THE FRANKLIN TIMES L r. JOHNSON, Kdttor u4 Manager Ok. Year II U glyht Months 100 HU Mouths .76 fraar Months M mi l I HE AA1TRI AN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Poet Office at Louls ? nrg. N C-. as second class matter thy: cmisy: of thy \y vk The close of the year is always a time for serious thought ami reflection T|>e past crowds upon us as such a time with far more than usual intensi ty and especially forces upon our at tention our faults, failures and mis takes. Let us look them squarely In the face and profit by them The wise man always does this, hut the fool never. The latter goes on com. rattling the same follies and making the same mistakes never profiting by tilt experience, to say nothing of the experience of others. Every man nialtes mistakes. It may not be his f?alt the first lime, but it is if he njakes the same mistake the second tint* We believe that the secret of saadess with those who succeed, and tljd I cause of failure with those who fail, will be found largely in the abili ty and disposition to study the causes of both success and failure, not only in one's own experience, but in that of others. The farmer now has leisure to review the operations of the year, and he should do it candidly and crit ically. Make a complete analysis of every important operation. FTnd the weak places in it end trace them to their origin. Nothing will prepare one so thoroughly for the operations of the year to come as this kind of searching investigation. And while we are about tlws busi ness we should look just as carefully >? ??> our i. iird of moral r-q?,nsii iii tv. W. should he far m r? iruproi ? i h.iruot. :? a ns.rals tl . I ? 1 ? In f. 'I ? ii 111 ill I I N KIN II.MI.K Mr Kdiiur - \V?> think that Sin ff Tanlar g.kf .hi Iifrf'd at cmr other btter^as h?j lias hp.'n wors<* after our stills than ever before. Me and Spanish held a long consultation rh?* other night to de tide what to do next, so we decided to set a Irap for him We always heard that hanana brandy would hurst the head out of an oak barrel, much less burst a mans head open, so we prepared our ba\ina stuff on th?e branch and waited for results We itirlnt haw. long to w ait for when we went back to our grass killer plant the next da> we found every thing torn up as usual and knew that the Sheft had been there We had run off a gallon of this split skull brandy and left it where lie would lie sure to find It. bo we thought sure we would get him this time Hut the last we heard of hhn, he was doing busbies at the same old stand, and his bead was not only not busted but not even cracked. f*o wo thought out another plan We ?]ertd*d next to try him wllh wood nlcholiol and wrote Mr S K to order 30 gallons for UK Mis reply was lhat ? l wofild only be a waste of money as Bheff Tanlar was topper lined and ?wood alcohol would not hurt lilm a bit. Mr 8 K advised lis to try him wrlth water and said that as Hheff Tanlac was not used, to water, either Inside or outside, he thought this would put him out of business, said Sf It dldnt kill him he thought It would blind him ao he couldnt see how to find any more still* 80 ve hare decided to set up our next still on the Island where there Is plenty of water all around Now when Sheff Tanlaa makes his visit to this place, -we af* going to pour two gallons of pond fTater down him. then fling htm In the pond If this dont stop htm. our only hope of getting any gross killer Is to get him to make ns his depu ties. We being old hlockadera and know the r> pes and will trouble In running down the We wouldnt poor so pack water down the Sheff, but any ibm who can hold two gallons ol " qaart of grass killer, cer roo* for 2 gallons of water I <*. Back Home m HO ^^1'isrAMs AM -OREP oor Now I will say to Sheff Tanlac that if he is dillified about this water busi ness anil wants to fight, he can step over to the F & M Bank where he will find Mr S. K. who will be pleased to accomodate him. We are mighty sorry that we could not send you that gallon of grass killer for Krismus as promised, but our beer freezed and we couldnt work. But you may look for it as soon as the weather tnoder ates. and when you get It, we want1 you to take a big drink, then go and blow your breath in Sheff Tanlac's face and ax him if he dont wish his mouth was yourn ^RESIDENT and MONKEY. Honesty is not the best policy?it is j the only policy that gets results. Talking Too Much By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois. TT IS Mark Twain. 1 believe.* who t. lis ike vi ". ?" u<teD'.ng t?> an appeal for h-dp ;? reset,.ed by a n-'tirn" 1 - - \ t ti e outse Ile sj?. Ker : d ?t is n str-n.' - as .- -V ? .., 1 il ? -? ? lie- e -1 r, :..?1es - v ,.,,1 then dar es' 111- ?? - ,i??a- >Net, 1 e'-re ?ie. and b*t? tl.eru sell tle-.nselves. lb das learned. ? .s v. r> .I'tln-; t for must of us to levrn. tbat on- gains his :e. often --r -.vita his argument tjnlte as mm h by k----pi ig still as by talk ing i-onTlnao-isly It is part of the weakness of ynnth to talk too inurh It were well, how ever. If It were confined to youth. Many women do It until they find themselves nnd those who listen to thein in a state of physical exhaustion Men, too are n-t exempt from the practice, the reason being perhaps, that we all like to cast ourselves In the ro<e of hero, or wise gny of some sort, and we foolishly imagine that by talking of our own virtues and enlarg lng ttpon the weaknesses and errors of the other man. we strengthen our own position. It Is really mostly talk, and often harmful talk U was George Eliot, I believe, who said that one of the tests of real friendship la that two people may be together for an hour and say nothing and feel no obllMttsa to say anything. We should afl be better off If we talked lees and tfemght more <? 1114, WiyHp ptwssUnU? ) ? Mill Yoer Cvavwistio. ++++-H "TRUE BLUE" ?Time blue" la the description we give to friends whoee faith fulneaa to US never varies Co ventry, Bn^ead, long has been famous lot 1* dyea Coventry blue la reiabaafted for the fact that It doea not fade and Is known as "tree blue" The application t4 "tme bine" to lasting frtendtfripa Is obvious. I 11' 1111 n 1111111111 STOCK 1IOODERR MEETING \ meeting of the stockholders of the l,oulaburg National Farm l/Oan Association will be held at E. H. Ma lonea office In Igiulsbtirg, N. C, on Tuesday. January 12th, 192R at 11 o'clock All stockholders are urged to be present A F JOHNSON I'res F. B McKINNE. Sec Treas 1 2-2t FOR FIRST CLASH JOB PRINTING PHONE 2HX AMONG THE VISITORS SOME VOL KNOW aNI> SOME TOD DO NOT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks Aid Their Friend* Who Travel Here And Tliere. PERSONALS? Mr. R R Kisaell visited Raleigh Monday. Mr. John Parker spent Christmas in Raleigh. Mr Sidney Edens spent the holi days in Benson Mr. and Mrs. \V. T Person visited Ral- igh Tuesday. Mr George Holder spent the holi days in Raleigh and Clayton. M srs. <\>b> Savage and A. P. John son \->iit'l Raleigh Tuesday. V - ? F. A I v. jt li and J. P. Tim 1 h nia to Norfolk S.unlay. 1:. k? r r. ut Raleigh, was ? ?:.! *: ?-.a. ing the holi R J rlii :ng I>r F. L Perry of Atlantb City. X J. i- spending tiie holidays with his 1" oplc in lAUiisburg. Mr V M Hah. of Iiillon. S C. i>?-rjt Christinas with his mother. Mrs Ma Hale in Louiabiirjfc. Mr ami Mrs. I) G Allen, of Farm villi spent the past week end with her mother. Mrs. C B. Edens. Mr and Mrs H H Hilton and ehildren. spent Christmas with Mr. Hilton's mother in Winston Salem. Mr and Mrs F L. Edens of Washing ton. N C . spent the past week end here with his mother, Mrs C. B. Edens Misses Mary Harris, Martha Rose and Elizabeth Cooper, of Henderson, visited Miss Louise Allen this week. Miss Jnanita Rutin returned to Cary high school Tuesday, after spending the holidays with her parents here. Misses Llllle and Annie Davis Cni dup. of Wake Forest, were visitors this week to their sister. Mrs R P Taylor. Dr. Elbert Caldwell, a medical stu dent of Johns Hopkins University, of Baltimore, spent the Christmas holi days with his sister. Miss Daisy Cald well. Mr and Mrs U. E. Webb and little daughter, Luclle. and Mr and Mrs. Robert Webb, of Blackstone, Va., spent the past week end at the home of Mr W W Webb Miss Elenor Perry left Tuesday for her school at Chalybeate Springs. She was accompanied as far as Raleigh by Mr E <\ Perry, Edward Orudup Per ry, Tee Crudup. and John Williamson. Vfrs E C. Perry. Mr. W B. Tucker, Mrs. K W Furgurson. Mr and Mrs. A B Perry and Mrs C S Williams spent Wednesday with t heir sister and daughter. Mrs R B Be as ley. at Apex Hitiii g the high places Is in reality touching" the low ones Yoy can't make marriage to order id get a gtifeH fit Dean Elmer E. Jones Founding of i university In Albanls li projected according to American de sign and with American financial sup port, It has become known In Chicago with the appointment of Dean Elmer R. Jonas of Northwestern university at one of the trustees. The establish ment of this school, attracting students from all the Balkan countries, Is ex pected by f'rofaasor Jones to prove more effective than any other means In advancing harmonious relations. Christian Idsala wfll be taught, he says. The university will be known, according to reyert, as the Albanian American School of AgrteuTturs and Mechanic Arts. G. Telford Ertckeon of New York dty has bsen aelectsd as Its acting preshdent. Funds will bs raised for It In this country. I PC HI RCH?HOWE Miss Swannie Rowe and Mr. John Upchurch were happily married Sun day at noon at the home of Tommie $tokes Only a few friends were pres ent. It was avery impressiveceremony Farm records have been called "Dol lar Detectives" and the term is ap propriate, find those dairymen who have been keeping herd records for John Arey during the past year Diplomacy reaches its height when man convinces his wife that he <hl Join another lodge. I > many in-oi -Tip a life's second I) and wai' a safe hit to liriny '1 1 fffFi us a po ri-k hi' 'civ il I! r K i * a 1,1 N F'.MKS PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. K. K. VABBOKOUGH i'h) oIiIhii and Surgeou Loulsburg, N. C. Office (h Blckett and Yarborough Building. Office Phone 296 Realdence Phone 28 K. AT WOOD NEWELL. A ttoraej-A Claw. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 116 Office In First National Bank Building ?leaeral Practice 1111. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist office In Hotel Building Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on Cash basis wben work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLE'MINO S. P. BUKT, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Scoggln's Drug Star* Hours 11 a m. to 1 p m? and 4 to 6 P. m. DR. AKCH H. PERKY General Practice DK. ?. K. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. Offices aud Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 336-J Special Attention to Small Animals. UK. D. f. SMITH W11IL Dentist. Lealskurg, 14. C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts W. M. PERSON. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina set lee In ail courts. Office on Mala Street G. ?. BEAR Attorney-a t-Law Off! over Post Office Proc.'i.-, In ail courts. Wood, N. C. Office In Service Drug Co. DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, North fdaln St. Telephone: Hours: Night 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. Day 64 12 to 2 p. m. 6 to 8 p. m. 11. B. While E. II. A J. E. Malone WHITE A MALONE LAWYERS l-OTjisborg. North Carolina General practlco, ?e?.tlement of t* '.*s funis Invested. One member of r---~ In fbs office. DK. 11. PERRY Pir,-Vim mid Surgeon l.<u:M>iir:r. North tnmli'ia * I., Aycock Dm.: < "o ?[?' lo[.ii' I i hiy 2>7; Nig,it 2S7 UK. J. ?. MALONI. Boulsburg, North Carolina See to Ajcock Drug Store, Market Street. Office Practice Surgery end consultation " 1IK. H. U. JuHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. O. NEWELL, M- D. Loulsburg, N. Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 Win H Kuffln, inos W. Ruffln VVK. II. A TUBS. W. RL'EEIN Attorneys-ai-Law bouisburg, : North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim inal. In Franklin and adjoining coun loa. Supreme and Federal Courta. Offices In First National Bank Building. JOHN E. MOCK Registered Engineer Assoc Mem. Am. 8oc, C. F. County and Municipal Work. Maps and Land Surveying. Box 108, Warren ton, N, C. 10-31-tf Phone 5 or 6 and 26. CALL PHONE 106 EOB CLEANING, PRESSING, LAUNDRY THE SERVICE SHOP W. B. Xanford, Propr. Loulsburg, N. C. NOTICE We are glad to announce to nur cus tomers and friends that we have first clasB line of barbers and are In better shape to serve our cast mers than we have ever been. A trial is all we ask. TbanklDg your for your patronage. We are yours to serve, STEGALL B OS. SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Effective Dec. 28th, 1924 Louisburg, N. C. J Trains Daily Except Leave Sunday No. 330 8:30 AM. No. 312 11:50A.M. No. 334 5:00 P.M. Trains Daily Except Arrive Sunday No. 331 10:15 A. M. No. 311 3:40 P.M. No. 335 7:05 P.M. For information regarding r;0es and schedules apply to L. L. JOYNER, Agent, Louisburg, N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D PA, Ralei"' T C. We Wish You All A ? i ? / 1 e ? ? Happy New Year Assuring you that we have done our best to add to your pleasures by having sold you the best Merchandise for your money that could be pro cured. and that we expect to do even better this year. We thank you most heartily for your liberal pat ronage. It has been to us an appreciation for our efforts and an incentive to greater effort. Again wishing you an abundance of joy. F A. Roth Company The Store That Always Sells The Cheapest LOOISBURO, -v Nor,b r*

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