Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purtfic ication of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that aiR undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs,?on?e 3* twice a week for several weeks?and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family pack age, containing full directions. Only 8b cts. At any drug Btore. (Adv.) CITY CAFE ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to Announce to our friends both white and colored, that we have purchased Julius Hayes' Cafe located in the A. T. Neal building above tbe bridge. We are here for your serv ice and will appreciate any business you may give us. JOHN HOGWOOD, J. B. KINTON. . SALE OP REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by G. M. Raynor to the undersigned trustee, dated February 21, 1922, recorded in Book 224, page 566, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebt? edness thereby secured and demand having been made upon the undersign ed trustee, by the holder of the bonds representing said indebtedness, for foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 7th day of June, 1926 at or about [the boar of noon, at tbe Courthouse Poor of Franklin County, N. G., offer for aale, at public auction, to the high tracts or parcels of land situated In Goldmine Township, Franklin_ County State of North Carolina and' desrib ed as follows: First Tract: Bounded on the North by the Corporate limits of the Town of Wood, on the Bast by the Collins Mill Road, On the South by the lands of Pat We#er and on the West by the lands of Oran Coley, containing 41 acres, more or less and being the same' tract of land conveyed to G. M. Raynor by deed of R. L. Hayes and wife by deed dated October 5th, 1917 an recorded in Book 194 at page 103, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Second Tract: That lot or parcel of land situate In the Town of Wood, Gold Mine Town ship, County and State aforesaid and comprising lots No. 50 and 51 of the property formerly owned by C. G. Wood as said lots appear on plat cf J. O. Craig, C. E., which plat is of record In Book 192 at page 596, Re gistry of Franklin County, said par. eel of land having been conveyed to G. M. Rnynor by deed of J. F. Rayncr r.nd wife dated April 15, 1920 and re jeroded in Book 229 at page 32, Re gistry of Franklin County, reference [to all of the aforesaid deeds and re cords beitg here made (or a further . description. I This May 6th, 1926. 5-14-4t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. The Prince of Wales took a ride in an airplane and didn't fall off. Won. der If he was ever on the water wag on? Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days TnuUlsts refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fU!I> to cure Itching, Etind, Bleed rag or Protruding Piles lohtiukly relieves itchfpii Piles, anil you con i'n restful sleep after the f.ict anndcutloo. Price Gee WATCH YOUR STEP 17 Accidental deaths in North Caro lina last week. 8 by Automobiles and Trains. 9 from other causes. Better bd prepared by getting an Ac cident Policy today from, T. W. WATSON Rumely Farm Machinery We have just added the Rumely Farm Machinery line to our business and can equip you with the famous Oil Pull Engines and Tractors. Let us show you how we can save you money on your farm machinery pur chase. Our garage is always at your" service and all are pre pared to give you the best of service. Youngsville Garage J. H. Holliday, Prop. Youngsville, N. C. LIFE INSURANCE *>4. Service Station! I ..I * it FREE HOT AIR Weldon D. Egerton s LOUISBURG, N. C. Suffered weak, nervous "T WAS in a very weakened, run-down condition, surely in need of a tonic and build er," says Mrs. J. R. Wrenn, of Anna, Texas. "I was so weak I had to go to bed, and kept getting weaker. "I suffered with my back so much. I was very nervous, couldnt rest good at night. I couldn't eat anything?I Just wasn't hungry. "I hcd read so much of Cardui, I thought best to use it. I took seven or eight bot tles, and by the time I had taken them I was stronger than I had been in several years. 1 can highly recom mend Cardui" Thousands of other women have found that the tonic ef fects of tho purely vegetable ingredients of Cardui were just what they needed to help restore their appetites, to help bring them easily and natu rally back to normal health and strength. Its action has been found to be of great benefit in many common fo mala ailments. Buy it at your druggist's. CARDUI Fer Female Troubles FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Effective May 10th, 1925 Louisburg, N. C. Trains Daiiy Except Leave Sunday No. 330 8:30 A M. No. 312 11:40 A. M. No. 334 5:00 P. M. Trains Daily Except Arrive Sunday ? No. 331 10:15 A.M. No. 311 3:4C P. M. No. 335 6:45 P. M. For information regarding rates and schedules apply to L. L. J4MTNER, Agent, Louisburg, N. 0. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleig'- N. C DR. J. C. MANN the well known Eyesight spe cialist and optician will be at the Leonard Jewelry Store, Lou lsburg, N. C? every first Thurs day in each month. Headache re lieved when caused by eye-strain. Office equipped with the latest examining Instruments. When he fits you with glasses you have the satisfaction of knowing that they are correct. Weak eyes of children should receive expert attention. His next visit will b? Thurs day, July 1st, 1926. Office hours 10 A. M. to S P. M. Automobile Top and Trimming We have recently added to our business an experienced Auto Trimmer. In addition we do upholstering of every description. All work guaranteed. Wo have recently employed Mr. John Gettinger from Bageratown, Md. Give us a tall. LOUISBTJEO REPAIR SHOP J. LEHMAN, Proprietor. > doors telov 9. A. Mote's PROFESSIONAL COLUMN OIL JL K. lAKBOKOLGll . 1*bj tlclau ml Surgeon Louisbarg, )l. C. Office In Blckotl and Yarborough Building. Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 2S S. AT WOOD ft K WALL. Attorney-At-Law. ?ouiaburg, N. C. Phone No. 116 Office In First National Bank Building General Practice I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on Cash basis when work Is completed. OR. ARTHUR HYNES FLKM1NO & P. HURT, M. l>. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over beoggin's Drug Store Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to 6 p. tn. OIL ARCH II. PERRY General Practice Wood, It. C. Office In Service Drug Co. OK. >Y. R. BASS. Yeterinariaii . Loulaburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital Kaat Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 336-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DiC D. t. SMITHW1C1L Dentist. Loolsourg, U Odlce la the First National Bank Building on Main and Nasli Sta. W. a. PER30M. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Loulsburg, North Carolina Miica In all courts. Offlce oa llaia Street. H. M. BEAM Attornej ?ut-Law Off! orer Poat Office Pr.->c, . in an courts. DR. J. B. DAYIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence. North Main St. Telephone: Hours: Night 61 3:30 to 10:30 a. m. Day 61 12 to 2 p. m. 6 to I p. in. B. B. IVhite E. B. A 1. E. Mulone WHITE A MAI,0>B LAWYERS la. nlsburg, North Carolina dtnera! practice, settlement of a .hi fundi invested. One member ol Arm altars In tha offlce. DR. H. 6. PF.URY Physician and Surgeon l.onlsbnrg, Morth Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 28' DR. i. B. MA LOME. Loulsburg, North Carolina dee in Aycock Drug Store, Market Street. Offlce Practice Surgery and consultation. DK. H. n. JuHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulshnrg, North Carolina Office orer Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. O. NEWEL)* ?. D. Louisbarg, Jf. - Office in First National Bank Building Day Phono 249 ? Night Phone 249-? OIL M. C. KING Frunkllnton, N. C. f 8 to XX A. M. Office Houra 1 X to 8 P.M. 6 to 8 P. M. Office on Main Street CALL rHO" E 105 FOB CLEANING, PRESSING, LACNDBX THE SEBVICE SHOP W. B. Mun.'ord, Propr. Lonlsburg, N. C. AT YOUR SFRTICE I have equipped my barber shop with seven clean first class barbers. They are on the job and are able to give you the quickest, neatest and. best service possible. Extra special attention given to Ladles and Children wotk. The home of good barber work. Yours to serve, OSCAR T. STEGALL. HONEY TO LKtU ON IMPROVED farm lands. ( per cent Interest. No commlsalon, no bonus. May run for 88 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. RICHARD P. PIERCE Yooog8ville, N. C. Agent for High Grade Monuments, Tombstones and Headstones. To Stop a Cough Quick toko* HAYES* HEALING HONEY. ? Mafh medicine which Mope the eo??ll br healing the inflamed and Irritated tiaraee. A ho* of GROVTS O-PEN-TRATE 3ALVf tor Cheat CoMa. Head Coida and 3raap it eneloaed with erary bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The aahre ihonld be robbed on the cheat and throat >f children auffarlnj from a Chid or Ooup. Thahaamedhet at Hayaa' Haaltat Honjr ta ejnat aak rear dwgltt for HAYES' GEAUMG HONEY. Snboorlbe to Tho rr*ikH?Tlmee_ To The Voters of % Franklin and Wake Counties I wish to announce that I am a candidate for the office of Solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District, com prising the counties of Franklin and Wake. I was born and raised in this district; graduated from Wake Forest College; and have practiced law in the City of Raleigh since 1915. I fully appreciate the responsibilities of the office of Solicitor, and if nominated by the Democrats to this position I promise a faithful and impartial ad ministration of the criminal laws. I would appreciate your vote and support in the coming primary on June 5th. Leon S. Brassfield Candidate for Solicitor. Washington, D. C.. and Return SPECIAL EXCURSION $8.00 Rate From Louisburg and Franklinton. N. C. Tickets on sale Friday, Jane 4th ONLY. Limited lor return Jane 8th, 1936. Visit the most beaatllnl Capital City in the World. Large Parks, Wonderful Bathing Beaches. See the Congressional Ibrary and other public build ings For further in formation, Pullman reservations cte? apply to L. L. JOYNER, Agt, JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A, Louisburg, N. C. Raleigh, Jf. C. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Will Be Paid for Country Beef and Veal We can use several more nice beef cows and veal each week and will pay the highest market price for good fat stall-fe country beef, and for milk fed veal 6 to 8 weeks old, in good condition. If you have - cf or veal you w it to sell see us we want it. ? : . We have a nice line of Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fish etc., on hand at all times and will be glad to serve you. Call us over phone, or pay ns a visit. Cash Gtocety . "I ,

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