"Dig a Well before you are Thirsty" The Japanese have a maxim which says: "Dig a well before you are thirsty." * The men who may have occasion some day to borrow money should make it a point to carry an account with some reliable bank and make himselt well and favorably known there. It will be a Well from which he may draw in time of financial draught. Citizens Bank & Trust p Company Henderson, N. C. "The Leading Bank In This Section" GIFTS FOR GRADUATION DAY BIRTHDAYS - - - - WEDDINGS - AN VTI Mil It is now time for you to decide what that "gift" is going to be that you are going to give that Girl or Boy when they graduate. You will find here appropriate gifts at any price. W. D. LEONARD, Jeweler Phoae SM "The Gift Shop of Loabharg" Tktrelas A Commencement Days are among the happiest days of a girls life. Add to their pleasure by gifts at this season. Whitmans Candies FEW AS GOOD NONE BETTER Perfumes and Toilet Articles to suit the most fastidious. Stationery The "Nobbiest of the "Nobby." n.jj! i; ii die Drug Co., Inc. YOUR DRUGGIST Loulsbnrg, N. 0. Daj T Ta? Z23 Highft Phona 231 I Brrd la gates rtown to look thQIao th Pol? tert It la aa? aar? him u>? trip. "Oannany Would Bar WaT Plarip," r? a nawapapar haadliaa. Thar ara about thlrtaau yaara too latp with that ORDINANCE WITH REFERENCE TO THE REGULATION OF FIRE COMPANIES Be It Ordained by The Commission ers ot the Town of Loulsburg. Sec. 1. Fire Alarm System.?That any person who shall turn In a false fire alarm, or who shall damage, in jure or deface any of the Are alarm boxes, or who shall tamper with, or In any other manner cause any sig nal to be made, or damage or-annoy ance to occur by handling any switch, plug, wire or other apparatus con nected with the Are alarm system of the Town of Loulsburg shall be deem ed guilty ot a misdemeanor and, up on conviction, shall pay a Ane of Ten Dollars. 8ec.. 2. Protecting Fire Hose.? That no person shall wilfully run or drive any engine, car, motor car, wa gon, carriage or other vehicle over any hose while being used In Aght ing Are. Any person so doing shall be Aned Ten Dollars. Sec. 3. Fire Wagon Right ot Way. ?That whenever any engine, , Are wagon, hose truck, hook and ladder or other machine or other apparatus belonging or being used by the Fire Department of the Town ot Louis burg, may be passing along the streets of the town going to or re turning from a Are, or for any other purpose, It shall be unlawful for any person, except a member of the Fire Department, to ride or Jump or hang on the above speclAed apparatus. Al so the driver of any carriage, bns, machine, wagon, cart, motor vehicle or any other vehicle which may be upon the streets of the town at the time shall immediately give unob structed passage to such engine. Are wagon, hose truck, hook and ladder, machine or apparatus, by turning lm-* mediately to the extreme right hand side of the street or highway and parking their said carriage, bus, ma chine, wagon, cart, motor or other vehicle and continue to remain so parked or stationed until said Are wagon, engine, hose truck, hook and ladder wagon or machine or other apparatus shall have passed. Any person falling to comply with this section shall upon conviction be Aned the sum of Ten Dollars. By order of the Board. B. N. WILLIAMSON, Mayor. A. W. GREEN, Clerk. 6-14-5t NOTICE North Carolina, Franklin County: By virtue of the power contained in a deed of trust executed by R C Under wood and duly recorded in Book 193, page 279 in the Registry of Franklin County and default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and at the re quest of Q. W. Hunt, the holder of said note, I shall on Monday the 21st day of June 1926 sell at public auc tion at the court house door in the town of Louisburg, N. C., the real es. tate conveyed and described in said deed of trust described and confined as follows: A lot in the town of YoungsvUle, N. C-, beginning at an iron stake corner of Main and Cross streets; thence along Cross street South 174 feet to an iron stake in Cheatham's Bros, and Blank's line; thence West 119 feet to an iron stake in W. T. Blank's line; thence East 27 feet to an iron stake in W. T. Blank's line corner fer Perry and Patterson line; thence North 100 feet to an iron stake in Blank's line corner for Perry and Petterson's lot; thence East along Main or Hillsboro street to the be ginning containing 18006 square feet, more or less. Terms of sale cash; Time 12 o'clock m. 6-21-5t W. M. PERSON, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me in that cer tai mortgage deed from Moses Allen and wife, Maretra Allen to W. R. Hunt mortgagee, dated November 19th, 1919 and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty In Book 210, page 4C9, default hav ing been made in the payment of the notes therein secured and at the re quest and demand of the assignee of said notes, I will on MONDAY, JUNE 21ST, 1926, at or about the hour of noon, sell to the highest, bidder at public auction for cash at the court house door in Louisburg, N C., that certain tract or lot, lying in Franklinton Township, Franklin county and described as foL lows: Beginning at a stake in W. H. Long line; thence running North 2 1-4 de grees East 12 20-160 chains to drivel way; thence West along the said drive way 46 3-100 chains to a stake corner for L H. Kearney; thence 8outh along said Kearney line 12-20-100 chains to W. H. Long line; thence East along the said W. H Long line 4 67-100 chains to the beginning, containing 6.36 acres and being lot No. 4 of the land conveyed by deed from W. H. Long to W R Hunt and recorded In Book page In Franklin Re gistry, and as will appear from plat or survey of W H. Chappel, C. E? dat ed November 10, 1919, same being re corded In Book page of Frank lln Registry . This May 18th, 1920. W. R. HUNT, 6-21-6t Mortgagee notice: Having qualified as administrator of the eetate of J. K. Collins, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, N. C.. no tice le hereby given all persons hold-i lag claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on oe before the *Oth day of April. 1927, or this notice will be plead in bar of the r reoorery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward at This April 19th, lftl J. PETS DAVIS. Admr. Holden and Griffin, Atty's 4-ISSt for nturr claw job printing SALE OF LAND , Under end by virtue of the power end authority contained In that deed of trust executed on the lftfc day of November, 1928, by W. D Fuller, to, Ben T Holden trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County In Book 234 at page 457, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand having been "made upon me to foreclose, I will, on the 21st day of June, 1926, at the dourt house door of Franklin County, in the town of Loulsburg at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land lying and be ing In Gold 'Mine Township Franklin County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at at a stake and point ers, a corner of the S. A. Jones-land ou Sandy Creek; thence S 86 1-2 de. grees E 11 chains to a stake corner of the land recently conveyed by J. M. Allen and others to W. D. Fuller; tbenee S 3-4 degrees E 18.50 chains to a stake corner of the lai^d above referred to in line of the referred to; thence S 86 1.4 degrees E 33 chains to a stake on the road to Wood; thence along the said road it being the old road N 10 1-4 degrees : W 5.25 chains N 17 1-2 degrees W 11 chains to a stake in the old road corn er of the land above referred to In line of the Gray and Wynne lands; thence along this line N 86 1-2 degrees W 62 chains to a stake with burch {wint ers corner of Gray and Wynne on Sandy Creek; thence down the creek to the beginning containing 94 acres by survey of J. T. Inscoe, surveyor. Thie May 20th, 1926. BEN T. HOLDEN, 6-21-5t Trustee. If the Congressional Record charg ed space rates, the war debt problem would be solved. NOTICE Harlng qualified as Executor of the estate of Miss Siddie B. Oreen, de ceased, late of Franklin County, not ice Is hereby given all presons hold iny claims against her estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1927, or this notice vrlll be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for. ward and make Immediate settlement This May 27th, 1926. 6-28-6t ? C. L. McGHEE, Extr. NOTICE North Carolina, Franklin County, In the Superior Court. Sallie H Williams vs Robert P. Williams The defendant above named will take notice that an action as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County for divorce on statutory grounds; and the said defendant will take notice further, that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of tnl Superior Court on the 7th day of July, 1926, at the court house of said county. In Louisburg, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This May 19th, 1926. J. J. YOUNG, 6-28-5t Clerk Superior Court PEACHES Good Fresh Georgia Peaches, $2.60 per bushel crate, much lower prices in 5 bushel lots. Now shipping Elber tas and Carmens. Buy a crate for your summer ice cream. Write for quanti ty prices to Grimes Brokerage Co., Room 429, Kimball House, Atlanta Georgia. 6-28-20t NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST North Carolina, Franklin County. By virtue ot the authority contain, ad in a certain deed of trust executed by William H. Wall and wife, Laurie R Wall, and recorded In Book 344, at page 63 in the Registry of Fraut lin County, North Carolina, default haying been made In the discharge of the obligation secured by the said deed of trust, and the holder of said obligation having requested the sale of the land so conveyed in said deed of trust, the undersigned will expose for sale and sell on Tuesday, the 16th day Of June 1926, at 13 o'clock noon at the Court House door of Franklin county at Louisburg, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, the said land so conveyed in the said deed of trust the same being described as follows: That tract of land situate lying and being in Youngsville Town ship, Franklin county, and being more particularly described as follows: Lying and being - in Youngsville Uownshlp, Franklin County, N. C? and bounded by a line which runs as follows: Beginning at a stake in the center ot the old Youngsville Road, comer of lot No. 1 in Alex Pace's line; thence with said Pace's line along the center of said road 3336 chains the following courses and dis tanced: B 76 3-4 degrees B 7 chains 8 71 degrees E 3 chains, 8 83 de grees E 3 chains, 8 73 1-3 degrees B 20.36 chains to a stake In the center of said road, corner of W. K. Martin's land in Alex Pace's line; thence with the W. K. Martin line 8 li 1-2 degrees W 37.18 chains to a stake near Rich land Creek and North of the same, said Martin's corner, thence with said Martin's line nearly parallel with said eck 8 S3 3.4 degrees W 14.30 chains to a stake; thence crossing said creek with said Martin's line; thonre with said Martin's line 8 34 1-4 de grees W 13.10 chains to a atone in a wire fence, O. H. Wall's oorner In eaid Martin's line; thence with said Wall's line N 78 1-3 degrees W 1134 chains to a stone, corner of lot No. 1 In eaid Wall Una; thence with the line of lot No. 1 N 13 degrees ? 43.71 chains to the beginning and containing 13034 This May 11th, 1333. ANDREW CHRISTIAN aadCALE K. BUROE88, 6-14-St Trustees. DO YOU SHAVE? MUU1.L C VALET Aut?vStiM>p Razor ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH A YEAR'S subscription to this paper and a 3 years' subscrip tion to the Southern Ruralist at the special club price below. We believe the value of this offer is apparent to all our readers, and Consider it the most attractive offer we have ever made. Use cou pon below. THE FRANKLIN TIMES, Louisburg, N. C. I am enclosing $2.00, for which enter my subscription for one - year to your paper and 3 years to the Southern Ruralist, mailing me, without charge, an auto strop razor in case together with strop. Name - ..... Town Route - State .. HOW ABOUT A PIECE OF MEAT To Roast - To Broil - To Stew To Boil - To Fry The highest degree of satisfaction accompanies any choice of serving when meat from our shop is used. It makes no difference what your tastes may be, we are here to serve you and we go to any length to do it. The established quality of our meat is maintained by our constant effort to excel. Call Phone 302 and let us show you what real service is. Dressed Fresh Fish at Reasonable Prices. YOUR MONEYS WORTH MARKET M. W. DANIEL, Proprietor. Phone 302 Louisburg, N. C. Solving 2 Problems WHAT TO EAT AND WHERE TO BUY We are in a position to sovle both problems to the entire satisfaction of the housewives of this commun ity. A large variety of the best foodstuffs makes the se lection easy. 0?r well knewn policy of "keeping the price down" makes this store the logical and economi cal place to buy. It is not necessary to waste valuablt time in shopping around. It is simply a case of get ting the most and best for your money by getting it here. J. W. Harris MAIM STREET LOUISBURQ, N. 0. 6 6 6 b I preterlpMan far Golds, Glippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. IlkBUtt FOR BALE Mr bom* plaoa on oorpar Mala ?traat and Halifax road la Ixralabnrg oantaialns 14 aorta la oftarad for tala, aaar terns and raaaonabla prloe. Wrlta If iataraatad to Mrs. i J. Paf aon, GratnrUla, N. C. 6-M-4t Tha Artie no-maa'a land panatratad and Baota Clana Will hart' to baat tor aaw working saartera. j A TONIC Orm1! IWdw chill Tonic Energy and Vlullty by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. Whan you teal It* strengthening. Invigorating affect, aa* hoar It bring* color to tha cbaeka and hoar H Improve* the appetite, yon will than appreciate Its tree tonic valaa. Grova'a Taatalaaa chill Tanle la ahnptar Iron and Quinine aoapanded In ryrap. So pi taunt even children like K. The blood aaad* QUININE to Parity It Md DUN to Enrich it Destroy* Malarial frnna aad Qrlpganna by Its rOH RENT ? Ave room raatdanea oa Mala at tor rant, Apply ta Mrs. W. H. Pleasants, pbona No. 17, Lottirtrorf. M. a MM

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