The Franklin Times A. r. J0HH80H, E?tor ?d THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION HCBSCBIPT103I |1^? Par I MB YOLCW? LIU. _ LOPI8BCBG, R. C,.KKI|PAY, DECEMBER 5. 1MI SIXKER 4t EXTRA CASH PRIZE STIRS WORKERS TO RENEWED EFFORTS Members of the Franklin TlmeB Cir culation Drive arc leaving Uo stone unturned In their quest for subscriptions this week. From all over the territory in which the newspaper circulates comes the repbrt of great activity on the part of all the drive members, and no doubt all the mem bers will surpass any previous weeks work, in point of subscriptions turned in. Such a fight that Is being waged by the various contestants is not In the least surprising, when one takes in consideration the great value of the prizes at stake. A chance to earn a fine automobile to say nothing of the $50 extra prize to be given the member turning the most money this week, comes seldom, and there is PRICES VERY SATISFACTORY On Louisburg Tobacco Market the Past Week; Demand Continues Good The prices received by the many L-owers who have sold tobacco on the * - sburg tobacco market the past . have been very satisfactory, riany exceptionally good sales li. . ! fen made. The demand con tiir.. trong and the bidding brisk and livc'y. The time for closing for the Christ mas holidays had not been arranged at the time of this report but will probablc_be announced next week. In the meantime you had best get vour tobacco ready and on the market as early as possible so that you can avoid the rush at the last minute. Louisburg is proving itself the place for you to sell. Come and en joy some of the advantages it is of fering. IMPORTANT MEETING 1 WOMAN'S CLUB There will be a very Important meeting of the Woman's Club on Friday afternoon, December 12th, at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. W. Purgurson, Allmembers are re quested to be present. MRS. CARY HOWARD, Pres. MRS. 0. Y. YARBORO, Sec'y. NO MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE The meeting of the Board of Edu cation on Monday was attended by no matters of Importance claiming the attention of the Board. Only mat ters of routine was presented and disposed of. BAZAAR AND DINNER The ladies of the Methodist church will hold their qnnual bazaar in the Allen Building, Mrs. Scott's millinery room. Tuesday evening, December 9th. Doors open at 7: 30. Lunch 'will be served Wednesday at 12 o'clock. Everybody come. small' wornler that a hotly contested race Is on. The race (or the fine_ptjzes at this time la rapidly getting closer. It seems lo be a race to see which, the city of i Loulsburg or those living on the out side will carry off highest honors when the judges make the count and award the prizes. So close is the race at the present time that it would be a hard task to venture to pick the winner of the best prizes. Saturday night will end the extra cash prize offer and the campaign office will remain open until nine o' clock p m. The winner of the $30 ex tra cash prize will be announced at the epd of the' campaign l and be awarded 'along with the other prizes. KILLS WIFE AM) ATTEMPTS St'K'IHF. John Arch Perry, colored, shot his wife, Clara Perry, with a double bar rel shot gun on Sunday afternoon at liis^hojpe about one mile south of Mr. Richard Clarks. killing her in stantly. The loads from both barrels took effect in the womans breast. He barred himself inside his house and threatened the life of anyone attempt ing to enter. Officers were sent for and Constable J. E. Thomas, accom panied by Messrs. C. E. Pace. R. W. Alston and E. P. Dement went to the scene immediately. The officers forced their way into the house by the use of an ax and found the wo man lying across a bed dead, and in an adjoining back room John was found in a dying condition. The indi cations were that he had attempted suicide by trying to cut his throat with a butcher knife and beating himself over the head with an ax, A physician was called by the offi cers who rendered Immediate aid and John is recovering from his wounds. The officers teel snre it was a case of murder and attempted suicide, as they understand the negro was men. tally unbalanced. , DESTROYS LOT OF BEEB Sheriff H. A. Kearney with Chief of Police B. H. Meadows and Mr. Sidney Edens destroyed about 3000 gallons of beer on Sunday evening within about three miles of Frank, llnton. Constable J. E. Thomas and officer C. E. Pace report the destruction of about 400 gallons of beer and a lot o* boxes and barrels on the branch to the east of John Days, on Satur day afternoon. FORI) TURNS OVER On Saturday night a Ford car oc. cupied by a number of colored occu pants turned turtle on north Main street pinning the occupants under neath. The car was lifted by people who were nearby and saw the acci dent, Apparently no one was hurt and save for slight damage the car came out fit to run. Subscribe to The Franklin Times F&A.NK W. JUSTICE Sheriff of maklln Coaaty Who waa elected In the rMta t election and qualified on Monday, taking oharf ? of th* office. He la om of Fra lkltn Ooonty'i laadlng and moat pro. rreaalr* cltliena and will na doubt etttT ranch of hia energy Into the offloa with him. . ? . . .. ' . ' . '-2 j. 1ST OF NOMINEES IN THE "SALESMANSHIP CLUB" AND VOTES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION " If y-mr name is in the list get busy. If not send it in now. Mrs. N B. Tucker, Louisburg 45,600 Joe D. ^upton, Route, 5, Louisburg, 70,500 Miss Zena Bobbitt, Route 4. Louisburg, 73,000 Miss Alice Harris, Louisburg 48,000 Miss Marie Meade, Louisburg 72,500 Miss L'llie Harper, Route 6, Louisburg 72,300 Mr. Bruce Sturdavent, Route 4, Louisburg 71,000 Mrs. F. B. Leonard, Louisburg, ; 70,000 Miss Grace Harris Route 5, Louisburg 20,000 Miss Marion Hawks, Louisburg, 20,000 , W. A Shearon, Franklinton 65,800 Miss Bessie Hudson, Yopngsville 20,000 Mrs. E C. Sexton, Route 2, Spring Hope 70,300 Mrs. G T. white, Bunn, G9.500 F. C . Ayscue, Route 1, Youngsville, 20,000 Miss Mamye White, Franklinton, 20,000 68TH CONGRESS NOW IN SESSION CONGRESS TO HONOR , MEMORY OF WILSON House and Senate Met at Noon Yesterday In a Pacific At mosphere; Coolidge To Send Budget To Congress Today and His Message Tomorrow Washington, Dec. 1. ? With an out ward calm viewed generally r.a only the forerunner ot storms that are to come, the Sixty-Blghth Congress *f cjonvened today (or its final session. It must give way on next March to the new Congress elected last month. The opening was brief and per functory. The Senate was tn session exactly 20 minutes and the House just 65 minutes. The only departure from the usual opeDlng routine was the adoption by the House of a reso lution tor Congressional memorial services for Woodrow Wilson on De cember 15. Each house adjourned until noon tomorrow out of respect to the memories ot members who have died recently after it had adopted re so. lutlona of regret. Before that new members had been Bworn in and a joint committee had been named to advise President Coolldge that Con gress was in session. This the com mittee did later in the day. No Joint Session The executive informed the com mittee that tomorrow he would trans mit the annual budget message and on Wednesday would send in his own annual message on the state of the union. This will not he delivered In person, thus obviating the necessity for a joint session. Facing the necessity of passing more than a dozen annual appropria tion bills in three months. Congress will get down to business tomorrow. The House will receive the Interior Department supply measure and be gin Its consideration Wednesday. As fast as the appropriation meas ures are sent to the Senate, otliers will be ready for House considera tion. Not all of the time will be given to them, however, as lluuse leaders plan from time to time to call up general legislation. The program In the Senate will be similar, although the Republican steering committee will not map out a definite program until late this week or early next. Meanwhile, how ever, the 8enatewill give attention to Muscle Shoals, which comes up Wednesday under a special order. The present expeo Comment Senator La Follette had no com I oient to Ciit of the bvlldirg Including Mr. Lan coster's mother, a ho was very feeble, lost all opportunity of saving much of the household and kltc*i? n fura.ih liiys and i.s * -?ji \ ?sii? two tru k"i i and two !????! >,tillis *>re save. Vim remainder Including the building wa.s j n (ompU'r lsh Is around 16.000 with no Insurance. The fire originated from kn effect Ive chimney. NEW FURNITURE STORE MtHenry C. Taylor haa opened a new nd up-to-date line of furniture and houfta^ furnishings In his new ?tore building on east Nash street. Hi Informs us thatfe* wUl keep a ? assortment of all the neweir Cfffatlons all the time. Read his announcement on another page Don't forget to sand your articles to* the Baaaar to the Ladies Shop Tuesday morning or early Tuesday afternoon. ARTHUR STRICKLAND ELECTED CHAIRMAN W. M. PERSON APPOINTED [prosecuting ATTORNEY ! | S. A. Newell, Re-Elected Coun-( ty Attorney New Officers Qualify and Assume Duies; Many Reports Received; Board Draws Jury; Routine Disposed of In the reorganization of the Board of County Commissioners Monday. Mr. Arthur Strickland was unanimously re-elected chairman and Mr. S. A. Xewell was unanimously re-elected attorney. Both actions being especi all complimentary to the efficient and untiring service these gentlemen have rendered the -county the past two years. The Board of County Commission ers met in regular session on Mon day morning with all members pres ent. After reading and approving minutes of previous meetings the fol lowing business was transacted: Constable J. E. Thomas was before the Board seeking instruction as to what to do with the matter of John Arch Perry, who had killed his wife, and for whom warrant was issued for murder, he being; in a condition that the warrant could not be served. The matter was referred to Recorder G. M. Beam. The report of Miss Daisy Caldwell was received and filed. The report of Supt. E. C. Perry. Public Welfare, was received and his j recommendations be carried out as I follows: That Neal Medlin. Alice Med I lin and Martha Pearce be stricken from outside pauper list. I T. W. Stokes. J. P.. reports $10 j fines and fees. Report of J. A. Hodges, auditor, was | received and filed. Upon motion the report and settle jment of Sheriff IT. A. Kearney was j received and accepted. Upon motion Mrs. Joe Pleasants was sent to County Home. Upon motion J. B. Young was ap pointed Constable of Youngsville township and his bond was accepted. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone. Health Officer, was received and filed. Report of J. R. Perry, J. P.. was re ceived and filed. All road commissioners to be noti fied to make report on all road funds and special sioJcing funds. Report of J. J. Holden. Superinten dent of County Home, was received and filed. He reports 7 white and 12 colored inmates at home. He also re ' ported sale of crops amounting to j $413.48. Returns for special school elec tions were received as follows: Wilders District, registered 17. for 16. against 1. Pearces District registered 68. for 41, against 9. Cypress Creek township Road Trus tees made report, which was received and filed. After allowing a number of ac counts the old Board adjourned sfr?e The new Board met at 1:30 o'clock with all members present. Clerk of the Court J. J. Young, ad ministered the oath of office to the following members of the Board, of County Commissioners: Arthur Strick i land, J. R. Jones. T. S. Dean, R. S. Pace, W. P. Wilson. | Arthur Strickland was appointed ? temporary chairman, and the Board proceeded to organize. Upon motion I Arthur Strickland was unanimously elected chairman for ensuing two years. ? Upon motion S. A. Newell was i unanimously elected County Attorney !for the next two years at the same r salary. , Upon motion J. A. Hodges was ; unanimously .yelected purchasing agen. auditor and bookkeeper for one .year. | The bond of S. (\ Holden, Register 'of Deeds, was received and approved: He was administered the oath of of i fice and assumed his duties. F. W. Justice was administered oath as Sheriff, and his bond was ap ! proved and accepted. J. B. Young. Jas. A. Bledsoe, J. S. Rowland. L. G. Turnage. F. F. Hicks. H. S. Ayscue and F. S. Pearce, took oaths as Constables of their respec tive townships. The bonds of F. F. Hicks. J. A. Bledsoe, H. C. Ayscue, J S. Rowland were received and ap proved. G. S. Earp took oath as Coroner and his bond was accepted. Upon motion W. M. Person was unanimously appointed Prosecuting" Attorney for the Recorders Court for ihe ensuing year. | Report of Sandy Creek Road Trus ttees was received and filed. I The Board with the^ assitance of | the Sheriff drew the jury for Janu ary court. \ J. S. Finch presented claim for turkeys killed by dogs. One that he 'stated belonged to someone else was istricken from the list, and H. A. Faul ?kner, W. P. Wilson and J. E. Collins j were appointed a committee to make : investigation. Upon motion a resolution was adopt jed to borrow $3,177.00 for Sandy 1 Creek township roads. '! ? After allowing a number of accounts 'tht Board p'lfourned meet again Jon the first Monaay in JaiVUary. 1T?26. AT THE XETHODI&T CHURCH I The first Sunday in December is the first Sunday in- the Conference jyear in the sense that we gird oor | loins for new achievements. The old I conference year is gone; the history | is written. The new book is open for a new and greater record. May we j begin aright next Sunday. J We have jour compi union service next Sunday morning. Our splendid choir will render the Twenty-Third ? Psalm as a Cantata. Important an nouncements will be made concerning the work of the coming year. O. \V. DO WD, Pastor. Remember the lunch Wednesday at 12 o'clock in Mrs. Scott's millinery room. , i vnufuiittf R*tlrt*? SMrHt Sheriff H>IB ry A. Kunty, wbo r?ttr*d from otttaa on MlaotloD hu sad* u> MMltoai moN M a puUle jraari h* hu b**n 8k*rttf. H* hm alwajr* ?tr*a ttw th? dot!** of tha offtoa and *M dHH**at ia tfeatr him on* of th? b*?t offlc*r? la UmSUU. sj-Sl