 40 E 1.80 chalnB to ? stake ; thence Pi 82 E 1. 10 chains to a stake on Crooked Creek; thence ctom ing said creek 8 16 E 30.12 chains to a stake; thence 8 70 30 W 19 chains to the point of beginning, containing 35 1-2 acres, more or fes?. And also the reversion In Dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley, here-to-fore al lotted, which Is bounded as described as follows: Lot No. 2 ? Beginning at a stake and pointers In the Dodd line, corner of William Evans; thence along the Dodd line S 3 1-2 W 8 chains to a stake In said Dodd's line; tbence 8 86 1-2 E 18.66 chains to a stake tn a drain; thence N 3 1-2 E 8 chains to a stake In William Evans' line; thence along said Evans' line N 86 1-2 Iff 13 . 66 chains to the beginning, contain ing 11 acres, more or less, including the dwelling house known as the Ed. Holland Place and other buildings and Improvements thereon, and remainder of which after the llff estate or dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley expires Is of fered for sale. This Dec. 7, 1928. 12-7-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Comf. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11.50 Per Year In Advance Hare yon tried William Tell FloturT It not. *?k your neighbor about It. 10-12-X2t Child SALE OP LAND Under the authority contained In that deed of trust executed by C. F. Best and wife on the 1st day of April. 1932 to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which la duly registered In Book 234 page 383 office of Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default having been made In the payment of the Indebted ness thereby secured and demands made upon me to foreclose the said deed of trust, I will on MONDAX, JANUARY 7. 1924 at about the liour of noon at the court house door of Franklin county tell nt public auction to the highest bidder tor caah that tract ot land situate In Fraukllnton Township, Franklin coun ty, North Carolina and lying about five miles West ot the town of {Vanklln ton on the Frankllnton and Hlllsboro road bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of the R R Holmes estate and W. A. Mitchell, on tjto East by the lands of M. Y. Gul IV. 9n the South by the Holmes and Jackson land and on the West by the lands ot C. C. Holmes, containing 458 acres more or less, and being known as "<3?o. Whitfield Place." Prior encumbrances will be paid out of the proceeds from above sale. This the 5th day of Dec., 1923. 12-7-5t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that deed of trust executed by A. L. Yarborough to F. H. Allen, Trustee, on the 28th day of March, 1922 which Is duly register ed In the office of Register of Deeds ot Franklin county, In Book 234 page 381, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon said Trustee to foreclose. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door ot Loulsburg, North Carolina on MONDAY. JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour ot noon that tract bf land situate in Loulsburg township, Franklin county, North Carolina boun ded as follows: On the North by Joseph Yarborough, on the East by the Tarboro road, on the South by H. C. May and on the West by A. S. Moore, containing 13 acres more or less. This the 30th day of Nov.. 1923. 12-7-5t F. H. ALLEN, Trustee. AGENT WANTED To canvass Franklin County for a good money making proposition. Ap ply to E. V. Rhodes, R. F. D. No. 2. Wendell. N. C. . 12-7-lt Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year In Advance. We are glad to call your attention to our complete line of Fresh Meats. We have most any kind you might wish and of the choicest kinds. Call in and see them and leave your orders or phone them. They will have our prompt personal attention. Se the prices below : Choice Cuts Western Steaks 35c Boa it Beef . . . '. 20c to 30c Stew Beef Small Tender Pork Chops 30c Fresh Hams 30c Shoulders 25c Bib or Side 25c Fresh Pork Brains 25c Spare Bibs . ... T. 22VaC ? Pickled Tripe 20c Cooked Chitterlings 20c Armours or Kingans Bacon, pound boxes .... 45c Slic d Bacon 35c Frankfurter Sausage 20c When you kill your hogs bring your sausage meat in to us and let us grind it for you with our large elec trically driven Sausage Mill. We are prepared to grind your sausage at small cost. Cash Grocery & Market LOUISBURG, North Carolina home Seeker's Opportunity t I am offering for Sale, for clients, a number of very fine small farms in Frank linton township. The location as well as the high state of fertility of these farms make them , very desirable and the terms, upon which I dan offer them, make it possible for practically any good man to own a honse and home. Plats of the properties ean be seen at the Commercial Bank & Trust Co., Franklinton, N. C., or at my office in Louisburg, N. C. m ? I E. H. M ALONE i i ? fc, _ * kU. \