mil VAII IF YOU ALWAYS GET IT WHEN YOU BUY HERE The housewife who markets here knows that every time her groceries are placed on the scales, they regis ter fnll value in quality and satisfaction. The tempting, delicious assortment of canned goods, fruits and vegetables we carry make buying here easy and pleasant because you can find what you want at prices that are not exorbitant. Fresh Country Produce at Lowest Market Prices Heavy Groceries, Grain and Feed J. ALLEN HARRIS LOUISBUBG, MONEY TO LEND 6 per cent interest. 33 years time. No bonus. Loans placed in two weeks. See Thos. .W Ruffifi In Louisburg Mondays and Thursdays In Raleigh at 401 Raleigh Building & Loan Build ing other days. What Every Man, Woman and i Child in This Commonity Heeds { WE HAVE IT A complete line of quality mer chandise makes it possible for this store to satisfy the wants of every member of the family. Wearing Apparel and Shoes We invite an early inspec tion of the spring stock we are showing at very moder ate prices. Furnishings A large and complete as sortment of underwear, hos iery, hats, shirts, ties, col lars, caps, suspenders, belts, handkerchiefs. -v_y 4 Dry Goods The home dressmaker will be able to find just what she wants here. All of the de sired materials for spring dresses. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET ' LOUISBURG, N. C. TIM PkrtH, "It's nobody * boalneaa" covin a mulUtuda of aina. A a**n may b? down, bat b*'a never ha'a Is?tor % tana. Wtar i? It poor folk* alwaya yagard thatr rich relative# aa atlniyf _ T loo Carad hi 14 to 21 Day* ? "LAX-F08 WITH PHOTC- I* a tpedally praparad Snap Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Con*tip?tlon It reiievea promptly bat riioald be taken ratfnlarfy lor 14 to 21 day* Btfnlar action. It Sthnoiatea and ?Vary Plaaaant toTaka.?80o SUyw* All Night wnk Bai? Br -ntOMATXKKIJC CLARK Dmi of Mm, I'ninnHj iif M1 Bay has a car and a I bm to to riding with haw haw to drive he ihaei and told me to read, Ilnioat uncoo sttall I aay gaa tomard ray old boyhood through green laaea flanked with neatly trimmed ?r* orange bor dered with a a not doner and bLtomlng with pnrpie splderwort. A? we were driving along we came upon a beautiful place, I dVd not rec ognise the farm at flnS, bat Jast aa we were allpptng by I caaght a glimpse at the old hooaa, which had been moved back to gtre place to tbo new. and which waa now aaad aa a tool honae, and I aamonihaaod that It waa the old Oteott place. T>? sight at the 11 amen fled hoose recalled vlaUty to ray meoaory a night that I had spent within ita walla. I waa teaching in the district, and It was the laafran at the pupils to In vite the teacher home to stay all night at least one tvssflng daring the term. It was Blllie Olcott who a*ed me to hla hoeae one winter wwlag The thermoeaeter was twenty below, bat the kitchen stove was red bet, the kitchen ltaelt which waa the only heated room la the hooaa waa none too large, so I waa not uncomfortable at the evening meal sr latar when we sat around the fire and played games. It was when I was ushered off to the spare bedroom to vend the night alone, that I began to experience the rigors at the climate The hooae wells were aa thin aa paper; I preen me the bed had not been slept In previoaaly daring the winter; I could feel the wind wMntltng In under the door and thsoogh the loose windows. My preps ration for bed waa a either formal nor prolonged; such religions rites as I waa accustomed to perform were deferred until I was well under the covers. R was like crawl ing between sheets of Ice. I should have been no colder had I been tossed garmgntlees Into a snowbank. I pushed my fleet down, bat they were so cold I could stand It only a abort time; I polled them up, hoping, that the bed had been partially warmed by my body, hat their cramped position soon rendered them numb. I slept but little; after daylight, whan I knew by the sound that someone was astir, I struggled Into my clothes and stum bled oat to the kitchen to wsah and to thaw myself oat. "I expect-It was a little chilly eat in your room," Mrs. Olcott to me In a kindly tone at hi "Well, I didn't suffer from the heat," I admitted. Things are quite different near, aa one could easily see, bowling by the new boose as I was. There Is steam beat and running water and electric lights and sexuanad-ln porches and a bathroom and all aorta of Imps ova ?tents and conveniences. I wandered I drove home if farmers are man they used to ha New N. C. Cut Herrings, Roe Her rings and Mackerel at L. P. HICKS. 4-17-2t The United States supreme court having held the motor vehicle theft act constitutional that makes it unan imous. Screen Doors, Screen Wire and Screen Windows at L P. HICKS. 4-17-2t People who watch their step never have to resort to dodging Frequent Bilious Attacks "I suffered with severe bili ous ettacLs that came on two or laree times each month," says Mr. J. P. Nerlns, of Lawrencetrarg, Ky. "I would Bet nauseated. I would have dizziness and couldn't work. I would take pills tintll I was worn-out with them. I didn't seem to let relief. "A neighbor told me of BUCK-DRAUGHT Uver Medicine and I MM Hi nw. Imw bar* fonnd ao much relief aa It tare ma. I would not be without It for anything, ft earned to cleanse my whole system and made me feel like now. I would take a few doses get rid of the bUe and hare my usual clear head, feel full of pop, and could do twice the work." Billons attacks are 'Sea sonal" with many people. Millions here taken Thed ford's Black-Draught to ward off such attacks, and the good results they have reported should Indues you to try H. E-ll Ex-Service Men! % r ? ? * YOUR ADJUSTED COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE MAY BE KEPT IN OUR BANK SAFETY VAULT FREE OF CHARGE The Adjusted Compensation Certificate which all ex-service men have received, or will receive, looks like a Liberty Bond, and the average service man's certificate is as valuable as a $1,000 Liberty Bond. In 1945 the holders of the Adjusted Compensation Certificates will receive cash for them?$500, $1,000 or $1,500, according to their period of World War service. Many service men apparently have tucked their certificates away among their old letters in forgotten corners of their homes, subject constantly to disappearance in periodical housecleanings or loss by fire. * This bank is prepared to accept Compensation Certificates for safe-keeping with out charge from all veterans of Louisburg and vicinity whether customers of this bank or not. A receipt will be issued to the veteran and the Certificates will be plac ed in our vaults until called for. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina I Wm. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Cashier Wm. B. BAEROW, Assistant Cashier Fly Paper and Insect Powder at L. P. HICKS. 4-17-2t Those who don't look for misfortune ire more likely to miss It entirely. One thins about getting your ser non8 by radio?there's no one to see ?ou nod at dull moments. Rock Salt, Salt Brick and HESS STOCK TONIC at L. P. HICKS. 4-17-2t Queer, isn't it, that the things you rant to know are the things your riends never tell you. There is more safety in a good pair if legs than a good pairs of fists.. Nagging wives don't always have agging husbands ? not always. ANNOUNCEMENT! We hare bought the Cafe of Julius Hayes, under the Burt corner. We have a fine Cook and serve meals at all hours. Open at 6:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. Polite waiters and clean ser vice. Barbecue every Saturday, ready at 11:30 a. m. cooked on coals by Joe Dent 4-3-tf MRS. JOHN ALSTON & SON. PURINA (the best) POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS at L. P. HICKS. 4-17-2t Seed Irish Potatoes and Cabbage Plants at L. P. HTCltS. 4-17-2t Colds Cause drip as LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove thi cause. There is only ore "Bromo E. W. GROVE'S sisnatnra oj boa. 30c. YOU MAY WIN $1,500 It you are able to make the most words oot of the letters contained in the words "TOILET NECESSITIES." A total of $3,000 In Cash prizes will be awarded to competitors in thiB GREAT WORD-BUILDING CONTEST Send stamp for circular and rules. Address Sheffield Laboratories, Dept. 12, Aurora, Illinois. 4-13-4t WEATHER BOARDING, $8.00, CEIL. lng $2.25, Door and Window Frames $2.50 complete. 5 V Galvanized $5.00, Rubber Roofing $1.25, Pine and Cedar Shingles $3.00 to $8.60, Doors, Windows, Flooring, etc. Let me quote you entire bill delivered up to 20 miles. JOHN B. WAT KINS, JR., Henderson, N. C. 3-20-8t Seed Peanuts at L. P. HICKS. 4-17-2t W. D. FULLER 0. B. KEARNEY WE ARE GLAD TO EXTEND ?To Our? FRIENDS AND PATRONS An invitation to visit us at the Bank Building where we are do ing our best to serve yon as we have in the past. We are getting in most of the necessities of life daily. Onr cotton gin is in oper ? . * ? ' ation each Saturday and we will ? ? '-*?* be glad to gin your cotton. We still exchange Meal for Seed. Service is our motto. W. D. Fuller &. Co. PHONE 1500 \ f ? WOOD, N. 0.

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