New Furnishings for the Home This la the season to more bark Indoors. You will De?e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from fir* Is its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK We can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced. P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. THE COMFORT OF OVERSTUFFED PIECES For real comfort, overstuffed furniture excells all other hinds. Home of the late patterns are shown in our pres ent display at prices well within the means of all. Our undertaking department is at your disposal when in need. > W. E. White Furniture Co. PHm Cmm4 la tf t* 14 l vetoed by their president; It Is a mat-: ter of record that Mr. Coolldgq re tained both Daugherty and Denby un til it became so Intolerable that he was forced to demand their resignations by the senate, and almost broke his heart; and It is a matter of record that their pledges to the farmers of the country during the campaign of 1920 were broken and now dare to look those farmers In the face. The present administration was conceived j In sin, and brought forth in iniquity, and it has not belled Its parentage ' It Is essentially and radically corrupt. Their speakers are now out before the people talking reform, and deprecate | with holy horror the consequences of their own misdeeds, but no sooner their object accomplished return to their policy like a dog to his vomit. I have no hope of reform in the party in power, my only hope is that the people convinced of thelrTiypocricy and cor-, ruptlon will hurl them from their high places of honor they have so long dis graced. What a record. It is high time for a change as we are now on the brink of Monarchy, and for them to continue In power much longer will cause our grand Empire to fall. I ap peal to all lovers of honest, clean gov ernment to rally to Democracy's stan dard bearer, and hurl them from Hell to Breakfast. If the excessive use of money was eliminated from the Re publican party there is no doubt but that the Democratic party would con trol this nation, and not only the peo ple of this nation would experience a new day of prosperity, but the whole world would share the divine bless, ings which are in store, awaiting that great and glorious day. Now, I-have stated the facts partaln ing to their policies In a nutshell, end would like to state the facts pertain ing to Democratic policies. The Demo cratic party was founded upon the principle that this government was established to protect 'or time the rights and privileges of every indi vidual, regardless of party or creed. Did you know that the reason Demo cratic orators excel those of the Re publican party, is simply because the unvarnished truth comes from the soul and reaches the soul of the audience which vibrates back and forth with Increased inspiration, and conscien tious power that reverberates onward ' and upward until it reaches the stars | and mingles with them In all their celestial glory. The services of the Democratic party have always been in maintaining the constitution, It has been the paramount promoters of economy, and the enemy of corrup 1 tlon. It is to the Democratic party that this country owes its chief glory and de. velopment. It was the Democratic par ty that extended the boundaries of his Republic, from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean, It was the Democratic Party that acquired the territory of Louisiana, which extended from the Gulf of Mexico up the Father of Waters to the Dominion of Canada, embracing Iowa. Dakota, Kansas and all the vast I region west to the Rocky Mountains. It was the Democratic party that ac quired Florida, New Mexico. Califor nia. including their grand extent of country, plains, rivers, and mountains, with all their wealth of gold, and sll. ver and precious metals, embracing approximately one million square miles Not a single toot of land has been ad ded to the Empire by the Republican party, except Alaska, a broad stretch of icy waters, a land inhabited by seals and savages. In our political firmament have al ways shone stars of brightest lustre that have not failed to guide us to peace and prosperity. Some o[ them have been of the first magnitude and of dazzling brilliancy. High in the honored constellation wa one that rose In the valley of Virginia and shed its light over the land and the sea, and did not culminate until it had gilded the far off horizon of eternity and that star was Woodrow Wilson. From such a casket of mutual treasure there could but fall pearls, priceless as ever gemed the Nations coronet. During the regime of the late Wood row Wilson the nation experienced Its most prosperous period in all of its history, though a stormy one, and the skies lowered, and reverses threat ened, but the old flag remained Intact, and waved Its colors above the man sion of the Persidency, without a stain on Its folds, and without a cloud on Its glory. I repeat It the late Woodrow WlUon was the greatest scholar, the greatest statesman, and the greatest patriot that was ever produced on American soil. He gave utterance to the aspirations of humanity with an eloquence which held the attentions of all the earth, and made America a new and enlarged Influence In the destiny of mankind. He has left a name that will be Inspired forever In the hearts of men and women who lore justloe, right, liberty and equality, as the symbol of the loftiest Ideals which extricate human kind from ttu mesh of Barbalsm and lead It to a state of real and true civilization. I will enumerate briefly a few of the tows f n acted during the lato Wood row Wilson's regime. Ms: The Auto Trnst tow was passed; the Fed eral t end con*ntr .'s railroad*. or mnd transportation ; It passe d Great Seaman's Law which gave protection and rights to this helpless claaa of workers; ths Free Tolls clause In the Panama Canal Acts waa repealed, and waa a very necessary law; the Antl. Junctlon Law waa passed, which re- 1 stricts the use of the Injunction In Come to Us for Business Counsel Few women know, and they cannot be expected to know, the ways of the business world. Their time and attention has been spent in keeping their home. So when occasion arises that you must make a business decision, do not try to handle it alone. Come to us for counsel. we will gladly give you the benefit of our business experience. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina Win. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Ca"hier \Vm. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier | labor troubles, so that 't could no 'longer be uaea as a weapon ot Injus tice by the money powers; the Income Tax Law was passed, which taxes each and every man In proportion to his pocket-book, not In proportion to the number of chldren he happens to have; the New Parcel Post Law was passed which makes it possible tor the rural people to receive and send pack ages without going to the Express of fice some distance away; the Federal (Reserve Banking law was passed, and lone among the bast pieces of legisla tion in all ot our history, and doubt less without It we would scarcely have won the world war; the Federal : Land Bank Law was passed wheh has I been the salvation to thousands of farmers, I have stated many historical I facts pertaining to the late Woodrow | Wilson's Administration that are un disputed, and if time would permit, I could give a hundred. Like the Fair Sultan of the Oriental Legends, I could go for a thousand and one nights and even as in those Eastern stories, so the tale would ever be heaps of gold, massive nuggets, uncounted rich es. 1 appeal to every man and woman to register and vote if they wish for American liberty to be preserved, and I wish to maintain their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I recall that several years ago that grand old common-wealth of Tennes see was lost to the Republicans which was due to the 50.000 absentee votes, a sufficiency to have given Democracy a large majority. Let us all register and vote, and when the ballots have been cast In the ides of November in numbers like the falling leaves In Autumn that this na- 1 tion will elect a Democratic president with a Democratic Congress, and crown our efforts with victory, there by assuring a yet more splendid future of peace, prosperity and happiness. THEO HASSELL. ROOMS FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for rent. See H. W. Griffin at City Barber Shop. 10-31-lt Subscribe to Ttie i>Tanmln Times Habitual constipation Cured \ in 14 to 21 Days ? "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared S^rup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but Bhould be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Vary Pleasant to Take.* 60c per bottle. ROCKY MOUNT TOBACCO MARKET Leads In high Prices Sales made on The Mangum Warehouse floor during the last few days proves the above assertion. Good tobacco has advanced considerably. We believe no one would make a mistake to market their good tobacco while prices range as below ? sales made for people youknow. G. X. HI' RULE- ?? at 25, 81 at 37, 110 at 51, 70 at ?0, 50 at 71, 3V at 81, 11 at ?7? 854 lbs. Aver .VU2 t'. CASHES at 18, at at W, MO at 60, 11? at t?l-- 111# lbs. Arer. 59.6S. JUSTICE * P.? 190 at 60, 76 at 6H, 76 at 5?, 100 at 85, 60 at 27, 60 at 33, 30 at 12- -523 lbs. Aver. 1?JK?. E. J. EISHER ? 66 at 21, 31 at 36, SO at 85, SO at 29, .0 at H), 110 at 65, 60 at 70, 70 at 68, 30 at 71,. 10 at 6?? 5SO lbs. A?er. 50.01. ? . , . .. ^4* ? - A .. ? uU . , A'ATT 8.UITH ? 110 at 88, #0 at 51, 180 at 6H, 56 at 49, 60 at 63? 446 lbs. Arer. 51.50. GEO. WARRELL? 110K lbs. *?SUH A rerage $57.25, A L. 8TBOH>? 7M lbs. ?85?JiO? Average W.63t * ( KELLY GAT * JOY N E R ?6 lbs. Avenge 61. IS. # Get rome good tobacco graded out, sell at The Mangum Warehouse, Rocky Mount. You will receive courteous treatment and highest prices. I. W. MANGUM, Proprietor j