TttE FWNKUN TIMES , ..j . ? . _? . A. r. J0HJS05, E 41 tar u4 luif?r Entered at the Post Office at Louls fcarg, N. C.. u second class matter. THEY FLOUT THE PRI MARY. Under the North Carolina law, the La Follette electors cannot go on the official ballot because ttiat party iHd not vote in the pri maries. But the Republicans get on because they made a pretense of going into the primary. They technically are entitled but In equity they should be excluded. It is notorious that the Republi can machine flouts the primary, does not permit its voters to ex press themselves, but leaves the selection of its ticket to Federal officeholders ana others. After that is done, it compiles with the technicalities. No party should be permitted to evade the honest Intent of the primary law. ? News Observer. If this were all then we would not have so much right to complain. But In many Instances the republicans participate in the Democratic pri mary and assist in selecting t?e nom inees of the Democratic party. There are so many ways they can camou flage that it is almost impossible for I the election officials to have any real control of the situation. The primary law should be amend ed bo as to eliminate any such situa tions. CAUSES OF AUTOMOBILE WRECKS OS C. STATE HIGHWAYS Drunk driver 36 Undetermined 62 Driver asleep 6 Rain 1 Speeding 89 Reckless driving 69 Careless driving - 87 Defective steerirg- 30 Incompetent driver 1 Tire blowout 3 Racing 6 Crossing 4 Bright lights 13 Traffic I - No lights 16 Animals on roads 2 Collision on curve 2 ** Road defect - 9 Parking _ 3 Bus collision 2 Skidding 10 i Dust 1 i Wrong side of road 15 - Miscellaneous' 13 | The above figures were given out by the State Highway department and represents only accidents happening on the State highways. It will be in teresting to note that out of 475 ac cidents 309 were caused from drunken drivers, driver asleep, speeding, reck, less driving, collisions, racing no lights, wrong side of road, nnd col lisions on curves. To this can be added a large per cent of the 62 listed as un determined. Practically all of these ac cidents certainly of the 371, could have been avoided. WEDNESDAY EYE5ING BRIDGE CLUB and aOcom i.-Um daogV '. Fbrgbrsot men (li and Miss Lonle Meadows was a charm ing hostess to the Wednesday evening Bridge Club. This was the first meet ing of the year so all the business matters of the'fclnb were brought up, discussed and dispersed with. A lively game of five progressions of Bridge followed for everyone seemed to be full of Joy over the idea that It was time to begin meeting again. At the end of the game Miss Mea <1owb with Miss Ida Mae Yow and Miss Susie Meadows served a delicious salad course and mints. Miss Jessie Taylor Harris won the top^score hon ors with a margin of four hundred. Besides the regular club members Miss Meadows had as her guests Misses Ida Mae Yijjv and Maude Ash ley and Mrs. James B. King. BAIH? FWBGUB80N Announcement* as follows have been Tecelved in DoniMrarg: Mr. and Mrs. Willis Holt Furgurson announce the marriage of their daugh ter, Kllnbeth, to Mr. William Jennings Bain on W?4a#sttr, W twenty-fourth of BeiilnHl? talne hun . Orsesboro, N. dred Card* lows: ? HIS BUSY SEASON MARK you CHOICE". ONCLfc ttERts My1 vOTt OC ^TIME-R.' > HOME DEMONSTRATION DEPT. Contributed Weekly By Miss Daisy Caldwell, Ag-ent Monday, field work. Tuesday, Maplevtlle. Wednesday. Henderson Pair ?rld?v WhUe LeTel" 522- M?u.t?n Hayes. Saturday, office. Ten C1,b *???, vl^sSiJr,r2;,:BM?^: ^"asriiSSa5? grounds. Pine niriJL u 8c4,co1 and most attractive ^.nf ^ one pf the plants in the county Pt ?booll r?Ub?rt* VW* ci.b Orraak^ at Rober?u 8choorThruatlH0n aBem Was I ^ organist Girt^m'6"^00" onstration Club The fw ! Dem" ?P was sewing The *irl. Uken Pie hemming balfin/ J"*"16 Bam" stitches. At the neit m.?i running to bring a hand h J e<ltln& each is Election o? oincer9 , a?l ?Up towel next meeting which S.?ned un morning after the im i o Thursday the afternoon ?f that h? S,UDday' ?? Woman's Club will meet* Roberta Th? w S*T'n Pat,,s ? ???"? '?"? dent, the teachers L.? ?" presl" onstration agent befne mC Dem" Program was niann.,1 pre?ent. A which will be the FYtd."'^ meet" third Sundav at 2 ? Sn ^ ? y^' after the same day the Girls Clnh 0,1 tho ganixed, meeting at U nVi i * or" morning. o clock in the *HLUM a booxe dead there'cam^an IngVto M?""" "!gbt Mr. and Mrs. W J m Twf h?me of lug a little babe? ? . onp' bring, brighten theirlives. n~to cheer and buT^'y called M? . ^""am Rlc>">. and earth seemed ^o !!6 " Hea"n 'his Child a Joy and m . to mak? Parents. As th e ??? b'?*alng to hla c "'j; -? work as oDnorfimin h 'belr from his duties on theY^n"^" hlm Chr"^n%h^^B^ became a s: ss Church Of which he*Chtre* ''?Wist mz^zh? ?h? ?- a ,a,th,a, heln Ta JTSLVT '0Te ,n h" ?>i married to *iT ?f 1889 h* |r>om their union there fSTS ,n ">? *he old bom, wwl h. '* Umi,5' to thoughtful kind w. WM always taring to th. "d adml"'* Mend, to the^Iirlr t "ceoni bating lrday noon bonr on gat l? hU 3F??*. while sitting <*?e, this time ths^5,??^7 ,n?*' ^ bi? .piS* 10 WHhom a moments wSSST^TS Iwm^iL.. bsarts crushsd andbleedlnr *H we know th?t ctod dost' ** v.. I all things well. Uncle Blllle's death was a great loss In his home, church and community. All who knew him loved him and we feel sure that he Is now resting in that great and unknown place ot rest. May the Lord guide, comfort the be reaved wife, daughters, sons, brothers' and sisters to prepare to meet him where there will be no parting for ever more. Weep no more dear ones, For God knoweth best. He gives us loved ones, He taketh them when its best. ?A NIECE. Statement of Tift Ownership, Manage ment, Circulation, Etc., Beqaired by The Act of Congress of Aoffnst 24, Of Franklin Times, published week ly at Lou Is burg, N. C. for Oct. 1, 1924: State of North Carolina ? County of Franklin, ss. Before me, a Notary Public In and tor the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared A. F. Johnson, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law,, deposes and says that he Is the owner of the Franklin Times and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, manage ment, etc., ot the aforesaid publica tion for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Au gust 24, 1912, embodied In section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse side ot tills form, to wit: 1. That the name and address of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business manager Is: A. F. Johnson, Loulsburg, N. C. 2. That the owners are: A. F. Johnson, Loulsburg, N. C. 3. That known bondholders, mort gagees. and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. A. F. JOHNSON. Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of Sept. 1924. James E. Malone, Jr., Notary Public. My Com. expires Aug. 27, 1925. VOTIXO is A PRIVILEGE Voting should be regarded as a privilege rather than a task. The duty of every good citizen is plain ? he should give expression to his mature judgment at the polls. The way the popular vote has de clined In numbers during the de cade Indicates that tar too many people have given In to the temptation to believe that a few votes more or less will not change the result. They fall to recognize that the grand total is made up of single votes cast. One voter can speak as decisively and emphatically as another. A full and free expression of the popular will can not be expressed with half of the voters staying at home. The tendency to remain away from the polls, is dangerous and Its growth is a peril that is besetting our repre sentative form of government. It -behoove* everyone to qunltfy for voting according to the law. ? and then vote. ????????? * NORTH CAROLINA TTEEKLY nroCSTWAL REVIEW The alow uphill climb to pre-war prosperity, not the beetle Inflation of <w?r time standard*, la constant In oar country and la. apreadlnt to Europe. I The movement la on to stay. All moat admit that time-tried busineas prlnci , plea are sounder than untried political tbeorea. Guilford ? Movement under way for i establishment of reneral hospital. AMONG THE VISITORS SOKE YOU KNOW AND SOKE TOD DO NOT KNOW. f?rtonjJ Item* About Folk* Aad ?> Tfcelr Frleili Who Travel Her* And There. Messrs. W. H. Varborough and E. .H. Malone went to Raleigh Tuesday, ? ? Mrs. F. L. Edens, of Washington, Is visiting Mrs. S. J. Edens. ? * * * v Mr. W. H. Ruffln was In Raleigh yesterday. T* ? ? ViMessrs. Ben T. Holden and Edward ^lttln went to Raleigh Tuesday. r* Messrs. 9. A. "Newell and J. 8. Mas senburg went to Raleigh Tuesday. ^ ? ? Mfs. D. G. Allen has returned to her home In Farmville after spending a few days with her mother. Fear river. Wilmington ? Eastern Carolina cham ber of commerce plans gigantic adver. Using program for next three years. Charlotte ? Highland Park mills Nos 1 and* 8 resume operations; 800 persons employed. Beaufort ? WeBt Ann street to be paved. Elizabeth City ? Brick highway to be constructed from end of Mt. Hermon road to Perquimans county line. Chapel Hill ? Movement under way for establishment of canning plant Winston Salem ? Forsyth county com missioners and county school board to bor/ow $300,000 for construction of -S'dhool buildings. .High Point ? Ne-7 addition to Damp Laundry nearing completion. Durham ? Excavation under way for erection of $80,000 arcade building on Mala street. Klnston ? Tobacco sales totaled 3, 520,(00 pounds for first seven days of season. Chapel Hill ? Plans formulating for extension of gas mains from Durham to this place. Charlotte, Greensboro and Wilming ton. N. C.. and Columbia, Greenville arrtl 8partanburg, 8. C., competing for location of branch bank of 8lxth Fed eral Reserve Bank of Richmond, Va. High Point ? Beeson Hardware Com pany to build addition to present quar ters. ? Charlotte? County Road Commission to build $25,000 warehouse on Dowd road property. Asherille ? Professional office build ing, garage, moving picture theatre and several mercantile buildings to be erected by E. D. Latta. l.umberton ? Additional $10,000 road bond Issue recommended for Howells ville township. Hmlthfteld ? Laboratory of Inven tion*, new concern, organised for pur pose of securing, manufacturing and commercializing Inventions. Charlotte ? Excavation under way for $30,000 Sunday school building of Church of Christ. Dak* ? Contract let by Erwln Cot ton Mills for construction of new dye houM. ' Htonerlll* ? $200,000 furniture matfu factoring plant to be located here. Spray ? Cornerstone laid for new Episcopal church. iry ? Moremant tinder way M e?t aSTlih creamery V *om? point In Rom cOnatr. ' " * AfhrrllJ* ? New eteel fire tower to be erected .on lop of Monnt Mitchell. J Emberton? Contract to be let for .contraction of road from tb1i place to Sontb Carolina etate line via Row land. New B*n ? Tnre*t(*atIont being made a* to poadbllltlM of oil in tbli I'yiciutr. IF IT'S A Suit - Shirt OR WE CAIVT SUIT YOU Our aim is to please and we strive to the utmost to please you. $20.00 Men's All Wool Suits in Brown and Blue, ^ sizes, special $12.06 Young Men's Cashmere Suits in neat styles, all sizes, r special . . . ...... .1. ........ . $14.95 New English "Wide Bottom Pants, beautiful p altera e," all sizes, special $19.98 Boy's 2 Pants Suits in brown, blue and grey," all si?e&,' special r. $4.95 $10.00 value 2 pair' Pants, Boy's Suits, extrat good value, special ,t. $7.95 $1.25 value Men's Shirts, collar attached, all sizes, . special .yiffc Best Grade Overalls, heavy grade, special . . . Ribbed Unions for Men, all sizes ? . $1,19 Men's "Work Shirts, all sizes, special ; . . 1 ? * u ''sjb Men's Grey Heavy Sox . ... .2 prs. for 25c If It's New If It's Good We Have 1^ L Kline & Co. When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here LOCISBVBG, NORTH CAROLINA Fayettevllle? ^Surrey completed fori proposed lock and dam In upper Cape Hendersonrllle ? Engineering work takei definite shape (or development of greater Laurel park, to cost more than *1,000,000. Raleigh ? Contract* to be let for e contraction of 9 miles of highway in various sections of state. Ooldsboro? Hood Finance Corpora, tion being formed for purpose of or ganizing industrial banging systems, . acquiring stock in Industrial banks and redlscountlng paper for Industrial | banks. The old skinflint who drops a nickel In the collection box and expects a dol lan worth of blessing is doomed to disappointment. Half of the world may not know how the other half of the world lives, but It is entitled to suspect what It pleases. Confidence Is a precious article in 1 Europe, Judging by the way premiers | are always seeking It It's a lot easier to attract attention | than to earn reaped. Wires of treat men oft remind ui ? < that they have made at leaat one mis take in their llree. Carolina ?hoW

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