V. Be Sure of Cenwine^^^OliVer Plow Parts By Always Looking /Sr This Trade Mark H McKinne Bros. Louisborg, if. c. Sterling Store Co. Fronkiinton, ir. c. WHITE LEVEL ITEMS We were glad to gee so many out at the play last Friday Bight. Hope all enjoyed themselves. Messrs. Dober Gupton and Grady Benton visited Mr. T. W. Wood Sat urday night. We are glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brewer are improving. Misses Esther Wood, Ida and Grov er Wood and Ennls Wood and G. B. Collins visited Mr. W. T. Gupton's Sunday night. We are glad to know that our girl's club is Improving. Mr. Morgan Gupton visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Wood Saturday night. Misses Zelma Gupton and Alberta Radford, Messrs. Robert Dorsey and Ennis Dorsey motored over to Mr. Dock Murphy's Sunday afternoon. Dollle Gupton spent last Sunday night with Elnora Gupton. Mr. Sid Collins has traded bis Star tar for a truck. . ' Mrs. I. N. Gupton's nephew spent ft few days with his aunt last week. Our B. V P. U. has been falling since Christmas. But It Is Improving very rapid now. Miss Elnora Gup ton Is the group captain for next Sun day night. Hope to have a large crowd and a good program. Hope all our Juniors will meet us there. BROWN EYES. The person who Invented money rrobably thought he was a benefactor. HOW BOOTOBS TREAT ! COLDS 10 THE FLU i To break up a cold over night or to cut abort an attack of grippe, influenza or sore throat, physicians and druggists are now recommending (ialotaba, the nauseates* Calomel tablet, that is purified from can serous and sickepisg effects. Those who nave tried it say-That it acta like magic, by far more effective and certain than the old aryle calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water,?that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with eating, work or pleasures. Next morn ing your cold has vanished and your sys tem feels refreshed and purified. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, cket sue; price ten cents for the vest-pock . thirty-five cents for the large family pack rage. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists. Your money back if you are not delighted.?an*. -f William H. Green. William H. Green; died Saturday, February 28, 1925, Once again a Bro ther Mason having completed his work, according to the designs writ ten on the "Trestle Board" of life, by the All.wlse Architect and Supreme Ruler, and putting aside the plum, level and square, he quietly stepped aboard the outward bound vessel and passed to the shores of that Country from whose bourne no traveler re turns and, Whereas, in His mercy and good ness, the Master has withdrawn from our midst our esteemed Brother and granted him time for refreshment and sleep, and be having been a true and loyal member of our Lodge and Or der, Therefore, be it Resolved: That Youngsvtlle Lodge No. 377 A. F. and A. M. of Youngsville, N. C. in testi mony of her loss, do wear mourning for thirty days in memory of our de parted Brother, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the min utes of the lodge, and a copy be sent to the family of our deceased Broth er and a copy be sent to The Orphan's Friend, jX Oxford, and also to Tho Franklin Times, for publication. Fraternally submitted. C. B. HOWARD, J. W. WOODLIEF, J. R. Pearce, Committee. Are you growing better every day, >r Inst saving your improvements for Sunday? ' ? SOUND BONES ? Let Nature try her best, she cannot very well build a sturdy body or sound bones or normal dentition, unless given the right kind of encouragement In the form of vitamin-activated nourishment Scott's Emulsion has encouraged thousands by nourishing them int* strength and vigor. It abounds in vitamins and is the food-tonic that en courages normal growth. ?Scott's Emulsion helps Nature do her best to help you and vour child JW keep strong and healthful. L Scott & bowm. nkwiicid, x. j. M-a T Whether It Is a drop ia an airplane or a drop of poison liquor, one drop is generally enough. If as much time were given to cre ating as to criticising, what a great place this would be! All work and no play may make Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work will make him duller. Subscribe to The Franklin Times iTutt's Pills ^ Un:ei> S buddy , mow mahy tkm \ HAVt I tbLB You NOT To 1 COMS IH Tut HOU?l WITH) iTHotE *ST l QU6B1BS OH/J Hft dliMPUK ti* at tmk worn fcoOO , HUWlO, r r Go i+r I I -waTh You Hd. GIMPL? tOU DO ? well' That's I t?ICE MOM DO DO g- 'fftC *4JDDY JUST fA? m t fiarKici^ ??All "f*THy CMrtE \ Hkwvea towV| caci *;old iai '** / N ] Iv Mil She Didn't Wait Fy t*i- .-*rd fticfaltaufcb A.noc-vjrw ?f - ? tor Tt> ei> t ro.;? ?x?."3 LiH&v ' S-.jVf Vv'8 oezri It", .. . ? vE OF ONE HOUft NOW PROCEED * hMOCk' vvtjo THfclW. " rr-j > ^corr OH LINOY - Htt? ?COTT ? HBOH" i ?Ef TH axe ? ''TfKnoS ftov*- ? 3IG- l-EA'j'J" CastaalU gloves . &\r&. 3a.lls - V3E6 - FBEE ? f- ?fca - ? 15 PRIZES o JUST OOAW A OlCTUOK OS OLD POP* "tHTFRS ^COWIC ? STPlP ? MAKE HtM LAU6M ftfclAL. HAOO - OBAW HIM IN anv Pcji noN Gut m. Jce HIM LAUGH - BESIDES THE PQUH&, WiNNiNO DOAWINSB WIU. as PU&USHBO MOMS mo fVkPECS. DOAW THE PtCTUOES UBMR THAN PROOUCSO HBOC. CONTEST open -s> eons-8W??* wan* nams. admem. On back OS PGAWIM&<> " g| ^ - also tell ub what kind SEND ooa^ano^s to