THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ?TAB DROPS? -Monday week is Court week. ?The weather the past week hae looked very much like snow. ?Cotton sold for 18 1-2 cents pound In Loulsburg yesterday. ?Mr. W. R. Fulghum, of Cedar Rock, brought a number of fine sweet pota tces to the TIMES office Tuesday and placed on display. They are among the largest we have seen this season nnd one is about the largest we have ever Been. Daisy XX Red Dog. Ship Stuff and all kind hog, cow, horse, pig, hen feed, at JNO. W. KING'S. ll-6-3t THE MAGIC CARPET Once upon a time in the mystic land of Persia, there was found among the treasures of a king, a wonderful carpet. One had only to sit on it, wish to be somewhere, and away the carpet would fly till the wished-for place was reached. For hundreds of years it carried kings and princes upon the most amazing adventures. No one knows what finally became of it but it may be that its last threads went into the make-up of the first Youth's Companion. For, like the magic carpet. The Companion for 1926 carries you to the land of your heart's desire?up into the Maine woods with the lumbermen; out on tbe western plains where the warlike Navaho Indians live; far up into the gold regions of Alaska; and away on the Southern Seas in search of trea sures and lost islands. All you need for such extraordinary adventures is a young heart and a Youth's Com panion. Don't lose time in getting started; subscribe-now and receive: 1. The Youth's Companion?52 issues.| in 1926, and 2. The remaining issues of 1925. All for only $2. 3. Or include McCall'e Magazine, the I monthly authority on fashions. | Both publications, only $2.50. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION S N Dept., Boston. Mass. There are 2,083 counties in tbe Unit ed States employing farm demonstra tion agents. This is more people than there are men, women, and children in Louisburg. A good army ot workers battling againdl Insects, diseases, bul lies, stumps, low prices, improper fer tilizers, poor seed, and scrub stock, the | farmer's worst enemies. M. C. Smith, of Hickory Rock, had about 800 pounds of the best grade of his tobacco stolen from the old store house in which he had It packed a. few days ago. It was ready to be sold but when he went for it only trash' remain ed. The thief has not been apprehen ded. v. MRS. CLIFTON ENTERTAINS, Mrs. M. S. Clifton was hostess to ' the members of the Tuesday After-,) noon Book Club and a number of | friends on Tuesday afternoon, Octob er twenty-seventh. The meeting was called to order by the president Mrs. Watson and after the minutes were read and roH called the following program was rendered. Mrs. R. F. Yarborough read an un usually interesting paper entitled' 'Looking Westward," which was written in an historical as well as, imaginative style. This was followed by an impressive paper "The Ocean-Finder-Balboa" by Mrs. Beck. e The duet, Bella Napoll, a song of Venice was beautifully sung by Mrs. Mchn and Mrs. White. Mrs. Boddie then read an account of the sinking of a ship during tlj.e World War. "Columbus" one of America's great est and best known poems was read by Miss Lola Jackson. The last number of a delightful program was two songs "A Venetian Song," sung by John McCormack and "Thank God for a Garden." Mrs. Clifton then served her guests a delicious luncheon. PERSONAL MESSAGES Advertisements are open letters to the baying public written in good faith. Though they generalise, ad vertisements make a personal appeal. The merchant who runs an advertise ment in the newspaper over his name addresses you as though he mailed you a letter with his signature at tached. The advertisement has an advant age over the sealed letter in that it is brought into the light of day. It dis pels any suspicion you may have that the merchant is making another cus tomer a better offer When a merchant Inserts an ad vertisement, he realises that he has obligated himself to give the mer chandise as represented at the price stated. His name attached puts him on record as standing beok of what he says. You can't go wTong reading the ad. ?ertlsements and following their ad vice. It is the only real way to be informed on what's to be had. Yon have neither time nor patience to '"shop" in every etcre In town. Select what yon want from the ad vertisements and then buy it. The merchants' name at the bottom la hie guarantee that he will keep the agree ment made. Learn Where To Bay Better Read The Advertisements Distance may lead enchantment, but not when yon are np In th e air. Some ncople surprise themselves by getting along as well a* they da &1 11" SEX "Th^T A Pfcfzs FlGHTe^ MAXFliED A tADY WliESTLEft, GosU-? I D HKB ~Tt) SEE ~rn EM A13G0S- // Figure this out! Jones' vines were just loaded with grapes this year but he wouldn't give any away didn't eat any?he wouldn't sell any and his wife didn't make Jelly! Neighbors are wondering what he did with them. A local barber was stricken in the barber shop last week when one of the patrons gave him a half dollar tip; He was doing nicely in hospital, but has had a severe relapse since the nurse found the coin had a hole In It. ??? A NARROW ESCAPE: A number of local men were talk, lug in a cigar store about a doctor I who had lost so many cases . and | John said: "I think doctors are the bunk and I they can't do anything even tho they | did save my life once7" 'How did they save your life?" "Well, I was sick and I went to a | doctor andhe was out. PRIZE STORY. The sternt school principal frown ed over hi? glasses at the two'girlish figures before him. They must be twins, they looked alike, acted and dressed the same. Each was bobbed of hair and both were dressed in pink crepe frocks that reached?not /luite to their knees. And what is your name, he asked, indicating the child on the left, Slowly he wrote it down, as she spoke. And what is your twin ris'.er's name? Sir, spoke the other in a husky voice? I AM THIS CHILD'S MOTHER . NOTICE IN CITY PAPER. Appear smart! City people going to the country should take along one of cur illustrated animal books, so they can identity the horses, cows and pigs. TAIL LIGHTS TOO. Everybody says that in ten years j the air will be full of aeroplanes. Now is the time for some enterprizing I young man to invent a bumper for | birds. Father used to cut his old trousers down so son could wear them but ml her now wears her your.g daugh ter's dresses without any trouble at all; SLOW FREIGHT. Man to conductor? 'How long does it take this train to get to Belleville?" Conductor? "A little over three hours!" Man? "That's poor service. This train is slower than a lazy snail. Conductor? "Well you can get oft ar walk if you don't like it." Man? "No, I'll ride, I'm in no hurry." NOT SO DUMB. "Mother, who is the biggest woman lr town?" "I think Mrs. Smith, who lives down the street is" the biggest. Why do you ask?" "Oh nothin, I was just wonderln' if she'll lend me one of her stockings. I'd give it right back after Christmas. NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. F. B. Freeman, deceas ed, late of FrankS County, N. C., notice' is hereby given all persons holding claimB against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of November, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. I This November 6th, 1925. ' ll-6-6t W. M. FREEMAN, Executor. I : SAVE TIME AMD MONEY Why waste time in useless "shop, ping around" when the advertisements lay before you the choicest wares of every progressive merchant in town? Why use needless effort in an end less store-to-store quest when th# advertisements enable you to make your choice of the first merchandise without even leaving your home? Why pay more than you ought when you con stretch your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the bargains and good buys that are advised in this paper? Why risk dissatisfaction by buying unknown, nnbranded goods when you con assure yourself complete satis ffatlon by buying any advertised pro duct, backed by the integrity of a man or group of men who spend real mon ey to estnbllsh their name and to build up public good will? READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IT'S A BATE AND SOUNll EOLICY BUY ADVERTISED OOOM Doctors say we eat loo fast and meet of as do. Wo try to hoop 01 food down by bolting N. Don't help roar a*, area on school problems. It lah't right. The chil dren discover that aoxt day. If this country latft the greatest place In the world to live, why do *o many people try to get in? None of ns like to bo told that we lack civilisation in America, but it doesn't do any harm for somebody to tell us now and then. \ V'inner Theatre LOUISBURG, N. 0. PROGRAM MONDAY, NOV. DTH "CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS" With lUchurd Cortez, I.oulse Dresses Kitk rjn Williams, Virginia Lee Corben Extra 2 Reel Comedy . TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY November lOth-llth "FLOWING GOLD" With Milton Sl'ls and a Big Cast The famous novel by Rex Beacn A tight worth goiDg miles to see. Alsa Good Two Reel Comedy THURSDAY, NOV. 12TH THOMAS MEIGHAX In "TONGUES OF FLAME" A good production that you will enjoy from start to finish. NEWS REEL FRIDAY, NOV. 13T1I Special "WARRENS OF VIRGINIA" Another Good Entertainment With Chapter No. 3 Serial "THE RIDDLE RIDER" In The Path oi Death ALSO AESOP FABLES SATURDAY, NOV. 11TH Dick llatten and Yaklnin Connctt In "SELL 'EM C0WB01" Ben Wilson Great Western With Comedy and Aesop Fables Watch for Dc holding duplicate dumber on coupon. ? And win one or more of these prizes to be given away abso lutely free to the one's holding the lucky numbers on Dec. 23. 1st PRIZE?$10 in Gold. 2nd PRIZE?$5.00. 3rd PRIZE?$3.00. 4th PRIZE?$2.00. 5th and 6th PRIZES?Ten Theatre Tiokets. YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Winner Theatre LOUI8BURG, N. 0. TOBACCO GROWERS LOOK SALE FOB W. R. SEVILLE CO lb. at $60.00 $36.00 110 lb. at 90.00 99.00 84 lb. at 65.00 54.60 78 lb at 50.00 39.00 332 lb. $228.60 Average, $68.85 per hundred SALE FOB R. H. EVANS 70 lb. at $45.00 $31.50 50 lb. at 50.00 25.00 80 lb. at 54.00 43.20 60 lb. at 50.00 30.00 24 lb. at 62.00 14.88 22 lb. at 60.00 13.20 52 lb. at 52.00 - 27.04 38 lb. at 55.00 20.90 396 lb. $205.72 The above prices are seen on our floor daily. Ask your neighbor. Ifjyou want the high dollar briog your tobacco to the best warehouse, bandied by the best tobacco men in this section. First Sale Monday, November 9th DAN CURRIN & SAM MEADOWS. Planters Warehouse LOUISBURG, N. C. Rayo Lamps, Burner, Wicks and Chimneys at L. P. HICKS. 10-30-2t Get One of Our SPARTON AUTO HORNS and Save The Flowers, Fit For Your Personal Car and They Knock a Hole in Traffic at L. P. HICKS. 10-3tl-2t Now is the Time to Sow Your Lr.wn ?SELECT LAWN GRASS SEED Is re quired, L. P. HICKS can Furnish on ly THE BEST Variety. 10-30-2t If You Want "A Little More" For Your Country Produce T?k_- It To L. I'. HICKS. 10-30-2t Full line of Select Doors and Glazed Sash at L. P. HICKS. 10-30-2t The Quinine That Decs Not AHect The Head Because of its tooic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or rinsing in the bead. E. W. GROVE'S signature oo box. 30c. FIXE FARM AT AUCTION On Monday, No7ember 9th, 1923. at j about 12 o'clock in front of the Codrt house door in Louisburg, X. C? I will! cffer for sale a fine 35 acre farm. 18 1 acres cleared that made over a bale of cotton to the acre this year, near | the Collins old mill, and adjcining the ; S. A. Jones estate. Terms to good party. This Oct. 2Sth, 1925. J. T. PRUITT, 10-30-2t Louisburg, N. C. Stone Churns, Milk Buckets, Cool ers and Milk Pans at L. P. HICKS. 10-30-2t DOGS FOR SALE Two hounds, well trained for rab bits and partly trained for opossums, 2 and 3 years old. A. W. BOONE, R 2, Spring Hope, N. C. 10-30-2t Electric Cookers and Electric Per. 'cclators for a Quick Meal at L. P. HICKSl 10-S0-2t Stove Board, Pipe Collars, Pokers, Ccal Hods and Coal Tongj at L. P. HICKS. 10-30.2t That ROBT. E. LEE FLOUR IS Still in The Lead, Satisfied Users are Prais ing it. Its Fully Guaranteed?Try One Bag and Join Its Friends?at L. P. HICKS. 10-30-2t TENANTS WANTED Two good colored tenants for two to three horse farms wanted for 1926. Lard well improved.Only those with good reference need apply. MRS. J. A. MITCHINER, 11-6-tf R 2, Franklintcn, N. C. COW-NE-DA COW-NE-DA The greatest cow feed for bringing down the milk ever seen. 24 per cent Protein. Sold close to introduce. JNO. W. KING. U-6-3t Strange that nothing seems to be as good or as bad as it once was. L. Kline & Co. INCORPORATED 10th ANNIVERSARY I >, SALE STILL GOING ON STRONG AS EVER. ? WONDERFUL BARGAINS LEFT. IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN COME ON. IF YOU HAVE COME AGAIN. YOURS FOR VALUE L. Kline & Co. INCORPORATED LOUISBURG, N. CAR.