200 BARRELS PLOUR Just Arrived This is our high grade White House and Peerless. Every barrel of this Flour is guaranteed, and is well known to the best Flour trade in Franklin county. This Flour was bought when Flour was cheap and we are going to pass the sav ings on down to our customers. To any merchant interested in a car of Flour we will be glad to take the matter up with them, as we have 500 barrels more due us on contract. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. Finish pruning before the buds swell. Pile and burn the limbs when removed. The Quinine I hat Qoea not A tied The Head Becuae of ita took And laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QinHINE (Tablets) can bo taken by anyone without aanaind nervousness or rintftnft to the bead. eTwVQRQVeS atoature on tax / . The Disguise Complete "Yes, this Is my new German police dog." "Well, he certainly doesn't look like one." "Sh-h-h! He's In the detective de. partment and he's disguised as an Airedale." No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates w^n blood, and ss a rule, there Is more or less fl^Kacfa disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TOHIC given regularly (or two or three weeks will enrich the btoodv im prove the digestion^aftd set as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child wlli be in perfect health. Pleasant to take.' tOc per bottle. Last year 350,000 buyers waited for delivery. Insure yourself against delay this spring by placing your order for a Ford Car now. See the I^tvevt Authorized Ford Dealer ) . DONT WAIT TILL YOITRE DOWN SICK THE minute you feel a little under the weather, get a bot tle of Gude's Pepto-Mangan. Don't wait till you're down sick. Take Gude'a as a preventive of ill ness ? it will enrich your blood, and build up your energy. Your drug gist has it, in both liquid and tablets. Fret Trial Tablet* value of Cuda'e Pepto-lfanxan. writ* today for generous Trial Package of Tablets. Sand no money ? just name and addii to M. J. BreiUnbach Co.. 63 Warren St., N. Y*. Gude's pepto~Mangan Toru^m^Blood^nri^im^ J. R. BILLEB & 0 0. Army & Navy Store Louisburg, - N. 0. SPECIALS: Men's "White Handkerchiefs 3c Men's Colored Handker - chiefs 7c Men's Brown all-leather work ? shoes, $3.60 value . . . r $2.39 Men's Dress shoe, $6.00 value $4.29 A Full Line of Men's and Boya' Clothing. J. R. BILLEB & CO. Army & Navy Store "Where You Buy The Same For Less." Soclal Error So sweet, sprightly and well camou flaged -was Miss Maidstone that her new mlddleaged admirer scarcely real lied that she had one hoof In the urn, so to speak. In fact, he went so tar as to venture several round-about queries as to her age. Finally she countered : "I'll tell mine If you'll tell yours." And then he wondered at the sudden frigidity when he replied agreeably: "O. K. ? fifty-fifty." ? American Leg ion Weekly. Keep Sinks, Drains and Pipes Clean , ' I 'KAPS and drain-pipe* JL will dog. Ordinary soap if practically useless to clean them. The best way Is to rift a little Red Seal Lye into the rink. It* powerful cleansing qualities quickly loosen the grease and dirt and the rinse water washes away the sedi ment^aving the drain-pipe clean and sanitary. A can of Red Seal Lye saves many plumbing bills. B e Sure and Buy only the genuine Red Seal Lye Write /or FREE booklet, "HomtHdpt" P. CTaioo* & C& HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thing* Oor Reedete Webt te'Keww B?d B?U Vf? eleeas rink*. tolloU, pou^??a pui Witt lantt rn ftM abb thai vtj otbr * ? ? M B~1 Iflb * M, trip to wUkr Sft'r ~ " """" A. Mel's January) Clean Sweep Sale Is still going on ? to make room for our Spring stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, La dies' Ready-to-Wear, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Ox fords, Pumps and Sandals in all the latest styles. Our Mr. A. Tonkel is now in the Northern markets buy ing our Spring line. New Goods Arriving Daily Come early and make your selection before the stock is picked over. Remember the sales is still going on. VISIT THE STORE OF STYLE AND QUALITY ' A. Tonkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N. C. I Got a BANK BOOK NOTE THE HAPPY SMILE, THE EX PRESSION OF PRIDE IN THE POS- " SESSION OF A BANK ACCOUNT. HAS YOUR BOY MADE THIS START TOWARD A SUCCESSFUL LIFE! IF, \ NOT, NOW IS THE TIME TO HELP . HIM GET STARTED, SEND. HIM IN 1 AND LET Ug TALK TO HIM. A . '