EVERYBODY BOOST LOUIS8URG 1 LOU1SBURG NEEDS A WEEKLY ? PAYROLL A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN LV, * LOUISBURO, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1926 (12 Pages) ' NUMBER 2 REVIVAL AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Hit. t. L. lillluian Preaching Strong Sermons; Will Continue Through Tuesday Night The revival now going on at the Methodist church is developing much interest. Rev. E. L. Hillman, pastor evangelist, of Red Springs, is preach ing some strong sermons that are being heard and appreciated by large numbers. Mr. Hillman is especially well fitted for this service. He was educated at Millsap College, Emory University and at Edinburgh, Scot land. The regular services are held at 10 a. m and 7: SO p. m. each day. On Friday afternoon at 3:15 and Sat urday afternoon at si:30 special serv ices will be held for children. On Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock a meeting will be held especially for men, and on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 a special service will be held for the ladies. Two choirs are furnishing excellent music and the meeting will continue through Tuesday, The following are extracts from the sermon on prayer, Tuesday night: Eleventh chapter, first verse. Gos pel according to St. Luke: And it came to pass, that he was praying in a certain place, when he ceaBed, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord teach u8 to pray, as John also taught his disciples. Our theme this evening will be that of a prayer and I would imagine that in the very outset someone may say: it seems you would come to us with ? i.ew theme. We have been hearing tf that all our days. The preachers have preached to us about It and the tiav.ors have taught us about It. It is a:i eld subject. Why bring It up here in a revival meeting? Why bring 1t in line with the theme we had last night?" If we are to have a revival meeting, if it is to be the work of God, we must found this great struc ture on this thing we call prayer. Lo:d teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples. Yes, I am com ing to you with an old subject. It is an old subject, but thank God the finest gifts to the race are old. The worst sins that ever cursed the race are old. You may have some other expressions for them, but the things that count for the most, the things that hurt, the things that kill ?nd destroy are old. I And in the great thing of prayer a thing that Is as old as the race itself. Ever since man came Into the world'he has had a ten dency to pray. I am not going to say we act that way about It. Prayer is just as natural as eating and sleep ing. There is a faculty in your being that if you would give to it the train ing you give to the other natural functions of your body you would commune with God Just as certain as you do any other thing In life It is natural that we pray. If you do no,t believe It, go and listen to the savages, to the barbarians, who have never heard of Christianity; who know nothing about organized reli gion and you will find that that group is incurably religious. Man is a pray ing creature. That poor African woman, who after having heard a christian sermon for her first time she looked one of her comrades in the face and said: "What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you there was a God like that?" There was something In her mind and heart that said there ! was a God. Don't think that man manufactured It. He did not do it. Did man manufacture sleeping, eating and drinking? Not at all. How did he get it? He simply got it because the maker of the universe, the maker of mankind, gave him power. He gave to man the power, the faculty, to be religious and notwithstanding the fact f?. we have a few to the contrary, this race of men would express It self in terms of devotion and com munion with almighty God. God gave it ana SO Dip Wh 0i t, -iu Jhe heart of every person that has ever <SEe on ? "d 1 b?,,eTe t0 ?'ery one wh6 shall come there will be put down deep in the caverns of that being a ?park that will not rest ?until It has found Itself in communion with its ruler Ood csve it. It !? ?f. dlTln.e origin. Everyone of us tonight who has come to that ex Is*?*??*,. ?' knowlu* God knows that that is true. We eee men and womena who are giants in the intellectual world. We watch men as they get training In athletics. We see them as they devel op inphy?lcal being. We Me them with pride and look up to them. We go back and see that they have be come stalwart men and women be cause they have come to It by making everything count for the pushing forward of a physical machine. Some of us question why It Is we do not have great men and women In the christian world; why we do not have great giants in ths religions world that we ought to have. Hare you ev er thought practically and sensibly about ths thlngT I will tellyou who your great men and women In religion l.i Loulsburg tonight It la the man or woman who most devotedly, moat en thusiastically, la staying with Ood In communion and fsllowshlp day by day. Do you wonder why we do not have any sealous church members. No, not when you look at the Uvea of many ohurch members, I do hot. (Continued on Tags Right) TO BUILD ELECTRIC LINE Foard Co"firms Purchase of New Site ' I For Count)' Home; To Collect On Note; Mail) Kt ports Received; J. A. i Ctxekuiore Anointed Road Com 1 iiiksiouer Cypress Creek' Town ship The Board of County Commission ers met In regular session on Monday! with all members present, and after approving minutes of previous meet ings transacted busineess as follows: Report of E. C. Perry, Superintend ent of Public Welfare was received and filed, and upon his recommenda tion Buck Wilson was placed on out side pauper list at $3 per month. Returns for the Epsom school elec tions were received and ordered re corded. The vote for Special tax re gistered 162, voted for. 147, against 0. The vote for bonds was the same as for special ta*. The Clerk of the Court was instruct ed to have a telephone installed in his office. $20.00 was allowed for the burial of W. A. Reavis, an old soldier. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, County Health Officer was received and filed. H. K. Perry was relieved of poll tax on account of the loss of an arm. Mollle Denton was relieved of tax on account of property being listed twice. W. P. Wilson turned in $65 from the sale of a mule at the county home. Bob Pace turned in $1.50 for the sale of old bridge timber. Report of Dean and Strickland, a committee appointed to select and purchase a new site for the county home was received. They purchased twenty-five acres of land from Mrs. Emma Perry on the Frankltnton road at $100 per acre. The report was adopted and the purchase confirmed. Report of A. H. Harris, farm agent, was received and filed. Reports from the following town ship road boards were received: Cy press Creek, Gold Mine, Sandy Creek and Cedar Rock. J. A. Creekmore was reappointed Road Commissioner for Cypress Creek township for three years. William Terrell was allowed draw back for $2 poll tax listed through error. The Chairman and Clerk were au thorized and instructed to collect one half of Sandy Creek township road note and renew the other one-half. The $30,000 bond for Epsom School District were sold to C. B. Fitner and Co., for par, accrued interest and pre mium of $375. The Board renewed $20,000 notes that were outstanding. Chairman Strickland and J. R. Jones were appointed a committee to have an electric line built to the new county home site. John Hedgepeth, Superintendent of County Home, made a report which was rceleved and filed. He reported fourteen inmates. After allowing a number of accounts the board adjourned subject to call of the chairman. .. BAND CONCERT AT Bl'NN The Loulsburg Band will give a concert in the new high school au ditorium here on the evening of March 9th, at eight o'clock. From all reports this concert will be well worth anyones while. The band not only Is first rate but carries with It special features such as jokes, comic songs and recitations. We are expecting a large house with which to christen our new audi torium. Not only Will you be enter tained, but the school will be bene fitted as a large percent of the pro ceeds gft to the school. I Come! Ttot's fill our Shew auditor ium with schoolchildren who are to pay 15 cents and the grown ups who are- to pay 26 cents. The school gets over one halt of this money; besides everybody loves band music and en joys heartv laughter. ? BISHOP CHESHIRE TO PREACH MARCH 6TH, AT 7ttf P. X. The Rector, Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina will preach In St. Matthias (colored) Episcopal church tonight. We extend a very cordial invitation to all our friends, both white and colored, to come out and hear him. He will be assisted In the service by Rev. J. D. Miller, rector of St, Paul's church, Bishop Ches hire has been a goad stailncn friend to the colored people. . He Is one ol the finest Bishop's wa have In the church. | Our church and school work con tinues to go on nicely. Our white friemi^in the chufcht&ave done a gren^Pfft by us and^thls community. We feel deeply grateful to them for their Interest In our work. GEORGE a POLLARD. Mr. Luther Wells, Whd has been In s Rocky Mount hospital for the past two weeks with appendicitis has re turned home. Subscribe tr The Franklin Tti MRS. BICKETT SPEAKS TO KIWANIS Adopt Resolution To Raise $1,100AN) To Put On Y. M. C. A. Work; Ob serve Puttiers und Daughters Might; Splendid Music With an unusually well arranged program Louisburg Kiwanians observ ed lathers and daughters night at Franklin Hotel at tne usual Friday night luncheon last week. A most excellent musical program was ar ranged and greatly enjoyed by the large number present. After a heated and enthusiastic dis cussion a resolution was adopted that the club would endorse and recom mend that the citizens of Louisburg establish the suggested Y. M. C. A. work with the addition of a full time superintendent through the summer months. This resolution carried with it the raising of $1,100 to put over the i project. I | Possibly the moBt enjoyable part of i the program was when Mrs. T. W. Bickett, Superintendent of Public Welfare for Wake County, but to us one of our most beloved citizens, talk ed to the fathers and daughters about the Joint problems that confront them. , Her address was especially interest ing and Instructive and was much en ,joyed. Special music was furnished and a most successful and profitable hour I was spent by many. EP WORTH LEAGUE SOCIAL The Bpworth League delightfully entertained a number of friends and members last Thursday evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. S. A. Newell served punch the entire evening. We are afraid some drank too much, but that can be ac counted for, because it was so good. The high school orchestra furnished music for the evening. A duet was rendered by Misses Elizabeth Hill and Lucy Hayes. Readings were rendered by Misses Rosalie Doxey and Eula Purnell. Mrs. Dowd played her part by rendering many games and con tests. The best came last, the refresh ments and then a little chat. We tried to fool Miss Weeks but she be gan to leave twenty minutes before time. Everybody seemed so well pleased they hated to go, but we know Miss Belts said, girls must be In by ten o'clock. Everyone felt ihdebted to Miss Macon for an evening of so much fun. : ' The town guests were as follows: Misses Genevieve Macon, Lucy Burt, Cora Beasley, Elisabeth Hill, Elsie and Lucy Herman, Marion and Louise Gardher, Eliza Newell, Willie Mae , Place, Medbrs. Donald Cooke, John Williamson, William Joyner, Thomas Harris, James Wheless, Kenneth White, Grey Egerton, Wlagate Under bill, James Cooper, Arthur Fleming, Fred Hicks, Sam Wilder aAd Lewis Scoggin. The college guests were as follows: Misses Margaret Carter, Mary Davis, Mary Alice Fergurson, Blanche Splvey . Margaret Credle, Fannie Hocutt, Eula Purnell, Vera Ushrey, Laura Keen Moyle, Francos Stanton. RECORDERS COURT Judge O. M. Beam had quite a full docket before him in Recorders Court Monday after a vacation of two weeks to make room for the regular Su perior Court. The cases as disposed of on .Monday are as follows: State rs Charlie Jones, violating prohibition law, continued to first Monday in April. State ts Piummer Williamson, dis posing of mortgaged property, con tinued. State ts Willie Smith, ?iolatingi prohibition law, continued. State rs Octavious Hicks, assault with deadly weapon, pleads guilty, 12 udfiliie on roa<14. upon payment of $10 to Charlie Burrell, execution not to issue until further orders of this court. State 'vs Charlie Harris, unlawful possession of whiskey, guilty, prayer for Judgment continued. State ts Jim Piummer Davis, viol ating prohibition law, capias and con-, tlnued. 8tate vs Jim Piummer Davis, viol ating prohibition law, capias and con-; tlnued. State vs Jack Rogers, violating pro; hlbttlon law, pleads guilty, ten days In Jail. Appeal. State vs j. J. Lancaster and Julius Hayes, affray, continued. State vs Jammle White,, assault with deadly weapon, defendant being under 16 years of ago was turned oyer to the Juvenile Court. State vs Vlck Jones, tanning bawdy house for the purpose of prostitution, guilty, <0 days in Jail. State vs Moses Cox, transporting ? and possession, of. whiskey, pleads i guilty, prayer for' Judgment cdnttnu- ' ed. ?t? State vg. Helen Lee Davis, aiding and abetting prostitution, guilty, ten days In Jail. ' State vs Lowe Brodie, prostitution, i pleads guilty, fined |10 and costs. | State v? Annie Lee Richardson, aid ing and abetting prostitution, guilty, | ten days In Jail. . c rOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING rHONN >?a ItS. '? PURE BRED SEED Aiotlnir Pit-tare Shon On Agricultural Subjects To Be Given At Different Points In ('onnty > A pure bred seed campaign will be this launched In fliis county next Monday night, March 8th, and continuing thru March 19th of the following week. The object of this campaign is to en courage the use of better seed for planting purposes on every farm thru out the county. At each meeting the farmers will have the opportunity to place an order for enough pure bred cotton seed and seed corn to plant one acre of each or more if desired. A picture show featuring some agri cultural subject will be presented at each meeting. The itinerary for next week Is as follows: Youngsville, Mondav night March 8th; Bunn, Wednesday night, March 10th; Pilot, Friday night March 12th. Time: 7:30 p. m. Place: School building. Admission: Free. MAYOR'S COURT Chief of Police B. H. Meadows re ports the following cases disposed of in Mayor's Court the past week: Marvin Patton paid the costs of 86 on a charge of public drunkeness, and also costs of $4.90 for Indecent ex posure of his person. Vick Whitaker was allowed to con tribute $4.90 to the town for disorder ly conduct. Moses Cox was fined 85 and requir ed to pay costs of 84.90 for being drunk and disorderly and was sent to the Recorder's Court under a charge of unlawful possession of whiskey. , Lowe Brodie was sent to Record ers Court to plead to a charge of pros titutlon. Vlck Jones was hailed into court on a charge of running a bowdy house for the purpose of prostitution, and was sent over to the Recorder. Annie Lee Richardson and Helen Davis were both Bent to the Record ers ourt to answer to a charge of aiding and abetting in prostitution. CONFEDERATE VETERANS TO MEET All members of the R. M. McKlnney Camp of the' United Confederate Vet erans of Franklin county are urged to attend a meeting to be held at the courthouse in Loutsburg, N. C., on Saturday March 20th, 1926 at 12 o' clock. This meeting is entirely neces sary to ascertain all who expect to attend the Confederate Reunion in Birmingham this summer.' It is es pecially desired that all come pre pared to pay their annual dues. By order of the Commander, D. C. THARRINGTON. CONFIRMATION AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Pastor J. D. Miller of St. Paul's Episcopal Church makes the follow ing announcements for the following week: Sunday 10 a. m., Sunday school. Sunday 11 a. m? Confirmation by Bishop Cheshire. ? Sunday 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer. Services will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 5 p". m. All are cordially invited to attend any or all of these services. BOAHD OF EDUCATION MEETS The Board of Education of Frank lin county met in regular session on Monday with all niembers present ex cept Qreen. There being no matters ot special interest before the Board only a short session was held. I The superintendent was instructed ,to have plans drawn for the Epsom and Qold Sand school houses and to advertise tor bids as early .as pos siblo. lie "fas instructed tc employ M. S. Davis as architect. he superintendent was Instructed to advertise and sell the old school building at Pearce. l I M. 8. Davis was Instructed to have coal schute and basement steps at Bunn and Cedar Rock schools covered and enclosed. A number ot accounts were allow ed and the board adjourned to its nejrt regular meeting. MEETING OF STOCK HOLDERS The annual meeting ot the Stock holders ot the Loulsburg National Farm Loan Association of Franklin County will be held at 11 o'clock a. m , on the 20th day of March, 1926 in the offices ot White and Ma lone, Attorn eys, lnLoulsburg, N. C. This Srd day of March. 1926. A. F. JOHNSON, Pres. A Cincinnati lawyer testified he be came a bootlegger tor a thrill and made three mllllcjn the tlrst year. Chat ought to be thrill enough for uty man. I It's human nature tor folks born vlth silver spoons In their mouths to I vlsh they were gold. ' Placing first things tlrst Is a good I loltcy to follow, but all don't agree i n what comes first In life. I The bigger the cheat, the louder he 1 queals when he himself gets skinned. 1 I GETS PARTIAL REPORT I On Town's Finances From Auditor; Information About Opera House | The Board of Town Commissioners met in regular session on Friday night; with Fleming, Furgurson, Howell, j Person and Leonard being present. I After approving minutes of previous meeting business was transacted as follows Report of B. H. Meadows, Chief ot j Police was received and filed. He re --ports collecting costs $73.60, fines i $30, licenses $34, rents $40. The report of Clerk A. W. Green was received and filed. ?He reports collecting penalties $28.19, partial tax payments $279.69, water and lights $2,707.16, costs and licenses $210.40, j paving assessments $241.38. j In a letter to the board the woma ans club wanted to know definitely j whether or not the auditorium may j be used by any organization in town and if so to state what period of time in advance that this theatre had to' be asked for and to whom to apply. A motion by Fergurson prevailed to Inform the womans club that on twenty days notice to the Board of Commissioners provision will be made | for public entertainment. The auditor presented a partial re port to the Board and was Instructed to make an exhaustive report of the : financial status of the affairs of the town which is to be published after the report is finished. | After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. LOtTISBUBG COLLEGE COMMITTEE MEETS 1 The executive Committee of the' Board of Trustees of Louisburg Col 1 lege held a meeting at the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. At this meeting there (were present: M. T. Plyler, Raleigh; D. W. Newsome, Durham; F. . B. Mc Klnne, Goldaboro; A. J. Parker, Smithfleld; and W. E. White, Louis-' burg. President Mohn of the Louisburg ColIeg? met with the committee and made a report on the work of the college and the status of the Frank lin County Building Program. Th.j committee was very well pleased with the conditions at the college and with the Franklin County Building situa tion.- ? President Mohn reported that the Franklin county people had paid in cash, bonds, materials and notes $34, 812.61, lnaddltion money payable on demand $14,388, making a total of $49,200.61 in hand. This report was most enthusiastically received by the I executive committee which then au I thorized President Mohn to put out 'the specifications and blue prints for bids for the construction of the Frank din County Building. They believe the I contract can be let on or before April 1, the only condition being that the Franklin county people complete- the fund first- decided upon, namely, $60, , ,000. As only a little more than $10,-' 1000 remains to be secured to com-; plete this fund . of $60,000 necessary j I before the contract tor the building is let, the early letting of, the con- ' tract seems assured. ' The committee-realized that Frank lin county occupies the key position in the Development Program of 'Louis burg College. If the Franklin Coun ty Building is Started tjiis spring, Mr. Richard H. Wright, of Durham has . promised to add $60,000 to the Louis burg College Endowment Fund. We people of Franklin county can not afford to fall to meet Mr. Wright's proposition, not only because of the generous offer he has made but be-: cause we wish to show him our ap- J preclatlon of his generosity In the past and to secure his continued friendship, and help in the future. Franklin county people, we believe, will rally to the ""call of President Mohn and the Trustees have decided to build the Franklin County Build- < ing three years in advance of the | final payment, that they will, with | the completion of the building, com- ] plete the payment of all their sub- , scriptlons to the Building Fund. j ?. t'v The (J. ^'s. of- the Louisburg Bap- i tist church met Tuesday afternoon 1 March 2, with Mildred Cone; i The Mary Moffat Circle having i charge of the program. The meeting was called to order by Elisabeth New ell and the following program was rendered. j Hymn, America. ,S Ci iyer by Mary -Lee Kearney. I t. rlpture Lesson, Matt 14:16-22. i Elizabeth Newell. e Business. 1 Roll call and the circles were re-, presented as follows: Mary Moffat Circle, number pres ent 10; Lottie Moon Circle, number present, 6. I Personal service report. I Reports on the daily Bible reading., The meeting was then turned over, to Mrs. Howell, our lender, and she liscussed part of onr study book. I We were dismissed with sentence 1] prayer, Helen Leigh Fleming begin-1 ilng and Mrs. Howell closing. We were served with delicious re-.rl rreshments by the hostess, assisted | ?y Mrs. D. K Oone gad Mr?, W. L. j House. AMONG THE VISITORS SOSF. VOL' KNOW a.N'I> SOMK IOC 00 NOT KNOW. Personal Ileitis About Folks And Tliolr Friends Who Tratel Here And There. Mr. C. G. Cox, visited Raleigh yes terday. ? * Supt. E. C. Perry went to Raleign y< s lenity. . -? Mr. S. G. Person visited Raleigh. Saturday. ? * Mr. Leon T. Vaughan, ot Nashville, was in tbwn Friday. * * Mr. J. D. Hines, of Raleigh, was a. visitor to Louisburg Saturday. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Pleasants left this week for a trip to Florida. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hudson and son, Frank, went to Raleigh Tuesday. ? ? Messrs. J. P. Timberlake and S. C. Holden went to Raleigh Tuesday. ? ? Mr. John Mills, of Wake Forest, was a visitor to Louisburg Friday. ? ? Mr. Leroy S. Massey, of Zebulon. was a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. ? ? Judge E. W. Timberlake, of Wake Forest, waa a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. Mr. F.. A- Roth returned the week from a trip to the northern markets. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smithwick re turned Monday from a visit to her parents at Wiaterville. ? * Supt's. W. R. Mills and E. L. Best returned Friday night from Washing ton City where they attended a Na tional Superintendents meeting. ?' ? Mrs. Jessie Hale and little son Em mitt, went' to Raleigh MondkV where Emmitt won the first prize, a $35.00 bicycle, in a baking contest, he hav ing saved up 8,000 wrappers. ? ? Pres. A. W. Mohn, ot Louisburg Col lege and Mr. W. E. White a trustee of the same institution went to Ral eigh Tuesday to attend a meeting ot the board of trustees of the college. C * w Mr. ?. ?. Blount, of Suffolk, Va.. was a visitor to Louisburg Monday. Mr. Blount will be remembered aa the contractor who erected the Con federate Monument on North Main Street. ? ? Misses Eleanor Collie, Mollle Strlck land and Mrs. R. A. Bobbitt left Tues day for Raleigh to attend the State Convention of the Woman's Mission ary Union of the Baptist denomina tion, as delegates from the Louisburg Baptist church. Bl'BGESS-OGBCKN Their many friends in Loutsburs were surprised to learn that on Wed nesday Mr. Clyde Burgess andMlss Lela Mae Ogburn were married in Raleigh. Miss Ogburn is one of Louisburg*B most popular young ladies and pos sesses a most pleasing personality. The groom is the proprietor of one of the big lumber plants near town and is one of Louisburg's most sub stantial business men. Their many friends extend congrata lations. " / COLBT ADJOURNS Franklin Superior Court adjourned Saturday after having taken up two weeks with civil cases. The only case of any special importance was R. N. Mitchell. Admr., vs Harold Atkins In which the plaintiff was awarded $19. >00 damages. This case grew out ot the accident near Wake Forest last Summer when Ashley Roberts was killed in a collision by his car and ei bus. Notice of appeal was giv TWO ONE ACT FLATS AT COLLEGE On Wednesday evening March 1*l it 8:15 o'clock the "Powder and Patches Club" of Loutsburg College will give two one act plays In the icclety hall. EPWOKTH LEAGUE The Bpwortb League will Sunday evening March 7th at 8:45 n the Methodist Sunday school an lltortum. The program will be rend >red by Miss Blanche Spivey. You are nvtted to attend. The program is as follows: Song. Scripture lesson Matt. ?: 1-1$. prayer. Talk. Meaning of Prayer. Margaret larfletd. Vocal solo. Eula Puraelt. Talk. How to Pray, Vera Carey. Piano solo. Rachel Creech. Talk In relation to our Uvea, Md t Douglas. Sweet hour ot prayer. Quiet hour consonant. Evelyn Hap. Ison. Benediction. sgbsenbe to tn? rtwtitp Tipi . iii

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