THE FKANKUN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor ft Mgr. One Year $180 Eight Months LOO Six Months 75 Four Months 50 | TME^ME^VANrala5>Ka^lATlc)N Entered at the Post Office at Loula N. C., as second class matter. WOBDS FROM GREAT KEN -Put Not Your Trust In Money, but Put Your Money in Trust"?Oliver Wendell Holmes. .ij e e "Mirth Is God's Medicine. Every body Ought to Bathe In It"?Henry Ward Beecher. am a i Now that the primary is all over lets bury the hatchet and get down to business. Loulsburg has organised a splen did ball team and is putting up some .good and Interesting games of ball. It Is now the duty of the citizens to J turn out In good numbers and lend their encouragement to the boys in their efforts to furnish some local amusement and sport. It takes fi nances to run a ball game the same as any other amusement and the boys! are relying on the citizens to patron ise the games and In that way furnish ...the "wherewith." Lguisburg Merchants ere now feel ing the need of some kind of Industry to' produce a pay roll In order for j business to continue reasonably, good j throughout the summer. It is a con. dltion you will have to fciake ameffort to change yourself. YhMdaaftVyegln' at the top. You will have to start at thdV bottom?small. Last summer j you subscribed stock in a canning factory. In the fall and winter busi got better and you backed out. As a result the enterprise was never begun. "This is'a repetition of the past twenty-five years. When there is no business In the summer time you are going to do wonders to eor- ? rect the conditions next year and the j fall season comes on and you seem? to forget that the next summer will ! ever come. But it does and you cry' "dull times" again. Talk won't! change these conditions. You will V have to back up your talk with youri efforts and cash. Other folks will not Invest here until after yon have shown confidence in your own community. Some criticism is being expressed on the streets ot the action of the Board of Town Commissioners in donating $600 to Battery B, the Louifburg mili tary unit. Of course everybody has a right to have an opinion of his own. There is also criticism each year for the donation to the fire department. But that doesn't change the fact that it is the duty of the town to give some assistance to the fire fighters. The truth is none of us show the ap preciation to the boys that we should for the protection they give our pro perty and the wonderful eiforts they put forth for our benefit. Their op portunity for service comes often, and they measure up to it like heroes. The military unit also plays a splen did service to a community. It gives a training to the young men that Is beyond valuing in dollars and cents and stands ready to protect the llvet of the cjtlxem and their property . when the need gets beyond the power of the civil authorities. Their oppor tunities happen only seldom, but are grave when they do come around and the measure of risk of life on the pari of the boys is great. In addition the , battery spends around %10,000 a year in the community. Borne little ap preciation should be shown the boys TOWH COMWS8IOHER8 MEET The Board of Town Commissioner met la regular monthly session 01 Friday night. On roll call there wen present the Mayor and the entlri Board. There was a committee of citlsen composed of Messrs. S. P. Bod die, W E. White, W. H. Yarborongh. Dr. H H. Johnson and M F. Griffin, with i request that the Board mats a dona tlon of tSoo.OO to ths Armo nory Batten Several speeches were and o ?notion of P. 8. Allen, seconded b Dr. ? H. Fleming that the hoard mak a^ donation of $600.00, half Of whlc be paid atthts time aad th to be paid in Decern be rang v&u of North Maim street next to the bridge. The matter was referred to the water and light committee for adjustment Mr. Harris, County Farm Demon stration Agent was before the board with a proposition to allow the Boy Scouts an opportunity to govern the" town for one hour. It was agreed that on Friday. July 9th from 12 m.. to 1 p. m., the Scouts should be al lowed to hold any offices of the town that may be designated by them or the Scout Master. Dr. Fleming was appointed * com. mlttee to look Into the matter of se curing mall service on busses. A bill from F. W Wheless for dam ages by water leaking on merchan dise from rains leaking through the opera house was referred to Messrs. Furgerson and Allen for adjustment. The board authorised a vacation of one week with pay for employees to be arranged as to time so that the service for the town would not be interrupted. A motion by Dr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Fergurson that the Clerk be Instructed to demand a deposit of $2.00 for water and $2.00 for light service to all future applicants who did not own property for which the service was applied was carried. The Clerk and Town Attorney were instructed to issue notes f?- $15,000 to the Farmers and Merchants Bank to take up outstanding notes of a similar amount which are past due, [however It was left to the discretion | of the Town Attorney and the Clerk to cancel a $5,000 note by drawing on funds from the street reserve account said $5,000 note having been negoti ated for funds for street Improvement The report of Chief of Police Mea dows was read and accepted and was as follows: Received for costs $72.75, fines $80, license $82, rent $40. The report of the Clerk was read and accepted and was as follows: Rceipts fr costs and license $527, 55. water and lights $2,268.10, taxes $6,309.13, paving assessments $764.45, penalties $84.18. fines $100, rents $80, flremens relief fund $127.01, refund Standard Oil Company $130.21, O. E. Roop $18, partial payment taxes $1, 705.37. A number of bills were audited and ordered paid. No further meet^ig the No further business the meeting ad journed. fpworth league CON- I ference elects officeks , The Ep worth League Con'er*?" I V.A _.?? held at Louisburg College ^t wee"came to a cloeo on Friday night The officers tor the coming ??r are: President, Rev. Thomas H.\ r* rant, ot Lumberton; vice-president, Henry T. Hines, New Bern; secretary, Eunice W. Blair. Raleigh; treasure , C. O. Qobb, Goldsboro; juntor depart | ment superintendent, Mrs. L. C. La . hln, Mdrfreesboro; Intermediate de- ) narurent superintendent, Natalie Cot ( jS^Ralelgh; Era agent, Hagel Thomp Ton, Mount Gilead .Advocate tor A E. Brown, Goldsboro, lite scr idee Superintendent, Blanche Bwren c<.r Raleigh' superintendent ot re creation. Blanche Barrenger, Rfle'8^ Those receiving Christian CuUure Certificates at the conference were. Elizabeth Adams. Andrew Bailey, teniae Ball. Y. D. Barclift, Jr., L. S Barker Ruby Bartlett, Llzette Bash ford. Edith Bell. ^^.^'rs B F ' Bennett. Brine Bloodworth. Mrs. B. F. Boone. Louise Bragg. Charlotte Br^d j love Madge Brigman, Loutoe Brooas, 10 D.. w H Brown. lodetu Brown. Rev. W. H. Brown. Mary B. Buchanan George Burch. MarT B. ijucnauau. vzw.? Mary Dell Bynum, Milton Cnrptntar. F D Carver, Jr., Leta Cashwell, Go don Causey, Scott Chadwlck. Pauline I cole, Vernon Qoley. ^ qT' Elolse Connelly, Rebecca Cooper Ge nevieve Oorbett, W. Z. Corbett, M dred Cotter, Herbert xelle Cox, Sudye Cox, Daisy Grim, Mrs Mamie Grom, Stella Coono,Ruby "". Harry Daniel^ Millie R Daven port, Daisy Day, John Davls Mary Davia, Willie May Donohue. Mary i little, Madeline Duncan, ' Annie Edwards, Francis Edw"^"', Gladys EUerbe, Myrtle ' Erwin, Dorothy Evans, Fr4Q"?J^T" lans, Mamie Evans. Felix Bessie Fergnrson, Alton Fleming, ! Melba Fitzgerald. Virginia ?ort Lois Frazells, Ruth Gates, G?rdo? Lucy Gibson, Mea Gibson, Porter G Gibson, Martha Joe Graham, Johnnie 'Graham, Catherine Graham, M*bel Griffin, Viola Ham. Cornelia Hardy, Evelyn Harrison, ^nle ^ ^tchelh Eearle Henby, Helen Herring. Mndie * Hicks, Mary R. Htn "^"camma I Hines Mary Cooper Hooker, camma H^kins Mary Hopkins. Sudie Rnth "Homer Margaret Hunter, Winnie In i^ H U Jenkins. Dorothy Jenette. (Winifred Johnson, Pearl Jones, Annie Mary Kelly. Helen Kelly, Catherine King, Eldlne King, Rnth King, C*G>" Klng, Eldlne King, Ruth ^ ?Hne Laasiter, Mrs. A. B. LAUghter, S& RJrt. T. W -Lee Martha LeggettTcharles ?? Evelyn McNeil. Alice McFher r' U&t^GrJeMann^l^ar Mat^evnT l^t* May Bard, N.oma nelda Mumford, Irene Munns, Paollnt Munus, Onthnleeti Murphy, IsW* *Jr phy. Mrs. JL T. Nichols Adelslde No ell, Lola Northcutl, Esther 0 Brien Msiarret ~Hiow*rs. * ' LilL, A. 8| Parker, Mary Evelyn Parker IoU Pnrker. Z?ma^ Iola Pnrker, x-eims 7.,-. Parrott, Jay Pattenmn, Wimarn Scot - Mae Perry, Willie Ma Virginia Pon, Maggl Penn, WMo Pools', Annie M. Powell, Robert M taeus ss l"I .. .... t u nn?fMT Mattle Lou Rogernoi Rons, Georgette Bchwarti i 1 ui its-'- Louise Seasonal "sa Er sarins: bS? SOU. ,.U?. WaeiS Talor, Mamie Thomu. Margaret Thomas,' Frances Thompson. J. B Thompson, Joe Turner. Bill Tulluck. Jack Tyfc dall, Hasellne Wlnstead, Edith Uiale, ,W. N. Vaughn, Mra. W. N. Vaughn, Nail Waldo, Bailie Parrott Wallace, Margaret Warlter,, Frances White, Livingston White, Mary Wilson, Mary Wlnstead, Ellx. Woods, LeRoy Wood bury, Vivian Wrenn. John Wright Those receiving Christian Culture Diplomas were: Mrs. B. F. Boone, Whitakers; Mrs. I J. H. Miller, Plnetops, Bessie Fergur- j son, Murfreesboro, Evelyn Harrison, Willlamston, Mamie Evans, Murfrees boro, Eula Rack ley, Ooldsboro; Iola Parker, Rocky Mount; Livingston White, Murfreesboro; Evelyn McNeil Lumberton; Willie Davenport,, Mrs Mamie Crew, Durham, Hhiel Thomp son, Mt Oilead. 1 Efficient Bp worth lan, H. L. Jenk ins, Wilmington. ???????????< ? PERSONALLY I* By ? Cole Savage . ? s * e I e The government's cotton report is-l sued last week forecasts a crop of 16,635,000 bales of cotton for this year. This is 460,000 bales less than was made last year but it is still enough for a big crop. This year's acreage is reported as 1.8 per cent more than last year's, or 48398,000 acres. Nothing short of a calamity hi | weather or by boll weevil will pre vent us from making another large cotton crop this year. Better plant some more hay at once and some fall cover crops a little later on. The State Department of Agrieul-I ture says that was a 315,000,000 rain which stopped the drought two weeks ago. From the growth of crops in Harnett county it certainly looks like the department knew what it was talking about H. A. Edge, former county agent of Harriett, brought in the first boll I weevil punctured squares I have seen in Harne'tt county Monday. While in Dunn Saturday several farmers told me the weevil has already appeared In their fields in that action. This is rather early for Mr. Weevil to be appearing here and we may expect some damage from him at boat. On a trip to Johnston county Sun day I stopped at Holt's Lake, 4 miles from Smlthfield and saw my first lotus in bloom. I agree with Ben Dixon MacNeill that this waterplant ought to be grown all over North Carolina. The proprietor of Holts lake got two bulbs from Washington D. C., four years ago and he has a group of plants .garden size, in bloom now. His is the European strain and they are very beautiful. A few bulbs planted in the water at Clif ton's pond and Jackson's pond would produce veritable water flower gard ens which would increase the attract iveness of these popui ir places Vary much. Perhaps Mr. Simon Williams would like to adorn his pond with them ciso. "I have plowed enough to walk around the world, I believe," said a farmer in Dunn Saturday. , been plowing 50 years," he said. I believed him. I have heard of cases of abseat mindness but I had one Sunday morn ing. After looking all around the ro?m_ for my B. -V. D's. I found them on me. If that isn't the limit I have never been the limit No wonder the Benson creamery U having such a struggle to survive. Schweppe is the nanje of the man ager. If It survives that name It can I survive anything. Seen through my windshield: A fourth of July celebration in Er win Saturday. With the cotton mill, idle the streets are crowded. Flags flying, streamers floating, stars shoot ing, everybody gay. I A white woman plowing barefooted She's just over the line In Johnston county. x I Negro boy plowing an ox with mule harness. Remnant of a past age. The .only one I have seen in Harnett coun ty CELEBRATES WTH BIRTHDAY An occasion of Unusual Interact . was the celebration of the 55th birth 'day of Mr. W. H. Onpton at his old home near Sandy Creek on June 12. He was delightfully surprises when his children gave him a surprise birth I day dinner. A large table was ar ranged under the trees at the old thome place ?"f| bountiful dlnnfer was spread. Fried chicken, ham, steaks, sandwiches. Iced tea, cake and pickle, were served. Ttyose present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cupton, Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. West, Mr. and Mrs. H. L Ortffln, Mr. and Mrs. E B. Lan caster, Mr and Mrs. N. H. Griffin, Mr. O D. West, Mfs. C. W. Gupton, Mr. Thurston Gilliam, Misses Helen and Priscllla West. Masters Hal and Loyd 1 West. Malcolm, Perry and Lester Grif. 1 fin and Darrel Lancaster. It was quite a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gupton as the children had planned this unbeknowlng to them which seemed to make them en joy It all the more. They expressed their appreciations and heartfelt thanks to their children for remem* bering them on this particular day. Everybody seemed to enjoy the day fine and especially the good dinner. * late In the afternoon they all de ll parted for home wishing "Pa BUT* ? many more happy birthdays. THAITKS I wish to extend my deepest thanks and appreciations to the people o( Loulsbnrg township who, no gonemui ly contributed to my success In ths primary on last Saturday when I was nominated Constable for this t oka Ship. Your efforts In my behalf, ei evidenced by your votes, are highly a| ?. predated And 1QP be pleasantly re 7 member* d. T a,?. wroai Winner Theatre Lonlsbvv, If. C. Week Prtfna B?|bili( FRIDAY, JULY Oth, IMS Friday, Jnly Mk?Bob Cuiter la "GALLOPING VENGEANES" Bar C Mystery Serial Also Comedy Saturday, July 10th?Jack Hexle "BUSTIN THROUGH" Good Comedy aad Fable the Cat Comedy Monday aad Taesday, Jnly 12th and 18th?NORMA TALMAGE " K I K I ' ' This Is Iforma's Newest Picture. See her at her best Extra i Comedy and Fox Varieties Special Admission! Adalts 86c Children 10c All baidoay seats (or colored people 10 and 85 cents Monday aad Taesday only. Wednesday, Jnly 14th? "TIME the COMEDIAN" With LEW CODY and MAE BUSCH, In a brilliant so ciety drama of a moth ers (oily. Good Two Keel Comedy Tharsday, Jnly Oth?THOMAS MEIGHAN In "MAN WHO FOUND HIMSELF" Klnogram News EXTRA: International Exposi tion, Philadelphia, Jnne 1st to December 1st?(Lest we forget) Be snre to see "BEHIND THE FRONT," Jnly 10 and 20, new, and one of the best of the year. THE WINNER THEATRE NE VER SLEEPS, We will give yon good entertainment the year ronnd. Yonr patronage appreci ated.. Special attention to The atre parties at reduced prices We will keep yon cool when It's hot, and warm when Its cold. Two fall complete shows each night of the week, 7:45 end OslO P. M. Admission 10 and 25 cents except on special mention above. Saturday Matinee, two shows, 2 and 2:15 P. M. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Winner Theatre Lorisbarg, N. C. Subscribe to Tbe jrranxlln Times REPORT OK THE CONDITION OK The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Loulsburg, la the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on June SO, 1020. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 9 486,991.76 Demand Loans - 29,695.86 Overdrafts, secured, 91,288.53; unsecured, 81,073.99, 2,312.53 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 3,800.00 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 15,400.00 Banking Houses, 98.300.00; Furniture and Fixtures, 99,201.50.- 12,501.50 All other Real Estate Owned 9,000.00 Cash In vault and net amts. due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies i?. ?- 34,617.06 Cash Items held over 24 hours 1,044.58 Checks for clearing 11,566.37 Total - 8 ?0?,769.15 LIABILITIES < Capital Stock paid in $60,000.00 Surplus Fund ?? 25,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 9,196.78 Dividends unpaid . 106.00 Bills Payable 55,000.00 Deposits subject to check, Individual 198,038.87 Cashier's Checks Outstanding 6,402.87 Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or after 30 days 79,672.34 Savings Deposits 183,129.72 Reserved for depreciation - 1,213.57 Total $ 606,759.15 Stato of North Carolina, County of Franklin, I, M. S. Clifton, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. S. CLIFTON, Cashier. Correct?Attest: J. W. KINO. L. L. JOYNER, F. W. WHELKSS, Directors. > Subscribed and sWorn to before me, this 7th day of July, 1926. Jas. B. King, Notary Public. My Com. expires Jan. 16, 1928. ? Regardless of Values Offered Elsewhere Remember Our Policy When Advertised or Seen Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest here Make Us Prove It I. KLINE & CO.. INC. WHERE THOUSANDS SAVE MONET . ' LOUISBURG, North Carolina

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