Overweight Pencil Tablets-00 Pages and 5c Pencil, both for 5 Cents A few more Giant Pencil Tablets, 2(10 Pajres 5c Straight \ 1 iiini(iuiii ('ollajisiMf drinking ?-ii|. Cniynla, Loom- l?-al note hooks atil |iu|>i*r, T\ |m'\\ ritter tablets ;111 i iJ; !' i -?< A F R I I 1. * S11 i.i" ? .1 1 ' .:::. ' '? : -1 iV - r' *i I lir a I ? : " ti- V ?: *' ' ' ? ? J.ilnl-4 i f 'I . J. M- ? .11.-1 ]. 'I \Vr:rh* , M 1 he I . -' ? W ill. I'.." if.irii the nth h. rl . ; Is f ACia a i.rl , r. ? h? %'> st ? r ? j . i Mm: r t r' art f ? :i t a . .1 K Writ:!.' ?? ?>???! :i.v - it ]?11? ik ;.!*:? f'r.i'? k .? n IC ^ i s 1 r ?% ' ? ? 'r ' i '? f ? i ? i 1 ? m nil' f ? fui. ? ... ? J i ,r.? I uU'iilifi i .i: jrv.n. U rn*: 4 V Pro! . . ? v. ve-t r V ri \ Wr kI?' ' \ M ; i' ? -? Tr ; ti . . b> d> '??] .! j ? ? I '? i ? k Ifji t'rnurv RegMr*. ) Thin I i ruNi-r f. 1\ j " R 1. Ml 1 I 'M S Trii?S? \\ m H Ri'fin VI1*. f.' 1 ' FORI ? I r K! M > \ r.}; By virnj? - ' p. a . ? >nt aim*>| in i | \ Deed of TrtiM * \1??.I lr. I'nlvin j Dunffton. recorded in the offio- of the), Hpftntfr of liooijq '.f Kraiiklhi CminC. ''j In Book 261 nt page "'7 *. default ha\ j Jng been made in the pav merit nf ?h- L debt therein mhiitoI mi r^joeaf t the holder of ilio wnnir I shall H,, by public auction, to th? highest Met | ?ler for cash. at the Court Hoflse door \ > in 1/OtilflburK nt 12 o'r lock noon oi |j Friday the pth day of January 1I j the following dcurriliPil property In Hayeavillo Township, honniicil bv the lands of Johnnie Ward Oreely Al ' ?ton, Charlie Ward. Jim (Ireon. deeded i to me by Billy Fdwards containing 6f? I Acren. Henderson. N C. per F>. 1*24 ' I241-K W. W I'AUHAM. Trusts FOB RA1.F" W? hare lf?t?d for sate *?>o?rnl val taWt farm., among whlrh urn (11 boot 114 acre* Oadar Hock T 3 kru.wn .j Cook. land, on Htnln highway, (?) ? baat 1S5 acraa Haywlll. T H known at tart of Whitakar lands For prices aid tar ma, ??? IStANKUN ma * REALTY (Or?r Drat National Rank) 1M ' ? ? r 4 I i:I f.N ? ^ r - If.-. ? i- ?? -'r : g f urn ' I-" 1 * r.' arici a fir" r r in ? * fj n an j;, ' k i r; 'i if n mi r ? w- * % j v ? Wo w r i r fjf I'. r.-ls hun t wa.t ;n * I i' ^ r.a, I Co ' *' r 1 >'? far in h f r aalo THE FRANKLIN INS AND REALTY CO Bennett Perry Manager niHWI.f Mf'KK - \ I A virlne of juiwcr < oritaiii'-'J i:i ? Mill I i n of TrilPl. ? *'?( nil | by V C Abbott and I.nrv Abbott. seel ?? ? >k 2M page 1!'4 and Fartiest Cana ] Iv anil Hatfie Canady see H1 *? office of the tegjutcr of I>????. 1h of Franklin Conn % default Imving been made In the mymenf of t be debt therein secured, ! >n rcf-pjcst of the holder of the same.1 ?l?all a?'ll by public auction, to the iighi'ot bidder for tnab. at the Court 1 I mac door in I,oulsburg. nt 12 o'?lo Having l>ecTI purchased from I* <' Carroll Trn? 1 No 2 of Karri est Canadv In Frank lint on Township hounded by the larols of Tom Fogg. Nathan Ferry and Klla Canndv being trrut of 1.1 acres deed'd to me hv mv mother F~! 1 a t "a nady Henderson. N C I >e? f? 1^24 12-12 5t T T HICKS Trustee Subscribe to The Franklin Time* Mrs. Jules S. Bache Recent portrait of Mrs Julea S. Bache, wife of a New York banker, whom tbe collector of the port there has usaessed $26,0r arv ? 1111. : - s i ? .-ih r 11 ;! th?T<* ;? ft* | I.. ??[ * JM'lTl 11 tli<' 1 . r t :?!. .tirs? I hiritit: . .::. Ii?l ;? i I:. & \] k f i f \f- ?! 1 .? F Mitt ? I.i i:* a fun ? ? 111 .i k? i 1 ": ? ?? ' 'i.1 f ? i n ? 1.15' 1 ? ! ns if-..' r i. s f'?ii, ? i'iri i:n'Ti( ail in f h< < i { . r-1.: ? ? ? i rr ? * Fra i: k I in < ? H il t ? i-ranr -fn [? I.? an ab^oluto
  • ' 'i.i! sin- is roqninal fo appear ai h-- ffi< ? to I To- njrr f"i I ? n lii'f ?li manik'il hi nahl ? This rlif l?r*ith o< J I. I' M.MKH.I >?-p <' S (' l .*,r Franklin I'nuntv Mi-ti * l,i. ?.fi?? r v ? ? tin- lamlinjE plaoo f"r'> rh?-v ato fi'ir am tin kiml that t k FIm'w >our ?! rimrp ami the r?Lg is arnl your war? on car'fi will fi*1 ulr iplifd I ?iploin?< v rpai li?>H its (might whMi man < mivino ? hl? v. |f?? that 1m iiiiM join another 1 ? hi x ?* r i" maiiy rrmn Mop a 1 if?? h ftooind s< anrl wait for a anf#? hit to bring i-ni homo 1 Tli*? ( ongrenaman who form* a p<> h al bloc muM rim th#> ri?k of hav K H kno< kflmr? an ulta. k of gi>ppe influenza or sole f ? throat, |*Fr>Mcians and drug.-^ta ate iw rrcomnu-ndsng < ah-ubs, the naaaeakds Calomel taLlct, thai ia punCcd from dan gerous ami sickening effects. Those who have tried it say that it acts like magic, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water, that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with eating, work or pleasures. Next morn ing your cold has vanished and your sys tem feels refreshed and purified. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, k< price ten cents for the vest pocket size; ihirty five cents for the large family pack age. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists. Your money hack if you are not delighted.? The desire for a large car seems generally more prevalent than the de sire for a large family. Don't forget that the leader of the orchestra was content to play second fiddle first. E E a [ [ If ! \ \ $ SACK OF VALUABLE REM- ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by Mary Kearney and husband and duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Frank lin County in book 1150 anil page till, default having been made in the pay ment of the notes therein secured, and at the request of the holder of said nutes. I will on MONDAY JANUARY 26, 1H25 at or about the hour of u-oon.sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Louisburg, X all those certain tracts, or parcels of land i ituate in Fianklinton Township, Franklin Coun ty. State of North Carolina, and de sci ;bed as follow s' FIRST tiie 71 15 acre tract known a- "lie Mciihee Tract and the 63 acre tr ' known as the Hayes Tract, both j J J of -aid t ra? i s U ine described and con v- 'I by i i nkl'.n Co uiTv, X ?. ?.\'[? Tl. ' 1? n T 1 on lb Sfi IS fcfi tin ?u . r .f s m Ci li V .1 s & i IV fW Mm Market [ ,1-1 ul.il. ? ? ..riiir iui I - 111' .ill, n-.ti.in: ami va? 'M? ? i mil ii ni v iirw meal mark, ' nrxr ?,, in> si or- on Sa* ?;r \.,viriher .'Mile and ?iil bav, a f1:I lim- of all kinds ,,f fr?-aliiii> ats I have just installed a modern ranitarv refrigerator and will a full line of choice meats at all limes Oysters in s.-a soli Phone > our orders to No -I for prompt atfention C. li. HOLMES I have a full line of heavy ami fan, y nr.K-erlen at my new atore. I.OUISBURO REPAIR SHOP] I J| ST KF< FIVFD I rn*e Isorernment llor*e Blanket*. I .irtory price $7.60. onr price M.00 1 ca*e Plo?h robe* $4.00 np to #12.1*0 VII wool Doable Ilod Blanket*. worth *20.00, for #12.7*0 pair. I r??e Army Saddle*, #7-7*0 VII kind* of 11/irnMi In Mock and made to order. I an Belt* for any make of rar made I > order. >eat#r Foot llarne?M Oil. H< *t srrade of leather n*rd on Shoe* nr