THAT HORNING LAMENESS If you are lame every morning, and Buffer urinary Ills, there must be a causa Often it's weak kidneys. To strengthen the weakened kidneys and avert more serious troubles, use Doan's Kidney Pills. You can rely on Louisburg testimony. W. D. Cook, prop, of general store. Court House Square, . Loulsburg. says: "My back was hurting me Borne and moraines a dull ache set tled across the small cf my back and I felt tired. My kidneys acted too freely during the night and had me up several times, so I lost my rest. I didn't allow this to go on very far. as I purchased a box of Doan's Kid ney Pills at Pleasants' Drug Store, and they soon relieved me of the trouble. I have used Doan's on dif ferent occasions and always with the same good relief." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dent simply ask for a kidney remedy ? f?t Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mr. Cook had. Foster-Milburn Co^ Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Tu!4"s Plils! Irduco raf.'lar tab!.*. c->c<l Ci%* stlo.?. R?iii-vo iho ; i tfyspwt^. anC <2v->3i1aUK! ar.d U..': up Ina s_> sten AGAINST MALARIA ' MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED1 farm lands. 6 per cent Interest, j No commission, no bonus. May run tor 33 years or be paid off at option ! of borrower. Only a short time re-| quired to get the money. 7-14-tf S. A. NEWELL. | r Colds Cause Grip and influenza LAXATIVE CR3MO QUININE "Jfcbleta removtth# I cause- There is only oatt *"Rrc mo Qoiniae. [ L W. CliOVE S n-r^ outxje. SOc. FOR 3ALE We have listed for saie several val uable farms, amouf; which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesville T. S, known as part of Whitaker lands. For prices and terras, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Hank) LAUNDRY CLEANING and PRESSING Don't forget we can wash your Old Quilts, Blankets, Rugs a id Washable Druggets. All ,\.rk sent for and delivered in town. "WE DYE TO LIVE" v The Scrvice Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager PHONE 105 I J : LOCISBCRG, >. C. 3 ? . J - "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY" Guaranteed to be as Represented WHAT? The New lot of Garden Seed Just Received at Scoggin's Drug Store ALL PACKET SEED OSLY ?> A PACKET. Remember this Is the fir-t time y"-.i fcnre ever had an opportunity to buy (Guaranteed Seed. So buy >Wic; 5 ;>n need at Seosijlnjs. Mr. G. L. Aycoek, j our old frien I, Is slill with as and wants to see you all at Seoygln's. You want your Cold Itrlnks, Ice Cream, cie. served from a per fectly sanitary fountain, then liuy them l'roin Mr. K. 51. Collier, the expert drink and cream dispenser at Studio's. Ilrlnt? or send your prescriptions to Scorn's, where yon will ^et the best service, courteous treatment and satisfactory prices. All of Rexall Remedies are iruaranteed to (?lre satisfaction or the prlee refunded. Your true frlendB, Scoggin Drug Store G. I.. A "COCK, L. E. SC'OGGIN NEW GOODS We have the goods for making your early Spring Dress in the newest plain and plaid materials. Collar and Cnff sets, Belts, Buttons, Braids, etc. Best line of Blankets specially priced at 98c, $2.48, $2.98, $7.50 and $9 . 00 Many new and beautiful weaves- as well as all the staple lines, in white and colored wash goods. Big shipment table Oilcloth in variety of patterns. New curtain materials and draperies. "Where You Get Service" Dry Goods, Notions, Novelties Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. Louisburg, N. C. JAMBS J. LANCASTER FOR SHERIFF - 1 hereby announce to the voters of Franklin County that 1 am a candi date for the office o' Sheriff of Frank t lin County and solicit your vote and assistance in the coming primary. I promise faithful service to the whole people if nominated and elected. Thanking you for your support. I am Respectfully. 2-22-tf JAMES J. LANCASTER. It may cause a man sincere regret I to get into a foolish flirtation, but it onuses him downright repentance uhiMi lie finds he is unable to get out | of t. See Billy Bachelor and Madam. Cupid in the "MiCKOHE OF LOVE." ; Wanted ? Medium size cucumberl brine A. J. JARMAX. 2.22-lt } 10MMIMTY (LIB MEETS The Community Club met lasj Fri-| day night. February 15. ai Gold.S.ind school building The following pro- 1 gram was rendered: Song ? The O'.d North State. Story. The Three Bears ? Lucy ' Stuart Parrish. Music ? Mr. Sim Parrish. Talk, Citizenship as Kelated to Com I nuinity Life ? Prof. U. V Crawford. The Marriage of Miss Matilda May flower. The club will meet again next Fri day night. February 22. All are in vited. (EI)AR li"CK SEfff Rev. J. R. Everefe the pastor of Ce dar Rock Baptist church will begin a series of services on "The Ten Com mandments next Sunday. Feb. 24th. Come and learn about the beginning of the Bible. In spiie of the bad weather our Sun day school keeps going. We are strlv. ing for an A-l Sunday school, and hope to receive the pennant in the near future. Visit us and enjoy the extra programs that are put on each Sunday morning and do your part for the advancement of God's Kingdom. The Woman's Missionary Society held its regular monthly meeting last Tuesday night, Feb. 12th at Mrs. Alex Gupton's home. A very interesting program was rendered as the subject was Cuba, in which all the members were interested. Our Society has grown rapidly since we changed the place of meeting from the church to the different homes in the ccommun ity. The W. M. S. Union will meet with the Society of Cedar Rock Baptist church on March the eighth at ten o'clock. We hope that the visiting societies will be well rejresented both in numbers and lunches. Come over and see what our community is doing ppa bring youe^ot atffHK hsgir nlong with you to help us mend the broken or weak places. C. R. H. S. is very fortunate in hav ing Mr. Buck from Castalia to bring his moving picture machine in " our midst every two weeks. On last Wed nesday night, Feb. 13th, he entertain ed us with "The Sagebush Trail" a picture of the wild and wooly west On Wednesday night, February 27th. he will be with us again. We cor. dlally invite everybody to come and help hs^ enjoy tills treat. The Ninth grade pupils will present the play. "A Little Savage" In the school auditorium on next Friday night. This play is very funny a::d amusing. A goc;'. tirr.e !? in : tore fori all who attend. Arisr.Uaion lie fori children under twelve ytais c? age, and 25c t-r .til ;. .. a. ... eels \..i! be used f)r jchcc/. improvement. Mrs. R. A. Jtr-uiugii. hr.j ict'l us to! attend to busiir :s u.Tuiis in Spring] Hope. V.'e miss lie;*, bui are glad t?' say t lat v.o icuujim.. c:ioti?i) tol have Willi o:; tiuiiu-y.3. ac- j count o. hei Iia3| been ccir.pc'.Ied -Vo uisccu'ii* j- [ siuuiw C. ... S. r.i;-it ? | be cua i-'on an:nii. to be i> with his classmate^ friends again. Miss lieu la h Stalling^ spent the we-'k-eiid at nouie .vita !-er n, other, w'lfi h.i . liLLii-ill iur L-'kL.'-.i but \.*iiO is. mucn boil* .' l: >w. .Vlias S tailings i'.^d as ti " cdcoti. oi? return ing Sunday afternoon, .*-ir. Stephen Tharrlngtou cf Yeungsviiic. We arc glad to report that Mrs. Wil son Dean has retu.ned from Park Viev.- Hospital, Rocky Mount, and in I now improving nicely, we hope she will soon be with us again in our church work. Sir. Jerome Glasgow, one of the "Faithful Few" of our community Is still in the Rocky Mount sanatorium. We hope that the skilled physicians will soon have him in a condition that will enable him to return to us. Mr. Wayland Sledge of W. F. C. came home on Saturday afternoon as a great surprise to his parents. Prof, and Mrs. T. H. Sledge. That night he motored to Rocky Mount to meet his, sister Miss Gladys Sledge now In school at E. C. T. C. and together they went to Red Oak where they attended a business meeting o: tile Alumni As sociation of R. O. H. S. of which Miss Sledge Is President. They returned home by way of Rocky Mount where their cousin, Mr. Boone Sykis, now holding a position in Bullock Furnl. ture Co. joined them. The party ar rived at the dormitory about two! o'clock and after a midnight feast and 'serenade, for the benefit of t'ie occu- 1 pants of the dormitory they retired. They returned to their espeotlve | schools on Monday afternoon. Mr. Phil Inseoe playing the part of | the "good Samaritan" as usual, took] Misses Elma Lewter and Miss Oma Bliss l^ewls on a flying trip to Nash- | vllle where they made a "pop" call on Mr. and Mrs. Boone of that city. In spite of the chaffeur being s6 In experienced and the ghosts being so plentiful the trio arrived safely at the dormitory just as the clock* were striking twelve. Rev. J. R. Everetle has been In the 1 habit of making pastoral calls at the dormitory since Christmas hut ? we I wonder What the nature of the call I last Monday afternoon could have I been, as there was no Illness thare. FLOUR Flour has advanced $1.00 per barrel in the past three weeks. * ? We have just received two cars of the best patent which we sell while it lasts at the old price. We suggest that you buy now. The outlook is for higher prices. The McGhee=Joyner Co. FRANKLINTON'S BIGGEST & BEST STORE PHONE 47 PHONE 47 Stop the children's coughs dangerous complications set in. >!ot ning so quickly stops cou^.iiv.; <;s Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. It combines just the nee; ^ines vour doctor prescribes ?with :he old-time remedy, pine tar tion :y. Hard packed phlegm loosens .<nd clears away ? the in fiamnr-scicn 's reduced ? normal ^reatj.ln^ is restored. Excellent for yoi:n<? :.nd old, alike! It tastes good, to.?. Keep Dr. Bell's on hand for ail the family. f. i cirufcitrs. Be rnrc to get the genuine. DR. BFT-I/S r'ine-TVrr Hon ? TUCKER'S HOTEL and C A EE T.Iain Street ~ W5UISBUKG, N. C. The best of meals the mar ket affords and prepared In the best of fashion. Plenty of rooms for the accommodation ot all who wish to spend the ntght, all well furnished. J. C. TUCKER Proprieto Habltuai i^onstipatlon Cue in 14 to 21 Days / ? "LAX-FOS wrrm PEPSIN" Is / speclally preparej SynipToalc-Laxativatfor Habitual Constipation. It \relievej promptly but ?houid h? taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular aatlon. 1( Stimulates ahd Regulates. Very tyia^it to Take. ? 60c per bottle. NOTICE | Having qualified aa administrator of the estate of Nannie Eowden. de : ceased, late of Franklin County, notice | la hereby Riven all peraona hold 1nK claim* against aald estate to pre | aent them to the undersigned on or be ifore the 18th day of January, 1925 or this notice will be plead In bar of tholr 'recovery. All persons Indebted to aald estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. Thla Jan. 17th, 1924. l-18-6t W. O. BOWDEN, Admr. Subscribe t/t The Franklin Times May We Phone for - YOUR - Order Each Day? If you wish and will we will gladly phone you each day for your Meat order and de liver it promptly. Many of our custom ers have requested us to follow this plan ? shall we add your name to this daily call list? THE BEST MOST POPULAR BRANDS OF GROC ERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. Cash Grocery & Market PHONE ?"0 or 40 LOITINBURO, N. C. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Spencer Pearce, deceased late of Franklin County, notice Is here by given all persona holding claims against said estate tp present them to the undersigned on or before tha 18th day of January, 1625, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery All persons Indebted to said estate wilt please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Jan 17th, 1924. l-18-6t JAMES A PEARCE, Admr. The chicken harvest will largely be determined by the kind of stock from which eggs are a? cured for hatching purposes, say poultry specialists of the State College. A TONIC drove'* Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vltallty^fcy Purifying and Enriching the BloorfT When you feel it* strengthening, Invigorating effect. see how It brings col^T to the cheeks and how It Improves 4he appetite, you will then appreciate In true tonic value. Grove's Toneless chill Tonic Is simply Iron and .An I nine suspended In syrup. So pleasant even children like It. The blood needs QUININE to Purify It and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 80c. Subscribe to The Franklin Tim as

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