v?iWriyflg Pi Hi.ir; schools ?I ? ' { coot Id tied from Page 0*e! - \ THE PHILA.5THR0 PIST. ( Continued from Page One! ing and money upon this building. It is a building without any apology. Bo it represents more than brick and mortar, the finest material and the best skilled labor. It is the thought of the dreamers made real. It Is the translation of a soul-compelling Ideal: it Is love beautiful in action. It will stand there through the long years as a memorial or a monument to a man who had caught the true meaning of life. For him, (to use the words of Dr. Frank Crane), life Is not a prob lem, It Is a task. Life Is an art. not a science. But at bottom life Is not so much a task as It is an opportunity. Llftl is something to do. not something to learn. The Motive In It All I henrd Dr. E. C. Brooks say that he asked Mr. Vann why he wan doing thi? great thing. He said Mr. Vann replied that It was for the glory of God and the good of mankind. Here Is "a mo tive big enough to float a battleship." Not until we com? to appreciate the motive power can we appreciate con duct and achievement. Here la one who has sought to make the world * bit iftore beautiful and bet ter because he has betn In It. 8EWTMG ROOM r MWMk. We are of c?tt fancr neatly let a? ?ad INSTILL fciiS WET DAY Man/ Fined, Nome ?hen Jioad lea res, >nend Appeal? Many l'i?ei Disposed Of. Judge 6. M. Beam, disposed of quite a number of cases in Franklin Record er's Court Monday, among which were many distilling cases: State vs Bud Egerton and Alex Dun ston. distilling, guilty. 4 months on roads, execution not to Issue until fur ther order of the Court, upon payment of a fine of $50 and costs each. State vs O. B. Burrows and J. K. Un derhill. distilling. Burrows pleads guil ty. fined $100.00 and costs, guilty as to Underhill, fined $50.00 and costs. State vs Ed Macon, adw. guilty. 4 months on roads, execution not to is sue until further orders of this court. Upon payment of $22.00 into the court, $20.00 for repair of automobile. $2.00 for damage to lock-up. and costs. Slate vs Jack Green, adw. pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon pay ment of $10 to Laz Neal and the costs. State vs Spudle Thorpe and London | Block, disturbing public worship, not guilty. State vs Buck Strother, distilling, pleads guilty. 4 months on roads. Ap peal. vs H. K. Bobbins, distilling, bound over to Superior Court. State vs Jim Allen, malicious injury to property, pleads guilty, fined $10.00 land costs. State vs Med Champion, vpl. pleads guilty. 4 months on roads. Appeal. I State vs Med Champion, vpl. pleads | guilty. 4 months on roads to begin at 'expiration of above sentence. Appeal. State vs> Jesse Williams, called and failed, judgment nisi capias and con tinued. State vs Octavia Hicks, not having complied with terms of the sentence entered against him on a charge of ccw capias continued. State vs Arthur Dickens, not having complied with the terms of the judg ment entered against him in this court | on a charge of 1 and r. capias was is | sued. HOWARD CILLIS KILLED Near Ju-tice Saturday Mirht By Ar thur tireem ? trw? Bound Over To I Court Without Bond. Arthur Green, alias Coon, colored, was bound over to the October term of Franklin Superior Court without bond (or the killing of Howard GiUis by Justice of the Peace G. S. Earp at ?Nashville uu Muuday. From the InfOTJBatton we received it seems that the two negroes had been drinking wine and were riding in a buggy near, Ju"sti?? when Howard Gillis started to get out. He was told b yGreen not to get out, and when he refused to obey Green pulled his pis- \ tol and shot him. killing him instant ly. 1 Green was* caught ner Castalla J on Sunday by Deputy Sheriff L. G. Turnage and Constable Spencer Boone and was taken to Nashhville for safe keeping. The witnesses and officers all went over to N'ishvllle Monday and held the preliminary hearing. O RIKTHDAT DINNER. The people around Raynor spent a pleasant day Sun-la/ attending Mi. Vvatt West's bir.h'^v dinner, given ;?t his ho^ie. Ovur a hundreJ guests were present, coming from Wake For es* Youngsville. Henderson, Oxfo."l, inston-Salem. High Point and othe* places. A bountiful dii.n;r was ser?ei!. Sif ter which the young (tople gliddened t^e heyt of Mr. T/iiSt with music un til he felt like the sixty-nine ycar3 of his life were just the beginning. Late in the afternoon the guests departed, each expressing a hope of meeting his host on a similar occasion for many years to come. COXMCSITY XEETINtt To Be Held at Home of J. T. Wilder I On Thursday, July 31st Announcement has been made that the communities of Justice, Seven Paths and Wilder will hold a communl ty meeting at the home of Mrs. J. T. Wilder on Thursday afternoon. July 31st. 1924 at 4 o'clock. A picnic supper will be spread under the huge oak trees and everybody Is Invited to go 'and carry a basket. Good speeches, good music and a big time will be In | plenty for all who attend.. EIRE ON SPRING 8THEF.T The fire alarm Wednesday was oc casioned by a fire at the house of Bruce Williams, jolored, on Spring Street. The firemen answered promptly and soon had the blaze extinguished with the result that little damage was done. The house belonged, so we learn, to I)r. 8. C. Ford. PLAY AT MAPLEYILLE. On Saturday night, July the 26, 1924. at 8:30 o'clock, a play, "Topsy Turyy" will be give.) at Mapleville by the Jr. Hhllaihta and Baraca class of Sandy ( reek. We cordially Invite each aud every one to come out and enioy the fuu. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Pro ceeds for benefit of church. Evene a small surplus may break the local poultry market, after calling this summer try a cooperative carlot shipment. These have been success ful In some North Carolina counties this year. Ice Cream Freeiefr^Jfreetlng Salt [and Extracts at L. P. HICKS. 7-25-2t Caresses In public nevVr^tbol any lone. ? . Fly. Ten*, ALjhav. Fly Swatter* |*nd Ineect poWfb iT L. P. HICK8 \ 7-26-2t Conferring on Campaign I Of La Follette for President WIAe Worta Mwxo A conference at WuHtadH taoaxht together, left to right. FYanX Stevens. member of the exacaCMa commtttw at (he Committee of F ortj"* ; elthL Senator La FtiUetto, r 1 1 q ?" i eandhiute for President, aad Gilbert K. Roe of New York. % eloae frtenfl at the \VTBcan?1n Senator's. The trio ' 41aco?ed the Pragrea aire cajuIMaAM aomlnc Presidential cnmgalsa. Ezrm Meeker Ezra Meeker, noted pioneer, ntasty^ foar years old. announced that he ta '.ended to file petitions as a cawBOaM Jo*. reareeetitatlYe from the Porty-eer enth district tn the state legistattirs at Waaiitngton. His purpose in seefckwr a 3?at was to support the N aches Pans tl?h**ay project and oppose atUJUifMn ?o pot throusB as application to baM . ?taw hi*hwav thro-iirh Chinook p*?> Ezra Meeker w-s axong the &Mt lew hundred to cross the continent kj JX team, and was actually the Last. Coach la Wrestling Star o* Btli who- aasUta* JM isnrjrjsasATsa ?i mlwittr. Ha has Imq nmw4 ftartataot coacb at t*a Rswkn Cat i?mwi. ftaM *m ra te tm. Sometimes platform builders haTa' mora hummer* than nails. C Til moat lnaicnlflcant person easily attract attention by snoring In church. WHY WORRY? "OjTBINQ" 8-kwichfHl tout the a nice " a (a* mkB ago and (liopped fritn the chatr tn front erf my desk mmuM a DO despondent heap. He had bees exposed to dtilcfcenpox. his best glit was going to a dance with a Phi Qhsn. and his dhlz grade tn phllos aQtxy 7 ana ?9. He was Che pic tare of despair. 1 tell yoc." he said, after a few | inooaents of om trams silence. Tip wor There me tsar states at mind more j useless and harmful than worry. Halt i the "iWr1 we worry aboot ae**er hap- | pen, and the other half right them- I selves O we go alone cheerfully and | do oar- work. I wee beooght n? tn an atmoapfcere of worry ? that Is, I lived as a child on a farm ? and "1 early got my fill of it and learned its futility. There was (he worry of chinch bogs and cut worms, of nxtiy frost and hot winds, tt dvooght aod wet speUs. of lot prices sad falling crop*, at hog cholera I and bots and glanders and toot rot, and a thousand and one ttmXt and | disasters which seldom overtook as. "We are going to hare a line crop of I corn this year," I said to a complain- | in* nnlghhw. "Yes, bat rm worried for fear want get anything for it," was his cheerful reply. "When we hare a crop we don't gat anything for It, and when prices an high we doat raise any thing." And I nerar remember a crop failure or a time wtnen things did not tum ont pretty satisfactorily, though frw ere? teamed to glre up warrytag. Them an few thinn so oh , working. It will not wtn a girl's lor* Sr raise the price of potatoes; it will ?w? gat a Ban a Jeb ar make him tm ?wbe tram .the hires. It halps bo sit uation: it gats ana nowhere; tt la jtotmcj and aa uncertain a pleaaara as | ?fe? anjormant of poor HaaHh ?* There am few tfcftws whish a e i UkK and dtscoo rage srngleas or tiM?l?OR% It corrodes vvwi ore; it daatrnya amWVa; It Is a fs content; It rata a man of the will or of the desire to think or to work. yrbma a m?n worries ha most gt*e all | jC hls ttnae to It. "*? ? an who says be can't help ??signs himsetf to emotional too easily. Worry Is amenable will aa Is every other ton of or hysteria. We encoar tt I rr courting It and by yielding Kit ?fajteg* ?oM am the other day that tatter from his farther, tell him (hat he bad had chlcketrpoi he was s child, se that there a danger at oonSagian at this Ms tnatiootar had Misread his in phlloaoehy? tt w^ Q; girl bad Inst atnt him a birthday cake wtfh a Heralds of Progress ll was less than a century ago that a woman of tlu> middlcwest wrote to her cousin in New York: "Last winter I was told of a curious new device for making fire. It consisted of small splinters of wood with tips of ?ome substance that bursts into flame whhen rub bed on a rough surface. If you can procure some of them for me I will be grateful. Alatc'.es were in general use in Europe for years he fore being introduced into this country. There was no means for spreading such news rapidly. Today the new invention that contributes to com fort or convenience is quickly kuown the country over. Advertising conveys the information. The fanner's wile of Ne\v Mexico or Nevada is as well posted on these things as the city woman of the East. They arc heralds of progress, with real news for you and your family. They save you time, lighten your work and enable you to obtain the .utmost for the money you spend. Why Not Try an Ad in The Franklin Times They Bring Results Fashion's Vogue Brings the Ostrich Back Again Ostrich has come back Into fashion. Not only millinery reflects the revtr*} o * the ostrich vogue, but costnmta* throughout Is lavishly earattoTed wtth ostrich fringe. taMels and other noveV ty effects. As a cnnae?mence of this favor tor ostrich the ald-fashloned os trich boa Is now new-fashioned. Portrait effects through ostrich placements an Dart of the charm tn millinery this season. The little roTV brimmed model In the picture says summer In its straw facing, while ft bespeaks autumn fc Its black silk plush crown; therefore it la an Ideal mldseason type. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator, c. t. a. of Dr. J. B. Williams, late of Fraq^lln County, KortWvCarollna.thls la to notify all persona Slaving claims against said estatevo present the lame to the underslgneawnf or before the 25th day of July, 1 nd or this notice will be plead In bar (J^thelr recovery. At! persons Indebted please make Immed Thla July 25. 18: estate will ittlement. QROVH Administrator. ' J. ?oti Wm. H. and ? Loulsburg, N. ^RRISH, of illiams, ? G, V. Ruftln, Attys. 7-28-?t Millet Seed, Seed at L. P. HI. ... . . ? Seems like the hoi to he put In the sam hold-up men. and Clover 7-25-2t :eri ought clael as the - THE B. Y. P. r. CORSER How do you spend the Sabbath day? As the Lord made the earth in six days and rested the seventh even so we should abstain on that day from secular occupations and concern our selves with sacred and eternal things. The Hebrews were commanded to keep this day holy. What little sin is it that makes the Sabbath unholy for you? Is it joy riding social calling, lack of interest in Sun day school and B. Y. P. U., or does music tickle your feet or have you got Punkin Center on the brain. These little things are the most dangerous of all sins for they are not looked on as sin by those indulge. Therefore they never ask forgiveness for things of this kind and surely the/ never get forgiveness and a life time of sufh living will send any soul to Hell. Dally Bible readings: Topic for the week: Paul the pastor and teacher. Monday July 2S. Paul Makes tents. Bead ActB 18:1-23. Key Verse 10. I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee; for I have much peo ple in the city. Tuesday July 29. Disciples Re-bap tlzed. Read Acts 18:24 to 19:20. Key Verse 20. So mighty grew the word of God and prevailed. Wednesday July 30. Diana of the EpheBlan. Bead Acts 19:20-41. Key Verse 23. And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. Thursday July 31. The Lords Sup per. R ead Acts 20:1-16. Key Verse 7. Upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread. Paul preached unto them. Friday August 1. Paul and the Elders Read Acts 20:17-38. Key Verse 27. I have not shunned to declare unto the whole counsel of God. Saturday August 2. Paul Ooes ?o Jerusalem. Read Acts 21:1-17. Key Verse 13. I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem. THOS. COLLIE. 0. A. MEETING The Girl's Auxiliary of the Louls burg Baptist church met with Loreen Upchurch Monday evening, July 21st, at 7:30 o'clock. The prograni was In charge of Ethel Young. The meeting wa? opened by singing, Let the Lower Light Be Burning. 8crlpture reading by Kate Allen, Elsie Herman and Mary1x>lgh Kearney. Prayer by Louise Cooper. After roll call and minutes of last meeting were read, the meet ing was turned over to our leader, Mrs. Howell, who taught In a very Inter esting and Inspiring way the first les son In our new Study Book, "The Mof fats." All the girls were Interested In the book, many of them having read much more than the lesson. We were dismissed with sentence prayers ber ginning with Mrs. Howell and closing with Ethel Young. Those present were Eugenia Perry, Louise Cooper, Elsie Hudson, Ethel Jtamu I. Maxine Matthews. Beulah Lancaster, Margar et Inscoe, Blanch Weaver, Mary Leigh Kearney, Kate Allen, Bale Herman, | Josephine House, Mamtf* LanMfter, Elsie Maye Wooldrl4ge,l~ ell, Mrs. Howell and f J Visitors, Mrs. Upchgn Emily aid f" MIm White f. Ice, cake and mln the hoaltasB and ? V ' Screen Doors, . Screen WlndAWi at wmmmt The greatest duty of tva common people Is to produce uncommon people.