OILY HM PEE IB IB UT ADYAilCB The Franklin Times ? HATCH LABEL PAPEB ? 9??4 la B?f*r? TIm IxJk'K* . i'iiI) A. F, lOHISOK, Editor >ad Kanagci THE COUNTY, THE iSTATE, THE UNION tj= 91BSCHIFTI0J UM VOLUHH LII. LOB19BOBG, N. C, FRLOAY, JANUARY 4, 19S4 ITUXBEB ? ? A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING SOLEMNIZED AT BAPTIST CHCBCH When Jllss Bailie Thomas Williams Becomes the Bride of Her. George Vance Tllley, of Hertford. Possibly the most beautiful wedding ceremony ever held In Loulsburg was that of the marriage of Miss Sallle Thomas Williams to Rev. George Vance Tllley, at the Baptlot church on last Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock The church which had been exquisite ly decorated In green and white, made a most beautiful setting, and added color and charm to the Impressive and original ceremony pronounced by Ttev. J. A. Mclver, pastor of the bride. Just before the ceremony Little Helen Leigh Fleming sang sweetly "I Love You Truly." And Miss Jose phine Bryant, of Oxford, rendered a beautiful harp solo. The appointed time having arrived the bridal party entered while the beautiful strains of the wedding march so sweetly rendered by Mrs. O. Y. Yar boro, whose deft and masterly touch made the peals of the pretty pipe or gan seem as though they were magic. The ushers; Messrs. G. H. Copeland and R. C. Andrews, of Durham, ? . ? . Nor man, ot Hertford, Judge Bland, of Goldsboro, Dr. A. H. Fleming. Supt. W. R. Mills and Mr. S. T. Wilder ad vanced down either aisle. Then came Mrs. M. L. Williams, of Baltimore, dame of honor, beautifully gowned In grey. Next came little Miss Jean ^ .i :ning prettily dressed In white or !y bearing the ring In a beautiful 1 ? t of lovely flowers. Next came ti.,-.