fi ntifti tnTrtamo) TR franklin* oount y^n.^c. By virtue o t lower at aale contain ed In that certain deed o ( trust dated Not. ?. 1917, Book 224. page 64, made bjr Tboa. DtTla to Ttaoe. W. R?ffln, Trustee, default having been made la the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure barring been made on salU trustee, by *? holder of the debt thereby secur ed; the undersigned will on MONDAY. JANUARY 7, 1924 st about the hour oi uuua at the court boose door In Louisbmg, N. C. offer far sale at public auction to the hlgh eat bidder for cash that certain tract at land In said deed of trust describ ed as follows: Situate in Franklin County, Sandy Creek township. Beginning at the southwest corner of No. 1 In the old path; thenco S 88 1-J E 99 poles to a corner of No. 1, Ingram's corner; thence 8 72 W 116 poles 10 links to the center of Flat Rock Creek; thence along the creek nearly North about 51 poles to a stake; thencc along the old line S 73 1-2 W 10 poles, 14 links to the center of the old path, where It crosses the old line; thence along the old path nearly North about 45 poles to the beginning, con taining forty-eight and 2-10 acres. It being Lot No. 2 In the amslon of the lands of Jacob R. Debnam by will to said W. A. and Addle Debnam. This December 7. 1923. RECEIVE BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayer and Commissioners o( the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. until twelve o'clock noon, on Thursday, the t? enty-lourth day of January, 1924. for Water Works Improvements. The work will embrace a Mechani cal Filtration Plant or reinforced con crete having a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day, together with the necessary piping, valves, etc. Furnishing and installing one new 760 gallons per minute Raw Water Pump, and the removal of the present pumping equipment Into the old boil er room, which Is to be rearranged for a pump room. Plans and Specifications are on file with the Town Clerk at Louisburg. N. C. and the Engineer at Durham, N. C. and blank form of Proposal. Specifi cations. etc. may be obtained from the Engineer. Those desiring a set of plans can obtain same upon payment of $7.50 which will be returned to all parties making bona fide bids and returning the plans. Certified cjieck for five per cent (5%) of the % .".mount bid for such items tor which a proposal is made must accompany all proposals. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.' L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. " J. J. BARROW', Town Clerk. Engineer: WILLIAM M. PIATT, Durham, N. C. 1-4-lt SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that Deed of Trust executed to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, by O. J. Coppedge and wife, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in book 234 page 148. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness, thereby secured, and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1924, at 12:00 noon at the courthouse door of Franklin County sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for caih, that tract of land situate in Cypress Creek township. Franklin County, North Carolina, bounded as follows, viz: On the North by the lands of W. I. Stallings, on the South by the R. N. Strickland estate, on the East by the lands of John Prlvette and B. S. Rice, on the West by the lands O. T. Moses and W. F. Moses, containing 189 acres more or less. There are two prior liens against the said lands one in the sum of $2,750.00. with interest, to R. S. Cop pedge and the other in the sum of $700.00 to Mrs. Geneva Upchurch, which liens will be paid out of the proceeds of the sale first, so as to convey a Fee Simple title to the pur chaser. This the 29th day of Dec., 1923. l-4-5t BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The; annual meeting of the stock holder* of the First National Bank of LiOulstrarg, N. C., for the election of Directors and such other business as may properly come before the meet ing will be held In the banking rooms at noon on Tuesday. January 8th, 1924. 1-4-lt P. J. BEA8I.KY. Cashier. NOTICE I wish to thank my many friends, both white and colored, of Iyouishurg and Franklin County for their patron age during the year of 1922. May the year of 1114 be a prosperous one to each one of you. And when you want 4 good steal to sat call at Hayea Cafe, or Phone 234. Yon will always find ldm 09 the job. Plenty to eat and quick ienrice Is our motto. HAYES CAPE "l*4-2t Julio* Hayes, Prop. ' BUN If DEFEATS CEDAR ROCK ~ " Hope, Dec. 21. ? In a snappy, gam* of basket ball her* town teart 6t Bunn met defeated the Cedar Rock team to tan* of 10-11. Bunn quint led by the depend got Into the game to win |Ml exhibition of real (UKUX IDKMBK) NOTICB-OP SALS , J. R- Bergeron, Adm'r. V?. Rowland Hagwood, Kelley Hag wood, Et All. t Under and by virtue of an order of re-Mle of the Superior Court of Frank lln County made In the Special pro ceedings entitled J. R. Bergeron Admr. Vs. Rowland Hagwood. Kolley Hag wood, et als, the undersigned Com missioner will sell on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924, at or about the boar of Noon at the Courthouse door In Loutaburg, N. C. to the highest bidder tor cash those certain tracts and interest in and to the following lands: Five-elevenths of a certain tract of land containing 70 acres, bounded on the North by Q. A Hagwood, on the East by lands of H. B. Hagwood, on the Went by J. T. Alford and on the south by tbe lands of the Dennis Simmons Lumber Com pany. 2nd Tract ? A tract containing 28 acres bounded on the North by J. W. Stalllngs, on the East by H. C. Hop kins, on the South by H. B. Hagwood and on the West by G. A. Hagwood. Both tracts being in Dunns Township, Franklin County, N. C. This Dec. 7th, 1923. W. M. PERSON, ll-14-4t Commissioner. NOTICE N'oi ln varorma, Tn gnperfor Conrt Franklin County. Before i. . Clerk. Commissioners of the 1 ?>??.? o t Louisburg, Vs. A. H. Fleming and othi j ia Hall Wynne Co. .V>e defendant Hall Wynne Co., above named, will take notice that a Special Proceedings entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County by the plain tiff which is a Municipal Corporation to condemn lands for public use, to wlt: a filtration plant; and that said defendant has an interest therein by virtue of a docketed judgment against J. A- Turner, a former owner of said lands which is yet a lien on the same; and the said defendant will further take notice that it is required to ap pear before the Clerk at his office in Louisburg, N. C., on January 7th, 1924 and answer or demur to the petition now on file in said action or proceed ings, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This Nov. 30. 1923. J. J. YOUNQ, 12-7-5t Clerk Superior Court.. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS IN k NASH COUNTY By virtue of the power of saie con tained in that certain deed of ttyst made by J. H. Culpepper, Z. N. Cul pepper, D. L. Culpepper and wife, and Mrs. Nannie T. Sykes, Doweress, to Wn. H. Eulfin, Trustee, dated De cember 23, 1921, and recorded in Nash County Registry, Book 271, page 253, and in Franklin County Registry, Book 244, pagea 112-14, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made by the hol der of debt so Becured on said trustee and default having been made in the payment of the said debt according to ?he terms cf the decree of the Superior Court of Nash Co in that action entitled Mrs. Nannie T. Sykes. et al Vs. Win. H. RufTin, Trustee, et al. and pursu ant to the decree of said court made in raid action; and by virtue of an or der of resale ma le by the Superior Court of Nash County upon advance bids on the srle of December 15th, 1520, the undersigned will on SATURDAYS ANUARY 19, 1924 at or abobut the honr of noon In Nash vllle, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts or lots of land sit uate in Nash County, in said deed of trust conveyed and further described as follows: FOURTH TRACT. A tract of land situate In Manning's Township, Nash County, which is composed of three tracts, separately described aB fol lows: Tract (a). Beginning at a stake In Breedlove's corner in Wm. B. Will iams line; thence 8 87 E 148 1-2 poles to a pine stump; thence 8 4 W 86 pol es to a Black gum; thence 8 88 E 40 poles to a sta^e; thence N 4 E 118 poles to a Blackjack on the road; thence along said road to Geo. Pow ell's rock corner; thence N 4 E 153 poles to a stake near Cedar; thence N 88 W 157 poles to a Red Oak; thence 3 152 1-2 poles to the beginning, con taining one hundred seventy-three and one eighth (173 1-8) acres, mtore or leaa. Tract (b) . A tract or parcel of land convened to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, by deed recorded In Book '73, page ts, and following In Nash Co. Registry , to which reference Is hereby made for further description, said tract con taining seventeen and three eighths (17 3~6) acres. Tract (c) . A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, con taining thirty-six (3<) acres more or lets, by deed recorded In Nash Regis try, Book 73, page 78, and following to wblch reference M hereby nude for further description. Out of the foregoing tracts (a), (t>), (c), one hnndred (106) acre* has been Conveyed to J. B. Jeffreys by deed re corded In Naah County Registry, Botfk 161, page 91 and following leaving lands now conveyed, one hundred twenty-Mx and one half (128 1-t) acres, more or leas. Terms of Sale ? Cash, and a deposit of 25 per cent of each bid will be re quired Immediately at the conclusion of the bidding, and If deposit Is not satisfactory te the trustee, bidding *111 be hmniMsMly re-opened and sflother tile swde This January 8, 1924. l-4-3t WM U. RUFTIN, Trustee. THH 81.50 Per Year in Advance. (LEO AX. AJJVKRTISINO) "TKU3TKB'9 8A^B D? FAItM LANP? By virtue of the power of Ml* con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Kills McKnlght to Wm. H. Rut fin Truatee. dated Oot. 9k 1918, record ed In Franklin Registry, Book 214. page 278. defaait haying bean made In the payment of the debt thereby secured, and demand tor foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of the said debt, the under signed will on MONDAY, JANUARY T, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door in Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that tract of land by said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: It being a section of Lot No. 5 of the F. W. Justice Farm as surveyed and plot'ed by C odflelder, 3. E Nov. 10, 150 ?. the map of which form is iluly iccoded in Book of Maps I, page fl. Registry of Franklin County, r"for '?n<<, to which map Is hereby ma.lo for description of the entire lot. Tho sec tion herein conveyed lying described by metes and bounds follows: Be ginning at a point In the middle of the road which forma the Wearer \ Boun dary of said property, a stake on East side of said road, corner of lot recent ly conveyed to Louisa Williamson, and running along said road 240 ft. to the middle of Wolf Pit Creek; thence along said creek as It meanders about 860 ft. to line of Lot No. 9 of 3ald survey; theuce along the Hue of Lot No. ? 115 ft. to a stake, corner of lot recently sold to Louiaa William son above referred to; thence along South line of said Williamson Lot 800 ft. to the center of the road, place of beginning, containing four and 4-10 acres, more or less, hy above referred to plot. It being land conveyed to Ellis McKnlght by Franklin Land Co. reference to which deed is heroby made. This December 7, 1923. 12-7-St WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. An Act to Facilitate the Examination Of Titles and To Create a Presump tion o i Payment of Instruments Se curing: the Payment of Honey After Fifteen Years From the Uate of tile Maturity of the Debts Secured There by. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That section two thous and five hundred and ninety-four of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina be amended by adding a new subsection as follows: 5. That the conditions of every mortgage, deed of trust, or other In strument securing the payment of money shall be conclusively presumed to have been compiled wltli or the debt secured thereby paid as against cred itors or purchasers for a valuable con sideration from the trustor, mortga gor. or grantor, from and after the expiration of fifteen years from the date when the conditions of such In strument by the terms thereof are due to hav been complied wltl, or the maturity of the last installment of debt or interest secured thereby, un less the holder of the Indebtedness secured by such instrument or partly secured by any provision thereof shall file an affidavit with the agister of deeds of the county where such in strument Is registered, In which shall be specifically stated the amount of debt unpaid, which is secured by said instrument, or In what respect any other condition thereof shall not have been complied with, whereupon the register of deedB shall record such af fidavit and refer on the margin of the record of the Instrument referred to therein the fact of the filing of such affidavit^ and a reference to the book and page where it is recorded. Or In lieu of such affidavit the holder may enter on the margin of the record any payments that have been made on the indebtedness secured hy sue*- Instru ment, and shall In such eviiy state the amount still due thereu: ?. This entry must be signed by t bolder and witnessed by the rCi'..;;?r of deeds. Provided, however, that this sub section shall not apply to any deed, mortgage, deed of trust or other in strument made or given by any rail road company, or to any agreement of conditional sale, equipment trust agreement, lease, chattel mortgage or other instrument relating to the sale, purchase or lease of railroad equlp^ ment or rolling stock, or of other per sonal property. 8ec. 2. In case of foreclosure of any deed of trust, or mortgage, the trustee or mortgagee shall enter up on the margin of the record thereof the fact of each foreclosure and the date when, and the person to whom, a conveyance was made by reason thereof. Bee. 3. It shall be the duty of any trustee or mortgagee making sale un der the provisions of any power to file an account with the clerk of the Su perior Court In the county where the land Hes as Is required by commis sioners making sales for , partition, sad for the auditing and recording of said account the clerk shall be allow ed the same fees as are provided for auditing accounts of such commis sioners. ?ee. 4. Upon ratification of this sot the Secretary of State shall certify copies thereof to every register of deeds In the State, whoee duty It shall he to post sneh copies In a conspicu ous piece In his office and cause the same to be published for one month fa tome newspaper In the "Oftnty. The expense of such publication* shall be borne by the county. Sen. I. This act shall b# In force from and after January frst. one thousand nine hundred and twenty four. Sec. 6. All laws and r la us eft of laws conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. Ratlfled this the 6th day of March A. D. 1923. ? Adv. 12-14-41 Office Of Swine Extension con ducted 11? feeding demonstrations with hogs last year. Ct-SDAL ADVERTISING) jiBDSTEara_SAjJj: or valuable LANDS Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me In that dead of trust executed on the 28th day of April, 1905, by I. H. Kearney and wtte, recorded In Book 137, page 110, Registry of Franklin county, N. C., default having been made In the pay ment ' ot ttt Indebtedness secured thereby and demand haying been made u?->n me hy the hplder thereof, for fcrc corded In the office ot the Register ot Deeds (or Franklin county, North Carolina, In Book 12* pace 2*7, de fault having been made In the pay ment ot the note* secured therein, and at the request of the holder ot the said notes. I 'will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1824 at about the hoar ot noon, sail at pub lic auction at the courthouse door In I oulsburg, N. C. to the highest bidder tor cash two certain tracts or parcels of land situate In Franklin county. Sau-ly Creek township. State ot North Carolina and described as tollcwa: First Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands tormerly owned by P. W. Cupton; on the East by the lands ot Mary ?. Qupton; on the Sou'h by the laF.da ot i. W. Griffin and J. M. A W. H. Allen and on the West by the lands of E. A. Qupton, containing forty -one aud one-half (41 1-2) acres, qjore or less. Second Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. H. Wood; on the East by the lands ot Nancy Gup ton; on the South by the lands of Sal ly Foster and on the West by the lands of Lucy Foster, containing thirteen and" one-half (13 1-2) acres more or less. Both ot said tracts being the Bame lands conveyed to the Bald J. V. Har 1919, from J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen. This the 3rd day ot Dec., 1923. 12-7-Bt G. M. BEAM, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained In the Deed of Trust ex ecuted and delivered by L. L. Whlta ker to G. M. Beam, Trustee, dated April 7, 1920, and recorded In Frank lin County Registry In Book 236 at page 504, and default having been made in the payment of the notes, thereby secured, and upon demand and request of the holder of Bald notes described therein, the undersigned Trustee will on > MONDAY, JANUARY 14. 1924, at or about the hour of 12 o'clock noon ;at the court house door In Loulsburg, -N. C., Franklin County, offer for Bale land sell to the hghest bidder for cash the following described tract or par ' eel of land situate in Loulsburg town ship, Franklin county. State of North Carolina, described as follows, viz: , "An undivided one-half interest in and to the following property, to-wlt: A certain tract or parcel situated In the County of Franklin, State ot North Carolina, and in the Town ot Louls burg, lying on both sides ot Tar River and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKlnne, L. P. Hicks and F. N. Egerton; on the East by Main Street-in said Town of Loulsburg; on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and G. W. Ford; on the West by the lands of G. W. Ford and F. N. Egerton and con taining seventeen (17) acres, more or less, known as the LoutsDurg Mill Property and Including the Black smith shop, Mill building. Grist mills, Cotton Gin, Scales and all macui-iery of every description used In connec tion with Grist Mills and Cotton Gin; also, the mill dam, and all easements: water powers and water rights, privi leges, powers and rghtB of every kind and description belonging to or grant ed to the owner or owners uf Sii(d above-described property in a certain Agreement recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds or Franklin County In book 34, page 282. The undivided half Interest In the above described property being tlsc same which W. H. Allen and wtfa conveyed to L. L. Whltaker by deed dated April 7,-0920." This the 11th day of December, 1923. 12-14-5t G. M. BEAM, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under the authority contained in that dead of trust executed by C. F. Best and wife on the 1st day of April, 1922 to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which Is duly registered in Book 234 page 383 office of Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby seoured and demands made upon me to foreclose the said deed of trust, I will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door of Franklin county sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that tract of land situate In Frankllnton Township, Franklin coun ty, North Carolina and lying about live miles West of the town of Franklln ton on the Frankllnton and Hlllsboro road bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of the R. R. Holmes estate and W. A. Mitchell, on the East by the lands of M. Y. Gul ley, on the South by the Holmes and Jackson land and on the West by the lands Of C. 0. Holmes, containing 458 acres more or less, and being known as "Geo. Whitfield Place." Prior encumbrances will be paid out of the proceed* from above sale. This the 6th day of Dec., 1928. 12-7-6t BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtu* of the power contained In a D_ed in Trust executed by W. M. Journlgan and Minnie Journlgan his Wife, January 26th, 1921, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 241, at page t28. default having been made In the payment of the debt therein secured, on request of the holder of th? I shall sell for cash, 1 tlon' at the courthouse burg, N. C., to the big the list DAYf A> tract .of la. 5.MV Jlorfh, fttaiOn t west, M. R. Journlgan on tkg Booth] ?nd E. M. Newmand ,#n the BMt. This 17th of December, l?fe. " 12-21-ft T. T. HICKB, Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Times ? (LtUAL ADV?fl?pW^__ COMMISSIONERS BALK OF LOUIS - - BtJRO LAND8 Under and by rirtue of the ..I. of the Superior Court o( Frank [bounty! iMtJbit. *. * that special l "Murray and C. B. Brantley. trator. of J. C. Bra?tley, Mis. Mavis BrantNy, wodow of. and C E. Brantley, et al. heirs at law, tne undersigned will on 0A MONDAY. JANUARY 7. ,i? p?nrt at about the hour of noon at the Court House door In U>ul?burg, N. C. offer for sale at public aucUon to tie high est bidders for cash the rollowtog de scribed tracts of land situate In Frank lin County. N. C:. and more particu larly defined as follows: FIRST TRACT? The lands lying on the Loul'oorg R. ad bounded, accord ing to said survey as tallows: Be ginning at a stake. Ransom Dodd ? corner on Raid road, thence N 8 45 b 13.44 chains to a stake; ?! 30 W S.62 chains: thence S 230 W 1.61 chains to a stake; thence N 87 30 W 25.16 chains to a stake, Ransom Dodds corner; thence N 3 30 E 11.34 chains to a stake, corner for Lot No. 2 of Do >er; thence 8 87 SO E 13. <56 chains to a stake, corner for said dower lot; thence N 3 30 E 8 chains to a stake, tho corner for said dower lot; thence S 87 30 E 15.34 chains to a stake; thence N 8 E 3 chains to a stake In Henry Jones line; thence 8 83 12 7.10 chains to a stake, corner for Henry ?Tons* and the Dower lot No-1; thence S 87 E 5.44 chains to a stake on lire road, corner for Dower lot No. 1 on said road; thence along said road N 26 E 2.26 chains to a stake lu said road; thence N 65 W 1 chain to a stake; thence N 19 E 5.30 chains to a stake; thence S 87 E 5.44 chains to a stake corner for said Dower lot No. 1 In Baldy Rice's line; thence 8 8 46 W 41 47 chains to a stake; thence N 84 W 12.60 chains to the point of begin ning, containing 110 acres, more or less, by survey of Plttman Stell, Sur veyor, Nov. 15, 1922. But from this Tract there was sold under a Mortgage made by said Intes tate, dated Jan. 1, 1922, and recorded In Book 242, page 529, Franklin Reg istry, to Spring Hope Supply Co., 42.50 acres which is not in said mort gage described by metes and bounds but which Is correctly defined by met !es and bounds as follows: reference I being had to deed of Isaac Jones to I John Jones. Book 117, pago 27 : I "Beginning at a cornar Hickory stump on the East side oi the Louls burg road said Ransom Dodd s cor ner; thence with his line N 87 1-2 W 148 poles to a stake; thencs N 2 3-4 E 45 1-2 poles to a stake; thence _8 87 1-2 E 148 soles to a 6taks, W. H. Brantley's corner; thence with his line S 2 1-4 w 45 1-2 poles to the be ginning, containing 42 1-2 acres, more or less." And therefore there Is now lett available for sale in this proceedings only 67 1-2 acres, more or less in said tract. SECOND TRACT? Situate on Crook ed Creek and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake, corner thence N 6 E 27.80 chains to a stake and stump; thence N 44 W 1.25 chains to a Holly; thence N 76 W 77-100 chains to a stake; thence N 85 E 2.20 chains to |a stake; thence N 75 3.50 chains to ? stake; thence N 35 E 2.20 chains to a stake; thence N 40 E 1.80 chains to a stake; thence N 82 E 1.20 chains to a stake on Crooked Creek; thence cross ing said cTeelt S 15 E 30.12 chains to a stake; thence S 70 30 W 19 chain* to the point of beginning, containing 35 1-2 acres, more or less. And also the reversion In Dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley, here-to-fore al lotted. which is bounded as described as follows: Lot No. 2 ? Beginning at a stake aijd pointers in the Dodd line, corner Of William Evans; thence along thB Dodd line 8 3 1-2 W 8 chains to a stake in said Dodd's lino; thence 8 86 1-2 E 13.66 chains to a stake in a drain ; thence N 3 1-2 E 8 chains to a stake in William Evans' line; thence along said Evans' line N 86 1-2 W 13.66 chains to the beginning, contain ing 11 acres, more or leas, Including the dwelling house known as the Ed. Holland Place and other buildings and improvements thereon, and remainder of which after the life estate or dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley expires is of fered for sale. This Dec. 7, 1923. 12-7-6t WM. H. RUFFIN, Com'r. 11.80 Per Ye to Adnnof TRUSTEE'S SALE OF FARM LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con tained )ln that certain deed of trust made by Dave C. Evans to W. H. Per nell, TruBtee, and recorded In Frank lin Registry in Book 234, page 244, dated March 29, 1921, default having been made In the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and de mand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the htgh est bidder for cash that tract of land situate In Sandy Creek township, In said deed of trust conveyed, and there described as follows: Joining the lands of C. P. Thorn*. W. O. Faulkner, Sara Solomon, and others, beginning at a stone In the 0. r. Thome's fine (t) 11 1-2 W 4.16 chains to an oak; thence B 4 3-4 W 7.46 chains to a stone; thence 8 8 W 15.12 chains to a stone; thence S 17 1-2 W 17.64 chains to an Iron stake;1 N 5 1-2 W 18.25 chains to an ; thence N 62 1-2 W 4.70 beginning, containing flftf ofi e-half (52 1-2) acres, mote