FREE! In our Shoe Dept Dollar Day Only- One pair No 100 Silk Hose Free with every pair Ladies Shoes $4.95 and over. FREE! Dollar Day Only with every pr. Men's shoes sold for $4.95 or over we will give one pair Interwoven Silk Hose Free. AT L. KLINE & CO., INC. on Saturday, March 13th, 1926 Will be a crowning day in the history of our business. A day long to be remembered to those who attend a day that will give your dollars the power the days of old. A day you can't afford to miss. Hundreds of bargains on display we can't advertise. TOWELS Large size Fancy Bordered Huck Tow els, at 4 for? $1.00 SHEETING 9 1-4 good quality Sheeting, unbleach ed, full 81 Inches wide, at 2 yards? $1.00 RADIUM SILK S6-incb all-silk Radium for dresses and lingerie, at yard? $1.00 IRISH LINEN 3f-inch imported IriBh Linen, good staple colors, at, 2 yards? $1.00 CURTAIN SCRIM ?6-inch Curtain Scrim, ecru and white, double borders, 10 yards? $1.00 OIL CLOTH ? Standard width Colored Oil Cloth, rery neat patterns, at. 4 vards? $1.00 Extra - SPECIAL - Extra FOR DOLLAR DAY ONLY In addition to our Extra Special Prices for Dollar Day we will allow you $1.00 on all purchases of $10 or OTer. Jnst trade, get duplicate sales slips, turn them in at office and get a refund of $1 on year purchases. BOYS* ALL-WOOL PANTS >0 pair exceptionally good quality Boys' wool pants. Good selection of :olors and sizes. Originally in values :o *2.00? $1 GINGHAMS One bargain table consisting of fast x>lor Gingham, Chambrays, etc., at 10 yards? $1.00 LONG CLOTH A good soft fnish English Long Cloth tor infant's wear at, 10 yards? $1.00 SHIRT MADRAS 3 YARDS Silk Stripe Shirt Madras in a white choice of new Spring colors. Durable quality, assuring repeated tubing. A value at 3 yards for? $1.00 L. L. Sheeting 36 inch Druid L. L. Sheeting 9 v*rds $1.00 Not over 10 yards to customer L. KLINE & CO., Inc. Where Thousands Save Money LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA Window Shades All Colors Standard Si?e Guaranteed Rollers 2,or $1.00 il by Arthur Brisbane j'T'S A DIG UNIVERSE. ADVERTISING PAYS. ?110 100% MEN OR WOMEN. NON STOP OCEAN TO OCEAN. Latest scientific statement con czr.dr.z this universe, in which we are less than microbes, and the earth less than a grain of dost, startles you. Our sun, a million times as big as this earth, is only c rpjck in what men have called "the universe," which contains endless millions of suns, some a million times bigger than ours. It's hard enough to think of such a universe as that. And now the wise Dr. Hubble, of ML Wilson Observatory, tells the California Institute of Tech nology that a million "universes" such as ours are visible at hor rible distances from the earth. ! Examine an atom, and you find a central body around which re volve other bodies as the planets 'revolve around our sun. These electrons revolve around the nucleus billions of times in a second. Atoms, of which you could have mil ions in one corner of your eye without noticing them, are small solar systems. .... , Our sun and its planets consti tute one atom in our universe. That universe in turn is one atom in the entire universe. Where in that overwhelming space are the h?gven te which we look forward r id the other place that we this tarth la a straight the speed of an IadK We thought it eouM hack. light, 186,000 miles a second, it would take you one hundred mil lion years to get beyond the tele scopic maze of the universe. No tender it says in the ISib:", 'if. \)- v Father's Louse arc zu?-; > .t-_Fpornir.c.1 Fee Dsvis .?ayS'.o Hie Ceur.t:;. '.. - cart, "Corse . i.i " Strong-minded American women were indignant beeuu-o Lord Craven wm admitted hero without question, whereas the Countess C?.? :cart was shut cut. There v. ere the two who^e c'c.w? ment shocked our pure authori ties. The dcub!e-sex standard proved too much for our clean minded, strong-minded women. Observe the power of advertis ing even when it isn't very good advertising. The Countess lands from Ellis Island with a contract to appear on the stage at a high salary. She wouldn't have got that without the assistance of Uncle Sam. Professor Raber tells the Amer ican Association for Advancement of Science that, "Viewed from the sex angle there are no one hun dred per cent men or women.-' The sex of the human race is "pri marily determined by the chro mosome content of the egg cell." With complete respect for Pro fessor Raber, after inspecting the Parisian and American divorce court news, you think those egg cells have done well enough, from the days of Mrs. Potiphar to these modem days. An Englishman has just flown from London to Cape Town. South Africa, nearly 9,000 mBaa, in. ninety hours. At the same rate,' the New York to San Francisco, or Seattle, trip would tmkk about thirty hours?from New York to Chicago, less than ten hours. That speed will be doubled and no fetop flights from ocean to ocean will be made within twenty years! Washington authorities, by Pres ident Coolidge's order, of course, have closed the Mexican border between San Diego and the as sorted (lives of Tie Jnana at 6 p. m. The daylight hoars are not the -'best for dives, and the dive inhabitants are leaving. ??> Tia Juana owners of gambling houses and similar resorts, a majority of them United States citizens, by the way, petition President Coolidge to cancel Ma ? p. m. order. Te that President Coolidge will ton a very cold Vermoq|jmr. outlook Is good except tor those wanting something * * even they may get th PE RS03 ALLl Bj Cole Sm age I nave just returned trom a nasty i trip to Franklin county. I went to! get some wooden rollers from the' veneering plant with which to make ? nitrate of soda crusher rollers for Harnett county. I thank Mr. Cox f ?r! 1 rollers and assure him they will be : used for the public * jJ The one regret of this professional visit was that 1 did not get to s? and talk with all of you.' I saw your extension workers and talked with them about the progress of the work for a short whila. I hope to see you on my next trip. Farm agent Hugh Harris Is1 wide awake to the farmers interests. One of the first things he said to me was. ' If you don't writs something for the farmers in your letters you will get in Dutch." Hugh, I try to write some thing for the farmers in every letter but it is different from what we, as farm agent, are paid to write on agri culture. You are the agricltural in formation tor Franklin county. Miss Daisy Caldwell had a number r' office callers Saturday afternoon. She gave a salad dressing demonstra tion to one of them while I was there. The mayonnaise behaved just like it always does when Miss Caldwell is beating it Why shouldn't it? When she finished I'll nay the salad was dressed. ( What you write ia silly; why don't you write something funny?" is one comment one Franklin county boy makes on these letters of mine. Seen through my windshield be Louisburg and Lilllngton: A bluebird basking in the sunshine; two men on their knees riding in a truck; a chnMy girl - shearing the hedge; a colored man splitting church stove wood; two children with all day sucker stems stinking out of their mouths; an iron stare from a woman driver; two Mrd houses nailed on pine trees; a quartet consisting of a mule, a negro, a wagon and a bale of hay; two people sitting *n the front seat where one sat before; a bluster ing March wiftd sways me from side t<. side on the highway; a negro patch lag a tire tube In front of the Gov ernor's mansion; a stump puller In action, ragged, uprooted stumps spraw ling all over the 'field: near Franklin ton, the grouffd underneath the pines green with straw' beaten off by the recent hail; two good locations for forest thinning demonstrations in Harnett county, both long leaf pines; heard, '"lef us ride,", from two colored strangers rr> foot; I am overtaking a car, and Its boiling over on level ground, I can see the drops psttlng the ground, two ladles are the only riders; numerous ysliov tubs mall boxes with the Inscription, "Ws rsad the Raleigh Times." I thought, "We rsad the Frsnklla Times;" "the kind that men of keen Judgment become wedded to," is the Inscription on one H^tbe^pew road advertisements. A fagputifu^ytmerican woman is on the right and-u package of cigtircttcr on the leit; the sun is low and shining directly in my eyes and 1 cannot see. . 1 ? BOCK BPRIXGS ITEMS Our school is progressing very nice ly how. The house has a new coat jf paint which adds greatly to the sp \ earanee of the building. Our Sunday school and B. Y. P. U.I fce improving. We now hftve a aland Y. P. U. and are working fow standard Sunday school. Our HtorT Mr. Clemmeas seems to have Iput a new spirit into the work. ? 'Misses Gladys Strickland, Patsy Kogers and Messrs. Cliff Stalllngs, Jarvis Perry, John Phelps and He lekiah Strickland were callers at Mr. H. A. Stricklands Sunday afternoon. John Russel Edwards gave a party to a few of his friends last Friday night. Those enjoying his hospitality ?vers: Misses Lena and Jadle Cheaves, Mollis and Emma Place, Annie Moore, Irene Card, Bessie Perry, Frances . hamblee and Patsy Rogers, Messrs. J B. and Roy Perry, Ed and Rufus Place, Rufus Strickland, Jessie Rob ins, Ruffin . Cheaves, Clarence Card, ind Hexaklah Strickland. ? Mr. Bennett Strickland was thrown from a stalk cutter last week. His Injuries did not seem serious at the Lima Of the accident, but he has fallen several times since while at his work, ind doesn't seem'to be recovered now. Mrs. Graham Dickerson visited her mother and father Monday. Misses Patsy Rogers, Frances Cham blea and Mr. John Phelps motored to LouiOburg Monday night to see the Keeper of the Bees." ? ? Mr. D. M. Clemmens spent Saturday night at Mr. R. H. Place's. ? Miss Lena Cheaves spent Saturday ntgRt wmrmsa Emms Place. Messrs. J. B. Perry, Ruffin Cheaves, JohJtR. Edwards, Ed Place and David Taut wore callers at Mr. Z. L. Cheaves Bu nday -afternoon. ? Miss Annie Moore spent Saturday night with Miss Corenna Hicks. ? rkera. has been right much sickness in the community, but all are better now. XX ET. GILEAD W. *. S. The Mt. Oilead Missionary Soclfty met March C, 1926, at Mt. Gllead and the following program was render ed: Song, "111 live for Him." Devotional, Merle Bailey. Life of Joseph, Mrs. J. E. Nelms. The Lord's Prayer In union. Life of David, Mrs. W. E. Joyaer. Song. "Have Thy Own Wny Lord." Dismissal, Mrs. K. E. Joyner. "? A "Boston woman walked forty-four miles In eleven hours on a wager and others d?nco"ttae Charleston. a THE FRANKLDt TIMES |LM POr Yonr tn AdtaSOO WANTED old tune furnltnre, some, beds, desks, tables, chairs, cupboards, chests^ sideboards with long legs and' irons fenders, send rough outline with description. Highest cash prices. Will call anywhere. G. E. 3TEINMETZ, 1411 N. 22nd Street, Richmond, Va. 3-12-4t 1AJCT A ladies yellow gold watch, with_ initials "M. D. H." engraved on bacfcT Finder will please return same to me and receive reward. ZOLLIE F. HILL, R 2, Franklinton, N. C. 3-12-lt TiLI FRANKLIN TIMES SI.SO F'e- Year in Advance FOUND The Famous Tobacco Fertilizer "Wrapper Brand Guano" also "Carolina Cotton Grower" ? \ for cotton; Made by BLACKSTONE GUANO CO., Inc. * V * } | We have the agency STAR GROCERY CO. Louisburg, H. 0.