m FRANKI IN TIMFS A. V. JOHNSON. Editor and Ituier ?TAB DROPS? ? Happy New Year. ? ? ? Don't forget to write It 1924. ? ? ? Did you make a New Year's reso lution? ? m ? Wonder where will the new depot be placed. _ ? * ? Schools opened Tuesday for the Spring terms. ? ? ? The banks and postofflce observed New Year's day. ? ? ? The Tobacco Warehouses will open next Tuesday. ? ? ? Cotton sold for 34 cents a pound In Louisburg yesterday. m ? ? And Its Leap Year. Look out boys or the girls will get you. ? a ? The new year brought with it some real winter weather. * ? ? Its a fine little girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hudson. ? ? Louisburg had rather a quiet Christ mas this year. ? ? ? Eras Brame, colored, of Louisburg was showing a watermelon on the streets Tuesday. ? ? ? The annual rabbit chase took place on th? streets In Louisburg dur ing the hoHdays. ? ? ? Lets resolve to make 19'J4 the best llshlng manufactories for Louisburg. They will help wonderfully. ? ? ? The Episcopal Sunday School gave a Christmas tree to Its pupils on Thursday night of last week. ? ? ? Lets rsolve to make 1924 the best year Louisburg has ever had. We can do It If we really want to. ? m ? Quite a large number of yonng men and young ladles who have been off to College, returned home to spend the holidays. ? ? The negroes of Franklin County gathered in large numbers In Louis burg Tuesday. January 1st, to cele brate their emancipation. - ? ? The many friends of Mr. M. S. Clifton, who has been confined to his room quite 111 the, past two weeks, will be glad to learn that he Is getting better. the franklin times $1.50 Per Tear in Advance rtT? away about *,000, Joo paaloato <X M?d of th* South'* mot popular Dow era thto spring. Thar* I* nothing in th* bom* that can oocapara with rich colored Sower*. They brighten ua *1) ap and make any house Attractive. Too can't plant loo many flower* and thto opportunity to ?*t Shirley Popple*, Everla?ttng flow era, Zinnia*. Ooemea and licxlcaa Bara In# Boah abeolutely tree, to certainly to b* w?toam?d by all reader* o I thto pap?r. Yaw can gat them! Juat wrtoe to Haar'ng*' tor the n*rw 1023 Oataloc. II tall* you how to g?t Cower aeoda free. It haa 100 pagee at baaatttul photo graphic plotur** and corrac* daaortp Uooa at gardes f lo**r and Hold **ad*. bulb* and plant*, and alao to toll at helpful Information that to needed almoat dally In *r*ry Southern home. It'* th* moat valuable need book erer published and you win be ? 'tMt you've got it JuM write asi ?*k tor th* new Catalog. H. GL HASTINGS CtJk, Atlanta, Oa. We will buy a lot of.tobrcco- scrap 11 It Is brought In well picked. Plant ers Warehouse, Loulsburg, N. C. l-4-2t Salt Mackeral, Herrings also Roe Herrings 1-4-lt at L. P. HICKS. Bl'JiJf DEFEATS CEDAR ROCK Spring Hope, Dec. 21. ? In a snappy, interesting game of baskrt ball here tonight the town team of Bunn met and defeated the Cedar Rock team to the tune of 16-11. The Bunn quint led by the depend able Jones, got Into the game to win and gave a good exhibition of real basket ball. Cedar Rock also played a splendid game, but seemed to be unable to keep down their personal fouls which had a lot to do toward losing for them. Features of the game were the clean playing of bbth teams, and the refereeing of Pearce. Time 8 minute quarters. FOR F1R8T CLASS JOB PRINTINO PHONE NO. 288. Orove's Tasteless chili Tonic reatoree Energy and j Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. /When you fed It* Invigorating effect, *ee how it brings qblor tq / the cheeks and how it improve^ the/ appetite, you will then appreciates its uue tonic value. Grove'* Taatyfcat chill Tonic to simply Iron and Quinine suspended in ayrup. So pleasant even children like it. "Hie blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich It. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. The Hustling, Saving Bee ? During the time when food is plentiful the Be* keeps busy laying up a supply of food for th days when he can no longer obtain it. And wise folks will follow this same wise plan, \ putting aside regularly a certain amount in a Savings Account, so when non-productive days of lofe arrive they can live in comfort as a re ward of their thrift. I A number of plans for saving await your Choice here, any one of which you are welcome to adopt. * TRU8TE1C8 8 ACE OF LANDB IN ITHirprr tm frrr^jTY. X. C. ~~ ] By vi rtueof power o I sale contain- , I'll lu that certain depd of trust dated ; Nov. 9. 1917. Book 224. page 64, made j by Thus. Davis to Thos. W. Ruffln, Trustee, default having been made la I the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demacu for foreclosure; hr.vlng been made on, ?ak'. trustee by the holder of the lcbt thereby^ a?cu* ?<!. the undersigned will on MONDAY. JANUARY 7. 1924 at about the hour oi noon at the court house door In Loalaburg. N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that certain tract of land In said deed of trust describ ed as follows: Situate in Franklin County, Sandy Creek township. Beginning at the southwest corner of No. 1 In the old path; thenco S 88 1-2 E 99 poles to a corner of No. 1. Ingram's corner; thence S 72 W 116 poles 10 links to the center of Flat Rock Creek; thence along the creek nearly North about 51 pole3 to a stake; thenco along the old line S 73 1-2 W 10 poles, 14 links to the center of the old path, where it crosses the old line; thence along the old path nearly North about 45 poles to the beginning, con taining forty-eight and 2-10 acres. It being Lot No. 2 In the division of the lands of Jacob R. Dcbnam by will to said W. A. and Addle Debnam. This December 7, 1923. 12-7-5t THOS. W. RUFFIN, Trustee. HATE YOU EVIIl SOT1CED THAT TUP WPRTHANY WHO SENDS ? T11K COPY FOR HIS AD EARLY ALWAYS HAS TKK NEATEST AIM PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DB. K. F. YARBOROUGH Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, N. C. O ffics In Gtckett and Yar borough Building. Office PhotM 296 Residence Phons 18 S. ATWOOD NIWBLL. A ttor?ej-At-I*w. Louisburg, N. C. Phone No. 116 Office In First National Bank Building Geaeral Practice ' DB. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Louisburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. , ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING 8. P. BUBT, M. D. Louisburg, N. C. Offices over Bcoggln's Drug Mora Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to jS p. m. DB. W. B. BASS. Veterinarian Louisburg, N. C. . Offices and Hospital Bast Nstk 8t. Phone Office 336-L Residence 83 6- J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. Dr X, SMITH WICJL DeaUsL Loalskarg, H. C. Office In the First National bank Building on Main and Naah Sts. W. B. PERSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisburg, North Carolina '?itlce In all courts. Offloe on Mala 8trsnt G. M. BEAM Attornej-at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice in at l courts. DK. J. H. uiVls Physician and Surgeon lonlsburtf. North Carolina Office Main Street . T- Neai Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 H Hours: 8 to 11:30 n. m. 2 to 6 cu m. j ?. B. White E. fl. Xalone WHITE & JI ALONE LAWYERS Loulsburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of ea ,u>? funds invested. Oua member of ?.? Arm always In the office. ? DIL H. G. PERRT Physb-lan and Surgeon Itonlsburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287: Night 287 OK. 1. B. MALONB. Loulaburg. North Carolina ?lee In Aycook Drag Store. Market Street, Office Pr actio# ijurgery and consultation. DK. H. H. JOHNSON Physician aid Ssrgeea Lonlsburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephonea: Day and Night both No. 10 J. O. NKWKIJ,, V. D. Loalskarg, If. ?? Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone S4t-1 Wife. H. Ftuffin, inoe. W. Ruffln nn. II. * THOS. W. BI FFIN Atteraeys-at-Law Uilskirf, l North Carolina teaaral practice, both civil aad crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun taa. Supreme and Fedaral Courts. Office* In Flrat National Bank Bulldlna . WANT TO ANNOUNCE* TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS That 1 hare taken over the manage ment of tba Stegall Bros. Bar bar bhop I shall see that you are treated with profound respect and that you get the best Barber work possible. Be fair with your good took a and let a Real Barber do your work. YoVrs to torfe, ? - OMAR T. 8TBGAU>. EVERY MAN Could Start a Saving Account The New Year by buying their Shoes, both work and dress, and Flour from us. We have the well known Endicott-Johnson Shoes on display, all en tirely new, shipped within the past 30 days. We a guarantee to save you from $1 to $2.50 on every pair of Shoes. Oar first car of Flour has already arrived direct from the mill. This car is in Wood. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. An Art to Facilitate the Examination Of Titles and To ('rente a Presum|>- | tlon of Pujrmetit of Instruments Se- i ?Vcnrinir ihe Payment of Money After! Fifteen Years From tlie Date of the i Mntuiity of the I?el>is Secured There I ?>y._ The General Assembly of Xorth Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That section two thous and five hundred and ninety-four of the CouBf'lidated Statutes of North Carolina be amended by udding a new subsection as follows: 6. That the conditions.! of every mortgage, deed of trust, Or other In strument securing the payment of money shall be conclusively presumed to have b<>en compiled with or the debt secured thereby paid as against cred itors or purchasers for a valuable con sideration from the trustor, mortga gor, or grantor, from and after the expiration ot fifteen years from the date when the conditions of such In strument by the terms thereof are due to hav been complied with, or the maturity ot the last Installment of debt or interest secured thereby, un less the holder of the indebtedness secured by such instrument or partly secured by any provision thereof shall file an affidavit with the register of deeds of the county where such In strument Is registered, in which shall be specifically stated the amount of debt unpaid, which is secured by said instrument* or in what respect any other condition thereof shall not have been compiled with, whereupon the register of deeds shall record such af fidavit and refer on the margin of the record of the instrument referred to therein th* fact of the filing of such affidavit, and a reference to the book and page where it la recorded. Or in lieu of Riph affidavit the holder may enter on toe margin of the record any payments that have been made on the Indebtedness secured by suafti Instru ment, aad shall In such entry state the amount still due thereur* r. This entry must be signed by tk. bolder and witneased by the refmrter of deeds. Provided, however, that this sub section shall not apply to aHy deed, Mortgage, deed of trust or other in strument made or given by any rail road company, or to any agreement of conditional sale, equipment trust agreement, lease, chattel mortgage or other Instrument relating to the sale, purchase or lease of railroad equip ment or rolling stock, or of other per sonal property. Sec. 2. In case of foreclosure of any deed of trust, or mortgage, the trustee or mortgagee shall enter up on the margin of the record thereof the fact of such foreclosure and the date when, and the person to whom, a conveyance was made by reason thereof. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of any trustee or mortgagee making sale un der the provisions of any power to flie an account with the clerk of the Su perior Court in the county where the land lies as is required by commis sioners making sales for partition, and for the auditing and recording of said account the clerk shall be allow ed the same fees as are provided for auditing accounts of such commis sioners. Sec. 4. Upon ratification of this act the Secretary of State shall certify | copies thereof to every register of deeds in the State, whose duty it shall | be to post such copies in a conspicu- ( ous place in his office and cause the i same to be published for one montn in some newspaper in the county. The expense of such publications shall be borne by the county. Sec. 5. This act shall be In force from and after January first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty four. Sec. 6. All laws and clauses of laws conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. Ratified this the 6th day of March, A. D. 1923. Adv. 12-14-4t The Office of Swine Extension con ducted 116 feeding demonstrations with hogs last year. ; THE FUa.MU.1S TIMES should be j lit your home. U yon are not a sab j scrlber, be one. Send In your sub scription and help ns to boot-t for > I better community. Habltum v-onsnpatton Cured In 14 to 2 1 Days # | "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciaUy j prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual i Constipation. It relieves promptly but I should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days I to induce regular action. It Stimulates and ?Regulates. Very Pleasant toTake.?60o 1 per bottle. LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY IN I will have a full line of the choicest groceries and feed stuffs at all times and can save you money on your purchases if you will call and see me. Wishiug you a Happy and Prosper ous New Year and thanking you for your past patronage. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURG, Worth Oaroliiu |

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