4= A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and M&naffer THE COUNTY, THE S^AJCJS, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Yew VOLUMN LTV- LOUISBURQ, N. 0., 7^y$LY, JANUARY 1, 1926 (1ft Pagea) NUMBER M COLD WAVE HITS STATE ONI FATALITY HAS BEEN REPORTED Thermometer Drops To Lowest Reading Since Winter of 1917-18?Charlotte Has Cold est December 28th In Forty Seven Years tt . Not only the ooldest weather of thla winter, but the coldest since the win ter of 1917-18 when the thermometer dropped to 10 depress below aero for the first time on record In this sec tion, visited Loulsbnrs and vicinity Sunday and Monday. The government thermometer registered 1\ Sunday night and 8 Monday night Other Instru ments not scientifically Installed reach ed the sero point As a result many are the water pipes that are bursted, the cold ware taking our people by surprise, they tailed to cut the water off from exposed places. North Carolina shivered under the coldest weather of the winter Sunday night and early Monday. One fatality was reported. Capt C. K. Hancock, of New Bern, being found dead in a ditch where It la supposed he fell after los ing his way while returning to his lnuRhg lodge from the home of a near by ; rrmtr. Charlotte reported the coldest De cember 28 in forty-evven years, the mercury lulling to 91-2. Etgv de grees was the minimum in UaUigh. Askevtite waa the coldest city In the Slate with a therm uuetev reading sero--yesterday {mernng at 8 o'clock. Hichjiry reported four degrees above The reading a tWlmngton waa IX de grees at minimum and great damage to oabbaga and lettuce is reported. Wiaeton-Salem reported a minimum of 7-and BaUbury the same. '? v- - ? '? 0DI8T CHURCH NEXT In announcing Sunday's serviced at the Kethodls* church, Pastor O. W Dowd says: Wg are baring our tint communion service next Sunday at- ll a. m.-?the tlrst'tiuaday in the New Tear, 1916. It is a fine time to rededicate your lite to thb Chglst and Hla service. At this service the pastor will apeak briefly on God's beginnings, endings and Re veladons. The communion service will be conducted next Sunday morn ing in the old fashioned way. We are expecting the old the young, all ngta to be preeent at this service. "Sgnday night thdyM^oy will speak on "Who is God's Kinsmen " God has relatives, who are they? Come and leaMurf this tine relationship. "I wish I ooufld apeak to eTerrene personally to tall thaag what a fine Christmas we had at the parsonage and especially thank those who re m si tin i ml as th any war, some with gift* and a goodly number with cards We thank one and all. ft* fear I do not get Una to apeak the ^eraoaal word of thanks, and to say the Happy New Toara message to Is M s member, and friends of mrfftnrefc: ' ? - ad to ex pi sen my sincere to you tor the fine aerv the church the peat year and for the loyal support you , ( ^ of our It was ? year ot and Christian fellowship. We are hoping for still greater things lb the year lust ahead of us. "We all doubtless made some mis take*. We arc hot unmindful ot our Aart-eomlnge. But we are coming new to the end ot th* year IMS, and we shall soon be privileged to begin all over again. Next Friday we shall Start the New Tear with the pagas of the ysdf book IMS all fair end White. What shall wa writs? What shall the record be? Ton and I must determine that individually. "I am wishing for you-a Happy New Tsdr. Hay peso* and prosperity be youT portion." COTTONWon The tabulation of the card report, Shews that there wet* *9t# bales of cotton, oo anting round is hntt ha lee, giaund in Franklin County, from the of IMS prior to December IS, with 1S.M4 bales toUs^HMf IS. 1SS4. LIVELY SIGN UP FOB BIGGER POOL IOhm AhmMMi Receipts Ext. reed (7 MlMon Pounds} CwMfit Start Well (8. D. Frleeell) More than fifty-seven million pounds of tobacco have been received by the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Associa tion during; the present season, ac cording to the fall returns of deliveries which followed the closing of the co operative markets for the holidays. Total deliveries to the association from the 8outh Carolina belt exceeded 26,600,000 pounds, an amount of to bacco which is practically double the 1024 deliveries of tobacco co-ops of that area. In the dark fired tobacco district of Virginia a steady sign-up Is pro gressing without any Intensive cam paigning for new members. More than a million pounds of the dark weed were signed up during December tor the new association which the growers plan to operate from 1927 to 1931. Following mass meetings in every important tobacco county of the South Carolina belt, the Sign-up of the new contract began this week in a majority of the 168 local units of the associa tion. Results of the first day's cam paign have not yet been reported to the association's headquarters, but the new contract is being discussed in every tobacco town and cross-road, store in the South Carolina belt and there Is no doubt that the campaigns for membership in the new and larger association, by which the growers are planning to protect their Industry for another five years, will be off to a good start by the early days of 1928. The association warehouses which will open after the holidays are to begin receiving tobacco on Monday January 4th, 1928. The association will close down all of its warehouses in Eastern North Carolina except Rocky Mount, Golds - boro, Washington and Wendell. Only eight of th*.*M. bright belt receiving points will shut down after the holidays. Receipts from the old bright belt growers exceeded a mil lion pounds a day during the last de livery days of 1926. The association Is continuing Its liberal <6 per cent cash advance In 1926 and large deliveries are looked for durliqr the remainder of this sea son. . , DB. C. ?U HILL DEAD Dr. C. O. Hill, of Baltimore, has just died In that city. A Loulaburg boy. born and raised Id Loulsburg until he reached manhood, then 11 red and died in Baltimore, in which city his life waa a success. Standing at the head ? I his profession Dr. Hill was a son of Maj. D. 8. Hill of Loulaburg and a first cousin o( Dr. Malone aad brother of Mra M. 8. Darin o.' this city. HOttDAT DAXCK The Loulaburg Dance Club we ? most enjoyable danee on Tuesday night in the large and spacious room over Allen Brothers store. Mont ex cellent music was furnished an^ unite a large number Of couples participated Many out of town guests were present to take part in the dance. THROUGH BUS LIKE "We hare been informed that n plan is taking definite shape to bt|in the operation of a bus line tram Rocky Mount through Loulaburg to ?"-y* at franklin ton with the bus Una tram Henderson to Ralelgk. This Worms-, tton says that the order for e Dumber of large husoes has been placed aad the arrangements tor a charter la be and that as soon as the arrtre the serrloe will begin. It. Is understood the schedule will la elude tour round tripe from. Rooky Monet to franklintou eaoh day. It Is also being ooatauiplofrd that arry mail Wblc these busses will carry mail Which. It true, will be unite a great addition to the mail aeoommodatlon and wv ?tnlesoee at Lentsburg. - xi. Physlclau says he capt Dee w girls went stfk boas. Hs must be bHi ..There are three women ip the cop gross. Nothing equal abmit i to please where you will I Sty? Nntt fear The New Year, with all Its real and imagi nary problems, is upon as. What we do in the nett twelve months depends to some extent upon our individual initiative, but with the utmost of individual enterprise, nothing of lasting value is going to be accomplished unless a spirit of oo-operation prevails. Here in Louisbuxg, it will be necessary, if sucoass is written across 1999, for every citizen to join in one long, steady pall, unhampered by petty jealousies. The work te be done is enough to occupy the mind and utihfee the energy of everyone, without the blighting effect of bicker ing or qnibhHng over small things. Co-operative effort is t% only thing that will make a better commuzsmy. Oo-operation means working together for the oommon good and not permitting p^sonal ambitions For proftw tatter,. T Results will come only when every citizen catches the spirit of oommfnity betterment. This does not mean that business men or any jther class alone can pnll us otft into larger fields. Overcoming the obstacles that 1S?6 is bound to offer and turning them to our own good will be possible only Whth a united pull. So it's up to every loyal citisaa to pulj his level beat. G. 4TS. MEET The 0. A's. of ibe Loulabur.t Bap tist church met Monday evening, De cember Hat, at 7 o'clock with Kate Al The Mary Moffat Circle having charge of the program. The meeting^ waa called to order by Kate Allen^apd the following program waa rendered.^ Song, SUent Night. Prayer, by Mrs. Howell. Roll called, and circles were repre sented as follows: Settle Moon, number present, t; Mary Moffat, number present, S; Ann Pointer, number present, X. Prayer, by Viola Blaqk. Topic: Christmas in Many lends. The Christmas Story, Kate Allen. Instead of Christmas la Japan, 1 beth Newell. Yuletlde in Sweden, Willie Place. Christmas In Mexico, Mary Leigh Kearney. One Christmas in China, Kate Al len. 8< ng. \'cy to the World. We were dismissed with sentence Prayers, Mildred Cone, beginning, Willie Mae Place closing. Then we were served with refresh ments by the hostess, assisted by : dear-womblaix Lillington. Dec. ? ?A pretty thongh quiet w?4ik| ?u solemnised at home of Mr. an dMr* E. R their daughter. Ml** Battle, the bride of XT. md of iMktari. The la ring ceremony of the 1MMW church was uaed. Rot. K. P. Daeal. of the bride officiating. The oeriatwy wu performed before aa taproiM altar of green white, apoa whieh whit* oaadles abed a mellow glow over the krraly scene. There war* no itteedwli and the bride and groom entered to the etralhs of (Lohengrin'* wedding march dared by lflsi Ullla Rooks Stephen eon, of Pmtthflsld. As the solemn row* were being spoken -To a Wild Rose- was played softly. The'reces sional was Mendelssohn's March. The hrida was attired la a going away gown of ebeoa crops romaln, with trtmmlags of gold lace and ao ceesorlea to amtsh Immediately after the oeremony the bride aad g trip, after which they srtll Pa at any maa can he papalar bp his optaloa to BflW rAKH AGKJfl AKRIVtS Mr. A. H. Harris, Franklin County's new term agent arrived Tuesday to take M the duties of tike extension work la Franklin county. He Is a netfvaod fs?IWWi?Bty and is s gsptuate 04. Worth Carolina College of Agriculture awd Engineering receiving Ills B 8 degree after four years study After completing his " returned home and ledge on his tethers then became the farm taret county where he years resigning to return to hte home to assist his father in converting his farm from cotton to livestock. lis was raised on a term and is in every way qualilMt : to know the farmers needs. He comes to PYanklin County highly recommended and with the qualifica tions he poaseeees Franklin County people may. expect splendid results. MBS. W. W. HOLMES BEAM | -9* Mr*. W. W. Holme* died at the State Hospital In Raleigh on Sat artier af ternoon at S:S0 o'clock, after a ions illaese. She wa? In the 75th rear r.f her age and bealdes her hit*bead, leaves one brother, Mr. J. & Bus of Durham, and two alatera. Mr*. Bob Holme*, of Henderson, and Mia* Vic toria Bum*, of Rhlelgh Her remain* were brought to Loaiabarf add the funeral area held la the Uxuahurg I thodlat church Sunday afternoon at I:N o'clock, conducted by Bar. O. V. BhvdxMMar, and the interment * made at OhMawa camstsry. Quite a large number of relative* aad frleada attended both aarvtoas and the floral tribute wae especially pretty spsaktag a beautiful meaaas* of lor*. The paM bearer* were O. OL Hill, f. J. B*i*l*y E. H. Malone, O. W. Murphy, Hugh W. Perry. F. N. Splrey. Mr*. Holmes was a member of the Loulsburg Method let church and waa a devout aad faithful Christian. She was unassuming and retired la nature but among her neighbors, where she wae heat known,-she was loved ami admired for her beautiful Christian character, and h?r devotion to bar God, bar home aad her neighbors. The bereaved husband and relatives have the deepest sympathy of the sa tire community. li. D. C. There will he a meeting of the loeeph J. Devil Chapter tJ. B C. at the home of Mr*. J. O.NeweU oa ruertar January Ilk at t:30 p. m. All a embers are urged to bO preatnt. HUGH W. PKRRY, Secretary. PRES. MOHN ENTERTAINS Louisburg Kiwanis Club Satur day Night; Harry- Johnson, Sid Holden, C. Hatton, David Harris Win Prides; A Most Enjoyable Occasion -v _____ Member* of the Louisburg Kiwanis Club were royally entertained oni last Saturday ni?ght by their president, Arthur Mohn at Louisburg College. It was Christmas and everything was nicely decorated In red and green with a huge Christmas tree forming a back ground, upon which had been placed a present far every member. The menu was most appetizing and '.was served in Ore courses and the way Bid Holden. Fred Hicks and Ed ward Best made way with this was [Sufficient evidence thdt it was great ly enjoyed. * Mnch time waa given over to stunts. Mac Fergnrson, Perry Burt, Sid Hold en and Louis Joyner did the broom trick resulting in Bid Holden winning the prig*. Edward Best, Rob Beck and C. Hatton vied with each other to see which could sit in a chair and take a pin out of the back with their .month first. C. Hatton did. the trick and received the prise. The entire club took part In a shooting contest to see who could hit the bull's eye. C. Hatton received the prise for the best shot and David Harris was award ed the booby. The game waa started when Chief of Police Meadows took a bottle from the pocket of A. Tonkel However it was soon cleared up that if it had been Tonkel's it would not have been in his pocket Jim Allen performed as Santa Claus and distributed the presents from the tree after which each member rose displayed his present and thanked the donor. The Loulsburg Band interspersed the entire program with most excel lsfat music and by special request rendered "Yes Sir She's My Baby" for IB* special benefit of Orren Dowtf UM Archie Mclver. Harry Johnson won the prise of fered by President Mohn for the best letter telling of what benefit Kiwanis has been to Louisburg and outlining some matters of importance the club could do In 1>M. The entire meeting waa greatly en Joyed by all present who were unani mous In the opinion that Arthur Mohn was a past master in entertaining as well as getting sleeted. RKW TEAR SERVICES Special New Veer services will be conducted by the pastor on the Louis bur* circuit January 3rd, 192?, as fol lows: Services at Buna Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Subject: "A Good Begin Services at Prospect at 1:20 Janu ary Ird. Subject: "The Land of Be Again." at Leah's Chapel at < p. m. bject: "The Race That Is Set Before the New Tear right by going to church While forming other hub Ha fens the hafcit of going to church. You wHl never regret it These >d churches heed you this year, come an he with them. Franklin ton. Doc. M.?The marriage of Miss Grace Prasad Wester to Do. John Wesley WhHhsad teak place at the home *< the bride la PraokMatoa. December Mth. 1*21 at right o dock. The mum nay was performed by Rev. a L Blanton paster of the Fraaklln ton Baptist church. Mrs. Whithead ts the beauMfn: and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wester, Sr. She Is e graduate of Bast Carolina College and hag re presented Frankllntou twice la beau ty contents one state sad the ether Eastern Carolina. Dr. Whithead is the of the late A/*P gad Mia. of Bachelor, North* Carotins. 1 calved his education at N. a College sad the University of Mary land and is bow praottttag la Smtthflold. N. a Altar January Mth. MM. Mrs. WhHhsad will ha at lisma hi ? si a man a \ i* > . i. *- bk* ? . AMONG THE son tod now in m do mot now. Pars* Ml Item* lk**t Mi M Their Friends Whe Travel Megs led There. fir E. H. Malone went to Raleigh Tuesday. ? * Miss Louise Rice of Harrlsburg, Pa.. Is visiting Mrs. Julia P. Scott. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Puller visited relatives at Oibsonvllle the past week end. ? e A. M. Massenburg, of Henderson, is spending the holidays with his people here. ? * Mrs. E. G. Ellington Is visiting re latives and friends In Oxford during the holidays. * * Miss Mary Spencer, Miss Sadie Johnson and Mr. James Johnson went to Raleigh Wednesday. ? * Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bryant, of Ox ford, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Taylor, the past week, e * Mis* Fannie Lillian Massenburg left today for Chicago, where she will vis. It her sister, Mrs. J. C. Robinson, e ? Mra E. M. Bragg and daughter. Ernestine, of Oxford, visited her peo ple In Loulsburg during the holidays e e Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gantt, of Go Ids bo ro, spent the holidays with their daughters Mesdames C. P. Collier and H. P. Leonard. ? ? Miss Louise Joyner and Mr. Maur ice Joyner have returned home frost Alexandria, Va., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Harrell J. Lewis. * ? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Austin and lit tle daughter, Frances DeEtte, left Friday to spend the Christmas half days with relatives at Winston nsls"i>. e ? Mr. and Mra F. L. Edene and child ren, of Washington, N. C.. and Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Allen, o fFarmvllle. visited their mother, Mra 3. J. Ed ens. during the holidays. ? ? Capt. Straus 3. Baker has taken the run on the Loulsburg branch In place of Capt. Holding, who has returned to the main line. Capt. and Mr*, are stopping for the present at Murphy's. * e Mr. J. F. Malone. of New Orb is on a visit to his parenta Dr. and Mrs. J. E Malone. Mr Malone has re ceived a promotion with his company and will sail soon for China to take charge of their Interests In the Orient EXCELLENT KIPOKT ' It will b? gratifying to the friends of the First National of Loulsbarg la Franklin observe the wonderful growth It hga made In the past few years. The re port at the close of baclases on Mon day, December 28th, shnws total re sources of t734.M3.S7, which is excess of any torwsr report. The U is entirely appropriate at this son that they send forth aa tlon, which wiH he entlon is Parent' high school to give a it was a<