This Week i?y Annur britbauc JAMES SIMPSON'S PREDICTION. MAN'S GREATEST Y/AR. GET YOUR MONOPLANE. THE QUEEN BOBS H~R HAIR. Mar.ufrttv.r'-rs that predate, merchants that divi 1 "lie at>d workers that depend f-v c:ap!c}* r-.ent on generally prosperous con' t itions will be interested in on j paragraph of a letter just receive-1 com Mr. Jamc- Simpson, presl t.snt of Marshall Field & Company. Mr. Simp. sr.. rvl.oeo business finr creeds one hundred millions a year, writes: "Business for the year starts off very well with us, aud the general feeling of confidence is developing with just enough conservatism to make uie feel certain that we are entering upon a period of sound business development and activity." Mr. Simpson's opinion does not merely reflect the enormous retail business done by Marshall Field & Company in Chicago. The wholesale department of Marshall Field, biggest in the United States, reaches into every corner of the country, doing busi ness with thousands of merchants. There is no better test of na tional conditions than the story told on the Looks cf that epgantlc firm. The duty of each citizen is to be lieve -vnd say that prosperity is here, Iiat it will remain and grow, and that this nation will realize to the full its extraordinary position and opportunities among the na tions of the world. We have everything that any nation could possibly ask for. only thing1 that could injuro lack of confidence. The us is Secretary Weeks telta the Con gressional .committee that ho hi.ida nn griutgnagaiint Tiyigiwwn ..v= srn.vMi fy- tlio . truth, and that ho has no thought' ? of disciplining General Mi\ sell. That is welcome. The p-.p'uj would like to think that tho truth) is not kept from them by-official j threats. ? Science says the greatest but tie cf the human race is to be against < in ? is and microscopic germ:-. < T) -Jio tiny e; emies do infinitely] more i.arni than ever was dci.c' by nil tr-.s wild berrts and poison-; oes reptiles i- t-.t men have grttdu-?' id'y certi:ti--;i-a?h Insects an d plant insects destroy hibicnr tve.y year in crops a d forests. And ... , ? .... .-.????, , \r 1" s_ U-'I.J si i. - ~. atrJ.-i'Vi. VOLE "ihlKDii, TOV.'AI.D Fi.V' Ta. lix- ervicc men .iia. flew Li Ik- war, cheer up. Kor.ry F-.d and his son are d>iihd!ne- a"-metal nr oplanes, ar.d smaii diiigibies, with all-metal t>"- W'-i..? ? That rrsaus opportunity. Es am or-? the first to get one of the monoplanes vh--.t_v.i:T "fly 140 miles an hour, and carry a useful lead of 2,0'.0 pounds. Sndi a machine, once he knows how to ran it, should enable a. young man of the right hinu to ^ e-mo ? e - -. * y-., r'C r300 -a week, v.-euld be a "useful load" to carry home each Saturday.' For information write to Henry Ford, or better still, to Edsel Ford, Dearborn, Michigan. Mark this prediction: Within twenty" years a million American that -new ride ir. automobiles,!-, od "Ford," will fly in airplanes also labeled Ford and go 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline and no tire wear. - " The Queen of Belgium bobbed her hair, and there is much excite ment. Kings and Queens take up r.ew ideas "cnuiiousTy. The King of England still drives to the open ing cf Farl'rment in a gilded coach drawn by six or eig't crcam-eoicrcd horse. And hp wears a crown on State ocejsicn, although everybody knows tb*\t the crown has long been the nrcri ertv of the House-In Common:;. If Carlyle, creator of "Sartor, Kesar tus," were here he would find deep^meaning in the Queen's bobbed .hair. Out of a Job Face to face with the stern real ity of getting work at once or? what! When he had a job, he did not save, and now with no job, he has not the comforting assurance of a Bank Account to tide him and his family over until he.can get?work again. Are you prepared to meet such an emergency! NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE T. H. DICKENS, President C. IT. SHERBOD, Ykw-Pm. H.M. STOVALL, Cashier E. M. PARHASf, lilt. Cufcfer DIRECTORS: T. H. jMekena, Ohaa. N. Sherrod, H. M. Stov&ll, J. S. Howell, Q, M. Beam ronrt Uidy Fashions for Spriiig AUTOOACTCQjf President and Mrs. Coolidge, photographed as they ascended the capitol steps for the Inauguration, March 4tn. Mra. Coolidge's gown j of Moonstone gray Joseena and hat of unusually deep crowp brought forth exclamations of admiration from all women spectators. Both hat and gown were from American fabrics and by American designers. DANGEROUS TO DELAY BUYING FERTILIZER, Oiders Most Be Placed N'ow t$ Prompt Deliver} antW'operljr CurevhJlfands "J. G. McCORM'QK 67-Troas. Acme Mfg. Company On a trip I have just completed, vis itlng Acme dealers and customers, find that many farmers have not ye arranged for their season's fertilise supply. This is due to the lato seatso: and the condition of the roads in cer tain localities which hfts prevente hauling. Every farmer who has put off his fertilizer buying should attend to this at once. Orders can now be filled promptly by most dealers and prop erly cured mixtures can be secured The fellow who waits is taking a chance. Perhaps the brand he want cannot be furnished at the time he needs it. He must then accept an in ftrior brand or take "new" mixtures Before buying any fertilizer, tal tc an Acme dealer or write us. Gc the facts about ^ Acme fertilizers? how foe forty-two years thpy hav, been producing banner crops for nun dreds of farmers. Acme fertilizer! are composed of ingredients of prov en plant food value. They are mail from non-secret formulae They ar? right up to date and in keeping wit modern growing conditions and scien tific manufacture. The Acme Manufacturing Company is an independent home concern. Alt business and .correspondence with customers is handled with Mr. Gil christ or myself. There are no "high er-ups." Whether you buy one bag or a carload your business is appre ciated and we alwnys strive for fair dealing with our customers We receive many letters each year from users of Acme fertilizers. Here is what C. H. Minshew, Black Crck N. C., writes: "I want to say thr Acme fertilizers bought of Mess. Brooks Bros., has given me perfect satisfaction on all my crops and I car cheerfully recommend your brands tif all who want a good, dependable fer tilizer. It is my purpose to use Acme again next season." If you have any particular ferti izer problems, I will consider it a pleas ure to answer personally any Inquir ies yon may care to make. Write me care of the Acme Manufacturing Com pany, Wilmington, N. C. 3-20-It i Electric Bulbs and Electric Fix tures at L. P. HICKS. 3-29-2t Stiff Neck Get this relief now To Jet rid of a crick in the neck in abort order?apply Sioan's. - No rubbing! The marvelous effertivoneM of the liniment it aelf doea the job for you. It aenda fresh, new blood through the pain-ridden tissues, and thia takes out the stiffness?stope the pain. All druggists?85 cents. Sloan's Liniment- kills p?int Cabbage Plants, Onion Seta and Seed Irlih Potatoes at U P. HICKS. MO-lt > rirst Lady tW* f . VrOCAtTCgJ An excellent new portrait of Mrs. talvin Coolidcc. wife of our 30th President. mms "after every meat" Parents - encoaru&e the children to car'tor their teeth f -tGive them Wrigleyfc. It removes food particles from the teeth. Strengthens the gums. Combats acid mouth. Refreshing and beneficial! SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT Tflf ^<5 rtAoooiMT/ SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Effective Dec. 28th, 1924 Louisburg, N. C. Trains Leave No. 330 No. 312 No. 334 Trains Arrive No. 331 No. 311 No. 335 Daily Except | Sunday 8:30 A M. 11:50 A. M. 5:00 P.*M.I Daily Except] Sunday 10:15 A. M.| 3:40 P. M. 7:05 P. M. For information regarding rates and schedules apply to L. L. JOYNER, Agent, Louisburg, N. 0. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. & MONET TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 par cant intaraat. No commfaalon, no bonua. May run for IS yaara or ba paid off at option of borrowar. Only a abort Una ra qutrad to rat the monay. f-14-tt ?. A. NEWELL. Fine Work Add* "Chic" to Spring's New Frocks Here is a spring; frock of fine crepe de chine in the color called "burnt russet," which is a new name for a deep henna-red. It is simply designed, in the straight-line style, with a lit tle modish fullness introduced at the sides, but it is a difficult and beauti ful piece of craftsmanship, because the fabric is entirely covered with pin tucks. The^p^rfect accuracy of this tucking^ places the frock In the distinguished class. Natural-colored pongee Is used for the collar and cults, which are plain, and make an ideal color contrast with the frock. Everything abont the dress, Its color, style and fabrics, com mend for wear now and throughout the season. Radios Complete end Radio Acces sories at L. P. HICKS. 3-20-2t After the experience of Cave City, Ky., man, cave man stuff may not be sopopular. No one has ever found the solution of the problem of how to be indart-i ous and still not skeat. Bad accounts will bankrupt a busi ness, so will poor cows break a ilairy tran. Subscribe to The Franalln Times poemi If somebody should ask, tn this turbulent time, the reason we're first on the roster of crime ? some goggle-eyed don key will tell jr? the cause is the tumble lack of enforcible laws! So, forty-eight states, with the law-makin' craze, make draft on ths toilers for all they can raise ?to pay fer a Code that no Jurist cs.Kspr.r??. Mood sucliin' beast, a despoiler of man! IT'is "Land of the Free" by 10rr .1ti.er3 ordained, has ha:n strurg, pan-handled, hog-halter ed and chained, till the servile taxpayer, befuddled ard coarse, is the fruit of a mess that no power can enforce. While the gunman and thug, in mutual guffaw, are app'av !in' the force called "The reign of the Law!" If we'd curb the Banditti that pillage our domes, we might nave something Ic't fer our babies ar.d hornet"! They'd bink r ; the land fer ?inl: speed er....! an' schools, while they hint that the people are tight wade an' fcols. In the power of a plunder-bund, law-ridden mill, be calnr,?there's a poor-house just over the hill. PURINA (the best) Poultry and Dairy Feed at L. P. HICKS. 3-20-2t A TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then aopreciats its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. uOc. NM 12) Si A FEATHER IN OUR BONNET In equipping our shop to give One Day Battery Charging Service to the public we have won the title of "Battery Service Headquarters" of this County. With Our New Constant Potential Char ging Outfit, we can recharge batteries per fectly in eight hours. This saves you mon ey on rentals and gives you your own bat tery back the same day. Beck's Garage Louisburg's Oldest Garage Phone 311 Good Food Always Pays ?and the best of everything may be purchased from our stock of staple and fancy groceries, fraits and veg etables. DON'T BE DECEIVED Low prices mean low grades of groceries. Insist up on quality first and you will never be disappointed in what you buy. You will find our prices as,low as the lowest, the quality of the goods being equal. Give some of our groceries a trial. Satisfaction with everything we sell is guaranteed. HARRIS & EVANS .Under Union Warehouse LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA

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