THE LADIES SHOP NEW MATERIALS AUTUMN IS FAVORING 'fc i : At The Ladies Shop you can depend on finding the new and attractive in Fall materials and trimmings. New Crepes from 59c up. Black. Duchess Satin, yard wide, $1.75. r ? ??? - The new Fur and~t)etrich trimmings. A full line of Novelty buttons. . In Gingham we can giv<; you good cloth from 15c to 35c. Come in to see us when in town. THE LADIES SHOP Louisburg, N. C. Mrs. E. R. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSrRANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EYEBY HONEST BUSINESS CJTDEB THE gUN Fire insurance has come to T>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owper must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must jfliard his household goods. Business concerns, factor^, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect thelXproppfty Investments. The man who can thus provide the security oK^ community against financial loss from flr? Is its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OYEB THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK New Turnip Seed of all assortment, just arrived REASONABLE PRICES We ean save yd 15 per cent on your prescriptions. \ / i Give us a trial and be convinced . ..... r P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. It Is Less Work To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen ny5ans tliat you can do more work with less effort, V> /Why not make the small investment necessary to pn ifcto your kitohen one or more ^ these labor-saving ^articles. surprised ho* manj^ useful items you can little money; Convenient terms of payment yon desire^ \ Our Undertaking jiepartmeftt is always up to the minute. ? W. E. White Furniture Co. CroMlntf tM tx&an lo lh< oM Uyi ?u warded M a thrill i bat how It's roor? ?xcltlnc to ?Uy ?t home ud cro?? th# girfftt, What ha* bacomo of lh? old-faahton ?4 man who naad to itr that the bait 1m room* would all M vacant when the saloon* war* driven outT PEACH DISEASE CHECKED BI HAVHrt; VH.oKnts THEES Raleigh, Sept. 8.? jjvery peach grow er hasbeen compelled duxln^^ibe sea son which Is Just cioslng, to' throw away many bushels of peaches be cause they were alfected with a di sease called bacterlosls. "This disease" says Dr. F. A. Wolf, Plant Pathologist for hie North Carolina Experiment Station, "manifests Itself by the pres ence of dry, brown spots on the fruit. The spots, when numerous, cause the peaches to crack open Irregularly and they are therefore not marketable. Bacterlosls may cause a 'shot hole' di sease of the leaves and premature shedding of these leaves follows. Small cankers from which gum oozes may appear on the twigs at, the leaf scars. BacterloBls on the leaves and on the twigs is quite similar In ap pearance to Injury resulting from spraying with arsenlcals and Is often confused with It. In consequence when ever bacterlosls' is present It gets the blame for spray Injury as well." Dr Wolf states that experiments on control of bacterlosls have been conducted In Georgia and Arkansas over a period of about ten years. These experiments have always been Started in orchards which in the previous year had bee,i seriously damaged. The tests have shown that orchards which are kept In a high state of vigor by proper pruning, worming and cultl vilioii cii- be made resistant to fte disease by the use of nitrate of soda. Similar results are to be expected In North Carolina. In hill side orchid*; especially during seasons of heavy rainfall, much of the valu of nitrate of soda la lost by leaching. This can be prevented, in part, explains Dr. Wolf, by the plowing under of green cover crops. Subscribe to The Franklin Times NOTICE OF SALE UF LAND IN T'lli TOWN OF LOU:SBUP.G. N. C. FOR MENTSQl*EJST PAViNO ASSESS r?l,ZT about the ^our of noon at the Courthouse door In Louisburg, N. c on Monday, October 6th, 1924, It beine the first Monday In October, I will sell at public auction to the highest bid n ,\ Pur6uant t0 the laws of PuhU* parolln? Rnd especially the Hnn ,n h8 ?f 1915' ChaI*er 66, Sec tion 10 and acts amendatory thereto all lands in the Town of Louisburg] N C on which paving assessments for the years 1921 and 1922 and prior 2-?* remaiI> Jue. with costs add fo?oa:.sPr?Vided b> 'aW' descrlbe, ? A H ^Flem^"' l0' Ma,n St ReB 43 ? J 1 lot Middle St 58.16 Res 18 1 ,ot Church St Griffi"U&8Rn 1,l?t Churoh st Rea 33:29 Markel !rey 1 101 O H ^l?cke.r 1 Main St store 9.34 B T h"m 1 ,0t lfaln St 22.73 J M a w0",,1 ,ot Main St Kes 33.41 J' " * W. H. Allen 1 lot Nash 8t. Foster 291, S. A. Newell 1 lot Main St Re. 37!43 N n tOW8. l. lot Mal" St 19.60 n T? " 2 ?er 1 Main st 38 19 Mrs w"m p 1 ,0t M,(ldle St 26.98 Bt Per*?n Est. 1 101 Main A*I?%7' ^"en } Io1) Maln St ?7 j' M ?'w ?J 1 101 T1" St R88 37.96 M. ft w. H. Allen T lot Nash St Plasters War?I,ouse 47 i2 c"a R I,?'"?0?,1 '0t Maln 8t 118 ?0 ?( nd 1 lot Main st 71 79 St 8 Churfch 1 lot Main WR? Tucker l lot Church St 2?'" Lf lUZV, V0t Mlddle 8' 34.80 Res " 1 ,ot Ma,n 8t AlUn ^"*n r.^' K*nmore A*e 84 64 A"*" Bro? 1 14 Nash St store Mrs RT w'rfi ii0" 106 ?8 A?V' rfudaon i lot Kenmore AFfl K?g Ep^opal yWch rM Church hurch 1 I^t Middle 8t 61.2# ows 1 lot Court St 13.8S 1 lot <|oiirt St 8.3# 1 lot Kenmore 33 47 Yarborough i lot Main Varborough 1 lot Church10 39 39 R T u ?J Cobb 1 ,ot Chl""Cl> St 38 69 D W ??,den \ '.0t Maln 8t R" 83.04 B ^PLT*7 1 lot Main St 36 3? 1 Iot N*"h st Oar ? 8. Ford Est 1 lot Nash 8t 13 3g V. A. Roth 1 lot Middle 8t 24 84 I Trtwn n >- r- B MoKINNB, I Thos W i"* T" Collector. I mos. w Ruffln, Tow* Attr. ?-5-6t LOST One black and white male hound, with scalded scar oil back. 'Lost about ten days ago. \ One large black^ white and tan male hound. Has been^miasipg (or about seven months. \ One white fetnple \pynd ac t ua General Strength ening Tonic to the V>ole system. Nature wiH then I throw off or diapeUb* worms, and theChild will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take ~ 00c per bottle. CONFIDENCE Xo transaction he t \v i ?i?^iuyejf 4Hr1 t*41e r is satisfactory unless a muual coiifi>lenc^cxUtsT ^ ? . Confidence is the foundation of business. And confidence is the growth of years ? the child of the square deal and the father of success. It is because we recognize these facts that the FARM EES AND MERCHANTS BANK has endeavored to treat each depositor as we would be treated ourselves. POR SALE I 30 50-Gallcm Steel Oil Barrels $?.00 each 20 Ford Wheels, demountable $2.00 each Cranford Motor Company