tf 'III J **'? TOUtl, TOBACCO nr ^ouisburo -'?X ?-P ? OOTTOJffl IN LOUISBURG A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager 1 / * t i ' THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION i SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Yew VOLUMN LI'V. LOUISBURQ, N. 0., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1936 (10 Fagot) NUMBER* *46 r-'- ? TO BUY COUNTY HOME SITE $218.73 Received From County Home Crops Mrs. Grose K. Kearney He-appointed * Court Stenographer; Many Reports Becelved and Mneh Bontine Business Disposed Of The Board of County Commissioners met In regular session on Monday with all members present. After ap proving minutes of the previous meet ing business was disposed of as fol lows: Mrs. Ellen Carlisle was placed on outside pauper list at $6 per month. Mrs. Sallie Collie was allowed a draw back for $18.32 special school dux error In listing. Report of John Hedgepeth, Super intendent of County Home, was re ceived and filed. He reports 6 white and 11 colored Inmates. Report of Miss Daisy CaldweU, home agent, was received and Died. J. W. Rogers was allowed draw-back for $2 dog tax, error In listing. Returns of the Epsom school elec tion were received and filed. Land acreage of C. F. Best, was corrected to read 520 acres instead of 57$. It was ordered that the county ob tain deed for Isaac Cooke lai d that had been sold for taxes. Israel Perry was allowed a draw L-ick on $250 valuation, error in list ing. . .jport of Cole Savage, farm agent, was received and accepted. He Intro duced Mr. Harris to the board. W. J. Foster was allowed draw-back on valuation of $440, account house being burned. Road reports were received from the following townships: OedarRock, Cy press Creek, Sandy Creek and Louis-1 burg. | M. D. Wilder was allowed $10 tor turkeys killed by'dogs. i A check for $218.73 was turned In! for sale of farm produce at the Coun ty Home. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, County Health Officer, was received and filed. It was ordered that Clifton Dicker son he allowed the full statutory time off for goof behavior. I Mrs Orace R. Kearney was re-ap pointed court stenographer at the same salary. I It was ordered that all teams at the county home be disposed of ex cept one pair of mules. Commissioners Strickland and Dean 1 were appointed a committee with au thority to select and purchase a site I for a new County Home. I A recent resolution passed by the Board making the Farmers and Mer chants Bank, the'financial agent of Franklin County was amended so as to read "financial agent for Franklin County as to Hayesvtlle township on ly." A special tax election and a special bond electloh were granted for Hayes vtlle school district ' The Jurors for FsbfusHy term of Franklin 8uperor beglu^ the development of same at JDOi," ' TODAY'S Nl C. COII -Teni" 3h, Mr. Teacher man I beg of thee, re teaeh me gdlck the language X this greet oouwtree. Ill when some big Irlsher Pontes up to ute and grins, tad ,saym. "You're Toby, the Wop," IU give him n punch tad say, "Who me. * - i pee you're very mistaken al* . r# Anthony, ' Henry Ford 1* determined to Had .at something about the north polfe .at no one has suspected Mas of try I as to oontrol the lea market. V! 1 MAKE CHEAPER COTTON The Main Need el the Firmer Instead el Lees) To Discuss Fertiliser at Night School Next Toesday Night At Franklin tea (By C. R. Bohanan, Teacher Vocation al Agriculture Frankllnton Public School.) The second meeting of the Agrlcul tural night school was held In the community room at the school build ing Tuesday night, Ja&nuary 5. Bad weather prevented a large attendance. The topic (or discussion at that meeting was "The place cotton holds In our system of (arming." We are hearing and reading a great deal at the present about cutting our cotton crop. This might be a wise thing, but in all probability It would not, unless there could-be a money crop to take its place. What we need most of all la cheaper cotton. If we can produce the same amount at a cheaper cost the low prices will not hurt so bad. Tor the next three weeks I expect to take up the production of cotton and the various problems we are hav ing in making it a paying crop. On Tuesday night of next week, January 12, I want to discuss the fer tilisation of cotton. This Is a problem that la of interest to every cotton grow er. Our soils are not rich enough to grow crops without fertiliser and so it Is a necessary element, bnt how many farmer* know what kind to bny, I do not believe that we are spend ing too much money for fertiliser, but 11 do believe that we are spending too much for the money kind. It is this problem that I want to discuss Tues day night I I would like to urge all who are interested to be present Tuesday night at 7:30. I " SOUTH CABOLINA BELT STABTS LIVELY 81611 UP] Majority ? t Growers Who Meat la Sooth CaroHaa Locals Sifa Tobacco Coo tracts. (8. D. Friasell) South Carolina tobacco grower* are | signing the now five year cooperative contract aw they face the qnestioa whether they will return to auction market prices for another tire years or protect their tobacco by am asso ciation of the farmers. First reports to arrive from the com munity meetings and local units of the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Associa tion in the Palmetto State show that' a large majority of the farmers who attended the meetings held on De- [ cember 34 and in some cases one hun-1 dred per cent of association members at certain locals, signed the new five year contract designed to protect their ' tobacco prices for another five years, j Extremely rough weather prevented | the attendance of. large numbers at the first sign up meetings in the South Carolina Belt, but the tobacco farmers who have leas than M days in which j to aecure <5 per cent of thetotal production of the South Carolina belt ar e waking ap to the fact that unless they de this job now, the catastrophe' of low prices which was threatened j this fall at the opening of the auction I warehouses in their state, appears certain to become a permanent re The figures from thb United States Department of Agriculture show that for ten years before the World War South Carolina tobacco farmers re ceived a gross average of 14.1 cents a pound. For the ten years before coperatlve marketing. Including the high prices ef the war years they re oeivwd an average ef 11.3 cents a pound and since 13m Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association was formed they have averaged 19.8 cents a pound. Of the 500.000.0(X> pounds of tobac co received by the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association daring the past three and a half years the South' Carolina growers have delivered 98, *99,999 pounds Within the peat three sad a half wears the Tobacco Growers Coopers-j tive Association has paid Its members In three states 88*999,999 tn cash, an average price of tobacco each season which is greater than the average! price for any five years tn history ax-1 cept the World War years. Tobacco growers Is every section of the Carolines and Virginia, except [ Batters Carolina, are now considering the question as to whether they will' return to the pre-war prices or con-! OOA|MTm1T9 I tlnue the protection et marketing by signing mp with the larg er b?lt pools proposed in the new marketing contracts. Plans far the old belt sign up have sot been com pleted by the organisation committee representing the growers. KILLS TWO MOKE TVMKXTS Mr. C. A. Ragland Is entitled to considered Leulabiug's i tar as he has nine of birds to hit credit Christmas holiday*. AMONG THE VISITOfifl SOKE TOO EITOW a5D SOU TO DO EOT KNOW. Perwul Items ikon F?lki Their rrkaO Who Travel And There. Mr. E. H. Malone went to Raleigh Saturday. , * * Mrs. W. B. Joyner spent Wednesday in Raleigh. ? ' ? Dr. A. H. Fleming went to Durham Wednesday. ? ? Supt. E. T3. Perry went to Raleigh Wednesday. ? ? Mr. A. F. Johnson went to Durham Wednesday. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hudson visited Raleigh Tuesday. e ? Mr. E. F. Dement visited Raleigh and Durham Wednesday. - ' ? a Mr. F. A. Roth returned the' past week from a trip to Ohio. ? * Mr. A. W. Person returned the past week from a visit to Miilikln, La. S a Messrs. H. C. Williams and Sidney Place went to Raleigh Wednesday. ? a Mr. F. B. McKlnne, of Goldsboro. was a visitor to Loulsburg yesterday. 1 a I Miss Winnie Garr, of FarmrlHa. spent Sunday with Mrs. 8. J. Edema, a a Mr. E. S. Pearce, of Spring Hope, was a visitor to Loulsburg the past week. a a Mr. W. H. Cates and son John, of Durham, were visitors to Loulsburg the past week. a a Mra E. O. Ellington and daughter. Roena, returned Friday from a visit to relating at Oxford. a a Mr. E. A. Kemp returned the past week from Baltimore where he has been receiving treatment. a a I Mr. A. J. Jarman left Sunday for Baltimore where he will receive treat ment at a local hoepitsl. a ? D. O. Allen, of Farmvtlle, is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. S. J. Edens. a a Mr. Thomas B. Wilder, of Aberdeen, was a visitor to Loulsburg the past week, guest of his brother, Mr S. T. Wilder. Mrs W. B. Joyner and children spent Friday and Saterday of last weak in Henderson, Waiting relatives and friends. ? ? Mr. J: S. Lancaster, who has been visiting his brother, Mr. James J_ Lancaster, near town, returned to his home at VMS Wednesday. ? ?' Miss Daisy Caldwell, Home and Mr. A. H. Harris, County Agent, left Monday for Raleigh to at tend a county agents convention. ? e Messrs. Wm. H. Law-son, Jr., ant Singleton Belt, of South Boston, Va^ were guests of Mrs. W. P. Nasi the past week end. ? e Mr. Wm. W. Neai motored to hurst Saturday to attend a party at the Plnehurst Country Clnh given by Miss Emma Williamson eC Wilmington, N. C. ? ? Messrs. M. S. Darts, T. W. E. White went to Durham Ws day to discuss Franklin County with Mr. John Sprunt H1U, Highway Commissioner for this district, a a Mr. H. H Hilton left Sunday lor Littleton where he has taken with the Royal Feed and Grocery pany. His many friends in regret to sea htm leave, but him success ha his new ? ? Among then* who left tor a trig Florida yesterday were Mrs. Bs N. Williamson. W. B. W. E. Tucker. C. K. Choke. F. IF. and eon. Fled Jr.. and They wore Mr and Mr*. C. 8. Williams. e ? Mr. N. C. Phillips toft the tor Littleton to take the Royal Med and Grocery Mr. Phillips made quite a friends In here a few yean ago to know thid Mm much rig sinee he cans go who wttt regret has left, hat VM