THE FRANKUN TIMES ? A. F. Johnson, Editor St Mgr. One Year $1.50 Eight Months ., 1.00 Six Months 75 Four Months .50 C l o'tipi Advertising ReprMcotattvt AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Louis bur*. N. C., as second class matter. Don't forget that LOUISBURG needs * pay roll. 1 The latest In invention is talking across the ocean over telephone. What next. Another Senate probe to be started -the tax commission this time. How about a creamery for Frank lin County. What do you say Mr. Farmer. Mexico and the United States reach friendly understanding reads a head line. Wonder for how long. Politics have been right quite so tar in Franklin. But' don't take this to Indicate the offices will go lacking in admirers. Do you rrckon matters would be any worse if everybody who wants a pubs not neces sary if they only atop for a moment. However, it I si hot considered bad form. Dear Miss Flo:?If a lady enters a crowded car, with an escort, and a gentleman gives her his seat, does her escort thank him, or does the lady. Thanks. C. 8. The lady should thank the gentle- j man. and so should her escort, who must raise bis hat. Dear Mile Flo:1?When standing in line to get theatre tickets, should a gentleman otter his place to a ladyr M. M. U is not necessary tor him to otter his place In line to the lady. In this instance, It's a case pt first come first served. Dear Miss Flo:?Whqn no bread and butter Is served, where should the bread that Is not buttered be placed, on the tablecloth or on the dinner plate? Thank you. B. B. If possible the bread should be plac ed on the dinner plate. However, If the dinner plate is too crowded, the unbuttered bread may be placed on the tablecloth. The buttered piece must always remain on the dinner plate. Subscribe to The Franklin Times MORE MULES ?n We Have Received Another Car of Extra Fine Well Broke Mules READY TO WORK SINGLE OR IN PAIRS Come in and see the prettiest pair of SNOW WHITE MULES v with pink skin EVER SHIPPED TO LOUISBURG ?? us a look before you buy. WE SHALL APPRECIATE AH OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU. ?? Yours very truly, THE SPOT CASH COMPANY, Inc. D. Ft McKINNE, President PAY CASH AND PAY LESS