HER FIRST ECC Purina makes heavy laying Pullets It's not too soon to start right now to feed your chicks for more eggs' Purina Poultry Chows con tain just the materials needed for bringing chicks to rapid and profitable maturity. ' Early maturing pullets are heavy fall and winter layers. And, because Purina Poultry Chows bring pullets to maturity quickly, it pays handsomely to feed them. An ironbound guarantee comes with these Chows. Phone us. I P. HICKS Loaisburg, N. C. Phone 42 At th ? Store with tht Chtoktrboard Sign FOR SALE OR RENT Several nice homes In Franklin County and In Loulsburg. I PDly to S. C. FORD, 6-9-tf Frankllnton, N. C. NOT ice;! The pine and gum timber on the property of Trinity church will be sold at public auction on the church grounds, on Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 3 p. m. S. E. ? ILSON. 8-8-5t Secy, and Treas. FRANKLIN IRS. * REALTY CO 2m LOANS AND INSURANCE Subscribe to The Franklin Tim* To Stop a Cough Quick j? take* HAYES' HEALING HONEY,' a cough medicine which stop* the coogh by heaHng the inflamed and irritated tiitoea A bar of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Cheat Colda. Head Ooida and Ooup la enrloeed with erary bottle of HAYES" HEALING HONEY. The salve should be robbed on the cheat and throat of children aafteing ban a Cold or Croup. The healing eflect of Hares' Healing Hooer tn ?ida the throat rtmbkaM Vlth the eflect of Gravo'a O-Pee-Trau Salve through the pcree of the ikk soon Mopa a coagh. Both remedies an packed la oo* caitoo and the coat of the caaihtoed treatment is 35c. * ?Joat ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 Collar and Cuff Sets Call of the Mode 81ns * tons ol linearis collars and colts. they are the fashion at the boor. Let erery school |M to tn tm the chorus, tor pretty, lacy, frfljy things at neck and wrist have such a happy way of firing one a refreshing start to classroom each morning. It one heed the promptings of the mode, one will see to it that the school-time outfit includes ooe ot the popular youthful-looking Hue flannel frocks either plalded. striped or tn solid coloring. To wear with tt, tn the till of one's trunk, or In one's top dresser drawer should be a ptenteoan supply of lingerie collar and cult seta, a lace Tea tee or two. a net and insertion bib effect and do not forget to Include one ot the detachable lace panels which drop from their matching collars to the very hemline at the dress. Qar nltured the most ordinary frock as sumes a distingue air of charm and refinement. It is not too early to prepare for the winter garden, say horticultural work ers for the State College extension di vision. North Carolina used 46,000 tons of fertilizer on the cotton crop this year; 99 percent of the cotton acreage was fertilized and the average cost was 16.01 per cotton acre, say govern ment statistics. Legumes and livestock will aid in cutting down this annual bill. The American Association of In structors and Investigators in Poultry Husbandry will meet at the State Col lege on August 19. Poultrymen of the State are invited to attend. Dr. B. F. Kaupp of the State College staff is Vice President of the organization. THE SALIVA. The saliva la the first of the diges [ tive- fluids of the body w(th which the foods comes la contact. It la composed of abotrt V4 per cent water ami ih? other 6 per cent la ptylln, mucin, al bumin and several different kinds of salts. Ptylln la the digest Ire fei^nent In saliva and converts the starch Into sugar and Is the first act of digestion. This action la very notlcable if starch foods are taken into the month with out water and chewed slowly, in a short time a sweetish taste will be noted and with further chewing this sveet taste becomes a very prominent feature. This is the result of the ao tion of the ptylln in the saliva, and is an experiment which any one may try and get an appreciation of the quick action of this body upon the starches. It is most important that the food be chewed slowly and thoroughly to allow for this act of digestion to take place. The saliva further serves to moisten the food, make it soft so that it may be swallowed easily. If we were oblig ed to chew and swallow our food with nothing but water to moisten It, It would not slide down our tlverats so easily. So nature has provided us with glands in the mouth that supply a mucous to the saliva which serves as a lubricant to our food and makes it slippery. This lubricant, which is found in some of the salivary glands and in the mucous glands, is known is mucin. It is mucin that makes the saliva strin gy and glue-like. There are three sets of glands which pour moisture into the mouth and are known as salivary glands. There are two large ones in front of the ears, one on each side, called the parotid glands, each having a tube or duct which opens on the side of the cheek oppos ite the upper second molars. The open ing of these ducts can be seen by stretching the mouth wide open and looking in the mirror. It is the paro tid glands that become Infected when we have the mumps. On the inside of the lower Jaw there are two glands, which are called the sub-maxillary glands, and directly under the floor of the mouth and under the tongue, there are two more the sub-lingual. There are numerous little glands in side the lips and cheeks known a? mucous glands, bathing them in a sllp leiy lubricating fluid. If one will wash the roof of the mouth with a jet of waUr from a syringe, then dry' with a napkin, and place the finger in such a position that the tongue can not wipe off or rewet the roof of the mourn one will note at least a few little globules of mucus appearing. If one of these is touched with the finger and pulled away It will be found sticky and tnay be drawn out to a fine thread. It sticks and hangs to everything it touches. The mucin is the substance in the saliva that coats the teeth, the Mucous membrane and every part of the mojitth. In the act of chewing, it is intimately mixed with food and cause* it to slip easily over the surface of the teeth. It prevents the food from ?ticking to the lips, cneeks and gums. We could scarcely chew food without it. It also aids in the act of chewing, perimts the food to be thrown easily back upon the teeth by the muscles of the tongue and cheek. Lacking this slipperiness the food would become unmanageable. Albumin is not usually reckoned 08 normal constituent of the saliva, but It is frequently present. It is not sup posed to have any definite function to perform in the mouth. It is there by accldenr or perversion of the secretive process, so generally supposed. The mineral salts found in the saliva are potassium sodium chloride, potas sium, sulphate, sodium carbconate and calcium carbonate and phosphate. The composition of saliva is very complex as will be observed by the above in gredients. Too complex for any other than a physiologist or pathologist bo we have only given an outline of these fluids of the mouth as observed in the practice of dentistry. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP TOWN LOT By virtue of- the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Dennis Alston and wife to *m. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated June 1, 1920 and recorded In Book 234, page 107 Franklin Registry, default harlng been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of the said Indebtedness, the undersigned will, on Monday September 1, 1924, at the noon recess of Court, at the Court House door In Loulsburg, N. C? offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the property In said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Near to the town of Loulsburg, ad joining the lands of Junius Hayes and others, bounded as follows; Beginning at the Eastern corner ot Junius H&yes on Hart Street; thence along said street tn an Easterly di rection fifty feet to an Iron stake; thence at right angles to said street In a Southeasterly direction along a line parallel to Hayes Eastern lino to a stake In Annie Qreen's line; thenc? "Westwardly along a line parallel with Hart Street fifty feet to a stake in Hayes line; thence along Hayes line to the beginning, being a part of the Hart property, containing a dwelling; It being the property conveyed to Den niB Alston by Eastern Realty ft Trust Co., by deed dated May 1, 1919, duly recorded In Franklin Registry, refer ence to which 1b hereby made. This August 1, 1924. Wm. H. RUFFIN, 8-l-5t Trustee. Still Have On Hand OF THE: Fire & Water Damage STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE- CLOSE-OUT SHOES 150 pairs Men's Work Shoes. 100 pairs Men's Dress Shoes. 200 pairs Ladies Slippers. 100 pairs Ladies Shoes. 100 pairs Childrens Slippers. DRY GOODS 1 lot 25c Dress Gingham, . . Close oat 15c 1 lot 35c Dress Gingham . . Close out 25c 1 lot 39c Devoshire Close out 30c 1 lot 19c Voil Close out 9c 1 lot 50c "Voil Cloje out 25c 1 lot 39c Romper Cloth .... Close out 30c 1 lot 45c Sun Tub Close out 35c 1 lot 25c Shirting Close out ldc 1 lot 9-4 Sheeting, 60c value Close out 48c Hot L. L. Sheeting Close out i5c NOTIONS J 1 lot of Men's Unions, 75c value, Close out 50c 1 lot of Men's Overalls, $2.00 value, " Close out $1.50 1 lot of Men's "Work Shirts, $1.00 value, Close out . . . : 75c Exceptional values in Men's Dress Shirts, with or without collars. 40 Men's Suits, $30.00 value, Close out at $15.00 BIG LIBTE OP SMALL HOTI05S iMW? ? ? S. WIGGS r,;m* ? tff . ** ? A ^ f < Louisburg, N. C. *. ' ? a- h a ?-* T A Thought FOR YOU Thrift is the basis of success in every wauk of .life. Be thrifty and you will score a certain measure of success in whatever you undertake. We welcome you to make this Bank your Thrift headquarters. Arrange to put by each pay day a ce-tain amount of what you receive. We will take care of itNpaying you 4"7c interest for the privi lege. When you want it, the money will always be ready for you. T. H. DICKENS, President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier E. M. PARHAM, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: T. H. Dickens, Chas. N. Sherrod, H. M. S to vail, J. S. Howell, G. M. Beam LOUISBURG'S Leading Department Store WANTS YOUR TRADE Everything for Everybody At Lowefct Prices ? , .WlVJi v ?* t . ' ,7)T \ " F. A. Roth Company The Store That Always Sells The Cheapest L0U1SBURG, : * ' Nortb Carolina