EVERYBODY BOOST LOUISBURG The Franklin Times LOUISBURG NEEDS A WEEKLY PAY ROLL A. P. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager - THE COUNTY, THE-STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN LV. LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1926 (12 Pages) NUMBER 10 HOLD COUNTY CONVENTION Democrats Met In Louisbarg ? Saturday Mr. Edward F. Grlfiin Presided ns Chairman, A. F. Johnson an Secre tary, Delegates Named To State and Congressional Conventions ; lion. IV. M. Person Presents Taxation Be. eolation; Laments Death of K. L. Stokes The Democratic County Convention] held in Louisburg onSaturdayp re sented a most lnterestlng and enthu siastic gathering. Quite ai large ?-iowd was present and the delegates to? both State and Congressional Con " ventions were selected. A resoliitlon presented by Hon. W. M. Person, re commending to our legislators M> use their efforts to. have all securities placed on the taxation purposes was carried with a "?The convention was called to order by Chairman E.. H. Malone who after stating the object of the meeting call Id Mr Edward F. Griffin aa tempor-l ary chairman and A. F. Johnson, tem porary secretary." Mr. Griffin accepted in a most in teresting and enthusiastic little speech after which the temporary organisa tion was made permanent. Upon roll call all townships were found to be represented except Hayes V",' A irman E. H. Malone, of the Coun ty l i.ccutive Committee made very i?? 1. ruentlng remarks ?n toe _ lire an ? -.ocratlc service- of Mr. R. u. Stoke-, a' Hayesville township, whose death i,.tarred on Friday and moved that a committee be appointed to draft suitable resolutions. The motion was unanimously carried and the chair man appointed E. H. Malone, Arthur Strickland and U O. Frailer as the committee. Upon motion the convention went into the election of delegates to the State and Congressional Conventions. The secretary read the number ot delegates each township was entitled to send to the State Convention after which the following names were nomi nated by the townships. Dunns?J. O. Williams, J. R. Moody.? delegates, J, M. StaUlngs, J. F. Perry, alternates. Harris?J. B. King, delegate, J. H. Fuller, alternate.. Youngsville?Geo. N. Stell, W. H. Hudson, delegate; C. C. Winston, B. H. Patterson, alternate. Franklinton?C. R. Sandllng, A. 8. Joyner, J. H. Wilder, B. W. Ballard, delegates; Dr. 8. C. Ford, J. H. Cooke, Norwood Pendleton, Sam Nash, atter HayesvlUe?L. O. Frasler, delegate; Willie Wilson, alternate. Sandy Creek?J. H. Joyner, delegate L. R. Gupton, alternate. ? Gold Mine?J. H. Wood, delegate; W. D. Fuller, alternate. Cedar Rook?J. J. Lancaster, J. T. Inscoe. delegates; G. B. H. Stalllngs, J. B. Sturdlvant, alternates. Cypress Creek?Arthur Strickland, delegate; J. M. Sykes, alternate. Louisburg?W. E. Tucker, B. N. Williamson, W. M. Person, C. C. Hud son, E. H. Malone, delegates; S. A. Newell E. T. Griffin, N. M. Perry, T. W. Watspn, Ben T. Holden, alternates. Upon motion the delegates were unanimously elected. A motion prevailed that all Demo crats in Raleigh from Franklin coun ty on "the day of the State Conven tion be Invited tot attend as members of the Franklin- county delegation. I The chairman called for nomina tions for delegates to the Congres sional Convention. The secretary read the number of delegates each township was entitled to after which the fallowing nomina tions were made: ? Dunne?W. A. Mullen, J. R- Perry, H. H. Beddlngfleld, F. 8. Poarcs J Harrig?J. B. King. Dr. R. P. Floyd, J, K. Fuller. ,-L . ; Youngsville?Q. N. Stall, W. H. Hud son, C. C. Winston, B. H. Patterson, S C. E&vgs. Franklinton?W. T. J. Eaton, R. L. Wilder, G. G. Sandllng, A. 8. Joyner, Dr. 8. C. Ford, delegates; A. M. Hones, Norwood Pendleton, R. I* Oonyers, Gea H. Purgurson, J. H. Cooks, G. L. Whitfield, Robert D. Collins, J. O. IRSSSP* a o Winn. _ _ _ Sandy Creek?J. H. Joyner, Z. R Gupton, J. B. Collins. ' Gold Mine?George M. Raynor, J. W Neal. * - 'Cedar Bock-T. 8. Dean. A. L. Dan iel, T. H. Dickens, W. D. Bowden. Cypress Creek?I* G. Turnege. . tioulsburg?J. it Collie, C. T. Hud son, R. P. Taylor JT ? noddle, B. B. Perry, O. M. 1Beam 8. C. Holden, J. H. Beet, F. J. Beealey. Upon motion the delegates nominat ed were unanimously elected to the Concresalaiial Convention. S5TS? C- W. R0b H M n R' T^rrlnEton. E. L. Green. H. M. Green, Geo. N. Stell, C. C. Win PMtiJ^' m A 1?h?thwn' Mr8- O C. Patterson, Mrs. D. W. Spirey. a ,oyner- B W. Bal L I : H. Kearney, Moses Neal, J. ? 'T, A" 8- Joyner, Mrs. J. 8 Ao M Houm' Mrs 8. B. Nash, Mrs .C. a WUUams. Hayesvllle?No list received. Sandy Creak?W. F. Leonard Q B M*rw?" Z.' R Oupton> c- F- Faulkner, M. C. Gupton. i Gold Mine?No list" received. Cedar Rqek?Jos. T. Inscoe T W G??sn%^B" ? B" Smith. G. S. Earp, Mrs. P. B3. Dean. Mrs *T 1 ? W1D^,,'iJf"-,T H 8,*d*e' Mrs | J. W .Dean, Miss La oils Inscoe. Cypress Creek-?J. M. Sykes Arthur Strickland. E B Moore. J. H. Wilder.' MmJ * 8 Wilder! land 8yk?". Mrs. Arthur Btrlck N- Williamson. E. F. Orlffln, C. T. Hudson, H. W perry, n 3J Perry* Mra A1I?? E. Up sell, Mrs D. Os Pearce, Mrs. J. Y Peeler Mrt D. F McKlnne, Mrs. W. B. White. I LOCISBUBG COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ; MUSIC Wednesday eveblng, April. M, In the college music hell, a certificate re-, cltal waa given by Mies Laura Fran-, cea Peraon, piano; and by Miss Lucie! Sntton Hayes In voice. In her varied program Miss Peraon shpwed herself a master of clear cut' technique. Her style was dainty, and played with sympathetic under Mlss Hayes sang In unusually good voice, a lyric soprano of flute lllse quality. The Voice technique In the "Aria" waa superior. Her entire pro rram waa marked by correct phras ing, clear diction, even In three lan guages. and by superb voioe coutroll throughout. fob rntar clash job nuNTnio mma "ft MS. DISTRICT MEETING 20th DISTRICT JUNIOR ORDER U. A. M. TO BE HELD WITH ' LOUISBURG COUNCIL No. 17 FRIDAY, APRIL 30th, 1926 Program 2:30 P. M. Business Meeting, M iisonic Hall. 7:00 P. M. Barbecue Supper for Louisburg Council and visit ing Delegates. 7:45 P. M. March from Masonic Hall to Mills Graded School, led by Louisburg Band. ? 8:00 P. M. Welcome Address?Ben T. Holden. , Address?Dr. Charles Brewer. Address?State Councillor, M. W. Lincke. Presentation of Flag and Bible to the School from Louisburg Council No. 17?ETL. Best. Flag and Bible received for the School?by Supt. W. E. Mills. Music. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES I Franklin County Memorial Association | Arranged Preparatory To Observing Memorial Day The following organization has been made for the Franklin County Me morial Association. The program in detail for the Memorial Exercises for the 30th of May will be published in a future- issue. President, S. P. Boddle. First Vice-President, E. L Best Second Vice-President, Mrs. T. C. Alston. j Third Vice-Presldfcnt, Mrs. W. E. White. Treasurer, Mrs. H. H. Johnson. | Sec re try, A. F. Johnson. Standing Committees I Arrangement Committee?E L. Best, chairman; J. R. White, Major Stephen i Winston, D. T. Dickie, Mrs. Lena F. .Griffin, Miss Lorlne Wilder, Mrs. M. [C. Wilder, L L. Preddy, Mrs. D. T. 'Fuller, Miss Lucille Inscoe, Mrs. R. iC. Bdck. ! Escort Committee?Maj. S. P. Bod dle, chairman; and all members of American Legion Poet and American Legion Auxiliaries. | Music Committee?Mrs. W. E. Whit* chairman; Mrs. Aubrey Winston, rice chairman; W. F. Joyner. Mrs. S. B. Berkeley, Dr. H. H. Johnson, Malcolm McKlnne, Mrs. J. B. King, W. B. Tuck er, S. B. Berkeley. | Flower Committee?Mrs. M. S. Clif ton, chairman; Mrs. C S. Williams, vice-chairman; Mrs. H. C. Taylor, Mrs. B. N. Williamson, Jake Friedlunder, Mrs. A. W. Alston, Mrs. S. P. Boldle, Mrs. S. J. Par ham. Automobile Committee?A. W. Per son, chairman; L. W. Henderson, vice chairman; Mrs. E. L .Best, Mrs. D. F. McKlnne, Mrs. A. H. Venn, Mrs. 8. F. 'Winston, E. H. Malone, F. A. Roth. Finance Committee?Mrs. H. H. Johnson, chairman; L. W. Henderson, ?Ice-chairman; Bland Mitchell, Mrs. W. D. Egerton, Mrs. 8. B. Berkeley, David Harris. Publicity Committee?A. F. Johnson, chairman; Daisy Caldwell, vice-chair man; T. C. Stockard, C. L. McGbee, J. L. Brown, Mrs. H. G. Perry, Mrs. J. E. Malone, A. Tonkel. Local Details Committee?Mrs. B. T. Holden, chairman; Mrs. T. W. Wat son, vice-chairman; Edward Griffin, Edward Perry. Township Committees for visiting "end decorating graves have been ar ranged as follows: Dunn?J. R. White, chairman; J. M. 8 tall legs, automobile; Mrs. Lahbee Perry, flowers; Fred Perry, music, Hkrrls?Mre. M. C. Wilder, chair, man; Rufus Place, antomoblle; Mat tie Wilder, flowers; Edna Byron, mus ic. ' Youngtvllle?Mai stephjen Winston, chairman; 8. R. Tharrtngton. automo bile; Mre. F. J. Timberlake, ilowere; Mre. F.-A. Cheatham, music. Frankllnton?L L Praddy, chair man; Col. C. L MoGhee, automobile; Mrs. C. 8 .Williams, flowers; Mrs. W. W. Cooks, mnslc HsyesvlUe?D T. Dickie, chairman; T. C. GUI, antomoblle; Mrs. H. E. Pur nall, flowers; Mrs. Nap Wilson, music. Sandy Creek?Mrs. D. T. Fuller, chairman; J, H. Joyner, automobile; Llllle Harper, flowers; Mre. W. H. Tharrtsgtca, music. Gold Mine?Mre. Lbna F. Griffin, chairman; C. O. Murphy, automoMIe; Mrs. D. N. Nelms, flowers; Mrs. W. ' D Fuller, muelo. Cedar Rock?Miss Lucille Insooe, I chairman; Spencer Dean, antomoblle; J Mrs. Peter Dean, flowers; Mrs. T. H.j' E- H. MALONE RE ELECTED CHAIRMAN Itemocratie Executive Committee for Franklin County; A. F. Johnson Be Fleeted See rotary ty At a meeting of the FrankJla Conjj h?i .Ufmo5Tatlc Executive Committee held in the court house in Sb w on Saturday morning, Hon. E. H Ma* man Tor" "nanimou8ly re-elected chair F. Johnson' wa? "rTZlecZ to zzrixr"" "? 0W Haveawn" We? "Panted ex J 5.1 "*'**'Ule and Sandy Creek The question of a new rki.# f/ but ?"-tsts the ?mfU1^er bu8lne8a to come before tee ?lf"Dfgth^J?h ?ment 8ubJect to ca" ?f the chairman was taken. AT 8T. PAUL'S CHUBCH Pastor, J. D. Miller, of St Paul's Episcopal church announces ?er^ f?LnHXt 8UDd,,y "EST: 8erTlCe? Sunday school at 10 a. m. tuning prayer at 8 p. m. Attention is called to th* ?k. ?AU^ 01 the eT6nln? aerrtee .ach,,?ISt~rd8^fce,rUed 10 attMd Subscribe to The rrankUn i Sledge, music. . ^ITress Creek?Miss Lorene Wilder chairman; Spence Gay. automobile-' mJtia U?wer,; Tomm* LamU te^nEbUH M^,r"? R' * ^ chai, BN win. Malon?' *"tomobile; Mrs. ley mMtc. ' ""wers; 8. a Ber?e m??e toliowlng are the names and ^rtd War vV ?f FrankUn County tlkli!ar Veterans. This list was J?? l?*t year. If there are anv to be added, please send the names and PUces of burial to the Chmr^Toftee Arrangement Committee chte &??"&?* /"toence; Ar ass ?"r Hm-Hs'^rosr^.8 b?m# *~ a Copke, Franklin ton c.m ??**' Donald F. Cheatham, Framk !l^B<^t#nr; Jordon Henley, Frank. oft?? frme'err- Vade H. King. m{. Conrs.. 1? : Qnar Conyers, T. J. Conyers home place near Franklin. Tho^N?nn?r,Wlld#r' " residence; Mn^n ia ' at residence of Hmk P*r' Bear Odw Rock: "*"r ?yanaon. at old Fulghum Place *Kk: ?H>ali Wheless a t j?m-?riTCkUnd w Mt 0'I*ad church rMuTH toscoe. at resldenae near Mt' m?1?? ckurch; Herbert Tbarrtngton I ton 22? Gup-' wo. a* J. H. Gupton place- W t ^WhJ' *n *L ?"?*d Ch^' WHlte O. Macon. Trinity Church Parry Ashetey Wilson, Trinity Church; ? Ti Foster, Mr. Dare Weldon's residence; also the grays of Mrs. W mnteciurT6" Aax,,tar* ? ,ohn Neal, Louis burg ceme tery; Capt. Firderlok Swindell, Loule ?17 ?'"?t.;r7; *"? toe grave, of Mrs Wm. H. Ruffln and Mrs. D O High, membys of the Auxiliary. Lou ?burg cemetery; Sidney Burnett, ren ?wos near Alert; John Pemsll, near ^^h AUrt Ptn'"- Mt 0r0r* "FLORIDA FOLLIES" READY FOR PRESENTATION At Win. H. Mills High School Audi torium May 6th and 11th; Reserved Seats Will Be On Sale At Boddle Drug Co. Promptly at 8:30 p. m. on Thufs day, May 6th, and Tuesday, May 11th, "Florida Follies," the American Le gion's annual musical minstrel, will be presented to the Legions friends iu Franklin county. It is another su perb show. Though of frivolous and merry cha racter, the purpose of the performance lb earnest and unselfish. The Jambes Post of the American Legion Is at tempting to raise a sinking fund with which to purchase the gold medals, | that will be given to the future high I school winners of the Jambes Essay} Contests, which are held annually in the high schools of Franklin county. The proceeds cf the show will tie used fer a public spirited, beneficial pur. pr.se, and is worthy of the public patronage. The Leglnonnaires of the Jambco Test, are not seeking personal benefits. However, in keeping with their past custom, "Florida Follies," as present ed by the Jambes Post, will stand "on Its own," as an entertainment. It will be worth the price of admission, rcgradless cf the fact that it is given as a benefit performance. For the price of admission the public will re ceive full value In entertainment, and the satisfaction of knowing that they have supported a most worthy cause. "Florida Follies" will present a spectacular variety of music, comedy, dancing, costuming, and stage effects. It is the one. show everybody should see. RESIDENCE ON KENMORE BURNS Fire at about 12:16 Wednesday al most destroyed the J. B. Thomas resi dence on Kenmore avenue. The fire got a good headway before the fire department could reach the scene and fanned by a brisk wind gave a stub born resistance to the heroic efforts of the boys of the Louisburg Fire Com pany who succeected in getting it un der Cjjitrol after the upper story had been almost demolished. The most of the damage to the first floor waB I from water. The origin was thought 'to be due to a defective stove flue in the kitchen. The residence was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Collins, who with the aid of neighbors and early arrivals succeeded In saving most of the house hold articles. The damage to the building Is esti mated at about $6,000 with Insurance of $4,000. The damage to the furniture and other articles has not been esti mated as that was caused through handling mostly but is insured for $1,100 Although other buildings were close by the fire was confined to the one building. 8EUI0USLY BURNED On Wednesday morning about seven o'clock, Emma Young, colored, want, ed to make a quick fife, so she took a can of kerosene oil and poured it on the fire in her stove. There were already some coals In the stove and the oil can had once contained gaso line perhaps there was a little gas in the can at this time. The fire blazed up, caught the can, causing it to explode and giving her a very seriously burned face and arms. Dr. H. G. Perry is attending her. She was resting Wednesday aternoon of last week. LUNCHES AT KILLS GRADED SCHOOL Lulsburg Kiwanls Club held its us ual Friday night luncheon with the Domestic Science Class at Mills Grad ed School last week, and was highly entertained- Thomas Watson was the chairman for the evening and pre sented a most interesting program. The reading "Ten Minutes on a Trol ley," by Miss Lacy Perry Burt, was greatly enjoyed and gave evidence ot a wonderful rtalent. Miss Knight, Dietitian, of Loulsburg College, entertained the club with a talk on good things to eat and what was given the girls at the college. Seme members of the club were In terested to know if the menus were responsible for the beauty of the girls. Mrs. McArtel, of Raleigh, entertain ed the club by the tale of the wonder' ful cow, impressing a point that what is urc^o'aary to be done should be do..,. i?.w. Miss Fisher, Instructor in Domes tic Science at the Mills Graded School, delighted the club with a mot interesting talk on the work that has been done, what they hope to do, and the things that are needed by the All agreed that the excellent sup per was self evident for the wonder ful work that is being done by the Domestic Science Department of the Mills Graded School. 8vpt. W. R. Mills made a lew Inter, esting and appropriate remarks, that were enjoyed by all. J The clab was adjourned with all enjoying a most AMONG THE VISITORS SOME IOC KNOW ANII SOME TOD DO NOT KNOW. ' Personal Heme About Folks AM Their Friends Who Travel Kara And There. Mr. F. A. Roth vlgited Elon College Tuesday. * ? Mr. R. R. Klssell visited Sanford this week. m m Mr. E. H. Malone attended Nash Court Monday. ? ?% Mr. S. W. Young left Tuesday tor Orangeburg, S. C. ? ? Mr. and Mrs T. W. Watscn visited Raleigh yesterday. ? a Mr. J. A. Hodgeg and little children visited Raleigh Wednesday. a a Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Taylor left Mon day tor a trip to Richmond. ? ? Mr. P. A. Reavis, Jr., of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg Monday. ? * Mr. W. L. Propst, of Greensboro, was a visitor to Louisburg Sunday. ? * Mr. R. C. Beck left Wednesday for Richmond to attend the funeral of his father. a a Miss Bevelra Pearce is visiting friends In Nashville, Rocky Mount and Wilson. a a Messrs. Ben T. Holden and W. H. Yarborough are attending Nash Court this week. ? ? Mr. S. S. Meadows visited Raleigh Wednesday for the purpose of having his tonsils removed. a a a Mr. J. P. Winston and son, Mr. William Winston, of Wendell, were visitors to Louisburg yesterday, a a Misses Susie and Lonie Meadows. Mrs. D. F. McKinne and Mr. S. S. Meadows visited Richmond last week, a a Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Peck of Char lotte, spent the past week end with. Mrs. Peck's people, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Taylor. a a Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thomas, of Ar eola, Fla., spent the past week in 'Louisburg guests of her sister, Mrs. O. C. Hill. a a Mrs. Frank M. Allen and daughter, Mrs. Ray Davis, of Warrenton, were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wat son Monday. a a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davenport and sen, David and Mrs. C. C. Simms, of I Rocky Mount, visited Mr. A. F. John |son Sunday. I ? ? Misses Pearle and Beverla Pearce bave returned home from their re spective schools where they taught the past session. a a Mr. Dalton Thomas and Miss Rhoda Thomas, of Winston-Salem, nephew and niece of Mrs. O. C. Hill are vis itors tq Louisburg. a a Misg Kathleen Silver, who has been visiting her aunt, Miss Mary B.' Spen cer, at Oakhurst, returned to her home at Greensboro Sunday. a a Miss Virginia Thomas, who is a stu dent at North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro spent the past week end with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Collins. a a Dr. Ernest Cooper and wife, of Plalnfleld, Indiana, were visitors to Louisburg Saturday. Dr. Cooper la the grandson of the late Mark Cooper of Franklin county. CONCERT YOl'NGSVlLLE SCHOOL BlILDUftt Miss Parsons, soprano and Mrs. Bla lock, pianist, of the musical faculty of Meredith College will give a con cert for the benefit of the Youngs ville Methodist church, Monday, May 3, at 8:00 p. m. Miss Parsons is well known In Ro lelgh as a singer. Mrs. Blaloek studied extensively abroad mad la the United States. Every one attending la i an unusual treat in 25 and 35 cents. LOUISBl ?? COLLIO* On the college campus it I pi m. and 7 p. m. Mar Day pageants and festival and hand concerts will ha Too are Invited to, Me the of Mm May Qmm, H? Mar polo danoe and the many festivities 01 all types Please note Mm rtiMI of time from l to I p a, say* it it. "we mod* it tar yonr convenience. Wo want yon here. If yon cant slay all the lone as yoo The Joseph J