NEW FRENCH AMBASSADORTO ^ UNITED STATES AT HOME IN PARIS M Emlle Daeschener, newly appointed French Ambassador to the United States, (ucceedtns If. Jules Jnsserand, dean ot Washington Ambassadors, at home In Parts erlth his family, lime. Daeschener and their daughters. An tot aette sad Irene. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of power contained In a deed i!> trust ex;i -.ucd by Susan E. Wilson an'l J. T. Wilson, her husband, 1 ccprded In the office pf the Register of Deeds pt Franklin Count)"' "Tn Hook 234, at page 325 30. default ha'-'?rg bem mane in the payment of the detit therein secured, tn lequest of the holder of the sirat I shall sell for cash, by public auction, at the Court House door in Louisljurg, N. C., to the highest bidder, on the 22nd day of December 1914 the following describ ed property: '? / In Harris Townstylp, adjoining lands o! Samuel Harris /Perry and Patter son. Joe Young, t] T. Wilson and others being land- sold to W. B. Tim berlake by Gertfdine Ttmberlake by deed recorded in$he Register of Deeds office in book 7 1 at page 145 and after ward sold by &mma Timberlake to J. T. Wilson containing 288 acres, more or less, and afterwards conveyed by deed from J. Q. Mills. Trustee to Andrew J. Harris. Trustee by deed, 21 June 1923? and by Andrew J. Har ris Trustee to Susan E. Wilson and Ibis deed of trust tor balance ?f pur chase price is being foreclosed. This November 17th, 1924. ANDREW J. HARRIS. ll-21-4t Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Tlmee FOR SALE * Three registered Daroc Jersey sows that have befen bred flfcd act in fine shape; one holstein teifep that will come fresh soon after Cpiijitmas; also one fine pure bred Jersftjrbull coming two years old. Any of above 1 will sell cheap as I need money. Joe Mumford, R 2, Louisbtorg. 11-21-lt LOST . One fancy 1 diamond ring. Somewhere ar^undVtown. The return or any information con cerning same wU/be liberally rewarded. MRS. M. K. ALLEN, Louisburg. / 11-2^-1 FOR ?ALE, ^ ? One Durant Coupe\?'good as new. at big bargain. S?e R. C. Beck, at Beck's Garage. \ 11.21-2t Radios and Accessories at L. P. Hicks. ll-14-2t ALCOHOL^ FO^ RADIATORS. McKINXE BROS^ It's a queer world. A small band of folks call themselves socialists, but not many want to be sociable with them. THREE REASONS Why Our Grocery is One of the Best in This Section / Good Goods / Efficient Service Reasonable Prices Get our prices oqf staple ana fancy groceries and fresh fruits and vegetables and you will be con vinced that what we say iytrue. We sell nothing iaferior apd our service is prompt and satisfactory.. Make <jur store your daily mar keting place. ? Our line tof Cold Drinks is always satisfying. You'll nevef rejret it. JOHN W. HARRIS Under Union Warehouse Balloon Tires Be sure tarn gey the Genuine Balloon if you/expect balloon ase of ridiW and comfort. e (960070 ar and Hood aft rTF. , soldyby \yj m Xy 7a.'.. C lib - 1 ' - v BAPTIST WOMEN SEEK $22,000,000 SACRIFICIAL EFFORT IS BUN* MADE TO RAISE THEIR FUU. SUBSCRIPTION TO 75 MILLION CAMPAIGN NEW PROGRAM PLANNED Provision Mad* For Support Of Oei? ?r?l Ciuhi Through Cinvut Of Mlmbin Novtmblr SO? Decimtxr 7. Under the leadership ol the Worn aa's Missionary Union, auxiliary to tfce Southern Baptist Convention, the Baptist women of the South are seek In# to raise 17,000,000 In additional MI88 KATHLKKN MALLORY Oorratpondlng Sacratary, Bap* tat Woman's Mlaalonary Union cash between now and the end of the rear for the Baptist 75 Million Cam paign, thus matching their subscrip tions In 1911, when the program was launched, with actual payments, It is announced at Baptist headquarters. The women were asked to assume responsibility for 816,000,000, or one fifth of the goal of the Campaign, but their subscriptions went far be yond this. Their original goal of 116,000,000 la cash had been reached by the women June 1. 1934, and under the leadership of Miss Kathleen Mallory, corresponding secretary of " the Woman's Missionary Union, they are making extra efforts to meet their pledges as well as their quota. Thou sands of Baptist women throughout the South are praotldng self-denial in many wajrs in order to make s?ec ial contributions to the missionary, educational and beneToient eater prises embraced la the Campaign, while other thousands who hav* . al ready paid out their subscriptions are making special thank offerings that the goal may be reaohed. ~ Reports indicate that thousands sf Baptist men as well will redeem their SiU> scriptlons In full during this yaaftiP Largs Reeults Obtained ,L - Indicating some of the results that had been realised from the Campaign UP to May 1. 1914, the general head quarters reports that the fore%a mission foroe has been Increased oTer 104 per cent, while as many persons bar? been baptised on the foreign fields in the fire years of the Osm palgn as there were ohuroh members there at the outset of this program aftsr 71 years of missionary effort. In the realm of home missions tbs I,170 workers report the baptism 'Of 203,511 persons, organisation of 1,041 new churches and 8,388 new Sunday schools, and the completion of th< II,000,000 Church Building Loag Fund An a re rage of 2,784 state misstoq workers hare been employed durtfca the Campaign who report 340.8H baptisms, - organisation of 1.844 churches and 3,036 Sunday schools, and the erection or repair of i.ttl houses of worfchlp. Into the lit Southern Baptist schools, college* and seminaries the Campaign >?? put 87,618,485 in permanent Improre ments, 83,910,480' in maintenance, 81,788,881 in endowment, while $1, 377031 has been employed in the ? cellatlon of outstanding debts. ?v. pid Presohsrs Aided Am a result of "the Campaign fa ore thaa 1,000 aged preachers and thetr dependent onee hare been helped; 84,484,000 has been pot into 19 Bap tist orphanages caring for 4,#0? home lees boys and girls; while the num ber of Baptist hospitals la the South has been increased from 13 to M. In order that there may be no let up in the support ef the' general mis sionary and other causes fostered by the denomination at the close of the 78 Million Campelga, plans hare bees perfected tor the projection of the im Pregram with the week ef November M-Deeeesber 7, when as erery-member canraes wfll be made ot the M,IM Baptist church ee oC the South for the support of stats, home and foreign mlseioas, Christ lie edaca tlon, ministerial reUhf, hoepltals and orphanages next year. Theee are the same InUreeta thst hare been embraced In the Campaign bet they will be supported in ths future oa the basis of annual subscriptions frees the members of the churches rather thaa on a fire-year pledge. Want 6,000,000 Nest Year Reports reaching the general Oam pa%> hsadiuarters are to the effect that organisation* hare been set ay throughout the territory of the South era Baptist Conrsntlon looking to the oomplstloa of the old Csmpsiga through the redemptloa of the >ls<gss, and t*e successful lag of the aew program through the tsslaf of subscriptions for next year, at the seas time. It Is the hope or those charged with the leadsirsMf 5 theee programs that a minimum |l?,00?,m wilt he raised for the general deaom (national enterprleee la 1IM and that each year there-, efter there will be ea Increase eiii the pretediag yea*. AUCTION SALE OF RKA1., ESTATE One bouse and lot and one vacant lot In the town of Frankllnton. Uader .and by virtue ol Qfl?"?u<Jpk rlty Vented in the understated exe cutor by f^e will of Henry May, de ceased, I wll sail on the premises tc the highest bitter tor cash on jV. EDNE8DA A DECEMBER 3RD. 1924 I at 2 o'clock, the following de scribed real estate. FIRST TRACTS Situate in the town of Frankllnton. ' l\c.. in the corner of Mason street aod Wellons avenue and running along ^id Wellons ave nue S 19 E 12| feet\p Bests oorner; thence along Bests line S 67 deg 15 min W. 90 teat to corny of No. 2 of this division; thence N I? deg 30 min W 131 feet to Mason afreet; thence along Mason street 70 dag 15 min E 91 feet to the point of the beginning. and being the lot upon which the Old Wellon's homo la situate. SECOND LOT: Beginning at a stake crgMi <4 No. 1 abov* named and run ning S 1ft deg SO Bin E 131 feet to corner of Wo. 1 In ,Best's line, thence S <7 deg lS.niln $0 fee t to Bests cor ner In Or. H?rrl*ltne; theuce along Dr. Harris' llWe fl 18 deg 30 mill W 136 feet to MaaMStreet; thence along Mason street S*ii) deg 15 mln E 90 feet to the plat# of beginning. Both of the above lots are clearly shown on the. plat v of the property made by M. 8. Davie, C. E., which may be seen In the office of O. M. Beam, attorney, and which will be on display on the day of sale. It Interested in a home or building lot in the town of Prnnklinton, you cannot afford to miss this sale as these lots are In the very best reslden tial aectlou of Pjankllntoa. J. p. MAY. Executor. O. M. lie am, \(torney. llJl-2t NOTICE - Having qualified an administratrix of tbe estate of E. F. Oakley, decwa eU late o^franklln County, notU? la hereby glveiK all persons holding claims against sqld eatate to preaent them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of N^^mber, 1925. or (this notice will ba^lealWJinr of their 'recovery. All penfona -indebted to aaid estate will plyue come forWRjxi and make ImmedUle settlement. This Novate ber 20th. 1924. 11-21-61 /MARY S OAKLEY, Admr. ALCOHtilL/' TOR RADIATORS. ' McKINNE^ROS. U-81-lt COLD WAVE Freezing Temperature Probably Snow It is going to be rough on the outside. How about the inside. Is your house properly heated? We can handle your problem. Heaters - - $3.50 to $18.75 Coal Stoves - - 6.75 to 35.00 Oil Stoves - - j 7.00 to 12.50 Pipeless Furnace ? *150.00 to 300.00 Complete lines ol accessories for any room Richmond Cook Stoves ari Heating Stoves Florence Automatic Oil Stovql and Heating Stoves T / / The McGhee=Joyner Co. FRANKLINTON '3 BIGGEST & BEST STORE PHONE 47 PHONE 47 BUYING GROCERIES from this Store is a Pleasent Economy / ? J ? By pleasant economy, we mean'^hat you are always assured the utmost in quality at the lowest possible prices. Buying supplies for your table because the price is low is v 7 i ot always economy. But buying Quality Groceries from this store, where the margin \ i cf profit is always low, is a real saving, fov there is no waste to what you get. have just received a car of Flour and c*fc make the price interesting. Also just re ceived a car of Brick. . f\ BUGGIES AHD WAGONS I have a big lot of nice buggies, both o^en a> d top, fteel and robber tired that I am offering at prices that will surprise yin. I have a lot of Farm Wagons, both one and two horse, and a big lot of harness, let me suppl r you it needs. Don't frrget to bring yonr cotton to in , to bo ginned and get a ticket that may win one of the big prises that will be given ?way in December. J. P. Tl 2 Miles South of Louisburg, If. C.

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