The Franklin Times WATCH um 09 SOTB | FUPKB ? S?a4 ta Tbaa A. F. JO an SOU, E41t?r ul JUnager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $IM Par Jam V0Il.*X? LIIL L0C1SBDHG, H. C., FKIXIAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1?84 M'JtBSB .. o to game warden. vs Avery Stallings, violating hui. i. ;; law, pleads guilty. Judgment susper.' c;l upon payment of costS and ?2."0 to game warden. State vs Robert Stallings, bunting foxes out of season, pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon payment ol cos t! and $2.50 to game warden. State vs R. W. Hudson oal, guilty, prayer for judgment -continued upon payment of costs. State vs John Tharrlngton, adw, pleads guilty, prayer for judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs John Tharrlngton, violat ing auto law. pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Sta'ie vs Jim Harris, vpl, guilty, 12 months on roads, upon payment of $10 fine and costs execution not to issue until further orders of this court. Stave vs Dennis Mayo, oal, pleads guilty, prayer for judgment continued upon repairing car of W. P. Smith". State vs Mai Mitchell, upw, pleads nolo contendere as to possession of whiskey, 12 months on roads, upon payment of fine of $29 and cos'lp ex ecution not to issue until "^further orders of the court. State vs Otho Tucker, adw, pleads guilty of assault judgment suspend ed upon payment of costs. State vs Elijah Alston, upw, guilty, 6 months on roads, appeal. State vs Elijah Alston, oal, not gull tir- i State vs Elijah Alston adw, guilty, 4 months on roads to begin at ex piration of other term. Appeal. State vs Buck Perry, vagrancy, pleads gull<(y, upon payment of costs prayer for judgment continued to Monday, September 16. Stfate vs Levi Wright, cruelty to anl mals, not guilty. State vs Dennis Mayo, upw, pleads guilty, judgment suspended npon payment of costs. GIRLS AUXILIARY The Girls Auxiliary ot the Louis bur* Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. J. S. Howell Monday, Septem ber 8(h. The meeting was opened by singing America. The topic (or this meeting -was "Our State for Chrlat." Devotional by thirteen girls, prayer by Beulah Lancaster. Mrs. Howell gave a very Interesting report of the meeting In Henderson also a talk on doing personal service work. We are very proud of having won the Associations Banner for having the most efficient G. A. In the Asso ciation this year. The meeting was dismissed with sentence prayers. Those present were Nannie Perry, Doza Upchurch, Margaret Inscoe', Beulah Lancaster. Elsie Hudson, Lo reen Upchurch, Elsie Woolrldge, Ethel Aoung, Willie May Place, Blanche Weaver, Margaret Wilder, Helen Leigh Fleming, Eugenia Perry, Lur llne Wiggs, Elsie Herman, Lucy Her man. and Mrs. Howell. GETS STILL TTBAE TOWN Sheriff H. 'A. Kearney and Deputy Sheriff D. B. Cone report the capture ot a 60 gallon still Outfit complete and LOI ISBCRG Mr. James S. Massenburg. who successfully stood the Supreme Court examinations and was granted license to practice law. went to Raleigh Tuesday and was sworn in by JudKe Deputy Sheriff D. E. Cone, assisted by Constable J. E. Thomas and Sidney Edens, reports the capture of a 40 gallon still outfit complete, and de stroyed about 200 gallons of cider near Pearce's school house on Tues day morning. The/ also report catch ing at r.he still Mr. Clem Pearce, who was released on a $300 bond. MR. HE SKY C. DICKERSON I)EAJD Mr. Henry C. Dickerson died at his home at Ingleside on Sunday morning in the 48th year of his age. He leaves a wife and a number of children be sides a number of relatives and friends. The funeral was hold on Tues day afternoon and was largely attend ed. It was conducted by the Masons and tfhe Ku Klux Kian. Henry was popular among ahost of friends having won his popularity through his pleasing personality^ honesty and fairness. He was a neigh bor and friend to all and was one of the substantial citizens of his com munity. The bereaved family has the sym pa'ihy of hosts of friends. TUESDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB j J. Loyil Horton. Mr. Massenburg will locate for the practice of his pro fession In Louisburg. j LOCATED AT KOCKY MOIST Mr B. B. Hawks. representing the Austin- Western Road Machinery Co.. of Chicagb and Richmond, has lo cated at RocKV Mount, N. C., where .he will be in easy touch with those I in need of road machinery of all kinds. | Write or call him when in the mark et for any road material. The Austin Western Road Machinery C., has just addded to their line the club her acceptance as President, and ex pressed her apprecla Ion of the hon or. The meeting was opened, w1 nijaaa iam AMONG TH? VISITORS SOKE IOC KNOW *5D 90M TOO do jot mow. Pergonal Item* Ahoat F*Uu Aa4 Their Friends Wbo Travel H*r? And There. Mr. ?W. M. Person went to Nashvlll? Monday ? -* ? ? Mr. J. S. Howell went to Raleigli Tuesday. Mr. G. C. Harris spent Tuesday ia Raleigh. ? ? Mr. W. E. WhKe went to Raleighi Wednesday. , ? ? Mr. E. H. Malone went] to Raleigh on business yesterday. ? ? Mr. K. P. Hill, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Leuisburg Wednesday. * ? Messrs. W. N. Fuller and F. J. Beasley wen'l to Oxford Tuesday^ ? ? Mrs. W. H. Leonard, of Salisbury. is visiting her soil, Mr. W. D. Leonardl ? ? Gen. B. S. Royster, of Oxford, was in Louisburg Friday attending court. ? * Mr. W. R. Taylor and family, of Greensboro, are visiting his people here. ? m Mrs. R. W. Smithwick is on a visit to Rev. and Mrs. W. G. McFarlaad at Oak Ridge. ? ? Mr. W. H. Leonard, of Salisbury, visited his son, Mr. W. D. Leonard^ this week. ? ? Miss Dorcas McKinne left ibe past week for Greensboro to enter Greens boro College. ? ? Miss Mary Spencer left Friday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. F. A. Sliver, at Greensboro. Mr. W. F. Beasley and son, Paul, rejurned Wednesday from a fishing trip to Bay Side. ? ? I Mrs. J. K. Graves, of Greensboro, I was a visitor to her brother, Mr. W. kD. Leonard this week. * * Mr. H. H. B. Mask, of Raleigh, and Mr. ? . ? . Yoder, of Catawba cotm ty. were in Louisburg Monday. ? ? Mr. M. G. Smithwick, of Philadel phia, Pa., is on a visit to his parentis. Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smithwick. ? ? Mr. Will Smithwick and wife, of Philadelphia, is visiting at the homa of Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smithwick. ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Williams and Mrs. C. M. Hobbs, of Raleigh, were visitors to Louisburg Wednesday. ? ? Mr3. J. M. Hause. of Washington City, returned home Sunday after vis iting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Person. ? ? Mr. T. A. Person, of Greenville, was a visitor to Louisburg Wednes day, Buest of his brother, Mr. A( Person. * * Mr. J. O. Beasley, accompanied by his son, Mr. W. L. Bea3ley, left Wed nesday for Richmond, to enter a hos pital for treatment. PLANS ABOIT COMPLETED SI NDAY SCHOOL CONTENTION Programs are out and plans ara being rapidly completed tor holding the Franklin County Sunday School Convention on Saturday and Sunday, September 20 and 21. The conven tion will be held with Flat Rock Bap tist church, (he opening session be ing held at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. Itl is expected that there will be' a good attendance from various parts of the county at this first meeting. Other sessions will be held Sunday morning. 10:30 o'clock; Sunday af ternoon at 2 o'clock and Sunday night at 7:30, the convention closing with Hie Sunday night session. Officers In charge of gram for the not] need that prepared with "convention tor tical problems. It possible tor partments of the receive ing fjhe During be a when portontty to