Tt>BAtf0O INLOUISBURa I ' l' II SILL YOUR COTTOM or louhwurq A. F. JOHNSON, MdHtrand Vmger THE "COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $150 Per Ymt VOLUMNLTV. LOUISBURQ, N. 0., flftDAY, DEC. 18TH, 1925 (1& Pa?e$) NUMBER 43 VETERANS OF THREE WARS ENJOY HOSPI TALITY JAMBESPOST Henry L. Stevens, Jr., State Commander of the American Legion Is Guest Of Honor One of the moat unusual reunions of American veterans that has ever been held in Franklin County, was staged recently by the Jambes Poet ot the American Legion, when It was host at a delicious turkey and oyster dinner, served at the Franklin Hotel. The reunion was unique. In that for the first time In the history of <Louls burg, veterans of the Civil War, the Spanish American War, and the World j War met with each other to renew the bonds ot comradeship that have grown out of the service mutually shared by three generations, that serv ice being the military defense of their wountry in times of war. Officers of Legion Posts, and promi nent Legionnaires from Smlthfleld, Raleigh, Henderson, Nashville, Apex, Spring Hope, Fraaklinton, Middlesex and Lexington, gathered almost one hundred strong, to enjoy themselves and to discuss plans for the promo tion ot community betterment by the American Legion, throughout the fourth district. The meeting was presided over by Major S. P. Boddle, Commander of Jambes Post, and T. K. Stockard, i ..nimltteeman of the Fourth District. brief addresses of welcome to the visitors, Invocation was offered by Lev. S. L. Blanton, Commander ot the 1 I'unklinton Post. Although the meeting was lively, and merriment was master of cere monies, one could not help having a little twlhge at sorrow creep through the atmosphere of gaiety, when he noted thevacant chairs that had " veterans? t the War placed tor the noblest of all ve the Confederate Veterans of between the States Out of the num bers of Confederate Veterans Invited Capt D. C. Tharrlngton was the only man to attend. However, he was sore ly "one of the boys," and he responded and spoke gallantly for his comrades. The Spanish American Veterans were one hundred per cent strong in their representation. Messrs. Dave McKlnne, Charlie Elmore, Bed Mea dows and Joe Moss, of Franklinton, were there tp show that the Spanish American Vets have net forgotten a mess calL A feature speech was ex pected from them, something alarming, but their Big Ben failed to go off as scheduled. After tne desert coarse, tne meet ing resolved Itself Into so open dis cussion of worth while post activities and prominent Legionnaires exchang ed ideaa. A harvest of helpful hints wsa gleaned by those present, which will be' of great benefit to their re spective poets. Major Jim Leonard, Committeeman of the 8eventh District came down to tell the Easterners, "Hbw we get things done oat oar way." Henry L. r,Jr? State Com mander of the American Legion, won the hearts of hii- conundes with his pleasing personality, when he arose to deliver the principal address of the evdning. In his speech he briefly sketched the past achievements of the ~~?afio American Legion, notable among which are the National Endowment Fund for the widows and.prphans of World War Veterans, the Over Seas Graves Decora tion Sinking Fond, and the Adjusted Compensation Act He delighted his audience with fbe statement that after years of toll, thS-D^ft. Veteran Bureau, and the OteenijHospItal, are examples of effiolsacy. Commander Stevens stated that the^ principal objective of the Legion tor th* oacemlng year is Increase In membership. He closed his most able address by citing a few reasons for an ex-service man's join ing the American Legion. Briefly stated hla reasons were as follows: oUW % should hare a eeutllaental feeling for Ala comrades of the World War, and should associate himself more cloeely with them by becoming a (Legionnaire. Honor. Every ex-service man should -appreciate the fact that membership in the Legion is a distinct honor, and one that every man cannot have. Duty to onae country. Every ex-service man should realise that as a dtlasn of Amerloa, be Is obligated to continue fighting In times of pence for the betterment of his oommuntty. and na tion. Commander Stevens wee tendered a tremendous applause at the eloee of his address, which was significant that hs had voiced the seat tenants of his fsllow Legionnaires. The foed wee delicious and Comrade Ben Ogburn displayed uausual ability by rendering unusually excellent serv ice. The table deoorations, arranged by Mrs. Ogburn, Was "TossT Ogburn, and Miss Lynns Hall, ware beautiful and decidedly fitting for the oooasioa The favors chosen by them were so very appropriate that the Legionnaires became "eouvenler hounds" on g i and captWed every toy gun for ;W? thei/vrolioetra bo adopted I Harry HofttwB,1** life 1* the with the beat msnfe that tans ? in masy moen^jSi _ ? heart from the different NO MAIL ON OHMSTMAS DAT I Post Office Employees To Have] Holiday Now after 160 year* of uncomplain ing work, and drudgery on Chrlst maa Day the employee* of the U. 8. Poet Office Department are to hare at least one Christmas as a holiday. This means the local post office will not be open on December 26 this year ( and the rural carriers will not come on Christmas Day. Bo "If you want] | your package to reach its destination by Christmas be sun to mall It soon., enough for It to arrive before Christ mas Day," says W. R. Young, Post-, master at Loulsburg. All Christmas packages going out the state should be mailed by Saturday, December 19," he continues, "and all packages out of the county but srlthln the state should start moving Monday Decem ber 21." "Christmas cards must have two, cents on each one," says Postmaster Young. Tills Is necessary by order of the new postal regulations effective April 16, 1926. Out of the thousands | of Thanksgiving cards mailed at Louis burg about 464 were delayed because they had only a one cent stamp on each of them. Christmas cards will !be delayed In like manner If they do not have two cent stamps on them. In order that your mail may ar rive at Its destination fresh with the Christmas savor the Loulsburg Post Office Is going to do all It can but | it cannot violate postal laws and re gulations for your Convenience. So Christmas mailers are urged to com ply with the following postal rules and regulations. Mall early, Wrap securely, address ? ??it*. a?1_ I plainly, write utfrees iritli ink or .typewriter, pat 2 cent stamp on every - - ? a Santa Clans card. On unsealed envelope containing Christmas card without messages-put 1 1-2 cent. With message two cento. Staled 2 cents. Bid HOGS The following big hogs have been reported killed the pa*f week: Mrs. W. L. Ayscne, of Hayeevllle township, two weighing 200, 247. I R. P. Finch, of Hayesville township, two weighing 460 and 462. I H. F. Perry, of Harris' township, lone weighing 638. i Vance White, Harris' township, one /weighing 464.? j N. H. Ayscue, Of Hayesville town ship, four weighing 217, 261, 276 and ,300. Charley H. Roberts, colored, Hayes ville township, two weighing 173,and 261. | Rev. O. W. May. of Gold Mine town ship killed two weighing 348 and 366. M. P. Moye, of Harris' township, .killed one weighing 460. I R. L. Hhrrls, Cypress Creek, one weighing 462. [ S. J. Howard, Cypress Creek, two weighing 360 and 336. I O. J. Bowden. Cypress Creek, two weighing 360 and 230. It. B. Harris. Cypress Creek, two weighing 226, and 227. | W. H. Delbrldge, Cypress Creek, two weighing 360 and 376. | J. M. Harris, Cypress Creek, three weighing 236. 337 and 446. W. H. Joyner, Cedar Rock, two weighing 316 and 12L J. 8. Murphy, Cedar Rock, two weighing 262 and 19S. E. C. Collins, Jr., Cedar Rock, two weighing 190 and 230. J. C. Murphy, Cedar Rock, one weighing 306. . J. A. Fuller, Cedar Rock, two weigh ing 276 and 363. Mrs. T. H. Dickens. Cedar Rock, three weighing, 378, 384 and 393. J. H. House, Cedar RQCk, two weigh ing >68 and 364 CHRISTMAS 8EBYICE8 Te Be Held At the 8er?t*l I* Lealsburg Christmas services kin bean an nounced for the several churchaa' a* follows. St Paul's Episcopal Church oa Christmas Day at 11 o'clock, a. m. Morning praysr and holy communion. Christmas ssrricss at ths Methodist church will ba hold next Sunday. W. J. STB1CXLAKD DBAS Mr. W. I. Strickland, ons of Frank lin County's moat substantial plant ers died at his home near KatesrrlUe pn Wednesday. December tad. In his Mth year. He leate* a wife and an adopted son bestjss a large number of relatives and friends. The funeral was held at the boats on Thursday and ths interment was made ia the family cemetery hear by. A large number of friends wars pres to pay a last tribute to ths d The bereaved yrldow and son hi the sympathy of ths sOUrs community. by the Fourth District i Echoed' of appreciation of Louls bsrg'i hospitality, and whole hearted, entertainment, are still to r from dttfsfeM -Mdtthhs <*t Frolic prse from Thrills." OLD BELT CO-OPS PAID 1 1-2 BULLION Largest Deliveries of Season Reach Cooperative Market* As S. 0. Growers Mobilise. The payment of $1,590,002.86 to mem-: here of the Tobacco Growers Coopers tire Association In the old bright belt of Virginia and North Carolina, which 'began at the association warehoases. I last Tuesday completes final settle ment of. the association with its old belt members on 18 grades of the to bacco which they delirered during 11924. ' In addition to this the organised growers are taking advantage of the highest cash advances which their or ganization has everp paid at a time ' when other growers are suffering from I the usual slump that takes place on the auction markets lost before the I Christmas Holidays. This has result ed in deliveries of over 4,000,000 pounds of tobacco to the association daring the past week?the largest receipts which it has recorded during any week of the present season. Total receipts of the association are now more than 51 million pounds of tobacco for the present season stod there is every Indication that the to bacco co-ops of the old bright belt will deliver more tobacco after Christ mas than has come to the cooperative markets of Virginia and Western Caro 1 Una up to the present time. All markets of the association In the bright belt of Virginia and Eastern North Carolina will close for the holi days on Friday, December 18. The new sign-up campaign for a five year contract, calling for K per cent of all tobacco and delivery to the new 8outh Carolina belt Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association of every pound grown upon the lands of signers is off to a good start with mass meetings of the growers and the public being held in every important tobacco grpwing county of the South Carolina belt. No contracts are wanted or asked for unUl Ore farmers and the pubUc are thoroufhy familiar with the new marketing ^Agreement which is the work of the growers themselves and contains all the terms wtich they have asked for in mass meetings of repre sentative growers, foUowing four sea sons of experience in the cooperative marketing of their tobacco. Ihe "sign-up ?f contracts in SocU. Carolina is scheduled to begin in the! 158 local units of the association in that state and in the border counties of North Carolina on Wednesday, De cember 30, when there will be A gen et al mobilisation of those t diacco farmers who are Ooter-o to pro tect their tobacco crop for another five years as they have done during the i season. j ORPHANAGE CHRISTMAS SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY AT THE METHO DIST CHURCH AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK Pastor O. W.. Do wd makes the fol ! lowing announcement tor the Metho jdlst church. Some say make It "An electrlclai ,Christmas," some advise make It a "Radio Christmas," some urge It to be a "Jewelry Christmas," one enthusiast says It should be "A book Christmas." But w? are making a special effort la our Church next Sun day at 11 A. M., to make It aa "Or phanage Christmas." We wast to raise three hundred dollars at this service tor our >60 Methodist Orphan age girls an l boys at Raleigh. Please give, at least, your earnings for one day to this cause. We hope some of our hlK orphanage friends here *.11 .give WOO. others can give 660. |S6. $10, 66. 'Let all the children and young people bring at least 61. Make your plans to give tomethlog worth while. Envelopes will be tarnished you. We have the promise from Rev. A. S Barnes that he will send some of Us choice girls of the orphanage to sing one or more special songs at this service. Our regular choir will, also, have a special number to fit la with the program. The pastor is planning his sermon with special reference to this great eervloe. We feel sure that we shall have the loyal support of Leu'shurg and College In this fine service, both In attendance and In financial support. TOWN COMMISSIONERS MEET This board of town commissioners met in called Meslon oa Monday even lag. December 14 for the traa motion of business. All Mil* presented ware deterred until the next regular monthly moot ing In January. The matter of the collection of taxes due the town was dtaeusaed. It was found that contrary to the general ttaderstaadlag the public, the last day for payment of taxes la December let of the same year that taxes are listed. The clerk was instructed to write to evoty tax payers and inform them Chef would net bo ehargod in t on htt'fetatf'paM by the flm* January ensuring. Bat on tho eon ta*#p*r MbflWI be charged af __i first'of the year. ! 'The hoard then adjourned. M-R.H, HelTEB ENTERTAINS The residence of Mrs. J. A. Mclver *M the scene of much pleasure and merriment, last Fridty evening when ?he gave a charming six o'clock din ner in honor of Miss Juanlta Bunn, an attractive bride-to-be of this sea son. The room was tastefully decora*, sd In Christmas &itcn an 1 bright r ;i berries jira a background of white. The guestj were greeted at the at >.he door by Miss Bettie Mclver. In the living room they were welcomed by Mrs. Mclver, assisted by Mrs. J. S. Howell, a sister of the guest of hon cr. When the guests had all arrived they were ushered Into the dining room where the Christmas color scheme wss carried out In the floral decorations and in the luncheon set. The center piece waa a Christmas tree radiant with tinsel and lighted candles. Beneath the tree stood a sturdy Santa Claus with his pack. The prospective bride was seated at the head of the table In a chair fes tooned In white in her honor. . Dinner was then served In courses, constating of a fruit course followed In order by the meat, salad, and de sert courses. The hostess then sug gested that the honor guest open San ta's pock and see what he had brought. In It were found many pretty and useful articles which were the gifts of the other guests. Besides those already mentioned those present were Misses Elisabeth Timberlake, Dora Upchurch, Margaret Inscoe, Jewel Clarke, Victoria Ad cocke. Bessie and Beulah Lancaster and Mlsa Annie Rearce of Franklin ton. "i NOTICE A good representation of church of ficials trom each of the churches on Lotlsbarg Circuit is asked to meet the Pastor at Prospect Church, Sun day, December 20th, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of arranging a schedule for preaching services on the work. This year each church on the work will be given two services each month, one Sunday morning service and one af ternoon or night service. To follow this schedule It will be necessary to make some slight changes la the old order of services. People from cacb chkrch shonld-be present at Proa peel Sunday to give reasons why they de sire a particular Sunday for their re g^ftu* Bunder morning service. SUNDAE SCHOOLS IN CEDAR V ROCK TOWNSHIP MEET On last Sunday afternoon the Sun day School leaders In Cedar Rock Township met at Cedar Rock for the purpose of organising Into n township convention. The following officers were elected: President, W. R. Ful ghum, C edar Rock; vice-president, D. E. Pearce, Caetalia; secretary and treasurer, E. O. Brewer, White Level. After the organisation was perefected th aim of the convention was read bp V. H. Sledge gad discussed Also a report was beard from Cedar Rock, Caatalia and White Level These be ing the only schools represented. Plans are now on foot lor a Township Institute to be held at White Level sometime In the early spring. Program for same will be planned and publiahed later. W. R. FULGHUM, Township Pres. B. Q. BREWER, Township 8ec'y. BR CABEPUL ABOUT FLEES The following latter from Stacey ff Wade, IutrtOM Commissioner, was received by Mayor WUllaauon this weak aad la given the public with the request that thay be guided by It CM the safety of the property tram loss by fire. ? Just at this tips of the year one of the most uftcallod for gangers known threatens our homes and our children. ' Por some unknown reason, especial ly so tn the Southern States, the cus tom of celebrating the Birthday of our 8arlo?r with fireworks was origi nated ahd the toll of dues lost sad property destroyed has followed along In citiee where this custom has pre Aa ordinance against the use of such devices would go a long way toward eliminating this linger aad would work a hardship against no one, anises It he that type of man who would, for s small profit, sell yoar child or mine an Implement that would destroy or Mind It Many of the ettlee and towns in oar Stats hare suffered from time to time from the use of fireworks aad many hare profitably eaaeted ordinances against the sale and nee of them end It Is n otiose bis that the cities pra blMtlag tha use of them hare been able to go through the HoUdey Sea wltbout fire and loss of life; while a lost hand, a burned home and eren loss of USs has been the result where the sale of fireworks was psr mttted I trust you will look upon this M I send It;?not official Interference? bat n warning tn order that no holo caust which ws can. with reasoaeMk care, pre vest, wtl) mar the happi ness of a single-hoam In North fWo fhaa during th*> C%l$gma* holiday CLAJ* JOB PfctNTWO PHONm ? ? ? KTWANIANS ELECT 0 F F I C BE S At Luncheon Friday Night Most 014 Officers Re-Elected; Ne Spec lei Pregrwm; All Eajey Good Fellowship With the beet of good fellowship prevailing the Loniaburg Kiwania Club held its regular luncheon at the Franklin Hotel on last Friday night. No special program had been arranged. The regular election of officers was held and resulted as follows: - President. A. W. Mohn; Vice-Presi dent, H. H. Johnson; Secretary-Treas urer, A. H. Fleming; Trustee, E. 1* Best; Directors, F. J. Beaaley. M. S. Clifton. Mc; M. Furgursota, Ben T, Holden, W. R. Mills, A. W. Person, W. E. White. Quite a good attendance was pres ent and gn ejoyable evening was spent. IK HONOR OF MB. BEABNEY WILLIAMS Mr. William W. Neal was host, lasl Monday evening, at a mo?t delightful stag dinner given in honor of Mr. U Kearney Williams, of Grand Rapids Michigan. Mr. Herbert Alston, ol Warrenton, and Mr. Ben Ballard. o1 Franklin ton trere present togethei with Dr. R F. Tarborough and Messrs J. m. AM?h. R- p- Tayor and L. E Bcoggln. j The guests were greeted by Mlw a uc 6uiovu __ ? .. . Fanny and Miss Annie Perry Neal lo -endered music en the mandolli and piano. A most attractive courst dinner was then served promptly at 86Y6I1 o'clock and many Jovial storioi were exchanged at this reunion oi old friends. Toasts were dffered tt the honored guests and a hearty din ner was enjoyed by everyone Present After dinner the guests were in vlted Into the parlor and a very en thusiastic game of bridge and setbacl afforded entertainment until late U tht evening. Mr Williams and Mr. Alston hav< been spending a few days b*rd hum lng with Mr. Neal and returned t< ., Warrenton Tuesday night. Mr. Nea i was with them on a duck and pheaa ant hum in Michigan this past tal while visiting Mr. Williams In Oram Rapids. BED BUD Y. Wl A. The Y. W. A. met Saturday night December 12, 1925 with Biles Nlm Leonard. The following program wai Hymn, "Jesus Is Calling." Devotional Matt. 2; 1-14, Miss Min nie Ruth Murphy. Prayer. Mies Nina Leonard. Roll call and report by secretary. The child from the Olory Land, An nie Lancaster. The Birth of C'irib., Miss MoielU Leonard. a . , . Duet, Miss Nina Leonard and Jua nlta Stnrdlvant. . ... Common Characteristics, Nina Leo nard. _ Distressing Differences, Miss Cau dia. Belle Smith.- . , ? Hymn, "Anywhere with Jeaus. Dismissal, Bstelle Murphy. Those present were Nina Leonard Annie Lancaster. Claudia Smith, Mo selle Leonard. Edna Lancaster. Mln trie Ruth Mnrphy. Eatello Murphy Nellie Lancaster, Annie Bett Smith Myrtles Gojrtoa, Mary Alice Murphy Juanlta Sturdtvant, Cornelia Boone Athaleal Wood. I Number members present XI, ah sent I, new members 1. total present 112. ' . , . - 'i 1 EDNA LANCASTER Leader. ANNIE BETT SMITH. Secretary COTTOJTMPORT The tabulation of the card report ?hoar* that there were 28.4M bales ot cotton, counting round u half bales, ginned In Franklin county, from the crop of IMS prior to December 1, IMS, as compered with IS.771 bales ginned ft* December t. 1PM. SESTK ?8 AT ST. PAULS CHUBCH sehoot at lb o'clock a. m., and evening prayer at T:J? p. m constitute the asrrleea at St. Paal'i dplscopal Church for next Sunday ac cording to announcement of Pastor f D. poller who Invitee all to attend each of theae services. a ? " DEAD On October 3. 131$, God sent His angsle to boor the spirit of Mttls John Rnytord Underbill to A home where suffering never comes. HO was the sunshine of the homo and the beauti ful flowers that covered the little mound were a token of love from those that loved him. He leaves a father and mother and three Utile sisters who loved hhn so much. All the fami ly are sad and lonely, but heaven tp nearer and Christ Is dearer than ever before. WO loved him. Fes we farod Mm. bat Jesus loved him more npd He has sweetfy called him to Hta bf^ght and AMONG THE VISITORS son tod xvow asd son 00 MOT IHOW. P?MUl ItMM INK F*ikl Their Friends Whe Tnitl An4 Mr. R. R. Kissell visited Charlotte the aat week. ? ? Mr. R. C. Lawrence, of Lumberton. was a visitor to Loulsburg Saturday. Miss rancls Wilklns, of Sanford, la ' visiting her aunt, Miss Sallie Betts, at Loulsburg College. Mr. R. C. Beck returned Sunday from a visit to his father ini Richmond. * * Mrs. Florence Bakes, of Norfolk, visited Mrs. C. A. Rag land this week Mr. T. A. Conway, of Kinston, i a visitor to Lonisburg Monday. e ? Dr. A. H. Fleming visited Raleigh this week. e ? Messrs. W. H. Ruftln and P. B. White went to Raleigh Sunday to Mr. R. 8. White. Jndge B. W. Tlmberlake, of Wake '] Forest, was a visitor to Loulsburg thin ' week. ? ? Mr. R. O. Bailey returned the week from a trip to Florida Mr. J. E. McLeman is spending ? few days at the home of C. A. Rag land. ? ? Mrs. C. A. Ragland and Mrs. F. 1L Leoiiaid vlalU 1 Mr? Harvey U>U*. of Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mrs. L. L. Joyner is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harold J. Lewis, at Alexandria, Va. e ? Dr. N. Y. Oulley. of Wake Forest, was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednes day. ? ? Mr. Sidney Edens, who has been at > Plnehurst has returned home and I' taken a position with the Franklin Times. 1 ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Carlyle. of Sa vannah. Oa, and Mrs. Dora Carlyle. or Mebane, are visiting Messrs. 8. S. and B. H. Meadows this week end. Mr. J. W. Parker, who has held a i' position with the Times, the past year, i, left Saturday- to make his home In Georgia. RECORDERS COURT Twelve cues were disposed of in ' Franklin Recorders Court Monday, " I seven of which were found not guilty (' by Judge Beam. Two of the remain ing cases were appealed. The docket as disposed of was as follows: ' | State vs Sherman Wilder, removing crops, not guilty. State vs Otbo Clifton, false pretense. 4 months on road%Appeal. State va Clemon Harris, nuisance, not guilty. State vs Felix James, nuisance, not guilty. '| State vs Willie Clark, nuisance, not \ guilty. 'I State vs Gene Blackley, nuisance. ' not guilty. ' I State vs James Arthur Higglns, poa ' session distilling outfit, guilty, fined 'j$25 and costs. I State vs Robert Horton, Carnal ' knowledge under 1(, guilty, 4 on roads. Appeal. State vs Herman Davis, assaultJ deadly weapon, capias and State vs Jeff Perry, assault ^ deadly weapon, pleads guilty, ptayigr for judgment continued until Monday. THANKS I want to thank the gpod of bouisbarg and? Franklin jfor their loving klmtoees and [thy shown to res during asy | I have been back home fori eral weeks now and have been rap , improving since my return. 1 am vwy i glad to say that aiy eyesight is gtada . ally improving. .j The kind and tender prayers that you offered tor me will long be re membered by my family and see. MRS. P. F. EVANS, JR. ~ COTTON CO-OP WOIDI ADDRESSES WOMEN North Carolina Cotton ,. ; operative Association locals with quarters In Ralalgh. " ------ ty-wide audience of 'farm women here I . a luncheon given nt the Frank tel. Rer'nahject was "Group " " thn Wi i.i..?d.-,i with them to lag fact oT Informal | atlve marketing to the ThS

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