THE fRANKUN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor A Mgr. ?TAR DROPS? ?Cotton was worth 18 cents a pound In LouiBburg yesterday. ? ? ?See the Orphans concert at the Winner Theatre next Thursday night. ? t ?Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Med lln, near Justice, a daughter, Ethel Mary, on March 6, 1926. ? ? ?The Oxford Orphanage Singing tlass will give a concert at the Win ner Theatre on Thursday night, March 18th. Go. * ? ?There will be a fiddlers convention at Ingleslde school Friday night, March 12. All fiddlers especially In vited. Come! ? * ?If you know of a crippled or de formed child tell them of the free clinic to be held in Loulsburg next Thursday, March 18th. It may be the means of their being restored to health and happiness. - ???- , ? ? a ?The fire Saturday night whs the Ferd automobile of Mr. W. L. House. We understand Mr. House struck a( match to look at the gasoline and ig-1 nition took place. The damage was j about $20 so we learn. The fire de partment answered promptly and the blaze was soon extinguished. ? * ?It was a source of much regret that we had to throw about a dozen lots of items or correspondence in the waste basket, this week on account of the name of the writer not accompany lng them. We are always glad to re ceive and publish all the items we can get from any section of the county, but we are forced, as a matter of pro tection to ourselves, to require the name of the writer to accompany the items. So If your items *- not ap pear in print you can know you fail ed to send your name. If you want them published rewrite them, sign your name to them and send them In. To The Readers Help the authorities find THAT ROYLE GIRL. Do you know THAT ROYLE GIRL? . Beware of THAT ROYLE GIRLL THAT ROYLE GIRL is com ing! Watch for her Monday. Police! Have you seen THAT ROYLE GIRLt Postmen! What's the ad dress of THAT ROYLE GIRLT Winner Theatre. 3-12-lt i i- t - ?? FOR RENT A five room residence on Kenmore avenue for rent. Aroly to Mrs. W. H. Pleasants, phone No. 17, Loulsburg. N. C. "2-tf SALESMAN WANTED to solicit or ders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Ad dress THE HARVEY OIL CO., Cleve land, O. 3-12-lt FOR ^ VLE Several shares in Lake Mitchiner Fishing Club. Apnly to Dr. C. H. Banks president, 'Loulsburg. N. C.. or G. C Mitchiner, secretary, R 2, Franklin ton, N. C. ? 3-ll-St . *"*NOTldfe Haing qualified as administratrix of the estate of K. E. Denton, deceased, late of Franklin county, N. C., notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12 day of March, 1927. or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This March 11th, 1926. S-12-6t ONNIE LEE DENTON. Admr x. It's possible to he en expert without having first qualified by giving expert ' testimony in a crimnal case. The strenuous gait people travel these days is said to be hard on the heart, and the pocketbook also suffer*. Not Afraid . Whan Mi*. B. H, Halbart i* latVad new* rf htr favorite grand daughter^ lllnaa* aha chartarad an 3-oplana and flaw from San An I o, Taxaa, to tha badidda of tha rick child. In Dacatur, K, Tha 1 light' ah# aatd aha WM "feat frt fraR- _ ; _ __ ^ ? Carat la 0 to 14 Day* tf PA20 ( TVS* <%6<?<inaffte o/~ Woman has rapidly come to tho fore in oil tines of e.-.riro these three girls have made the world sit up and ta'.;? i ? achieving the pinnacle of success while still in their teen.v TV- ???? world worships at the feet of Helen Wills, (center) Ar. -hmv. ful tennis queen; rises to its feet to acclaim Marion Tali. ?(;? f whose triumphant debut at the Metropolitan maiccs her a star of 1-; first magnitude. Gene Goldman demonstrates the ability 0f ht. to earn money instead of spending it. by amassing a million doll?-! selling Chicago real estate. Utah Avalanche Buries Village / w ' A hug* aiow slide claimed forty Uvea when It rwept down upon rap Gulch, a ?mall mining village near Bingham, Utah. Two board ing houses and seventeen othar dwellings wara buried beneath tons of enow. Fire added to the horror of the catastrophe, whan overturned stoves ignited the wreckage. FERTILIZERS We carry a stock of the < following Brands: "Roysters" Pocahontas "A. A. Quality'' Pocomoke " Potapsco "Richmond" Gilt Edge . " Tip Top " Premium ?n "Swifts" Red Stear "Seaco&st" Red Gull Nitrta of Soda SEE US AND SAVE MONEY Farmers Union Storage House or Planters Warehouse W. H. ALLEN CO. J. R. ALLEN MARCH IS THE MONTH OF PROMISE Spring is Calling You to the Great Outdoors. From Our Unmatchable Stock let us prepare you to meet the call with Garden Seed Household Paints Garden Tools Furniture Paints Flower Seed Automobile Paints Lawn Grass Seed Mabastine l awn Mowers laint Brushes Lawn Hose ' Shellacs Floor Polish, Floor Mops, Floor Wax, Furniture Polish, Furniture Polish, Automobile Polish and Top Dressing. Electrical Supplies Ful-O-Pep Poultry Feed Automobile Supplies Poultry Feed Hoppers Padios and Snpplies Poultry Fountains I lash Lights and Supplies Oyster Shell and Grit And from a cup of our Fresh Ground Coffee you will get Strength and Satisfaction to commence the days work. L. P. HICKS Mitchell* Compound Tablets are a harmless vegetable medi cine, sold for M years, to thou sands of expectant mothers. FREE? Illustrated Booklet sent In plain wrapper. Tells all about regulation during puberty, pregman 7,and change of life. Aids ?W _ rmal monthly functioning. Write for your free copy today. Cr.lf your time is approaching send 91 for box of Mitchells Compound Tablets; sent poet paid. Reference. Dank of Buffalo. Thousands of testimonial* from grateful mothers. DR. J. H. DYt MEDICAL INSTITUTE ^JUNCOUjBLDCjBlJFFAUJjNJf^ ,2 Year Old Apple Aldin Hzzen, of Chardon, Ohio, owns the oldest apple in the world. It was given to his wife by Sheri dan Bull upon his return from the Civil War. Hazen has preserved tt?e apple for 68 years by sticking elovaa Into it Guess What's in the Envelope! J1 president Coolidve know* and *o doee Mies K.A. Shee, the bearer, It's the chief executive's salary. She'hAs bees personally delivering (t to the White Bouse eeeh month for the peet tA DR. S. RAPPORT of Durham, I specialist In examining eyes and fit ting glasses will be In LOUISBl'BG at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Morton every* Fourth Wednesday in eaoh month. His glasses will give you real pleasure r and satisfaction. They are accurately fitted In every de tail. They feel right and look right Charges reasonable. My next visit will be WEDNESDAY, April 28th, 1926. YELLOW WRAPPER FOR TOBACCO - THE SPOT CASH CO. 3-12-7t The Quinine That Docs Not Affect The Head if (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. E. W. GROVE S signature on box. 30c. NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of W. W. Hart, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or be fore the 5th day of March, W.T, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward And make immediate settlement. This March 4th, 1926. 3-5-6t MRS: SALLIE HART, Extrix. 1 Our Tailor, E. W. Polk, represent ing Kempel and Armiger, of Balti more, will be at J. W. King's on March 12th and 13th. It will pay you to wait. 3-5-lft EGGS FOR HATCHING Barred Plymouth Rocks, from a pure bred culled flock, $1.50 per set ting post paid. Mrs. Rodger Moore. Spring Hope, R F D 2. 3-5-3t YOUNG MEN WE ETEND TO YOU A SPECIAL INVITATION To come in and look over oar new line of Suits for Spring and Summer. Our two-pants suits are a knock out for the price. We carry the famous SKLZ line of Slippers, see these in the latest styles, every pair is guaranteed. We carry a neat stock of Men's and Boy's Furnishings and sell Cheaper for Cash. Tour patronage always appreciated. Special for Saturday, A good Raincoat FREE with every Suit of Clothes. F. N. SPIVEY NKAB THE BRIDGE LOUISBURO, NOBTH

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