THE fRANKLIN TIMES 1. F. JOHNSOH, Editor and Itu| it with absolute confidence. For vc ing and old it ie a reliable anti-maJaria prescription; made under one formula for 66 year*. The remedy for malarial and other ferera, including dengue; aleo for in fluenza and grip. Excellent tonic after any wasting iilneaa. Popular sis*. /*\ 60c; mammoth size.fl. All drug stores. ft Wmtor*rnith Chemical Co.. lac. V _ Y Louisrille, Kentucky UJintersmith'S Chill Tonic ing fellowship. It should be a train ing ground tor tbe work ol the king dom. It should be a spiritual power house for Inspiring, teaching and strengthening. It should be a means of cooperation for the spread ot the gospel, the care of aged ministers, and tfie care of Uie orphans. Is your church measuring up to this? Why? "What kind of a church would my church be If every member were Just like me " ? Albert N. Corpenlng. WANTED First class cotwn farmer either for wages or on shares, good dwelling, tine land, good neighborhood, tor a part of Prestwould Farm, Mecklen burg County, Virginia. Expect to be in Loulsburg Saturday until noon. See me or write W. T. HUGHES. 8-2- 1 1 Jeffress, Va. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the store and business of Mr. J. B. Debnam, who has moved to Raleigh to operate a gas flllftig station, just south of Louisburg on the Tarboro road, I especially In vite all the former customers and all others to cs^l in to see me and let me show you that I can save you money and inconvenience on your purchase. I win appreciate your pa tronage. S-22-1C J. T. FINCH. 1 TO ASYLUM Deputy Sheriff's D. E. Cone and J. S. Rowland and Policeman C. E. Pace took Dock Young to the insane asylum at Raleigh on Monday evening. NOTICE! Tax Payers of Louisburg Town LAST CALL FOR DELINQUENTS At a meeting ot' the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg held in Town Hall August 11th, the follow ing resolution was unanimous ly passed: "That all deliquent Tax Pay ers be notified by publication that unless all taxes now due the town of Louisburg, includ ing paving assessments be paid by September 1, 1924, the pro perty liable for same will be ad vertised for sale and sold at public auction Monday October 6th, to satisfy said claims. Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. FRANK B. McKINNE, Clerk JU8T RECEIVED A SHIP MENT of O'Sullivan Rubber Heels, guar anteed for comfort and long wear. Pan co Soles, outwear leather two to one. We repair Shoe*, Hame??, PI r jelet, Rewin* Maehhte* ud Talking Marklaeii. L0U1SBT7RO REPAIR SHOP Jnttas Mbmi Proprietor I door* below r. A. Roth'e Store CARS FOR BALD? ON? K88BX TOUR lnc car. one Ford toarlng ear. ud on* Ford Coach, all In lint clam condition. WUI Ml) at bargain prleaa ranh or good baskabl* paper. Saa me at onc?. O. T. 8TBOA.LL, Loulaburg. N. G HS-1< ? ? I Millet Saad and Vetch Saad at U P. Hick*. .. ?i.|t Crin*OB Ctvnr. WteMr ?M Abkrart Ry? ?t i? p. rmscr ?4Mi L ? garden I* t NmUM book. wiHUB by the Angara of Ood;rr?ry ud erery ImI ta t ftrroM. Thara ought M ?parking In thla NEW THINGS ARRIVING DAILY = Mrs. A. M. Hall aod our buy ers are now on the northern markets purchasing our new Fall stock. Each train brings new dresses and novelties. You are invited to inspect the new mer chandise, we will be glad to show you and you are under no obligations to buy. Remember our entire Spring and Summer stock is greatly re duced to make room for the fall goods we are receiving daily. L. Kline & Co. When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here locisbi;bh, NOKTH CAHOLIVl FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1359 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. The following groups of study are offered, ail leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts: General; Business Administration; Religious Train ing; Engineering; Pre-Medical; Teaching; Pre-Legal. Graduate Cour ses in all departments. Schools of Engineering. Education and Law. REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS? September 22. For Catalogue and illustrated Booklet, Address R; L. FLOWERS, Swty. Our Motto is "Sell 'em cheap and sell 'em a heap." L. W. Parrish, Jeweler Louisburg, N. C. We Are Believers in Guaranteed Goods ? AND we believe in them because we wknow it is our duty to give you every posstble assurance, in advance, concern ing anything you may purchase in thi? Store. Guarantees are of added impor tance where jewelry is concerned. This store is one of the city's INSTI TUTIONS. It's purpose is cloaelv allied with sentiment, of gift-giving, of birth days and weddings, anniversaries and other occasions of sentimental value. You will be interested in our announce ment, therefore, that we have contracted to act as exclusive agents fAc the very well known line of W. W. W. | goods, such as PWI Nscklscss Si ftSSft TV mim hcnnr iMml; GVAM ANTF.FS than, and tkm arm* of dk W.W.W.GgmUHiaio*! TIm w: