Consent e Your -Energy in SusssaSSQi? You can, literally, get "recreation" ? ba "made over" again, when your physical ?elf is rested, your energy and your strength conserved by the use of this Ford Runabout. Simplicity and good taste are embodied in the lines and appointments of this popular car. Uninterrupted use is in sured by nation-wide, "around-the corner" Ford service. Better get ycur order in now! TmHuj Cor $293 C+u*t SS1S $4Ai AL' ^ricci /. o, t. Dwml See the Nearest Authorised Ford Dealer The Runabout S28S F. O. 3. Der-otf D cm 0i? t mmrd 4mktr tm pmmr m*lgkt>orhm?d wdU ?Ut CAR ? HOME BEM0NSTBATI05 DEPT. *J . ; ?1 ? Items t)\ Interest to Those later- ? ? ested hiBetter Homes and Better * I ? Llylng 1^ Franklin Connty. ? i ? By MIs? Cathleen WUson, ^Afeat *| Program for July 14-19. Monday-^Offlce. Tuesdayi-WUder. Wednesjtoy ? Justice. Thursday ? Bunn. Friday ? Mitchiners and Seren Paths. | Saturday? Office and Schloss. Franklin County Clnh Encampment,] July 21-25. The club encampment for girls will be held tlti* year at Cedar Rock school July 21-25. Read the instructions and send your dame in. It is necessary tOr each girl, *ho expects to go to camp, to send her tame in to the HomeAgents office not later than July 18th. Let a make thi% the best and biggest camp erer heldift Franklin. It Is your re ?ponsibllityf to see that your friend knows ab4m the camp and sends her name in before July ISth. Watch for the program next week. Gamp Infractions With a vl?w, and a snap and a sparkle, and a liublile, ? And a rubble, rubble, rubble, and a sis, sis boom. And a boom, boom, bah, Camp, CaniP. R?h. Rah, Rah! Win to Arrlre at Camp Camp will open at 3 o'clock Mon day afternoon July 21. Yon are ex pected to be registered and assigned your sleeptng quarters by 6 P. M. HMr to Heark Camp Krerybo 1c lonch tor first Potatoes, l chicken Incidental ; : Be sure to bring your bathing suit, also note book and pencil | and dont forget that ukelele, banjo, cornet or any other magical instru ment. Very truly yours, CATHELEEN WILSON. Home Demonstration Agent. O G. A. MEETING The Girls Auxiliary of the Louls burg Baptist church met with Mrs. J. S. Howell Monday afternoon. The meeting opened by alngtng/ljet the Lower Lights be Burning." We were led in prayer by >frs. J.Sv How ell. . : . ? "'???' The roll call and the. minutes of tlM last meeting were read and approved. The devotionwas conducted by *W-| eral girls, (a) The power of the word, j Luke 1:37 by Eugenia Perry, (b) The Effectiveness of the word. Romans 10:17, John 5:24, by Elsie Herman. Jesus the word that Europe needs, John 1:1-4, by Willie May Place. Then we were lead in prayer: That the word of God mar have a greater place In our lives, by Eugenia Perry. Southern Baptist Mission Fields, old and new. (1) Italy by Ethelyn Young. (2) Spain, by Eugenia Perry. (8) Hun gary, by Josephine House. (4) Jugo Slavla and Roumanta, by Margaret Wilder. (5) Uxattie and South Russia, by Ethelyn Young. Baptist Here. Elsie Herman. Bap tist there, Wtllle May Place. Baptist j everywhere, Mrs. Hbwell. We had some Btorles from the pen of a traveller and The Sign of the Fish, by Eugenia Perry We were then dismissed by sentence prayers beginning with Willie May Place Mid closing with Josephine House. y ? .j. The following members were pre sent: Eugenia Perry, Marie Perry. Mar garet Wilder. Elsie Herman. Willie May Place, Josepblne Honse, Juanlta Bunn, Ethelyn Young. Loreen Up church and Mrs. Howell. FLAT BOTKB. I. p. p. 11924?*?? tOT 8nn(Ur July 1?, Song ? No. 329. Prayer? Fred Holmes. Song? N?. ??. -r Quls conducted b f tr&d Hart Prayer? Lucius EVant. ITtlllf, The meaning of suffering ? Leonard | Hart. The final triumph ? Mr. Xewton. Special music. Open discussion. Business and announcements. Secretary's report. Song ? 3J54. Dismissal. RESIDENCE FOR nice Cottag^wit Kenmcre Ave treoas . Bee S. $ C. I A I. E , ? On? Good good sized lot on Cash or easy CELL, Louls 7-11-tf FORD GAB FOB SALE! ? One Ford Coage In good coTfmuln for sale cheaft, J., 8. PLACE. I^Hsbiirg, N. ; - * 4 7-n-2t I Electric Fans, different sizes, dif ferent prices at L. P. HICK8 7-ll-2t | Report of the Condition of THE BUNN BANKING COMPANY | At Bunn, In the State of North Car- 1 ollna, at the close June 30. 1924. , RESOURCES Loans and Discountl Demand 2?ans OrerdrafA, secured United States Bondi Furniture kid Fixtures Cash In rault and ne dne from Banks, era and wust panles _jL f. Checks for clelrlng Total) ?of business on 171,271.24 347.19 87.85 ' 400.00 2,242.79 . amts fe" lx)m 143(2.29 1. 112-62 . liab I Capital Stock paM In Surplus fund A Undivided Proflft less current expen?4 and taxes paid Deposits subject to deck Individual Time Certl Posit, Due In 30 days Cashier's Chec ding ITlnie Certlflcafts of posit. Due of or Afterl 30 days of ?s 1 out ?99,704.78; Missouri 9IJ49.746.14; New Mexico $548,819.94; North Caro 1 1 ? a I4JSU.014.S1; Oklahoma fL>4B^M.?l; Sooth Carolina $4,227, 97AM; Tanneeaee 94,746.261.62; Texas |Un.T4M?! Vlrgi*U $4,764,141.38. Specials* Boca* Bo4rd $1A$40.00; Foreign Board $84,101.00; raised by lOfstgn ebarcha* and expanded by them on work there $1,004,490.48. rwtmf Fro gee re Authorised At the eatte Us* Sonthern Bap tist tor ce* will be aotnplettog their 76 MUIiair 0*mp*lg* they win b* la? ctitiyg the Cent program to follow the Campaign. At a see 1 1 on in Naah 1 Til)* the OsmwMilnu on (b? tutor* yrogimn iteeignated it ss "The 1921 Program ot Souther? Baptists" and 4$eotsd Dr. C. B. . Burts ot Columbia, a Ox a* ganerai director, aad Frank & BwUsMr, Mashellle, publicity llredor Tb* oaoras* tor subscrip tion* tor (be 1M4 budget which wiU b* for at Mast 116.900,000, will b* taken la the local Baptlat church** 'the week beginning November SO. . Dr. Oeoca* KaDadiaT at Richmond, .?a., la the new tmllni of tt* ?n?bsm Cocrention. Action* tag r that .'body InchxV* tb* taking over of the loatbwMtero Baptist Theological isralnsry at Fo?t Worth. Texas, de >4Moa to date (or a year any actios ililblM to a reorganisation at the ,wort ot Om general board* of tb* jMfMUat, tattiwUn 4* the Educe {MM Board t? miUmi negotiation* (UCQAL ADVERTISING) TRUSTEES SAi?E OF LOUISBURO WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue of that deed of trust mad* by W. H and J. M. Allen to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated Not. 1, 1820. and recorded In Book 241. page 115-16, default having been maoe In tha iay ment ot the debt thereby secured, and demand having been made on the said Trustee tor foreclosure, by the holder of trie debt tffereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1924, at the noon recess ot Court at the court houSe door la Loulsburg. North Caro lina. offer tur sale at publfiT auction to the highest bidder for cash that warehouse lot and easements known as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate in the town of Loulaburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First That certain lot or parc^ of land situate on the east Aide ot lAin street in the town ot Loiuburg, boun ded and defined as folklvi: Begin ning at the corner of tile J. F. Joes lot (now Farmers Co-qperatlve Com pany's lot) and the Q B. Cheatham lot, formerly the Boitwright Prize House lot (now Allen Machine Com pany's lot) on Main/street an iron stake; thence along ihe C. B. Cheat ham line (now All?i Machine Com pan'ys line) S 58 E^234 feet more or less to the corner Manufacturing Co ly the Cooper lot ell's lot) in the llni way Company; of the S. A. L. feet more or less railway on Main Main street S 33 or less to the p being the lot uppn which is now'' sit uate an old dwell of a brick Ware And also tog lot ad and asagnable easement in pnd upoq hwest of ttfc ulari iniifc desc: ferab and the So Depot more par lows: corner of street of on said land, a. Main street 23 S. A. L. Railw: line of the said 3-4 E the full 1 formerly on sai less; thence a street and the fljpt to the northeast tioD wall of thl thence a line pa. Railway llqe alon^ of said warehous less, to the point which was former lones Tobacco and upon which i more than one-hi said brick wareh easement being, warehouse purpos ting house and a part louse building. ;fther with the afore descendible, trans the Tar River iany s lot, formor ow John S. How the S. A. L. Rail nee along the line way N 26 3-4 W 279 to the corner of said [street; thence along 1-4 W 144 feet more lint ot begin rjng, it that strip ot lan . on Ide or margin ot the S. A. L. Railway, described as tol at the Northwest foEndatlon wall o.. Main Warehouse now situate running thence along |pet to the line of the thence along the A. L.. Railway N 26 of a Warehouse 171 feet more or Ane\parallel *o Main .med line 23 feet of the founda d warehouse; the S. A. L. theVoundatlon wall 171 feet more or it beginning, upon locfued s mewhat rehoVse building now 1 portion of In wUth of the le building, Bald iwever. ylmlted to only by the decis Ion ot the Suprecfe Court in the case of Ruffln vs. Raitoad 151 North. Car olina Report, 33f, which settled the title to the above described lot and right of occupaficy under said ease ment. The sal a lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers Co-operative Cc/mpany to W. H. Allen and J. M. Allen. This Jan. 18. 1924. l-l8-5t - WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned from week to week until li<. nday, July 7th. 1924, and is again continued by con. sent of all rartiss to Monday, July 21, 1924, at about the hour ot Noon. This July 7, 1924. 7-ll-2t WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. FOR SA^JD OR J Several nice County and In Louli 6-9-tf Fra tENT Franklin / pply to C. NOTICE Having quaunea ai executor of Che estate ot R. A. Moon, deceased, late of Frankll^County Aotlce Is hereby given all ybMons # holding claims against his estate tJ present them to the undersigned otior before the 6th day ot June 1926 ?\thls notice will be plead in bar of Ihetr recovery. All persons Indebted tf and estate will please come foryar<4and n^ake lmmedl ate settlement. Thh#June Btii, 1924. O. W. MOORE, Extr. White and Malone Atty's. 6-6-6t NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. R. Wiggins, deceased late of Franklin County, notice is here by given all persons iholdlng claims against said estate tororesent them to the underslgriBTf^Mir)] before the 27th day of June IV25 notice will be plead in bar of m&^qcor%ry. All persons indebted tolMld wtote will please come forwarh and mrae im mediate settlement. (This June 26th, 1924. I J. tT WIGGINS, adirtr. 6-27 -6t 609 W. North St. Raleigh, N. C.| NOTICE OP SALE OP AUTOMOBILE'! UNDER MECHANICS LEIN Dr. J. B. Davis wlUtake notice that under and by virtuertrfBection 2017 of the Reviaal of 1911 ot North Carolina and the lein thereto given to mechan ics for repairs onlpersonal property, the underaLnad wil on Monday, July 18, 1924 ldffrofiN^the courthouse is [Loulsburg, Boon, offer der for cash that touring car 1921 mi tor repair* with that sale will be mi pair* thereon made. ThU June 26th, 1124. T-27-4t ALLEN MACHINE CO. ut the hour of highest bld paasenger him d to pay the re 'aar: aaseeXa^Ma M . The kitchens of rural North Caro lina home* are being transformed Into 1 efficient work shope through the work of the home demonstration agents of the State College extension division. (LEO AX. ADVERT WING) NOTICE North Carolina. In the Franklin County. 8uperlor Court " Grace E. Dunston, V?. William Dunston. The defendant above narnod will take notice that an action entitled as above hag been <4>tnmenced In the Superior Coart of Franklin County, to obtain an tksojute divorce' on stat utory grounds\aftd the said defend ant will furthe\[take notice that he Is required to aJWar at the office of the Clerk of Ihl jWjrarlnr Court ? of said county on the r^h day of July, 1&24, at the cou4 hous^ef said coun ty in Louisburg, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 5th day of June, 1924. J. J. YOCNG, C. 8. C. 6-13-5t rranklin County. SALE OF FARM LAND By vlrture cf the power of bale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by C. A. Long to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated Dec. 31, 1915, and re corded In Franklin Registry in Book 210, page 20, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on aald trustee by the holder of the said Indebtedness, ;he undersigned will oL Monday, July 14th, 1921, at about thp hour of noon, at the Court House fD oor In Louls burg, N. C., (feer for sale to the high est bidder, for^tesh. tie property there in described aB lbllcOT8: Situate In CedanRpck Township, and being that tract orilard conveyed by M. M. Gupton to Mr\Eirma Stalllngs by deed dated Dec. V 1890 and re corded in the RfglstiV of Franklin County In book st, pag^^lO, and by said Mrs. Kabel/S'Viter and husband and Mrs. Eliza?th Stalling^ and G. B. H. Stalling conveyed t\ C. A. Long and bounded as follows: . Beginning at a Hickory, J. M. Stall lngs corner and running thence S 88 1-2 E 123 poles to a small White i ak, Coppedge's corner in W. D. Copr, edge's line; thence S 1 E 94 poles to two. White oaks pointers W. D. Coppedge's corner; thence S P9 1-2 W 100 poles to a Poplar and Gum; thehce N 81 W 29 poles 18 links to a Red oak, R. Burnett and J. M. Stalllng's corner; thence N 3 1-2 E 95 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 74 3-4 acres, more or leBs. This June 13, 1924^' VT H. RUFFIN, 6-13-5t t Trustee. The Quinine Thy IXx> Plot Affect The Head fcilWHU? toAc Ad tomttve effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUIKmt (Tableta) can be takes by aayooe without dujloii utrvouoiu or rioiiiK Id the head. E. W, eiAnatura on fcoi 30c. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF LOUISBURQ, N. C. FOR DELINQUENT PAVING AB8ES8 -MENTO. At or about the hour of noon at the Court House Door In Loalsburg, N. C.. on Monday, June'E, 1924, it being the first Monday in tune, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to/the laws of North Carolina and eapecjally the Public Laws of 1S45, ChaAer 66, Section 10 and acts amendatory thereto, all lands in the Tb^rn ht Louisburg N.C., on which pavingVaasessTuenta for the years 1921 and lSn^nd prior there to, remain due, wlU^*psts added as provided by lawj described as fol lows: J. M. & W. H. ? erty on South l er in said ToKn on South Main Street I $1,1 St. Mathias Church, colored, S. Main Street on South' aide ot Tar River in laid Town 94.64 This April SO/ 1924. J. J.. BARROW, Town Clerk and Tax Collector. Thos. W. Ruffln, Town Attorney. 6-2-6t The above sale was continued to Monday, August 4, 1924, by consent of all parties concerned. This July 7th, 1924. J. J. BARROW, Town Clerk and Tax Collector. Thos. W. Ruffln, Town Atty. 6-6-5t ONE FARM COMMUNITY BENEFIT ED Thechlldren in one rural district In the outh have been fortunate during the past few years In having their six months term extended to a nine months term. The State Normal School at Troy, Alabama, according to a re port received by the United States Bureau of Education, kept its elemen tary school open free of charge to the neighboring rural children during the three summer months. The dis trict furnished the trucks and the normal school furnished the gasoline and driver tor transporting tits pupils. When this service was first extended to the rural districts they looked opon it with distrust. Attendance was op tional. The misgivings rapidly cleared away as is illustrated by the growth In number of the pupils along one of the bns lines. The load Increased from Six pupils the first day to 26 the sec ond day, to 60 by the end of the fifth day. . *l?AH|i The pupils were classified on the basis of needs as revealed by stand ard tests The regular rural course of study was pursued, each pupil be ginning where he left off In the rural school. The normal school was glad to extend this service since Its sum mer school student* could thus see and get experience with the type of ppptls they were to work a> "?g fnr fhK the coming school year. The rural people were grateful for the service since It offered tkw aUdna educa tional opportunltlesrpMMMP period equal to those received by (he more fortunate urban rhldre*.. _ ???? ?'????* ? Meet your neighbor at the Tanners State Convention to be hold at State College, July It, U nit U. PUm*T of good food both for twain and stomach Win be e^*t t& tam