The Franklin Times WATCH LABEL ( PAPEK_8?b4 to Before Tlae E iff A. F. J0HS80N, Editor u< Itu|er THE COUNTY, THE STATE . THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $LM p? VOLl'MJf? LIIL LOUISBDBG, I?. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 19t4. srxau-s ZTWANIS CLUB FOR LOUISBURO Organized Thursday Night, April 10th, 1924 At Banquet at Hotel Franklin, Forty live Strong ? Henderson Klwanlans Present and Conduct Organization. It was a merry party at the Frank lin Hotel on Thursday night of last week when a Klwanls Club was or ganized In Louisburg wicn about tor ty-flve members present. Forty-three Kiwanians from Hen. derson had braved the extreme ugly weather and joined in the banquet and put on the stunts, that produced an evening ot real tun. To see old men and young men Join in sports and tricks and all be young was well worth the price and the ex treme teaching of friendship and brotherly sociability was charming and wonderful. For over two hours there was some thing new and interesting going on. Among the fun providing stunts were the cracker eating contests, the chair walking contests, the singing conteBt, speaking, spelling and many others. The general good feeling that prevail ed was especially contagious. A Constitution and By-laws was adopted and the following officers were elected^ President ? Arthur "W. Mohn. Vice-President ? Felix H. Allen. Secretary ? Thomas W. Watson. Vrcapurev ? Hep M. Stovall. iJls:rlct Trustee? Edward L. Best. i .ivctors ? Benjamin T. Holden, Ar thur V . Person, George W. Ford, Louie Kline, ? ieher J. Beasley, William R. i.?.s, ..jL.nuw 3. Davis. Mr. Tom Bowles, of the Henderson Club, presided and proved to be a moat excellently fitted for the position. He was assisted by Mr. Sam Allen, and short speeches* vtere made by many, among them being Mr. Joe Kittrell, President of the Henderson Club. One of the amusing incidents was the effort on the part of the members in trying not to violate that rule that requires that all members shall call each other by their first names, or ? ' that tfenit-alnU no or pM. Axes such as "Mr.", "Capt." or "squire" UBed". To violate this subjects the member to a fine. The object of the rule, of course, is to remove as far as possible all ob stacles between the members and to promote the closest social relation, ship. The objects of the Kiwanis is first of all to promote that close knowledge of and friendship with each member that will cause each one to know and more fully appreciate his neighbor, but next to help to- build up and make better In every way the town and com munity in which you live. It has high objects, Its Ideals are "hitched to a Star," and even though a portion of its aims are attained it will be time and money weH spent. - The- a^w -KiWarilans of 'Ijouleburg were pleased to hare with them as their sponsor In its organization the Kiwanians of our neighboring city ? Henderson. For the present the meeting date and hour has been set for Fridays from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Sixty-seven had signed applications for membership up to time of organi zing and we understand many have Joined since. Loulsfrurg will no doubt organize a club of fully one hundred members. MRS. EGERTOS ENTERTAINS. A most enjoyable evening wan spent by the members of Circle No. 1, Supt. E. L. Best, Leader, at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Egerton on Monday night, when Mrs. Egerton was hostess Quite a g<5od number were in attend ance. Miss Hattle Mae Parker In her most charming manner, added much to the well arranged program with two of her favorite readings. Amohg the business attended to was A motion to make arrangements to have every member present at the next meeting. The reading of the reports disclosed the information that this Circle had raised In cash and subscriptions to the Superannuate Cause $290.00, and had contributed through the Tithe en. veltfpes $49.65 within a period of five weeks, making a splendid record. The Immediate business before the Circle was to arrapge for an Eaater offering tor next Sunday. The Circle alao decided to give their efforts toward the tale of tickets for the play In the Interest of the Super annuate Cauae to be held at the Col lage. The business beink completed the Quests were Invited to partake of de lightful refreshments, which were en joyed to the fulleat. All were unanimous that Mrs. ttger. ton Is a most excellent hostess. !?- TO OBSERVE EASTER banks ot UwWw?? will be oloa. KMday, ApM Jlst, ltM to ob the Kmter >olldiiya. All per. ?on* havtfeg bvataeea with these ln ?UtatloAs wfll bear this in mind. rOBACCO GROWERS REACH OVERSEAS Bigyest More Undertaken By 250,000 Organised American Farmer*. (S. D. Frissell) Tobacco farmers 250,000 strong will be the first large body ot producers from this country to roach hands across the sea In the effort to shorten the bridge between the American pro ducers on the (arms and the millions of consumers in foreign countries next month. On May 3 they send their best available representatives from the Tobacco Growers Coopera tive Association of the Carollnas and Virginia and the Burley and Dark Fired Tobacco Associations of Ken tucky and adjoining states to estab. llsh trade relations with the consum ers of American grown tobacco in En gland, France, Germany, Holland, Czecho Slovakia and other foreign countries! Oliver J. Sands of Virginia, Execu tive Manager ol the Virginia-Carolina and Bright Williamson ot South Car olina, its vlco-president will repre sent the organized planters of these states which Bend 60 per cent of their tobacco abroad at present. Judge Robert W. Bingham, founder of the Burley Tobacco Growers Association and President Cooper of the Dark To bacco Growers Association of Ken tucky will be with the commission which sails for Europe the first week in May. The success of the organized tobac. co farmers In selling their product to American manufacturers and dealers during the past two years has main tained a price for tobacco which has been more favorable than that receiv ed by the unorganized producers of other farm crops in the past two years. This has been done by means of co. operative marketing \ hlch has as sured the American manufacturers uniform quality in any quantity de sired. NOjr for the first time, American fanners Continuing a large propor tion ot a leading staple CTop will ap proach the millions of European con sumers with the assurance that they can supply their wants with whole sale quantities of high grade products of guaranteed quality for uniform prices. The big tobacco associations are sending their best representatives and experts on a mission in which they are confident of success. The continued success of the To. bacco Growers Cooperative Associa tion in eelllng their product to Ameri can manufacturers was - marked by the purchase of 3,500,00 pounds of their 1923 tobaccos last week by do mestic companies following other large sales during recent weeks. The demand for the association tobacco has made possible the recent distri bution of $1, 600, 000 to its mpmbers In the South Carolina belt and the an nouncement of two payments next month to the Virginia members who produce the dark-fired and sun.cured tobaccos No Immediate announce ment of other payments is looked for until considerably more than half of the 1923 receipts ot the tobacco asso ciation are sold, according to its di rectors. FRANKLIN COUNTY FIELD DAT AND TRACK MEET On Tuesday, April 29 beginning promptly at 1 o'clock there will be held at the Fair Grounds a track meet and Field day for both boys and girls from the schools of the county. Prizes will be awarded to each boy or girl taking first place In any event. The school making the high est score will be awarded the Frank, lln County Athletic Cup for two suc cessive years It will become the prop, erty of that school, and a new cup will be offered at the next meet. It Is hoped that the citizens of the entire county will cooperate with the boys and girls In their effort to devel op themselves physically. 000D FRIDAY AND EA8TKR DAY AT ST. PAUL'S. Oood Friday Services, 11:00 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Sermon subject at 2:80: "What Mean you by this Ser vice?" ? No Good Friday ? No EaBter ? No Cross ? No Crown. Special Music. Magnificat and Nunc Dimlttls, Sim per. "O Savior of the World," Sir John Qoss. Easter Day The Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Church School 10:00 a. m., Mr, Wm. H. RufTln, Supt. Holy Eucharist with sermon 11 a. m. Sermon subject: "Tl>e Faster Answer." Special Music: "Welcome Happy Mor m|", Sir Arthur Sullivan. Introlt ? TV JDeum, Read. Mozart's Twelfth Mass, adapted. "Come Ye Faithful", Sullivan. Anthem, "The Resurrec tion," Shults. "The Strife Is O'er", Palest rlna. No evening service. A cordial wel come to all services. REV. WALTER B. CLARK, Priest In Charge. Do you live |n the "yellow house aoross the ereek" or does your farm have a dignified, appropriate name? Naming the farm add* to the pride of ] ownership. E. H. MALONE RE ELECTED CHAIRMAN Democratic Executive Com mittee Franklin County A. F. JohiiMon Ke-elected Secretary ? AU Townships Represented. With a full representation the Dem ocratic Executive CogjjuiUec of Frank, lin County met Immediately alter the adjournment of the County Conven tion on last Saturday for the purpose of re-organizing. Ppon roll call the townships were represented as follows: Dunns ? W. A. Mullen. Harris ? J. B. King. Youngsvllle? R. C. Underwood. Pranklinton ? A. S. Joyner. Hayesvllle ? L. O. Frazier. Sandy Creek ? W. F. Leonard. Gold Mine ? J. H. Wood. Cedar Rock ? T. W. Boone. Cypress Creek ? J. M. Sykes. Loulsburg ? W. E. Tucker. Each one reported his township committee as elected at the precinct meeting on the Saturday before as follows: Dunns ? W. A. Mullen, Chairman, J. M. Stalllngs, Sec'y., F. S. Pearce, J. O. Williams, B. S. Pace, Mrs. C. C. Pip pin, MrC"S. T. Dodd. Harris ? J. B. King. Chairman, J. H. Fuller. J. J. Young, J. IJ. Wilder, Miss OUle Floyd. Miss Francis Chambloe, C. B. Barham. Youngsvllle ? J. B. Pe-ry, Chairman, R. C. Underwood, J. R. Tharrington, C. ^W. Roberts, H. M. Green, C. C. Winston,, E. L. Green. Frankllnton ? A. 3. Joyner, Chair man, B. W. Ballard, I. H. Kearney, M. D. Wilder, S. C. Ford, Mrs. C. S. Will iams. Mrs. A. S. Joyner. Hayesville ? R. L. Stokes, Chairman, J. S. Wilson, Mrs. R. G. Winn, Mrs. R. L. Stokes, A. A. Medlln, L. O. Frazter. Sandy Creek ? W. F. Leonard, Chair man. H. D. Egerton, C. F. Faulkner, Ik. E. Gupton, Mrs. W. H. Tharrington. Gold Mine ? W. D. Fuller. Chairman. J. J. Lancaster. W. P. Leonard, W. H. Foster, R. J. Burnette. Mrs. W. D. Fuller, Miss Ruth Parrish. Cedar Rock ? T. W. Boone, Chairman J. O. Wilson. James J. Lancaster. Jo*. T. Inscoe, G. B. "Smith. Mrs. P. " E. Deaif Mrs. T. H. Sledge. Cypress Creek ? J. M. Sykes, Chair. ;man. Mrs. Arthur Strickland, Vlce Chalrman, Arthur Strickland, J. E. Wilder. E. B. Moore, Mrs. E. S. Wil der. Mrs. J. M. Sykes. Louisburg ? W. E. Tucker, J. H. Best N. M. Perry, T. W. Ruffin. D. G. Pearce Mrs. Alice' E. Uzzell, Mrs. W. E. White. Chairman Malone announced that as this was the time for re-organiza tlon the election of a chairman and a secretary was In order whereupon J. B. King moved that E. H. Malone be re-elected Chairman for the next two years. The motion received several seconds and was carried unanimously. On motion of J. B. King, A. F. John son rau re-elected 8ocrerul len. Harris? J. B. King, J. H. Fuller. Dr. R. P. Floyd. Alternates ? Mallie Per ry, W. M. King, W. C. Holmes. Youngs ville ? C. W. Roberts, R. E. Underwood, E. L. Green. Alternates? J. B. Perry, Geo. N. Stell. W. H. Hud son. Franklinton ? B. W. Ballard, Dr. S. C. Ford, C. R. Sandling, I. H. Kearney, A. S. Joyner. Alternates ? H. F. Ful ler, J. A. Mitchlner, M. D. Wilder, J. H. Cooke, J, D. Joyner. Hayesville ? J. S. Wilson. Alternate ?A. A. Medlln.' - Sandy Creek ? J. H. Joyner. H. P. Speed. Alternates ? J. J. Cooper, M. M. Person. Gold Mine ? June J. Lancaster. J, H. Wood. Alternates ? W. D. Fuller, - A Da vis. ? Cedar Rock? J. M. Sykes. Alter, nate ? Arthur Strickland. Louisburg ? W. M. Person, T. W. Ruffin, E. H. Malone, Ben T. Holden; J. R. Collie, J. E. Thomas, J. H. Best. Alternates ? X, M.Parjy, W. H. Macon. J. P. .Timberlake, W. E. Tucker, R. P. Taylor, H. B. Perry, Capt. P. G. Al. ston. Upon request for Information by Dr. S. C. Ford the Chair stated that the delegates a?d i lternates attending would- cast jointly by townships, the vote of the county in the convention. Mr. W. M. Person was recognized and^. delivered a short but strong and forceful speech In the interest of De mocracy. telling of the attitude and feeling of the National politics. He stated that the National republicans had stolen over a billion of dollars from the government in the past three years. The Bpeaker declared that the Issue In the coming campaign would be taxes, both National as well as lo cal. He declared himself as In favor of doing away with t-11 tax free secur ities and a fair and equitable tax on all property and on all cltiiens. Capt. P. G. Alston In a pretty and well deserved eulogy presented the following resolution endorsing Hon, Joaephus Daniels for President, which was unanimously carried by a rising vote amid flinch enthusiasm: "BE IT RESOLVED. That we. the Democrats of Franklin County In con vention assembled, recognizing the signal service rendered by our distin guished Carolinian, the Hon. Josephus Daniels. In the past and feeling that , the tima has come when he should ba . called to greater service, do hereby endorse the Hon. Josephus Daniels for the nomination of President of the United States on the Democratic, tick, et. and recommend to our State Con; vention that the said Hon. Josephus Daniels be endorsed by the said State Convention for said office of President of the United States." Mr. Person made many nice remarks complimentary to Mr. Daniels. ' Chairman Ballard delivered a pret ty and earnest tribute to Hon. Jose phus Daniels and expected to see him nominated as the Den oerat'e choice for the Presidency. The Chairman requested the Chair man of the several town si i hip Execu tive Committees or their representa tive* to remain for a meeting tor re. < HON. JOSEPHIS DANIELS organization immedately after the ad. Journment of the convention. Mr. Hugh Perry, Jr., the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Perry, of near Louisburg. was the youngest delegate present at the convention. He declined the idea of being (ailed to preside over the.convention preferring to fight in the ranks of his fellow men. The business being completed the. convention adjourned sine die. COLORED SCHOOL DAY To Be Held in Louisburg, Fri day, April 25th B% Parade ? Many Speeches ? PlentJ Of Music ? Big Day in General Ex pected. I The following program has been ar. ranged by the Franklin County Color I ed Teachers Association for the Col ored School Day events to be held in | Louisburg on Friday, April 25th, 1924, I at the Fair Grounds: Morning 10:00 ? School Parade, beginning on I the Egerton Hill and marching to the | Fair Grounds. I The following events will take place I at the Fair Grounds; 1. Invocation ? Dr. J. A. Cotton. | 2. Welcome Address ? Mrs. M. C. I Yarborough. 3. Response ? I 4. Remarks ? Supt. E. L. Best. | 5. Introduction of Speaker ? Mr. A. F. Johnson, Chairman of Board of Ed ucation. 6. Address ? Mr. X. C. Newbold, of the State Department of Education. 7. Fourth Grade Spelling Contest ? conducted by Mrs. A. H. Brown. 1:00-2:00? Basket Picnic dinner. Each community Is expected to pro. vide dinner for its school. Afternoon 2:00 ? The following events will take place in the afternoon: 1. Fourth Grade Demonstration Reading Class ? conducted by Miss Lillian Debnam. 2. Address? Miss Evelyn Huges. 3. Address ? Mrs. L. B. Yancy. 4. Athletic events and Folk Dances. 5. Awarding Prizes ? Prof. G. C. Pol lard. Music will be furnished for both the morning and afternoon programs by splendid choirs and a brass band. ARTILLERY FROM FORT BRAGfi HERE AFTER RECRUITS Arrival of Detachment Announced by Firing of Famous French 7a. A detachment of the Second Field Artillery, from Fort Bragg. N. C., ar rived from NasV*i)fo Wednesday af ternoon anrt'pitchml cruap la the Grad ed School Orov?K T?>? artillery on reselling th? grounds flred a sa lute of ali raOWM tram the French 75mm gun which Is part of the equip ment. ,v > V~V Lieutenants R.. L. Gervals. J. W. Beck v(Mh ttr*l(ty-flve men and forty horses and mules compose the party. The equipment they have with them consists of one gun section, on* head quarters section, a field messiftg out fit. a hlghpewered radio set, HJ?1 cart with telephone wire and fire control equipment, four line mule escort wag ons, tents, Ore works, and .blank am munition. During the even dlo equipment gave a " which was br?ad<"?Rted ( The position lights and . wcra the regn as i:scd on the front dtir war. / The visit of the detachment here la part of a special recruiting drive over rth? state to take the entire month. *fhe party will hike about four hund red miles. Recruits going down to Fort Rragg now will be whipped into shape to train the National Oua*d and Cltlsens Military Training units that will be at the Fort daring this i mers trai stag period' unit from.^ort Bragg only active divisional Corps Area. At present I fifty per cent under the brunt of the i on the Second Field cers of the pariy emf cesalty for mwHt AMONG THE VISITORS SOME IOC KNOW 1.1U 80IK TOD DO NOT' KNOW. Personal Items A boot Folkj AM Their Friends Who Travel liar* And There. Mr. E. H. Malone went to Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mann, of San ford, visited Louisburg the past week. Mr. Peter Monger, of Sanford, Fla.. was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. N". Y. Gulley. of Wake Forest, was in attendance upon Recorder's" Court Monday. Supt. E. C. Perry left yesterday to take several crippled children to the j Clinic at Wilson. Chief of Police W. W. Bobbitt, Mr. G. H. Fuller and Mr. W. R. Timber lake of Wake Forest, were in Loais burg Monday. Mr. Tracy Stockard. Miss Lynn Hill, Miss Sallie Taylor, Mrs. E. C. Perry, Rev. J. A. Mclver. attended the funeral of Mrs. Washington, mother of Mr. S. M. Washington, at Stem, Tuesday. "WHEN THE IKOSS ROADS IB0S8 AGAIN." The above Is the title of a play to be given at Louisburg College on Mon day night, April 21st. 1324, Dy the Col lege girls as their contribution to the Superannuate Cause. This?is a most interesting and Instructive play and will no doubt be appreciated by all those who see It here as it has been by those who have seen it elsewhere. The costumes are unique and attrac tive and the whole play and Its set ting and scenery will be' of much edu cational value to all. The admission is 50 and 25 cents. AT BAPTIST CHCBCH, LOIISBCBG Easter Sunday, April 20, 1924. Sun day School hour changed from 9:45 back t? 9:30. Last Sunday we had 225 in Sunday School. On Easter Sunday let's^have that many and more. As you read this say: "I'll be there, and bring some one witn me." At the 11 o'clock service Zeb Col [11ns is to be baptized. You all know [his past life and bis present attitude. jAm making reference to this that ' some of his life long acquaintances !and friends from Cedar Rock may know about it and be present. One of 'our biggest opportunities in life is to [encourage a newly converted person jwho Is trying hard to make his life [altogether worth while. At present j Mr. Collins and family are happily lo cated on Mr. Dave Pearce's farm, ma king a crop with him. | At the 7 : 30 service there will be a beautiful Cantata "Jesus Lives" ren j dered by the choir. John Archie Mclver, Pastor. RECOBDEK'S COCBT Judge* O. M. Beam disposed of the following cases in Franklin's Record er's Court on Monday: Statejrs Boat Jones, disposing mort. gaged property, continued. State vs MatthewfDavis, upw, guil ty, 12 months on roads. State vs fHirker Robbins, Buddie Barnette and Howard Barnette, die tilling, plead guilty, judgment Buddie Barnette fined 125 and costs, Parker Robbins and Howard Barnette t months on roads. Appeal as to lat ter two. State vs Charlie Jones, ccw, nol pros. State vs Charlie Jones, upw, guilty, stk months on roads. Appeal. State vs George Green, upw, defen dant asked for Jury and case was con tinued to .Monday. April 28th. State vs Herman Davis, vpl, con. tinued by consent to Monday, April 28th. State v? Matthew Davis, assault on wife, guilty, 12 months on roads, sen tence to begin at expiration of termer sentence. . State vs Charlie Jones, resisting of ficer. guilty, 4 months on roads. Ex ecution not to Issue except upon fur ther order of this Court, upon pay ment of costs. I State vs Berry Williams, false pre tense, not guilty. State vs Berry Williams, false ft*, tense, continued. State vs Jessie Williams, of mortgaged property, celled and tailed. Plan the home garden so as ? latt er from It some fresh vecetaMw As lag the satire year. Have a little fk tra for conning. Gaping windows and ____ of abandoned tans hems* to Carolina furnish a challenge