ONLI IUO FEB IEAB LN ADVAHCK Franklin Times WATCH LABEL 01 PA 1JEB? Send In Before Time Ex? A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION M BSCBIPTI05 %1M Per T? VOLl'MN ? LILL L0UI8BUBG, N. (X, FBI I) AY, AFBIL ii, 1*84 rJTBE?_? NEED MORE BOOSTERS Subject of Address of Mayor Joyner Meeting Friday Evening at Franklin Hotel An Interesting One ? Com mittees Appointed. The Ktwanians of Louisburg ban queted at the Franklin Hotel on last Friday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. A large percentage of the membership was present and an inter esting musical program was rendered. Mayor L. L. Joyner made the Key note speech of the evening. He re viewed the many conveniences that Louisburg has and contrasted the pres ent time with the past. He also com pared Louisburg with other cities, showing that there were many much larger cities than Louisburg that has not the many improvements and pub lic conveniences that we have. "What j we need most" said the Mayor "is more boosters for Louisburg and few. er knockers." A committee from the Woman's Club was the guest of the club on this occasion and Mrs. Florence May Un derbill made a most encouraging lit tle address in a most opportune and timely place, pledging the co-opera tion of the Woman's Club in all mat ters tor the upbuilding of our little city. President Mohn, after congratulat es Dr. Harry H. Johnson, chairman for the evening, on the excellent 'pro. ?irae, read the following commtt which are standing, for the pro per -.arution of the objects of the Ki W3 i Club of Louisburg: Buu, .' ss Standards and Methods, sponscr?d by M. S. Davis ? McM. Fur fc..rbO,i, chairman, P. S. Allen, C. A. Ragland, P.. C. Beck. Laws and Regulations, sponsored by M. S. Davis ? O. W. Dowd, chairman, H. M. Stovall, C. D. Elmore, W. R. Bass. ?' Education, sponsored by W. R. Mills ? E. H. Malone. chairman, H. G. Perry, C. H. Banks, D. T. Smithwick Finance ? W. E. White, chairman, F. J. Beasley, L. E. Scoggin, G. C. Harris. Reception ? J. A. Mclver, chairman, J. W. King. E. H. Malone. W. D. Eger Von. V ' 'Hi Attendance, sponsored by F. J. Beas ley ? W. D. Egerton, chairman, R. P. Taylor, T. W. Watson, A. Tonkel. Publicity, sponsored by Ben T. Hoi. den ? F. A. Roth, chairman, E. L. BeBt, H. C. Taylor, G. M. Beam. Inter-Club Relations, sponsored by E. L. Best ? W. H. Yarborough, chair, man, O. W. Dowd, K. K. Allen, W. R'. Mills. w -i^WS Grievances, sponsored by A. W. Per son ? S. A. Newell, chairman, J. A, Hodges, H. G. HarfiaOn, Q. S. Leonard. House, sponsored by A. W. person- ? G. W. Cobb, chairman, O. C. Hill, O. Y. Yarboro, A. H. Fleming. Public Aftalnh^Bponnored by L. Kline? T. W. KUStn, chairman, L. L. Joyner, F. W. HIckf, A. F. Johnson. Music, sponsored by George W. Ford S. B. Berkley; chairman, W. D. Jack son. S. C. Holde^y^. R. Pleasants. Program, sponsored by George W, Ford ? H. H. Jobfkson, chairman, A. H. Fleming, vlce-<Mi|man , B. T. Holden, Jake Freela&dgK M. Allen, S. P. Burt, W. B. TiKker, J. a. Howell. It was announced that for the pres ent the regula*4neetings will be held on Friday eveqljUs of each week from 6:30 to 7:30 aMmk. PROGRAM HIGH SCHOOL COMnflCEXENT The following prbg^am for the com mencement exercises at Bunn High School has been announced: Sunday, April 27? Sermon, Baptist Church, Rev. W. D. Poe. Wednesday Evening ? Elementary Recital. Thursday ? Graduation exercises, 11 a. m. Address, M. S. C. Noble, 12 M. Dinner, 1 P. M. Baseball, 2 P. M. Play, Seniors, 8 P. M. DHL TIOU8 W. MTfFIW M Ik* Deaioerttto Cm> ventlo* la Bolalgk U?< week u IIm tor for tke FMrtk CoatrreMtaml DH. trtet HIGH SPOTS IN -STATE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION DANIELS NAME WITHDRAWN Uuiernor Morrison, Mav (iardner, Jo- ' se]ihuH Daniels Chairman llawso11 1 nrd Colonel Rodman >V111 (jo to New ? l'ork Convention ? t our Women Del. j etcatos ? Mrs. Jeriuu11, Miss Hender son, Mrs. Fearing and Miss Berry Are Chosen. Delegates returning from the State Democratic Convention held in Ral elgb stated that it was the most bar. monlous gathering In the history of the State. The definite assertion by Josephus Daniels, former secretary of the Navy, that he wag not seeking presidential honors and his request that his name be not put before the convention for its endorsement and the awarding to women of four of the nine delegates at large to the Democratic national convention were the two outstanding eventB of the session. The platform was unanimously adopted. It mentioned the tax reforms which the Democratic party was said to have inaugurated whereby the state alged the counties in bearing their tax burdens and at the same time provid ed for the forward program of the ad ministration. The only mention of the Republican party was to the effect that It was a party -<ff fault-finding and negation, which had nothing to Its credit and relied mainly on criticisms of the Democrats for Its issuer. Nine delegates at large to the Dem ocratic national convention were elec ted, as follows: Josephus Daniels, former secretary of the Navy ; Gover nor Cameron Morrison ; former Lieu tenant Governor O. Max Gardner; State Chairman John G. Dawson ; Col onel Wiley C. Rodman, commander of the North Carolina American Legion; Mrs. Palmer Jerman, of Wake; Miss Mary Henderson of Rowan; Mrs. J. J. Fearing of Pasquotank; and Miss H. M. Berry of Orange. Mr. E. H. Malone and Mrs. C. S Williams were re-elected as members of the State Executive Committee and J. R. Collie was elected as a member j of the Congressional District Commit tee. ? Mr. Thomas W. Ruff in was nomina ted Elector from this District, and Mr. Ben W. Ballard was elected Alter nate Delegate to the Democratic Na tional Convention to be held In New i York. BOARD ELECTIONS ORGANIZED Appoints Registrars and Poll Holders I A. F. Johnson Named Chairman, And E. It. Rogers Secretary. The Board of Elections for Frank lin County met in the Court House on Moficlay, April 21st, 1924 In an adjourn ed session with Messrs. B. W. Ballard, E. L. Rogers and A. F. Johnson, new ly appointed members presont. The Board was organized by the election of A. F. Johnson, Chairman and E. L. Rogers Secretary. After the organi zation was completod the following Registrars and poll holders were ap pointed for the several townships; Dunns? E. R. Richardson, Regis trar, Fred Perry and J. R. White, poll holders. Harris? J. B. King, Registrar, J. B. Wilder and J. T. Mann, poll holders. Yonngsvllle ? <J. R. Tharrlngton, Reg lstrar, R. C. Underwood and J. - J. Holmes, poll holders. Frankllnton ? J. H. Cooke, Registrar R. E. Kearney and A. 0. Perry, poll holders. Hayesvllle ? L. O. Frailer, Registrar J. H. Ooodson and N. H. Ayescue, poll holders. Sandy Creek ? J. C. Wester, Regis, trar, H. C. Bradshaw and Thomas Far. rar, poll holders. Gold Mine ? J. H. Wood, Registrar, G. M. Raynor and' J. S. Shoaron. poll holders. Cedar R-ock ? T. W. Stokes, Regis trar, T. W. Boone and Clyde Bartholo- 1 mew. poll holders. Cypress Creek -J. M. Harris, Reg istrar, A. E. Bplvey and W. J. Wilder | poll holders. Loulsburg ? B. B. Perry, Registrar. B. N. Williamson and A. L Hicks, poll | holders. OOmreifCEWKJIT AT wapleyille I SCHOOL, APRIL Wk AiTO Mth. The following announcement ha been made as to the commencement | at Maplerllls: Tuesday, April 29. 8 o'clofcjt P. M. ? | Program*. Intermediate and Primary I QnM. - v-* Wednesday, April TO, tl o'clock A. M.? Address, Prof. CluB. A. Ronse. Wednesday, April TO, i o'clock P. M.? Recitation Contest. Declamation Contest S o'clock P. M? Play, Her Son's Sweetheart, by School. ? MISS FRANCES RUSSO "Who Louisburg people will welcome in recital in the Graded School Auditorium on Fri'lav, April 25th. She is one of the greatest sopranos considering her age, before the American public today. While only twenty-one years of age she has won favorable comment from some of our leading teachers as well as the press and the public. Rosati, the Ta mous Italian teacher of New York who trained the artist Gigili, now ? with the Metropolitan Opera of New York said recently after hearing Miss Russo sing, "She has a wonderful career before her. She is a young woman of unusual promise." E Volpi of Atlanta, formerly op eratic coach of the famous soprano, Galli Curci, under whom Miss Russo has been studying for the past year, states that, "Miss Russo is tnie of -America's coming sopranos. She has wonderful possibilities." The program follows: PROGRAM II Trovatore "Iacea la notte" . . ." Verdi None but the lonely heart Tchaikowsky Sans toi d ' Hardelot Nina Pergolesi Thank God &>r a Garden Del Riego Trusting Eyefc Gartner If Winter Com^s Tennent La Tosoa "Vissi d'arte, Vissi d'amore" Puccini Cavalleria Rusticana' ? fEomanza and Scena" Mascagni Elegie .V Massenet J'ai pleure 'en reve v. Hue Non Ever ? ? A - ? Mattei ..A*. ? Madam Butterfly ? Un bel di , . Paocini FAMILY REUNION WITH MR. AND MBS. a W. BALLARD AT FRANKL1NTON. Ranter was a happy occasion for Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ballard and the mem bers of their family In their gathering together for so extend d a visit from rt-lday until Tuesday. Often around the fireside, or the festal hoard, as many as flfteen were present. The visitors present with their host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, were Miss Kate Ballard, of Raleigh. Mr. "Walter Ballard, Mrs. R. P. Yarborough of Louisburg with children Rich ard and Martha Yarborough. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Joyner, thelv son Master Julius Joyner, Mr. J. B. Cheatham of Jacksonville, Fla., with his children Master Ballard Cheatham and Mary Elisabeth Cheatham. Miss Nena Park, er of Raleigh, and Miss Rle Parker, of Warren ton. AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. C. K. Cooke TfiSsda* afternoon, April 29th, at 4 o'clock. Mesdamee R. C. Beck. C. K. Cooke, H. H. Hilton, H. H. Johnson aid B. H. Kalone will b? hostesses. Mrs. 0. K. Cooke. Pres. Mr*. T. 0. Alston, S#c*y. EASTER AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Two magnificent congregations took part In and enjoyed the services at the Methodist church on Easter Sun. day. At the morning hour twelve young people Joined the church and at the evening service four older people were received. This makes thirty received since the last Conference ? fifteen by letter and fifteen by professions. At this service more than three hundred dollars was contributed fqr current ex penses and for the orphM?#&. At the evening service the Cantata was excellent and grealty enjoyed, be ing one of the best presentations the oholr has as yet offered. The Sunday School hour was ikmost encouraging and Interesting one, be ing one of the best In many. A most excellent report was made from this church at the District Con ference at Four Oaks yesterday. It Is expected that next Sunday fill be a great day at both the Sunday Hehool and church hour at the Meth odist church. All are thvtted to at. tend. WISH RRADY HOOTKSH. " 1 Miss Sylble Brady, a member of the Second year Domestic Science Class ? ? . ; { . wag hostegg At a Luncheon last Wed nesday, April 18, 1924. The dining room was very attrac tively decorated in violets in gmall bcskets. The place cards were very attractive being hand painted with violets on them. Heir gfiests were, Misses Saltle P. Betts, Dean, E. Carter Grant, Mettle Woods. Sallie McOulIers and jRena Gillette. Eva Lumpkin as a very attmctive maid served : ( Cream Soup Imperial Sticks Salmon Souffle with Sa'ca, Green Peas In Tlmbala Bread Batter Iced Tea Dressed Lettuce Marshmallow Sandwiches Lemon Merangue Pie PLAT AT CEDAB BOCK The public will please n*e tnkt the play, Mr. Plm Paaeea By, to pre sented at Cedar Bock on Wednesday night, April SO. M the hum play that wag given by the Raleigh high achool puplle a few weeka ago. and ?# well was It received, that the people of Raleigh are asking for a eeoood pre sentation. Go to Cedar Rock to eajoy tkt play on Wedneeday night. April M. AMONG THE VISITORS SOME TOU KNOW AND SOME TOO DO SOX KNOW. Personal Items About Folks AH Their Friends Wlio Travel litre And There. Mr. P. A. Roth went to Raleigh yes terday. Miss Bessie Voting spent Easter ia Raleigh. Mr. J. E. Thomas visited Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. W. W. Webb and son. William, visited Virginia the past week. Hon. Henry A. Page, of Aberdeen, was a visitor to Louisburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harris and chil dren returned Wednesday from Rox boro. Miss Mary Page Wilder, of Aber deen. visited relatives in Louisburg the past week. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Roth and little daughter. Dorothy, visited friends at Durham Sunday. | Mr. W. N". Fuller returned Saturday from Baltimore, where he underwent an operation at Johns-Hopkins. Miss Mary Taylor, of Oxford, spent j the week-end with Miss Sallie Taylor. Mrs. Fannie Jones, of Zebulon. visl. ted Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Taylor Tues I day' Miss Louise Thomas, of Raleigh. | spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas. Miss Llllie Crudup. of Wake Forest, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. R. P. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bedford, of High Point, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas during the Easter holidays. ! Messrs. Joseph Hale, of Rocky j Mount, and Ernest Hale, of Dillon, S. I C? visited their mother the past week. I Mr. T. J. Taylor, of Williamston, 1b spending the week In the County. In the Interest of Cooperative Marketing. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Webb, of Colum bia. S. O.. spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb. Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Moore and daugl* ter. Miss Lucile, of Elm City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Taylor Sunday. Editor M. W. Lincke, of the Nash, ville Graphic, Mrs. Lincke, and daugh ter. Miss Evelyn, visited Louisburg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Allen and lit tle daughter. Dorothy, of Henderson, spent Easter with their aunt, Miss Mary Spencer, at Oakhurst. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wheeler and children, Myrtle, Mary Helen and Lillian, of Scotland Neck, spent the Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Justice at Royal. Ms. and Mrs. Garland Cleary and Mrs. Chas. R. Bremner and little daughter. Kathleen, of Greensboro, visited their aunt, Miss Mary Spencer at Oakhurst, Sunday. MISS LEWIS GIVES GRADUATION ? DINNF.R Last Thursday evening, April 17th. 1924, Miss Ola Dale Lewis of "Louls burg College proved herself a most charming hostess at her graduation dinner. , Each guest found their place by a hand painted basket of pink rose buds with a green tulle bow on the handle aB place cards. The centerpiece was a silver basket of pink rose buds, on either side was placed green candles In silver candle sticks. The room as a whole was very attractively deco rated with baskets of pink rose buds against a background of green. Miss Earnest Hlnes of Richland, In her charming manner very gracefully served. Fruit Cocktail Cream of Potato Soup CroutoM Planked Fish Creamed Potatoes English Peas Corn Sticks ' Sliced Eggs Iced Tea Pickles Tomato Salad Noisette Sandwiches Orange Frappe Cream Spounge Cake Cafe Noir Mints Salted Nuts Invited guests were Miss Out BUM Lewis of Ortmesland. as guest nt or and Misses Rlla Zena CartoB***. of Fairfield, Pauline Eason, Snow Hill Elinor Edwards, Ay den, Musette Wta stead. Roxboro. and Pres. A. W. Mbfcn and Prof E. L. Best, both of Loots burg. ? Hiss Latwts la th* daughter ot Kl? J. J. L* wis of Qrtmealand. and for two years has been a member of th* dent body of Lo?Mw*? College, bti mad* til# Muba DtH? tk>~

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