1905 I'll,. Home ot SAM T\ . SKRVICf and 4 Per Cent. Largest Capitalized and Onl> National Bank in Halifax or Northampton Counties. 1925 ?fficcre W. T. COUNCILL. President S. F. Patterson Vice-President T. W. M. Lonc. Vice-President G. W. Eaton. Cashier R. L. Cooper. Ass't Cashier Directors C. A. Wyche W. L. Long J. M. Jackson W. L. Manning L. G. Shell Dr. T. W. M. Long W. T. Councill Wells T. Tillery J. W. Taylor S. F. Patterson E. W. Lehman C. R. Emry An Jnuttaltnn Make this bank your bank. Large enough, and old enough to handle safely any business any si/e which may be entrusted to our care Yet small enough to give unremitting attention to the interests of the small depositor, and young enough to be virile and vigilant in all matters looking to the welfare and betterment of the community. (?htr This hank began life with an ideal in the minds of the founders, and that ideal was that banking is a profession. How well it has lived up to this ideal is attested by the unique position it holds and the reputation it now bears. It has been careful, conservative and constructive in its policy since its organization in 1905. Its best efforts have been and are directed to the upbuilding of men and legitimate enter prises; towards furnishing a safe depository for the money of the people, avoiding speculations and promotions in whatever form they have come or however disguised as public enterprises. CAPITAL S 100.000? Ko.WOhl U M'IDS. \.( . M i 11 i o n Dollar Bank"