COMMUNITY PLATE -? T.H. DICKENS, President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier E. M. PARHAM, Asst. Cashier ' DIRECTORS: T. H. Dickens, Ghas. N. Sherrod, H. M. Stovall, J. S. Howell, O. M. Beam H. H Pmtt'i cotton seed tor plant In* tested m%. This mui that 6? id'oit rla, for here the need is greatest. Real railroad men as regards, present earnings will not fear the flying machine, even should they fail to utilize it. That flying ma chine, taking long-haul passengers from railroads, will so greatly in crease freight carrying as to make railroad rights of way and termi nals more valuable than ever. That's part of the wisdom of Divine Justice. No really good thing ever disappears with an other good thing already existing. The taxi wiped out the hansom cab, as gss and electricity wiped out -he tallow candle. But the hansom and the candle were really not "good things." Watch the flying machine. It will make changes greater than the steam engine ever made, mak ing man literally master of all he surveys by enabling him to go anywhere and everywhere without roads or terminals, crossing a con tinent in half a day. Most important of all is the fact that the flying machine alone rep resents national safety, since all wars, will be fought and won or lost in the sir from now on. Write your two Senators and your Con gressman, urging adequate serial defense?not haft as many first class machines as any other na tion has, but twice as many. Samuel Gompers Yes in the) Sleepy Hollow f .c..:ctcry at Tarry town. N. Y., r.->: from the grave of Andrew Ci.-ugie. The talked of "community of interests" and "equality" be tween capita) and labor become read in the graveyard. On earth, in the sunshine equal ity of capital and of labor, is not yet reality. Labor is labor, with worry and uncertainty attached to it, usually. And capital, with all its worries, means some leisure and a systaltic share in what i labor produces.. But conditions are better then they were. It is no longer a. crime for workmen to unite. It was a crime once. And they no longer brand with a red-hot iron any work man convicted of leaving his own P*ri,h to seek employment in an other. They did that in ' years ago. FOR SALE 25 sewing machines, different makes at bargain prices. ('RANFORD MOTOR COMPANY. 1-g.jt C. M. Vaughan of Sevan Paths Is the first farmer to ?and his tobacco seed for recleaniog. They wars seat to Raleigh Christmas week. The only fallow, who never takes a chance In a law to# is the attorney who Is sura of Ms too Drat m PROFESSIONAL COLUMN ML B. r. IABBOBOUGH or _ rtl. Offta* la Blck?n and Yerborough Bgiidlgg. OBtoa Phoos 896 Residence PbOM U K ATWOOD NBWKLL. A tUnti-At-Lav. Loulsburg, N. O. Pbona No. U? Office la Flint National Bank Building Geaeral Pra< bm. w. b. bqbtob Eye Specialist office in Hotel Building Loulaburg, North Carolina 1 wlafr .tq advise my paUente and tbe public generally that after the let Of Sep'cmber my business will he on Caab basis when work ts completed. DR. ART 11 UK HYNB8 FLEMING 8. P. BUB*. M. D. Loulaburg, N. a Offloee over Scoggln** Drug Hours 11 a MK to 1 ?. m.. and 4 to DB. ABCH H. PERRY" General Practise S P. at. PB. W. B. RAS&. Loulaburg. N. a P^ifSfi.12i?r'ss?SL Special Attention to B?gU Animals. , p. (.umrnci. Malabar* B.C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nnah 8ta. V. M. rXBSOH. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Loulaburg. North Carolina Tastlos la all oourta. OSes oa Mala G. M. BEAM Attorn.)-at-Law Off. oyer Post Office Pr?<: .... in ail courts. Weed, B. a Office In Service Dreg Co. DR. J. B. DAYI8 " Physic Inn nnd Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main SL Telephone: Hours: Night 64 8:80 to 10:80 a. m. Day 64 18 to 2 p. m. 6 to 8 p. m. K. B. White R. H. A J.K. Baloae WRITS A RALPHS LAWYBRS Lomlahurg, North Carolina general practice, settlement of en .?ao funds lnveatod. One member M .4 Arm always in the offiea. DB. H. G. PBBBT Physician nnd ??g^n . uoolsbirgf HmIi CtftiiM Offices Adjoining Ay cock Drug Co re laphones: Day 887; Nlgbt 287 OB. J. B. RALPHS. ' Loulaburg, Nortb Carolina In Ay cock Drag Store, Market Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DB. H. H. JuHllSOS Physician nnd Snrgeen Lonlsbsrg, North Care Una Office orer Ay cock Drag Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 i. O. HKW11X, I. D. Lentsharg, B. ? flee in First National Bank Building ty Phone 149 ? Night Phone 848-8 rm. H. Boffin, inos. W. Ruffis WM. M- * THUS. W. BUFFIH Attorney ?-at-Law suisbarg, i Berth L saeral practice, both ctrll and < ul. In Franklin nnd adjoining l__ Bapreme nnd Fedarnl Courts. " ~ i In Pint National JOHB E. BUCK ' Registered Engineer Aseoc. Jfcm. Am. Soc. C. E. County and Municipal Work. Maps nnd Land Bex 118, Warrantee, B. C. Il-tf Phone t or 6 and 26. CALL FHGNB M* FOB CLEAHUM, PRESSING, LAUBDBY TRB 8EBV1CB SHOP W. B. Mis ford, Prspr. , Lenlsbsrg, B. C. ' NOTICE We are glad to announce to n?r eaa omers and friends that ws bars ffrat :lass line of barbers and ara In batter ihape to serve our cast mere than we wit ever been. A trial la all we aak. Thanking your for your patronage. Ws are yours to serve, 8TEQALL B OS. SEABOABD AIB LINE BY. Effective Dec. 28th, 1984 " _ Louisburg, N. 0. Train * Daily Except Leave Sunday No. 330 8:30 A M. No, 312 11:50 A.M. No.334\ 5:00 P.M. Trains v. Daily Except Arrive * -? Sunday No. 331 10:15 A. M. No. 311 <1:40 P. M. No. 335 - t&b P. M. For information regarding rates and schedules apply to L. L. JOYNEB, Agent Loniiburg, N. 0. ?' f JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A, Keleigh N. 0. NOTICE Hulas qualified aa administrator ot U? eatate of K. A- Perry deceased, late ot Fraak|in County, uoUos is here by slven all pesaou holdlns claims asalnst said estate .to present them to the undersized on or before the ttth day of December IMS. 0/ this not^c* will be plead la bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and nipt immediate settlement. Ilits Dqc. 24th. 1M4.' 12:2<-4t ROBT. B. PERRY, Admr. ? Ths town people have been for two years setting meals at the franklin Hotel for 60c. 12-26-2t STOCKHOLDERS MEETING A meeting of the stockholders of the Loulsburg National Farm Loan Association will be held at B.H. Ma longs office in Loulsburg, N. C., on Tuesday, January ~12th, 1926 at 11 o'clock. All stockholders are urged to be present A. F. JOHNSON. Pres. F. B. McKINNB, Sec.-Treas. 1.2-2t LOST, STRAYED QR STOLEN On?j red Jersey sow, weighing/about 200 pqanda. Notify C. D. HUNT at Leo nard Farm. l-2-2t Artists are supposed to be born, but sometimes we doubt it Miss Bwannle Rowe and Mr. John Upchuroh wm happily married Bun. day at noon at the home of Tpmmle Stokes. Only a few friends were, pres ent. It was avery lmpreeslveceremony r m ?' The criminal business at tltuas seems good, but It Is really bad. Hluti ii the high places Is In reality touching the low ones. You can't make marriage to order and get a good fit. / MtSiey la no. longer tha root of all evil; It's the whole tree. "A TONIp Oreveb Tasteless cWU Tonic restores Ehdagy and vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel Its strengthening, invigqrgtlggpffpct. see how It brings color to the cheeks and bow it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The Mood needs QUININE to Purify It and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect 60c. Vay Be Mrs. pempsey ' '-?* ' ?" 8MR Ws i Estelle Taylor, of Phila., whose applioai ion for divorce from her banking husband has been ap proved ?Her engagement to Cham Uag lack Dempsey had virtually IT* teknowledged when it became ?'v-Vr she was already wed. $15,000 Ui ttrize- r A.1 Michler, President of the Na. 'ional Horse Shoe Pitching Ass'n, has raised $1B,000 in cash prized for the National meet at Lak< Worth, Florida, February 16th< 28th. . 1 1 BATTERY 'CHARGER A FEATHER IN OUR BONNET In equipping our shop to give One Day Battery Chargmg'Service to the public we have won the title of "Battery Service Headquarters" of this County. With Our New Constant Potential Char ging Outfit, we can recharge batteries per fectly in eight hours. This saves you mon ey on rentals and gives you your own bat tery back the same day. Beck's Oarage Louis burg's Oldest Garage Phone 311 Supplying the FAMILY TABLE I* Often a ProWem The thrifty housewife buy# carefully. Many of theqtffllifr.lMft'liieir daily marketioj place be cause t**paftUemi are/edftced to the wJai?um. Gitf absolutely pure and fresh, thus assuring you the maximum of rutrltiment at the Full Lifts ?f B#a*y and Fauoy Groceries HARRIS & EVANS ticder Union Warehouse