Fascinating Spring Dress Styles Dresses for spring and summer wear that tell their own story of value. Representative of the newest styles, carefully fashioned from the new est fabrics and marked at pnces much less than you would expect, they offer every woman a chance to dress econom ically and well. LADIES DRESSES, all shades $2.95 LADIES DRESSES, all shades . . . . . $4.95 LADIES DRESSES, all shades $8.95 LADIES DRESSES, all shades $14.95 LADIES DRESSES, all colors . $21.50 LADIES DRESSES, all colors $24.50 LADIES COATS, all shades and styles $4.95 to $24.50 LADIES COAT SUITS, all the new styles and colors $14.50 to $24.50 All The New MILLINERY That's what you will think when you see the liibral display of new styles we have assembled. Each Hat is a very special value as these prices prove. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S NEW SPRING MILLINERY All of the latest colors and shapes trimmed and untrimmed 98c to $7.50 NEWEST OF THE NEW That you will see just what you want in spring Foot wear in our present display, is a foregone conclusion, for we have the newest of the new styles on view. LADIES' SHOES, OXFORDS AND PUMPS Of the very latest styles and colors $2.95 to $6.50 DRESS GOODS NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS IN THE VERY NEW EST Patterns, cotton goods , woolen GOODS, SILKS, CREPES AND SATINS. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST TO BE FOUND IN LOUISBURG. LOOK AT OUR WONDERFUL DIS PLAY OF DRESS GOODS AND McCALL PAT TERNS FOR YOUR NEW SPRING DRESS. FJk F^yX^TI? 1 d~\. M Tfc- A Ik 1% / THE STORE THAT ALWAYS SELLS THE CHEAPES' ? A. KOIH LOIVIrAINY, Louisburg, North Carolina NOTICE By virtue of power and authority contained in a certain Mortgage deed executed to D. fl. Dickie by Robert Hayes and wife on the fifth day of Feb., 1914, which said mortgage deed la duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in book 193, page 450, the note secur ed by the said mortgage deed having been transferred and assigned by the mortgagee to McKinne Bros. Co. Nov. 18, 1921, and by them transferred and assigned to Mrs. H. P. Gutfey, the note secured thereby being long past due and default having been made in the payment of the said indebtedness, I will on MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1924 ftt about the hour of noon, at the court house door at Louisburg, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by the said mortgage deed, the following described property lying and being in Sandy Creek township, Franklin cbunty, North Carolina. Bounded on the North by the lands of W. G. Faulkner, on the East by T. T. Hunt's estate, on the South by Charlie Kearney and on the West by W. D. Macklin, containing 100 acres mora or less. This Feb. 6th, 1924. D. H. DICKIE, Mortgagee, to the 2-8-5t use of Mrs. H. P. Guffey. Forecast For the Week Weather Unsettled Foreign Affairs Unsettled January coal bill Unsettled Democratic Presidential nomination * Unsettled American Legion Weekly. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned haying duly quali fied as Executor of the estate of Ge neva Upchurch, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Feb. 13th, 1924. O. J. COPPEDOE, Executor of (Jeneva Upchurch. W. H. Yarborough, Attorney. 2-16-6t About flflfteen thousand rural boys and girls In North Carolina obtained benefits from organized club work last year. The number ohould be lar ger this year. NOTICE Having qualified as lCxecutor of the estate^of J. ?T. Lancaster, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is here by given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make im_ mediate settlement. ..his Feb. 28th, 1924. 2-29-6t 8. C. EAVE3, Extr. Franklin Sherman, Entomologist tor the State College ftud Department of Agriculture, wants a boll weevil. If you can find one to hibernation quar ters he would be glad to have it with a letter describing the place in which you found it. NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Bettie D. Utley, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given ail persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of February, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This February 7th. 1924. B. W. BALLARD, Extr. White & Malone, Attys. 2-8-6t Be stingy with the seed planted and have a smaller Irish potato yield, is the result secured by recent tests at thft North Carolina Experiment Sta tion. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Grandsom F. Smith, de ceased. late of Franklin County. N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed administrator at Frankllnton, N. C. on or before the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 12th day of February. 1924. ALSTON SJiflTH, Admr. o fO/F. Smith. W. L. Lumpkin, AttoiMjr. J-15-6t To Care * Ggjtf la Om Day r*?? I -AXATTtE UMBO QCTNITfE It S2T 't AND We Have Received SIX CARS Or MULES As Good As -Ever Brayed All Sizts, All Colors, Slagle-yor in Pairs If iin Need of Stock We Can Please You 1 i