For the First Time *500 Buys a Closed Car If you plan to spend over $500 F. O. D. Factory for an auto mobile, you can get the year-round comfort and conven ience of a Ford closed car. The price advantage which the public enjoys in purchasing Fora cars is tbe result of volume production. In 1920, when the Ford Motor Compa iy was producing approximately only a million cars a year, the Ford Touring Car sold for $575. Today, with production on the basis of nearly two million cars a year, the Tudor Sedan, a high quality ail steel closed car, can be purchased for $520?$55 less than the Touring Car sold for six years ago. Open car prices are correspondingly low. While this program of price reduction has been carried on, important refinements and improvements have been made in Ford cars. The latest improvements include new and attractive body lines?a lower center of gravity, closed cars in color, all-steel bodies, new brakes and new style fenders. However, the basic features of Ford design have not been changed. Three point motor suspension^ planetary trans mission, dual ignition system, torque tube drive, multiple disc-in-oil clutch, splash lubrication, thermo-syphon cool ing system?outstanding features of automobile design? have all been retained, regardless of cost. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, Detroit, Michigan TOURING RUNABOUT '310 NEW PRICES? '290 TUDOR SEDAN COUPE FORDOR SEDAN *520 *500 *565 Closed car prices Include starter and demountable rims. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. "Ford Design Costs More to Build?Is Worth More? But Sells lor Less" 6 6 6 Is a prescription for Colds, Giippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It kills the perms. The cost of corn production may he cut 18 percent by the simple ex pedient of producing the crop on a twenty acre field Instead of a ten acre field, finds a group of farmers who kept carefulrecords. 1 11.60 Per Tear in Adnnr/ THE PRANKLllS TIMES No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC liven relularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood. Im prove the digestion, and set as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. Mc per bottle. PENDER'S PRICES LOW ENOUGH TO INTEREST YOU-HIGH ENOUGH TO PROTECT YOU! Navy Beans, Michigan Hand Picked, 4 lbs. 25c Fancy Norway Mackerel, - - 3 for 25c Van Camp's Evaporated Milk, Tall Can 10c Prunes, 40-50 Size, - Pound 15c Libby's Slictd Pineapple, No. 21-2 Can 27c CANNED VEGETABLES ?? Peas, Dreadnaught, No. 2 Can, Smali and Tender, 12]/2C Corn, Silver Rna, Sweet Crushed No. 2 Can i2y?c String Beans, Ten Hills, Small, Tender, No. 2 Can 12y,c Spinach, Libby's, large can 22c Spinach, Bull Head, large can .... 18c CANNED FRUITS Apricots, El Venddo, choicest quality, large can . .1 27c Fruit Salad, Libby's, No. 2 can 35c large can 45c Peaches, Colonial, heavy syrup, large can .. 25c Pears, Bartlett, Libby's, large can . .42c Pears, Bull Head, large can 31c Codfish, Gordon's Ready to Fry .... 14c Codfish, 1 pound bricks, boneless 12%c Roe, Gordon's Deep Sea 24c Herring Roe No. 1 can 12V?c No. 2 can 21c Franco-American Spaghetti, Can - - 11c Salmon, Argo Fancy Red, tall can . .37c Salmon, Sparton Choice Red, tall can 33c Salmon, Alaska, tall can 16c Salmon, Steaks, Columbia River 1-2 lb can 31c 1 lb can 50c Marshall's Kippered Herring, Large Can 18c D. P. BACON Nutty Flavor, Packed Fresh Daily Vfe lb carton 1 lb carton 23c 45c LARD Best Pure, Good Cooking Pound - * Pound 20c 15c LIFE BUOY SOAP 7c LUX, Package lie vriTMBI l!VO STONES BEHOVED Mr. A. J. Eahle man of Brooklyn, a representative ot tie Interna tional BlL'iu Stu uerts Association will lecture here next Sunday in the Winner Theatre, at 3 p. m. He will hase his remarks on the text ot Isa iah 62:10, the top ic ot the lecture being, "Stumbling Stones ltiimovuu. Mr. Eshlem&n believes that the majority of peopl( desire to do the right thing, to pur sue a proper course in life. It is found, however, that there are man) obstacles, stumbling stones, in tht way. There is much to be overcome Chief among these stumbling stones are the misconceptions concerning God and his plan with which man) minds are burdened. The speaker be l-evcs that a proper appreciation ol his purpose is an indispensable aid to right doing and right living. Ir. the lecture to be delivered at the Winner Theatre he will point out do finitely some of th? misleading and hindering ideas that have been as ttumbling stones to many honest peo ple. He will additionally point ou! how we may relieve our mlndsfrom the things that 3tand in the way- to a real gladdening understanding ol the Bible and of the God of the Bible. STONE MOUNTAIN As the Pyramids are monuments to the Pharoahs to succeeding ages, so will Stone Mountain be a grander monument to the soldiers of the Con federate Army. The Federal Army recognized the /act that the Southern Soldiers were foemen "worthy of their steel," and now the whole North, by their repre sentatives in Congress reci gnize the Valor of the Southern Soldier by coin ing and issuing 2,000,000 Stone Moun tain Memorial Coins, to be sold and applied to the carving the statuar) and Memorial Chambers of this most famous monument in all the world This superb work will perpetuate Southern Valor to all the coming ages. 150,000 of these coins i; North Carolina's quota. The great state vhosc brave soldiers werj "first at Big Bethel, went farthest to the front at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, and last at Appomattox" will surely go "over the top" purchasing these coin3. guaranteeing the completion of the Stone Mountain Monument, which will commemorate and perpetuate the valor of her men, and the heroism 01 her women during the four long years of the Sixties, in the days that tried the souls of men and the hearts 01 women. Every child in the State should have one of these coins, a precious inspiring memorial. The patriotic sons and daughters who love and ven erate their fathers and their endur ing, unconqucred mothers, will not tail to purchase these 150,000 coins. Somehow, I feel that Robert E. Lee is looking down at bis soldiers who loved him and affectionately called him "Marse Robert" and I hear him say ing "Let us rise to this opportunity ? Men Do Your Duty." Let us meet his approbation and hear him repeat "God Bless Old North Carolina." SEED TREATMENT CONTROLS SWEET POTATO DISEASES Raleigh, March 8?Treating sweet potatoes before bedding theroots will aid. in controlling a number of di seases affecting the crop. This is done by using corrosive sublimate or bichloride of mercury. "In the spring before bedding time, | the sweet potatoes 'should be gone over carefully and those Bhowing black rot or other blemishes should be dis carded," says G. W. Fant, extension plant disease specialist at State Col lege. "The healthy sound potatoes should then be disinfected by immers ing from five to ten minutes in the bichloride solution. This will be found a paying Job on the farm this year." Mr. Fant advises the grower to get two or three wooden barrels since the solution corrodes metal. Have the dealer put the corrosive subli mate in four-ounce lots. Dissolve 4 ounces of the material in 30 gallons of water In each barrel to be used. A small quantity of warm water may be used first as the chemical dissolves faster this way. Put the potatoes in clean burlap sacks and dip into the container from five to ten minutes, not longer, then spread the roots out on a clean floor or the ground to dry. Do not dip over four bags of po tatoes into a solution before making up a new one *s it grows weaker rapidly from use. It should be remembered that cor rosive sublimate is a deadly poison if taken internally and the potatoes are fit for bedding only after being so treated. The solution, too, should be poured out where it will sink into the ground and will not collect in puddles about the yard, states Mr. Fant. The barrels might be used again after being washed thoroughly. The potatoes can be bedded any time af ter they are dry. The greatest man in the world is the man you would be if it didn't take so much hard work. To Stop a Couch Quick use** HAYES* HEALING HONEY, d cough medicine which stops the cough by tho inflamed tnd Irritated tiitoee A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE foe Chest Golds. Head Golds and Ckoup Is -enclosed with evenr bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the cheat and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Group. *^~^h<?Iey. HEALING GET THE LIMIT IN Grocery Values Reduction on table costs is one of the present day prob lems of the home. We have always gone the limit so far as prices are concerned in order to protect the in terests of our loyal customers. No house can do more and stay in business. We solicit your business with the distinct understand ing that you will r?ceve the highest limit of value in every purchase that you make from us. The prices we advertise are not specials but our regulr prices on ev ery article mentioned. This week we have selected a number of articls which w quot at our regular price but which we regard as exceptional values. The high quality of our fresh meats is bringing satis faction to a multitude of customers. Let us serve you. Prompt attention given all orders. Cash Grocciy & Market PHONE 87? *r 40 L0UISBCB6, N. 0. SELLING OUT SALE Beginning Saturday, February 27th, 1926 and Lasting 15 Days or until my stock is sold. Prices-have been mark down to move the goods as I am going to change my business. Men's Dress Shoes 1-3 OFF Men's Oxfords, tan and black 1-4 Jo 1-3 OFF Men's Work Shoes 1-3 to 1-4 OFF Pretty Line Ladies Pumps 1-4 to 1-3 OFF 160 Pairs Shoes and Slippers Going For 75 CENTS PAIR Men's Overcoats $18.00 value going for $10.00 DRY GOODS Percales, 25c value, go ing for 15c YARD Bleaching, 20 cent value going for 15c YARD Romper Cloth going for 15c YARD 9-4 Sheeting going for 37c YARD Gingham, 25 cent value going for 15c YARD Chambray Shirting, 25 cent value, going for 15c YARD I 20 ARMY COATS, at - 98 cents each I : 1 MEN S HATS, *5.00 value going at *3.00 j Don't miM this great opportunity to sare money. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C.

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