Your Confidence You will find it one of the most sen sible business moves you ever made when you take us into your business confidence. Our long experience in handling investments and biusi ness deals, of all kinds permits us to give you the counsel tkat will guard you from many losses.. This service is gladly rendered to every depositor. Make use of it. T. H. DICKENS, President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier E. M. PARHAM, Asst. Cashier GIVE YOUR COW A CHANCE BY ALWAYS HAVING ON HAND IN YOUR DAIRY BARN COW NEEDA The proven feed that produces more milk at a less cost. Already prepared. Try it, you will like it as others have. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURG, North Carolina NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified a* the Executors of Mrs. Amanda Wheless, late ot Franklin County, North Carolina, thla Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day ot April, 1#25, or this notice will be plead In t,ar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the Executors. This April 18. 1914. THOS. W. WHELESS, and J. E. WHELESS, Executors of Mrs. Amanda Wheless. y?m. H. ft Thos. W. Ruffln, Attornoys. 4 18#t FOR SAI'B OR RENT Several nice bonaaa la Franklin C Jaunty and In Ixralrturg. >puly to B. C. FORD, M-t( Frankllnton, /N. C. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Ransom Dodd, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of April. 1926, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. Alt persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This April 17th, 1824. B. P. DODD, Admr. W. M. Person, Atty. 4-18-6t AUTOMOBILE FAI!*TTW?, PF-HOL sterlng, trimming and t ?; ping H reasonable price*. All work guar anteed. Repairing, painting and upholstering faraltar# also. 8. U O UPTON, near Howell's Filling Sta tion, Loulsburg, N. C. l-T-tt sax was "What are you i "I'se writing a "But, darling yen d??1 km* how to write." "Dat a all right. Maltte don't know how to read." i- - ?, . , HOJIE DEMONSTEATIOJi WOB< Ct-MiUL DISTRICT Franklin County which has been In | the Central District baa been traus | ferred to the Tidewater District, under 'the supervision of Mlaa Pauline Smith, 'District Home Demonstration Agent. | We are publishing below a late re sume of work In the district and will 'in the future print monthly resumes. I The Home Agent of Beaufort Coun. Ity has completed the most Intensive campaign ever waged In the oouuiy She has visited each of the 67 schools three times, the people of tach commun ty having an opportunity of the serv ices of the Agent for the first time In the history of the work here. Bis cuit making for the girls and pastry for the women were the projects un dertaken. The final rally day was held on March 24th with 1000 people pre sent. In spite of the many days of ralii, people came In cars, carts, on train and by boat. The speeches were Interspersed by songs, stunts and yells by the Bchools of the county. The Washington Chamber of Commerce awarded seven trips to the Girls' An nual Short Course to the seven girls having the best biscuit In the county. McCullom's American Home Diet were awarded to seven other girls and num. erous other prises were given. Marie Paul, a little seven year old girl, won first prize In Bichland towwnshlp. Ma rie Is a daughter of a tenant but is very abltious and at this early age Is planning to work her way through col lege and become a teacher, Marie Is too young to attend the short course, so Myrtle Day, second prise winner represents Richland township. Marie haB put her mone yln the bank to start her college fund, and will add to this from her poultry. John Smith, the only boy in the county to win a prize was given a cook book and a setting of Rhode Island eggs. When boys and girls take the Interest In home and Improved home conditions that John and Marie have then our "'John Smith. Tenant" Problem will be solved. The Chamber of Commerce gave one night to a poultry meeting at which time the Home Agent talked of the Im portance of poultry work in the coun ty. The Chamber of Commerce became responsible for $1000 to lend to beys and girls who wish to begin the work. Miss Harry of Bertie County has | closed her campaign. The Winsdor paper says ol It: "Grand Bread Campaign and Rally day ' a great success. County boyB and giris invade the city; forty four schools re presented. Saurday marked the clos ing of Bertie county's first "Campaign for Better Bread'. And it was a suc cess from every viewpoint, from at tendance, from the exhibition of bread, and from the enthusiasm manifested by everyone. Everybody seemed to understand that better bread means better health, less indigestion and hap pier homes. '1 herefore, never have we i seen a flnesr collection or collation ot I biscuits. There were five hundred bis- I cuits on exhibition; and after every.! body who could, had inspected them ! and resisted the temptation of sampl. I ing, they were carried to the County I Farm and fed to the inmates and j prisoners. "Prior to this 'Rally Day,' Miss Harry j the efficient and enorgetlc Home De- | monstration Agent, had conducted a \ contest in every one of the forty-four schools in the county. The each one of these schools were an- 1 nounced last week. This contest de cided the best biscuit makers in the respective schools. Then these 'win. ners'^ In the various schools were pit ted against one another In a contest to decide the i>ost biscuits, baking powder biscuits, and Soda biscuits, were brought to Winsdor right fresh from the oven, and the Home Demon stration Agents from Washington aqd Edgecombe counties judged the "best The judging was no easy matter either; for any biscuit among them would have been fit for the table of the kings. However, the decision was made and we give below the successful contest ants and the winners of the prizes. Before the names of the successful ones were announced, a very Interest ing program was rendered. Miss Wallace, Assistant State Agent, made a most excellent address and Mr. Maybee, of the Entomology De partment, and Judge WlnBton also made speeches.. From all reports the occassion was most successful In spite of a steady downpour of rain. Miss Eliza Knight of Chowan Coun ty has been busy with her sewing classes among the girls and nutrition work with the women. Only a busy mother realizes just what It means to have a little child taught to make Its underwear and plain dresses. She has taught twenty lessons In sewing, given three demonstration In preserve making, and devoted three meetings to care ot poultry. MIbs Knight In cooperation with the Farm Agent Is preparing to wage a campaign for Eradication of Rats. Dr. Slhra of the Bureau of Biologi cal Survey, has spent a day In Chowan assisting the Agents with preparation for this campaign. Miss Knight has organized a night class at the local cotton mill. Miss Alice Carter of Craven County Is working with the poultry cluba. The Interest Is growlnfby leaps and bounds Most of the members have constructed coops and other equipment. Thetsoney ?"* from the sale of poultry and poultry products on the Curb Market has increased Interest each month. The Curb Market occupies Miss Cart er's time ea?h Batnrdry The Commissioners have appropriat ed su.flclent money to build a market hOUM. A Junior County Council has bee* organised la Graven. This Is the third Jnnjor County Council In the district, Hertford and Halifax counties hAVlns orranl7<>d Councils last spring. A big, feature ot the nwmth was the two day#' Agricultural Short Course held at the County Farm' life School. Three sessions were held each day erlth too people preaent at each sf? ?ion. Mini Allen of Hull (ax report! that the River Road people have arranged the school room moat attractively. The woman's Club has taken up the project of fixing up the school grounds. Miss Allen is trying to interest the girls of all township centre schools to prepare to can soup mixture to use next wluter in the school ftiuches. Pre paration (or canning work Is very gen. eral In all of the clubs. The classifi cation of (oods is the work of the girls' club. The lessons are ended with out door games. The Holllster glrlt,' Club has made up over forty dollars. This will be used to get laboratory equip- ] ment and to finance the expense of a girl to the Short Course. Miss Allen Is very proud that the girls' clubs of ten communities have made money to send a representative to the Short Course... It Is Interesting to read o( the ways the girls are making money to de(ray the expenses of representatives to the Girls Short Course. They are selling candy, peanuts, Ice cream at cross road stores and the Halifax club plans to have a stand (or eats at the County Commencement. Miss Allen Is taking orders (or hook ed rugs. The club members are busy preparing club exhibits to be display ed at the County Commencement. The HalKax Woman's Club at the suggestion of Miss Allen Is preparing to have the creek that runs through the town drained and this section of the town put In more attractive shape This same club Is making money to buy curtains (or the school auditorium, and has Just presented the school with song books. The sentiment (or club rooms Is spreading. Miss Allen says: "The thing that pleased us the most at Garner was that the teacher gave us. an old room in the building to (ix up our club room. The girls are going to bring some old chairs and tables from home and we are going to paint and enamel them to put in our room. Then the boys said they would fix us some shelves (or our equipment and wwe are going to paint them ' also. The walls will have to be cleaned and the floor so that will bring up anotner problem (or the girls in interior decoration. They want to make some rag rugs (or the floor too, and we hope to do that be(ore long. It has given us a wonder (ul problem to work with and one that all the girls seem to be very much interested in. The teacher said she was so glad I was going to do It (or she id want the school to be as good as any one In the county and to look as nice." Miss Myrtle Swindell o( Hertford County has constituted her work in nutrition with the girls and plain sew. ing with the women. Both girls and women are working on sport hats. The recreational work has been games, wax work and pottery. Miss Swindell has perfected the or. ganization of a Girls' County Council which is perhaps the first organization of its kind in the State. An interesting feature of it is that some girl gives a demonstration at each meeting. Miss Swindell and a committee from the Woman's Club at Winton served lunch eon to the Seniors and Faculty of Chow an College. It was provided by the young men of the town. Miss Swindell is putting on a School and Home Improvement Cam paign. Her publicity committee is composed of the ministers and edi tors of the county. The Winton Club has put {150 in play ground equip, ment. This club Is canvassing the town, collecting books for a library, which they expect to open. The club girls at Woodrow have sold sufficient pencils to purchase them a basket ball Outfit: This IF their contribution TO" the school Improvement work. The Holly Springs Club girls Lave also pur chased a basket ball outfit. Miss Swindell Is continuing her work in nutrition with the girls. They are making booklets to be displayed at the County Commencement. After the nutrition talks or demonstrations, each girl drafts a hat pattern. Cloth ing work is being taken up by the women. This was started by making dress forms. The women are now learning to use commercial patterns and making dresses. Decoration of old crocks and bottles to carry out the color scheme of rooms and dyeing of material for sofa pillows has added to the interost of the women. Poultry work is being conducted Jointly by Miss Swindell and the Farm Agent. She assisted her people In get. ting a car of apples to Ahoskle to sell for $1.35 per bushel. She says everyone was eager to get them and they were soon disposed of, having handled 600 bushels. Mrs Gordon of Nash County has continued her county-wide "Biscuit Campaign" during the month, oft timea giving two, three or more de. monstratlons a day, as did the other agents having a large number of schools In a county. This too was done la conjunction with the dlstrl. button of 250 settings of pure bred eggs, furnished by the banks, assort ed and delivered by Mrs. Gordon. Cooking tough hens with the Pres sure Cooker and then serving them aa salad with cooked and mayonnaise dressings were demonstrations the Women's Clnbs enjoyed. Mrs. Oordon has been asked to supervise the menus (tor the new County Home by tha County Health Officer. The Bhxrpa bnrg Woman's Club put lights in the school after the Board of Education agreed to pay the light rent. On Sat urday's Curb market reports $263.00, and cash Saturday's sales amounted to *185. Miss Mattie Lee Cooley of North, ampton county arranged a moat suc cessful two day basketry school (or tha county, lflss Swindell of Hartford county conducted the laaaona. Barr ing traya, sawing baskets, (lower bask eta, and etc., wars made. Plain, sew ing Is being coQttllMd in the girls' (Continued on Page Seven) GAS 20c We are the Oil Kings. Others fol low. Watch them. See BILL or ARTHUR We have the largest stock of Feed ! or Heavy Groceries in Franklin I I County. Trucks to haul anything, anywhere for anybody. See Percy and Henry, or Phone Mr. Perry. J. S. Howell South Louisburg, - N. C. NOTICE! r To Delinquent Tax Payers BE SURE THAT YOU PAY YOUR TAXES BY MAY 1ST, AS THE TIME IS UP, AND I HAVE TO ADVERTISE ALL THOSE NOT PAID ON THAT DATE. ATTEND TO THIS, AS I WON'T HAVE TIME TO SEE YOU PERSONALLY BE FORE THEN. YOURS TRULY, h. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff Franklin Counly Free Flower 8eede Too vffi to HU to knar that Ru tins*. "iW PooU?> Rm^UUL" will giro i?v tfeoot 1400,000 H?k?U at to*4 a< tto Sooth's moot popular fto? *r> thl* (prtoc. Ttor? fc iKblm tto homo that ? wttfc rlob oolaro* fknrorm. oa *11 a? ?a4 matoniny Too plant too rn ?a Kaxlcan Buto f U- tlr(tlnl/ to ?I rMuWn of this ?ii --o? *>. ^ ' MUSIC LES80N8 Every one wishing to Btudy ylolln, piano, or any of the orchestral Instru ments during the months ot Juno and July will kindly see Mrs. Marian Hon. iker at the College as soon as possi ble and moke arrangements Ar les sons. This Is the best time to pre pare /or playing In the orchestra next Winter. Will specialize In beginners work. Every one's patronage will be appreciated. 5-9 -4 1 NOTICE TO TAX PAYKR8 FOR THE TOWN OP LOUISBURO, N. O. All taxes not paid by the Urd day of June, 1924, by Town Property owners ?rill be advertised for sale on this day to pay Tavee, and will be sold the 1st Monday In July, 1924, If Taxes are not paid at that time. Let all who owe Taxes take notice. By order Board Town Commlsslom. er?. J. J. BARROW, B-9-4t T*.T Collector.