NOTICE OF ELECTION Upon Petition duly endorsed by the w? ** ?* nrnAm* n^wwU Tnnttfi pf the Louisburg Graded School District it Is ordered that an election be held -:Js Accordance with the provisloha of , a special bill passed by the General Assembly of North Carolina on the 5th. day of February, 1825, entitled "An Act to an?end Chapter one hundred and Nineteen, Private (Laws of North Carolina. 1905, entitled An Act To Establish a Graded School in the Town of Louisburg." It being House Bill 214, and 8enate Bill 175. At which election there will be ascertained the will of the people within said Louis burg Graded School District, whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more thhri twenty, one and two thirds cents (f.21 2-3) on tlx $100 valuation or property in said District in additlou to all local taxes now levied in said District, to supplement the school funds of said District and for the belter mainten ance and suppqrt of said Graded School and the payment of Indebted ness Incurred by said Graded School. The said election shall be held on the 16th day of May 1925, the polling place to be at the building of the Louisburg Graded School in said Di strict. A new registration shall be made and Mrs. W. E. Uzzell Is hereby appointed Registrar, and R. H. Davis and H. W. Perry are hereby appoint ed poll-holders in said election. The old registration boohs of said Graded School District are hereby ordered to be turned over to the said Registrar herein appointed. The said election shall be held and conducted as is pro vided in the general election laws of the State. And for the purpose of carrying out the new registration, the Registration Bocks will be kept open at the Louisburg Graded School Build ing in said District as provided by law for twenty days, beginning Satur day April 11, 1925, and closing Satur day May 2. 1925. The boundaries for said Graded School Dtstricf are as follows: Beginning at the mouth or syca more Creek; thence up said Creek to N'. H. Macon's ford; thence to the Mas senburg road that leads to J. J. Allen's; thence along the Massenburg Toad in a northerly direction to C. W. Robert's and William Allen's line; thence along C. W. Robert's line to Fox Swamp Creel:, Adkin Jones' line; thence with Jones' line to an old ex, press road near the Piney Grove Church; thence along said road to the Warrenton road near the Cool Spring; thence West along to Bear Swamp , C:eek; thence down said creek to its mouth iu Tar river; thence across the river in a Southerly direction to Franklinton Township line in Louis, burg and Frauklinton Road; thence down said road to Mill path; thence along Mill path to the residence of Jack Holmes on Mrs. R. C. Perry's land; thence southerly along the lines of A. S. Sherrod, J. P. Timberlake, and Mrs. R. C. Perry to Cedar Creek; thence down Cedar Creek to Timber lake's Bridge (this does not include the Sherrod land); thence in straight fc't uth line to Campus Creek ford so as to include the old Henry Clifton place and the farm now rented by Jordan Highi (1920) to J. C. Jones' line; thence along J. C. Jones' line to Hen ry Perry's line; thence along Henry Perry's line to B. H. Perry's line; thence along B. H. Perry's line to the old Catlett line to Cedar Creek; thence along Cedar Creek to its mouth in Tar river; thence up Tar river to the beginning at the mouth of Sycamore Creek. Those voting for said increased tax levy shall deposit a ballot upon which there shall be written or printed ' FOR GRADED SCHOOL." and those opposed and voting against said in creased tax levy shall deposit a bal lot upon which there shall be written or printed '"AGAINST GRADED SCHOOL." By order of the Board of Comrois " sioners of Franklin County, this March 2, 1925. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Attest: Chairman. S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 3-6.1 It TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that deed of trust made by Harry Iloberson, ' Nick Hall, and Percy Watkins, to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated Jan. 25, 1919, recorded In Book 224, page 187, Franklin Re gistry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and demand tor foreclo scre having been made upon said tiustee by the holder of the said in. debtedness. the undersigned vill on MONDAY APRIL 6, 1925. at about the hour of noon at the Court House Door in Louisburg^ N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the lands in. said deed of trust conveyed and there des cribed as follows: ? Situate in Dunns Township, Frank lin County, N. C? lot No. 1, according to survey of B. B. Egerton, Surveyor,] May 1912, In partition of lands of William S. Cheaves, bounded .is fol lows: Beginning at the Iron pin called tor in the foregplng description of the whole tract tho North corner of said tract on Crooked Creek, thence down said creek as It tnenners 35.80 chains to a maple shown on the plat; thence S. 72 W. 24.50 chains to a rock, corner in the line between Nos. 2 and 1 and 3. thence along the line betweeji said lots N. 20 1-2 W. 11.10 chains to a rock In the line known "Old Dead Road" to cedar stake, thence along said line N. 42 B. 22.82 chains to-'Sald cedar stake thence N 79 B to the beginning, containing 55.42 acres, more or less. This March ?, 1925. Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee. 3-?-5t. CABBAOE PLANTS Thousands of cabbage plants arriv ing dally from Booth Carolln . Phone gt leave your order. JNO. W.C4.7WM or leave your order. 2-12-44 JNO. W. KINO. There are big opportunities beckon In to the young people who atop, look (?? llstsa. m NOTICE C SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION Upon r ? 'on duly endorsed by the ? JJooFboerdso govern in. auul boa ids of ct least s majority l- he school districts within the specie school taxing district, to be known as Gold-Sand School .Tax ing Distrlot, said petition having Ufeen duly approved by the County Board of Education of Franklin County, It is ordered that an election be held in accordance with the provisions of Ar ticle 18, Part 7, Chapter One of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Sta tutes and to Codify the Laws Relating to Public School" enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina at its regular session in 1923, at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people within said special school taxing district whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of pro perty to supplement the public school fund, which may be apportioned to the proposed special school taxing district by the County Board of Edu cation; and in case such special tax is voted It shall operate to repeal and abolish all school taxes theretofore voted in any local tax or special char ter district located within the said special school taxing district. The said election shall be held on the 16th day of March, 1925, the poll ing place to be at G. C. Parrish store in said district. A new registration shall be made and G. C. Payrish is hereby appointed Registrar, and M. M. Person and A. A. Shearin is here by appointed poll-holders in said elec tion. Boundaries as fixed by the County Board of Education for special school taxing district known as Gold Sand. , Beginning at a point where the Alert-Henderson Road crosses the Franklin-Warren County Line; thence in an easterly direction along said Franklin-Warren line to corner for Franklin-WarrenNash and Halifax Counties; thence in a southerly direc tion along the Franklln-Nash Coun ty line to a point where the Cedar Rock-Gold Mine Townships line in tersects said Franklin-Nash County line, corner for the Cedar Rock Cy press Creek Special Taxing District; thence in a westerly direction along the northern line of said Cedar Rock Cypress Creek Special Taxing District as same now runs to a point where Sycamore Creek crosses the Halifax Road; ther."e westwardly along said Halifax to the southwestern corner of iLd Moulton Hayes School District ? the Louisburg Graded School I! :!ct line; thence in a north erly dire ;on along the western boun dary line -i the Moulton Hayes School District to the old O. Z. Edwards Mill; thence- about north in a straight line to the point of the beginning. The regisration books shall be open ;from the 7th day of February, 1925 to the 2Sth day of February, 1925, and the Registrar will have said books at the said polling place on each Satur day during said priod from 7th day of February, 1925, to the 28th day oi February. 1925. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, this the 2nd day oi - February, 1925. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, S. C. HOLDEN Chairmai Clerk. ? 2-6-61 NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of S. Clyde Canady, de ceased, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of February, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of theii recovery. All persons ndebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Feb. 5th, 1925. 2_G-6t BETTIE J. CANADY, Admix FOR SALE We bave listed for saie several val lablr farms, among which are (1) bout 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known .s Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. 8. known as part of Whitaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. A REALTY CO. (Over First National Dank) MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. C per cent interest. No comfhlssion, no bonus. May run for 33 years or be paid off at optloil of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. T-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. Colds Cause Crip cc J Isfteenza LAXATIVE EHOMG QLIXlltZ Tablets remove :ht cause. There is calr ere "Grans Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S siaaatnre o i box. Sc HOUSES AND FARM FOR RENT I have two five room houses and a small farm in good condition in good community for rent. Apply to V. C. WILLIAMS. Louisburg, N. C. 2-6-tf SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Effective Dec. 28th, 1924 Louisborg, N. 0. Traina ^ Daily Except Leave * Sunday No. 330 8:30 A M. No. 312 11:50 A.M. No. 334 5:00 P. M. Trains Daily Except Arrive ? Sunday No. 331 10:15 A. M. No. 311 3:40 P. M. No. 335 7:05 P. M. For information regarding rates and schedules apply to L. L. JOYNER, Agent, Louisburg, N. 0. JOHNT. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh N. 0. Fourteen fanners of Lenoir County recently purchased 452 fruit trees cooperatively at a saving, reports C. M. Brlckhouse, County Agent. 'sale of valible tract or TAMn Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superor Court of Franklin Ooun ty made in the special proceeding en titled H. A. Pace vs O. F. Finch, Marie Staunton et all, the undersigned Com missioners "WOT, "tm -Monday the l?th day of March, 1925, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, sell at publlo auction at the Court House door in the town of Loulsburg, Franklin Coun ty N. C., to the highest bidder tor cash, that certain tract or parcel qt land situated in. Hayesville township. Franklin County, North Carolina, known as the R. M. Staunton Home Place, containing ITS acres, more or less, and bounded as follows, to-wlt: Ou the north by the- lands of Ben. ; Perry, on the East by the Slmms j Bridge Rlad, on the South by the lands of Mrs. I. Q. Staunton, and on the West by the lands of Ben Hedge petji and others. Thhis the 13th of Feb. 1925. A. A. BUNN, W. H. YARBOROUGH, Commissioners. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an order of sole made by the Superior Court of Franklin County in that Special Pro ceedings entitle^ W. L. Lumpkin, Admr., C. T. A., of K. J. Perry, de ceased, vs C. W. Perry, et als, the undersigned will on MONDAY MARCH 16, 1926 at or about the hour of noon at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following describ. ed rcalestate: Beginning at a stake on the new Chavis Road, corner of Lot No. 1 here in allotted to Thelma Perry; thence along said new Chavis Road to the corner of C T. 'Nicholson's land on Mill Creek; thence down the courses of said Mill Creek, the line of C. T. Nicholson, to a dog wood on said Mill Creek, corner of said C. T. Nicholson; thence N 97 1-2 E 18.80 chains to a poplar, Woodlief's corner; thence N 13 1-2 E 6.25 chains to a gum and i poplar corner for G. G. Sandling; j thence S 15 W 20.84 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 1 herein; thence N :C1 3-4 W 7.65 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 1; thence S 34 1-4 W 29.70 chains to the beginning, and contain ing 71 3-4 acres, more or less, and being lot No. 2 in the division of the !K. J. Perry estate, a plat of which is duly recorded with the proceedings ifbove named, reference to whicch is hereby made for a further and more complete description. This the 12 of Feb., 1925. 2-13-5t G. M. BEAM, Com'r. SALE OP LAND 1 { By virtue of the power and author ity contained in that deed of trust : j executed by John W. Edwards to Ben ' IT. Holden Trustee, which is duly re gistered in office of Register of Deeds -; of Franklin County in book 251 page '; 45, default* having been made in the \1 payment of the indebtedness thereby | secured, and demand made upon me .to foreclose in accordance with the ' i terms in said deed of trust by the ? holder of said indebtedness, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door ol Franklin County on Monday the 16th - day of March, 1925 at about the hour of noon the following real estate sit uate inCypress Creek township, Frank lin County, North Carolina, Viz First Tract: Bounded on the north by the lands of the- Greenleaf Lum ber Company, on the east by the road running from Mapleville to Andersons 1! bridge, on the south by the John Ross 1 land, and on the west by the lands of the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Com. pany, containing 19 acres, more or ' less. Second Tract: Bounded on the north by the road running from Seven Paths to Andersons bridge (Old Road) on the east by the Cypress Creek, on the south by the John Ross land, and on the west by Andersons bridge road, containing 30 6-10 acres more or less.. Both of said tracts being adjacent and containing 29 6-10 acres more i or less. ? i This the 11 of Feb. 1925. 2-13-6t * BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified as administrator of the estate of L. Kline, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify ail persons hay ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under, signed at Raleigh, N. C on or before the 7th day of February, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 7th day of February, 1925. WACHOVIA BANK ft TRUST CO., 2-6-6t Administrator of L. Kline.) NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER MECHANICS LEIN | Ed Evans will take notice that under and by virtue of Section 2017 of the Revisal of 1915 of North Carolina and the lein thereby given to mechan ics fbr repairs on personal property, the undersigned will on Monday, March 16, 1925 in front of Massey Bros. Oarage In Pilot, N. C-, at about the hour of noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that Ford five passenger touring car 1923 model plac ed by him for repairs with the under, signed and that sale will be made to pay the repairs thereon made. This Feb. 12. 1925. 2-13-51 MASSEY BROS. GARAGE. NOTICE Having qtsiifl-'d us ej ecu tor of the estate of It. V. R'.tbaid" n. deceased, late of Franklin Conty. notice is hereby gi'tn ai: pc: i < ns holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or be fore the 23rd day of January 1929, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement This Jan. 22nd, 1925. N . B. R. RICHARDSON, J. B. WILDER, Executors O. M. Beam, Atty v 1.22-?t rOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 2M ^ TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND \ Under and by virtue of the power of ?ale contained In that certain deed of truet of O B Col line to E H Malpne, trustee, dated February 4th, 1921, re corded ip Book 234, page 170, Regis try of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the payment oi the indebtedness thereby. aeflftred and dmand upon me having been made by the holder of said indebtedness for foroclasure of said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 23rd day of March, 1925, at or about the hour of noon at the Court house Door of Franklin County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the ? highest bidder for cash the following described property, to-wit: All the right, title aud Interest of the said O B Collins in and to a certain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, Cedar Rock Township, State of North Carolina and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the landa of Bet Gilliam and others, on the East by Lula Dor sey and others, on the South by W S Brewer and others, and on the West by the lands of C. W. Conn and others, containing one hundred and forty five acres, more or less, and being the lands conveyed tnOT Collins the de. censed father of B B Collins by deed of D F Gilliam et als, recorded in Book 103, page 175 and Green and Yarborough recorded in Book 152, page 254, and J W Henry and wife, recorded in Book 146, page 397, Re gister of Deeds of Franklin County, , N. C.. reference to said deeds and re cords being here made for a more ! full description of said lands, which ' lands are known as the Q T Collitu Home Place upon which said G T Col lins resided at the time of his death. : The interest hereby conveyed being ?a one sixth undivided interest in the jwholo of said lands, subject to the rights of Mrs. Judson Collins, widow of said G T Collins, deceased. I This 14th of February, 1925. 2-2724t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage deed executed to W. B. Murphy by C. C. House and wife, dated Sep tember 29th, 1919, recorded in Book i 210, page 463, Registry of Franklin county, N C., default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness secured thereby, the undersign ed will on Monday the 23rd day of March, 1925, at or about the hour of upon, at the Courthouse Door in Fiifenklin County, N. C., offer for sale ! to the highest bidder for cash that ? certain piece or tract of land lying 'and being in Franklin County, State |of North Carolina, in Goldmine Town ship and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a pine s'.ump, G B Mur phy corner; thence North along H S Gupton line 15 poles to a pine and ? hickory pointers; thence West to a t rock; thence to a rock in G B Mur phy s line, a white oak-pointer; thence , East along G B Murphy's line to the i beginning,' containing two and one , half acres, more or less, and known as the T. J. House Mill tract and in ? eluding mill house and all fixtures ? thereto is hereby included. See de-d from R. L. House and wife and W P Leonard and wife to C C House this day recorded for further description. I This 14th of Feb., 1925. | J. G. MURPHY, Admr. of W. B. MURPHY, deceased. .White & Malone, Attys. 2.27-4t NOTICE I Having qualified as Executors of the estate of A. C. Pearce, deceased, llgte of Franklin County, notice is ' hereby given all persons holding jclaims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beforj 'the 30th day of January, 1926, or this 1 notice will be plead in b-r of their [recovery. All presons indebted to said estate will please come forward and 'make immediate settlement. This Jan, 29th, 1925. G. F. ^PEARCE, J. H. MASSEY, l-30.6t Executors. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of. A. H. Card, deceased late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present ' them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of January, 1926, or this 'notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said f estate will please com eforward and I make immediate settlement. This Jan. 29th, 1926. I ' MRS. SARAH W. JOHNSON, 1-30-6t . Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER MECHANICS LfilN E. M. Sheppard, and Carpenter Mo. tor Co., will take notice that under and by virtue of Section 2017 of the RevlBal of 1916 of North Carolina and the lien thereby given to mechanics for repairs on personal property, the undersigned will on Saturday, March 21, 1926 in front of Youngsville Ga rage in Youngsville, N. C., at about the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that Bulck Speed Wagon 1921 model truck, placed by him for repairs with the undersigned and that sals will be made to pay the repairs thereon made. This Feb. 19, 1925. 2-20-5t YOUNGSVIIJLE GARAGE. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER MECHANICS LEIN E. N. Allen will take notice that under and by virtue of section 2017 of the Revlsal of 1915 of North Carolina and the lain thereby given to mechan ics for repairs on personal property, the undersigned will on Saturday, March 21, 1926 in front of Youngsville 'Garage in Youngsville, N. C., at about the hour of 3 o'clock p. m? offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that Overland Four touring car 1921 model placed by him for repairs with the undersigned and that sale will be made to pay the repairs thereon made. This Feb. 19. 1928. 2-20-6t YOUNGSVILLE OARAOE. FRANKLIN IKS. * MALTY CO. LOANS AND INSURANCE ?tltf ?AI-B Of J.ANT) Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by R. 0. Under wood and wife to the undersigned trustee, dated November 8th, 1824, re corded in Book 262, page 136, Regis -UX.hf Fraukijn Co unto. N. C.. default having been made in the payment of (he bonds secured thereby and de mand for foreclosure having been made upon the said trustee by the holder of said bonds, the undersign ed trustee will on Monday the 9th day of March, 1926, at the Court House door in Loulsburg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cush the following two lots or par cels of land in or near the town of Youngsville, Yoiingsville Township, Franklin County, N. C., described as follows: i 1st Tract. Adjoining Mrs. A. C.J Johnson land and the lands of Wil liam Freddy et als, and beginning at an iron stake, D. W. Splrey corner; thence with his line S 4.25 chains to an iron stake; thence E 5.88 chains j to an iron stake; thence N 4.25 chains ' to an iron stake thence W 5.88 chains to the beginning containing 2.60 acres , and being the land conveyed to R. C. Underwood by deed of A. H. Har I rls et als recorded in Book 156 at page 65 et seq. Registry of Franklin .County, N. C. 2nd Tract. Bounded on the North by the D. W. Spivey lands, on the East [by the U. T. Young lands; on the 'South by the E. B. Freddy and R. C. Underwood lands and on the West by the D. W." Spivey lands and contain ing 7.50 acres and being the land con . veyed to R. C. Underwood by deed ve. ] ! corded in Book 170 at page 472, Re Jgistry of Franklin County, N. C., re ference to which deeds and record is 'here made. This the 5th day of February, 1925.! J. P. ZOLLICOFFER, Trustee. This sale is made by and with the consent and at the request of Mrs. M. E. Underwood. 2-6-5t SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by John Yarboro and 'wife to Ben T. Holden trustee and duly registered in book 224 page 298 [office of the Register of Deeds Qf Franklin County, default having been 'made in the payment of the indebted ness urereby secured and demand made upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, I will cn Monday the '16th day of March 1925 at about the 'hour of noon at the court house door lot Franklin county sell at public auc Ition to the highest bidder for cash the following descrihed real estate si ituate in Cypress Crqek Township, i Franklin County, North Carolina, Viz: j Beginning at a stake and maple point ler on little Cypress creek, corner of ;the Alford land; thence S 7 1.2 W 138 poles 15 links to a stake near a white oak, corner for Mrs. N. W. Har ris, in the Alford line; thence along Mrs. Harris' line South 8 1-2 W 32 poles to an iron stake, corner No. 2; thence N 4 E 50 poles 8 links to a pine; thence N 4 W 96 poles to a stake | on little Cypress Creek, corner of No 12; thence down said creek as it me anders to the beginnfhg, containing 20 acres more or less. This 11 of Feb. 1925. 2-13-5t BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. 1 NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of R. C. Underwood; deceas. ed, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present ! them to the undersigned on or before ! the 20th day of February, 1926, or this j notice will be plead in bar of their re | cover. All persons Indebted to said {estate will please come forward and i make immediate settlement. This Feb. 119th, 1925. j MRS. M. E. UNDERWOOD Admrx. i White & Malone, Attys. 2-20-6t I : | RE-SALE OF MORTGAGED LAND | By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed i made by J. D. R'ay and wife to J. C.1 Pearce, dated November 8, 1919, and j recorded in Book 210, page 66, default | having been made in the payment of' the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the undersigned, and by i virtue of an order of re-sale made by j the Superior Court of Franklin Coun-; ty upon a sale set aside dated Feb- r rary 23, 1926, the undersigned Eze. j cutors of J C. Pearce, deceased, mort gagee, will on MONDAY MARCH 16, 1926, at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the lands in said mortgage deed conveyed and there de-! scribed as follows: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Franklin County, j N. C., in Harris Township and de-1 scribed and bounded as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands | of Dr. J. M. Parker, on the West by the lands of Robert Johnson, on the | East Vj the lands of E. L. Perry, and on the South by the lands of J. D.' Baker, containing hlxty (60) acut. I The dividing line in the South between j the said J. D. Ray and J. D. Baker land to be run by an Eastern and1 Western line, the Northern end of said Baker land being described and conveyed herein. This February 27, 1925. J. J. PEARCE and J. R. L. PEARCE. El of J. C. PEARCE deceased Mortgagee. Wm. H. Ruffln, Atty. 2-27-3t No Worms in a neaithy Child All children troubled with Worm* have so un healthy color, which In&citei poor blood, and as a rule, there la more or lore f'ousch disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC liven reftlartr for two or three weeks will conch the Mood, Im prove the dlSettkm. and act at a Central Streofth ental Toole to the whole irescm. Nature will then throw off or dlepel tho worms, and theChlld will be la perfect health. Pleasant u, lake. 00c per bottle FOR BALE 1 have one 20-horse steam engine, 2 grist mills, one a Williams 90 Inch runner the other sn old fashioned 40 inch runner. Apply to 8. B. Mullen, Bonn, N. C. 1-20-91 Subscribe to The Franklin Times ,1 FORECLOSURE SALE By virtus of the power contained In Deed of Trust executed by W. fti ?jllghum J>n July:_30tD. 1920 record ed lu the office of the Register of Deed* of Franklin County In Book 234', at pace 11(1, default having been matte In ?the payment of the debt thereby secured Sb rdi]lltlHl1" DC tile' hol ler of the name, 1 shall sell fur cash, by puolit "utllon, at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C., to the highest bidder on the 30th day of March, 1,926 at 12 o'clock the follow ing described property. Bounded on the North by the lands of James 1 Harper, on the East by the lauds of Benjamin Qriffln, on the South by the lande-of Isaac Whcloes, on the West by the lands of Llttlelen Sills, Harrell Wood and others and containing one huudred acres more or less, it being the same laud conveyed to W, It. Fulghum by James A. QUI and the trust deed above being exe cuted to secure a part of the purchase money for the same. This February 20th, 1926. 2-27-5ta JOHN E. GILL, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY Under and by virtue of the powers and authority contained In a certain Deed of Trust from M. C. Alford and wife, Mlnda Alford, to Jesse KllPatr ick, Trustee, which Doed of Trust Is recorded In Book 261, at page 107, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., and default having been made in the payment of the notes secured there by, the undersigned Trustee, will of? fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse Door in Louis burg, Franklin County, N. C, on Mon day, March 16th, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described prop erty: One tract of land containing 30 acres, more or less. Adjoining the lands of J. D. Stalllngs on the East, S. A. Alford's estate on the South, W. C. Green on the West, W. C Green on the North known as a part of the McGhee Estate. One tract of land containing 45 acres more or less. Adjoining the lands of J. B. Alford on the Ea J. W. Alford on the South, W. C. Green on the West, J. B Alford on the North, being a part of the B. M. Alford Estate. I This the 12th of Feb. 1925. 2-20-4t JESSE KILPATRICK, Trustee SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed to G. W. Brown, trustee, on the 1st day of January 1920, by Polly Barnes and duly re gistered In the office of the Register ot Deeds for Franklin County, in Book 224 at page 176 default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on Monday April 6th, 1925, r.t or about -the hour of noon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Franklin County that tract or parcel of laud lying and being in Louisburg Tovmship, Frank lin County, North Carolina, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at Chas. S. Macon's and W. H. Edward's corner in the middlo of tho Louisburg and Kcndercon road marked by a store on the South side near a white oak, thence along said Macon and Edward's lino South 27 3-4 ?degrees east 443 chains to a stake and two pine pointers; thence South 65 degrees West 451 chains, to- a stone, 20 links southeast of a large white oak; thence North 27 3-4 degrees West 443 chains to the middle of the Louisburg and Henderson road mark ed by a Hickory on the South side, thence along said road North 65 de grees east, 451 chains to the begin ning, containing by survey two ffacres more or less, it being the same land this day deeded to Polly Barnes by C. S. Merritt and wife. This March 2nd, 1925. G. W. Brown, Trustee. 3-6-5t. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP DESIRABLE FARM v By rlrtue of the power of sale con tained In that deed of trust made by Hattie Glasgow and husband E. P. Glasgow, to Thos. W. Ruffin, Trustee, dated May .11, 1923, and recorded In Book 234, page 654, default having been made In the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured,- and de mand for foreclosure having been made upon said Trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned will on MONDAY APRIL 6, 1926, at about the hour of noon at court house door in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder the lands in said deed of trust conveyed and there described aa follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of D. C. Tharrlngton, on the East by the Bobbltt-Hedgepeth lands, on the South by Lot No. 2 of the "Barrow Tract" owned by L. R'. Southall, and on the West by the road from Maple ville to Warrenton; Lot No. 1 in -the "Barrow Tract", beginning In the center of the new road, W. S. Sledge's corner, marked by rock on the East side, thence S. 84 36's. 248 1-2 poles to a rock, Tharrlngton's corner in Bob bltt's line, thence S. 4 10 W. 64 poles to a stake and small sassafras corner of No. 2 in Hedgepeth's line, thence N. 86 W. 248 poles 7 links to the center of the road, corner of No. 2 marked by a stake on the East side; thence along said road N. 3-4 E. 56 poles to the beginning, containing 50 1-2 acres, more or less. The sale will be made subject to a first lien deed of trust to secure the First Carolines Joint Stock Land Bank 11500. on the amortization plan, less the amounts already paid theron. This March 8, 1926. Thos. W. Ruffin, Trustee. S-8-6L ALLEN * ALLEN Contractors, plastering, oesnent, ?tone and all kinds brick work. When ton have work to do of this kind gird is a chance. J. E. ALLEN, Superin tendent, Frankllnton, N. 0.. R. F. D. I, Box 40. 2.20-34