EVERYBODY BOOST LOUISBURG The Franklin Times LOUISBURG NEEDS A WEEKLY PAY ROLL ? A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.30 Per Year VOLUMN LV. LOUISBURG, N. P., FRIDAY, JULY 16TH, 1920 (10 Pages) NUMBER 21 AT NEWELL JR., MAYOR Boy Scouts Have Charge Louuburg Between It and 1 O'clock Frldayj H. C. Taylor, Jr, Kama Freeman, Ed ward Stovall, Felix Allen, Jr, Geo. - Borland and Louis Wheless Com missioners Last Friday, July 8th, jetween the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock p. m. every official in the town of Louisburg step ped out of office and was replaced by a local Boy Scout. At the last scout meeting prior to this time, the town election was held and the following officers elected: i Mayor, At Newell, Jr.; Town Com missioners, H. C. Taylor, Jr., Numa Freeman, Eeward Stovall, Felix Allen Jr., Geo. Ragland and Louis Wheless, Clerk, Francis Pleasants; Chief of Police, Karl Allen, Jr., Chief of Fire Department, Morris Joyner; Superin tendent Light and Water Department, James Stovall; Town Attorney, Snoo kie Usiell; Treasurer, Whit Whlta kers. At 12:15 o'clock Mayor Newell call ed the meeting of his board to order for the transaction of business... In his speech he asked for one hundred per cent cooperation from his co workers in putting over the many du ties that would confront them during ?? elr administration. He also urged an economical administration but at tha same time wanted to enact no ruling or legislature that would tend to _? . the progress of our wonderful lilti- .:v. Im ately following Mayor New ell's sp. icH, motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Stovall and carried, that the resolutions as outlined by Mayor Newell be adopted and . same recorded in the minutes of the meet ing. Francis neasaniB, luwn <_iera was called on by the Mayor for hie re port, which he. rendered In good style. The financial standing of the town was found In good condition. Motion was made by Commissioner Wheless, seconded by Commissioner Allen and carried that this report be received and filed. Chief of Police Karl Allen, submit., ted his report to the board and a vote of appreciation was given him for the efficient service he and his associates were rendering the town. Motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried, that Chief Allen's report be received and filed. James .Stovall, Superintendent of the Light and Water Department ap peared before the bOard and submit, ted his report. He recommended that the grounds around the filter plant be dqaned up and beautified and also that a fence be placed around the re servoir. Immediately following the report of James Stovall, motion was made by Commissioner Ragland, seconded by Commissioner WhBtess and carried, ' that the grounds. around the filter plant 'be cleaned up and beautified and also that a fence be constructed around the reservoir. Morris Joywer, Fire chief, submit ted his report to the board end urged that the board Instruct the police to rigidly enforce the lew that requires ell cars to perk immediately after the sirens blows giving the usual fire alarm. Mayor Newell Immediately instruct ed Chief Allen to comply with the re quest of Fire Chief Joyner. In the absentee of'Treasurer Whit Whitaker, Snookie Utsell appeared before the board and presented the treasurers report Upon motion of Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Wheless and carried, same was received and filed. Town Attorney, Snookie Uisell, was called on several times during the wseettag to give legal advice on var ious , things which he responded to verv ably. I There being no other reports to be heard by the board, Mayor Newell ?ske4.lt there was any further busi ness to be brought up. Immdletely Commissioner Ragland made the motion that Main street be repaired at both ends of Tar river bridge. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen and carried. The mdtion was made by Commis sioner Taylor and seconded by Com missioner Freeman and after a heat ed discussion carried by a rote of 4 to i. that a cover he pat on the stand pipe. Motion was made by Commission er Allen, eended bj1 CommJeeiomtrl Rnslsnd Mid carried that the hnard adjourn, flame wit* then to ordered hy Mayor Newell. COTTON. BLOOMS The following ootton blooms hars been reported sines our last issue. C, Meal, of Harris township reports a bloom Friday. ^ CABDOFJJUNM We take this method of thahklng our man^MWda for the Wwine.see and words of sympathy during the re oeat illness add dsath of onr wife and mother They trill be long and ton tortr."o?ojtViL80N and Family. Henry Ford Foresight and keen business abil ity brought Henry Ford to the very, front rank of the world's manufacturing giants. His per sonal fortune is estimated at one billion dollars. His csreer in busi ness has been marked by a strong persona) interest in the welfare of his employees. Mr. Ford was'the flrstto use profit-sharing principles in his great pisnts RECORDERS COURT! The following cases were disposed of In Recorders Court on Monday bj Judge Beam: State ve C. M. Wbelesa, assault with deadly weapon, not guilty. State vs Percy Mitchell operating automobile intoxicated, continued for one week tor state. State ys , Percy Mitchell, violating prohibition law, continued for one week for the State. State vs V. Cooke', unlawful pos session of whiskey, guilty, Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs J. E. Wright, assault with deadly weapon, continued. - State vs-Tom Young, distilling, con tinued. State vs Coy Thomas, trespass, not guilty. v State vs Coy Thomas, prostitution, guilty, 12 months in jail and assigned to work the roads of Rocky Mount district. Upon' payment of costs ex ecution not to issne until further or ders of the conrt. ' State vs Charles Med'lln, distilling, guilty, judgment suspended upon pay meni of cost. State vs Will Holllngsworth, dis tilling, continued. State vs Percy Bass, carrying con cealed weapon, defendant pleads guil ty, )100 fine and costs State vs Percy Bass, assault deadly weapon, defendant pleads guilty, 11 nonths in jell, assigned to work the ?oads of Rocky Mount district. Upon >ayment of costs execution not to II lue until further order of the oourt SERVICES OH L0U1SBURR CIRCUIT The pastor of the Loutsbarg dr. suit will preach at the eleven o'clock tour Sunday July 18th at Bhan on he following subject: "Where Do Wei jo From Here." There will alsq be preaching at Tospect Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock in the following snbject: "What Is Tour Excuse." , MT. now 6. A. Mt. Zlon O. A. Circle No. 1 mot Ju ly 10th with Miss Irmo Oupton. The meeting wos colled to order by the presldnt, Irmo Oupton. The follow ing progrom wos rendered: Hymn, "At the Cross." ' Prefer by Bettte B. Morsholl. Roll cell. Bnsiness by ell. Personol service: Seventeen visits, four bouquets and sight troys to slok people since the lost meeting on Jane It Devotions! by Helen Thorrlngton. Like Cinderella, Prances Joyner. No Chance Myrtlce Unchurch. And Books to Rood, Lucy S. Par An. The Hour Strikes, Bottle B. Marsh all. berty'sBan Hymn, "Send the " ' W#BL _ Parrlsh, Settle B. Mar shell Pottle Edwards, Myrtles Upchurth, Helen Liberty's Bonnet PouUae tnd Pauling Jbyuer Visitor* wclc. Floren* Rowe. on. Mr. OdAnd Mrjr.1t H. Oupton QPPTON, r. EuwUnoh smtm franklin county suic. DAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Plana have been made (or tbe hold, lng the annual Franklin County 8un day School Convention at the Cypress Chapel Baptiat Church on Saturday and Sunday, July 31 and August 1. Arrangements (or the convention are In the hands ot Mr. T. H. Sledge and Mr. A. A. Shear^P, .president and sec retary o( the county Sunday School Association. These officers have announced that they have secured as outside speakers (or tne convention, Miss Flora Davis, Raleigh, Associate Sueprintendent North Carolina Sunday School Asso ciation; and Miss Daisy Magee, Ral eigh, Children's Division Superintend dent North Carolina Sunday School Association. Besides these outside speakers, a number o( prominent pas tors and Sunday school workers o( the county will take part 1 nthe pro gram. The program/ (or the dcmventlon will include addresses and discussions of various phases of modern Sunday school work, the object being to make It possible (or workers In all depart ments of the Sunday school to get help from the convention. A request Is be ing made to the Sunday school work ers of the county to present to the convention any special Sunday school problem that should be discussed. Announcement Is also made by the officers In charge of the convention that, following a custom started three years ago, a pennant will be present ed to the Sunday school having In the convention the largest number of representatives, sixteen years of age and over, according to the number ot miles traveled. Any Sunday school in the county can compete for the penaot, except the Sunday school wtth which, the convention is held and others within one mile of the con. vention church. GIRLS CAMP AT BALANCE BOCK The girls camp Is la progress at Balance Rock this week and will ton tlnue to July 20th. The girls trom Loulsburg especially the Qlrl Scoots I will attend the camp next Monday, Reservation has been made some time j ago for the Louisburg girls and a fine program of sports and activates hare been arranged. I This week there has been many in teresting things happening in camp. 8wlmming is one of the leading j sports. Nancy Charasse of Henderson ; has won the swimming prize so tar. Thursday she broke her previous re cord by swimming 2,000 yards. The girls going to camp next week : should bring their own blankets and! pillow, it they want a pillow, towels, 'soap, tooth brush, Bible, scout knives or scout ax, kodaks and small musi jcal instruments and camp kit end such toilet articles as they desire. A girl in camp without a bathing I suit will feel lost. Bach girl should bring her good dlspositon and a will to have'a good time. Secretary Welch, of the Y. M. C. A. states that arrangements have beeu made for the girls to have a first class outing. Those who do not know ho.w to swim will be given Instruc tions dally. Those who know the art will be taught new methods and will receive Instructions in life-saving and rescue methods. Special Instruction will be given in scouting. Arrange ments have been made for the girls to pass their scout teat at camp. Mr. Welch was In town last night for the purpose of giving assistance, to Scout Master Harris In some of the activ'ties the boys are promoting la the scout work here. He stated that the Louistmrg people were wel- 1 come to camp while girls are there sod at any other time thty desire to come. The camp affords a fine place for church picnics and he invites such at auy time. MBS. e. E. WL80IC DEAD Mrs. Una Edwards Wilson, wife of Mr. George E. Wilson, died at her home here Tuesday in her BOth year. Mrs. Wilson was stricken la January and while her death was not unex pected. It was a ahdck to many. She Is survived by the following children: Mrs. P. P. Monger, 8anford. FTa.; Baton Wilson, of Portsmouth, ?a.; Phillip Wilson, of Charlotte. Mauceaas, Raymond. Adele and Rus sell, all of Louis burg. She la also survived by the following brothers and sisters: J. J. Edwards, of Fowler, Cel.; Nestor Edwards, of Lnwson, Md. Parry Edwards of Prankllnton; Mrs. J. W. Hlght. of WlUlamston and Mrs R. W ward, of Raleigh. The funeral ergs conducted from the home on Tuesday morning at 11 o' clock by Ret O. W. Dowd, pastor of Um local Meteodlst church of which she was a oooeietent member. Burial took plaice In the Prankllnton ceme tery The bereaved family have-the arm pa thy of the entire community T8 IiOT OF UEB Or last Saturday evening Osnatable 1. S. Rowland accompanied bp J I rhomaa sad K. I. Joyner, captured i seventy gallon still On Tuesday Constable J. 8. Row and repoHe the capturing of a>*M tad worm sad a lot of bear with ama whlakay ai?d destroy lag about wo hundred gallons at bear la' lens haft can hmadred yards of West JUDGE flORTON DIES IN RALEIGH Only 32 leant Old, He Had Already Achieved Remarkable Career Judge J. Lctyd Horton, who had been critically 111 tor eight days, died at his home in Raleigh Sundhy alter, noon at 4:30 o'clock. Thirty-two years old last February, he had already cfttsed an unusual career as Solicitor and Superior Court judge, and tor more than a year had been one ot the leading lawyers at the Raleigh bar. Suddenly Struck Down. Death came to him at a time when most men are just beginning their real careers. Suddenly stricken on July 2, with meningitis, his virile fighting spirit carried him through the crisis and it was hoped that he would recover. Only a moment before he died Judge Horton was talking to his physician. Dr. Hubert Haywood, Jr., and wan conscious to the last. . Death was caused by an acute dilation ot the heart, his physician said. There had been a slight kidney complication In connection with the attack ot men-en gitis. Through the torrid heat of the last eight days Judge Horton had fought for life with the determination that he had carried into many legal bat .tles. His friends in Raleigh and throughout the State believed he would win, even against great odds. Anxiously they kept in touch with his bedside, always hoping for the best.? News and Observer. USION OPEN AIR SERVICES ON COLLEGE CAMPUS SUNDAY 8 P. M. We have already had two fine serv ices. The first Sunday night Dr. M T. Plyler preached. He gave us a splendid partioQc message. Last Sunday Dr. J. Archie Mclver gave us a most interesting, and appealing mes sage on the Good Soldiers. The music alone at these services will be worth your lime. Next Sunday night the pastor of the Methodist church will preach o.r the "Constructive View of Christiani ty." Come and bring your friends. , O. W. DOWD. BEATTY-COOPER. A beautiful home wedding was sol emnized Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock when Miss Beulah Cooper be came the bride of Mr Jolit D. Beany, Jr., of Eliza bethtoWn, N. C.-Tho cere mony was performed by the pastor of the bride. Rev. J. A. Mclver. Only the immediate family and intimate friends were present. The bride was charming in a going - away dress of blue crepe with acces sories to match. I Immediately after the ceremony they left by motor for Eastern North Carolina. i Mrs. Beatty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cooper and a graduate of Loulsburg College, and is a most complished and popular young wo man. , Mr. Beatty is a graduate of the Un iversity of North Carolina and is Re corder Court Judge of Bladen County. FARMERS TOUR The farmers tour through the Shen andoah Valley of Virginia to Washing* ton City, left Loulsburg, Frnnklinton and Henderson early Monday morn- j ng in three large motor buses. The following Is the program that was prepared by the Extension Serv ice of the Department of Agriculture tor them while In Washington: My It 9:00 a. m. Uourlsta' Camp. 9: SO a. m. Dr. Smith's office. 10:00 a. m. Secretary"s Office. 10: SO a. m. Burau of Engraving. 11:00 a m. Capitol. 11 to 1. Lunch. 1:00 p. a. to 0:00 p. m. New Na :tonal Museum: Old National Museum Fisheries; Pan American; Corcoran irt Gallery and Zoo. 0:00 to S:00 p. m. Supper. 8:00 p. m. Congressional Library 10:00 p. m. Tourists' Camp. J*1? ?? 7:00 a m. Center Market. 8:00 a m. Start for Beltsvllle and L'ntverelty of Maryland. 11:00 noon. Return to Washington. 11:00 to 1:00. Lunch. 1:00 to 1:00 p. m. Arlington rarm. Fort Myer. Arlington Cemetery, and Mt. Vernon. The party is scheduled to arrive >ack home some time Saturday, July ,7th. BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Osrtruds Holden cele rated Bar brated tar ninth birthday at tiia home ot bar parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. ?Mp| Holden on Mat Saturday Guest* want received by Mrs. Holden and Mlst" Holden, mother and sister ot Lemonade waa served arrival ot the vuesfeH Md Indoor lamee were an as well a* rin* (amea In the At the conclusion of play. Ice each meet waa pre ttny basket ot candy as ? a About twenty-five an The mm Story on Meat Win* Championship MIm Otvlia drmwfttld, ? junior in tilt Ugh kImoI il Heyeevdle, N. G. wkove rtory on moat von a uni reraitj ? .choUrvhip sVd fiJO.GC?in caak. piecing first in the southern ?tatas in th* Third National Meat Story Contort. TVs contort is con ducted a initially hy the National Lire Stock and Meat Board- ,Mor? than 10.006 high-school girl-i com peted in the event just MOOT?. MAKE IT A PICNIC Franklin County Day At Farmers ( onication; Big Crowd Franklin Citizens Expected To Attend A good picnic (or Franklin coun ty citizens would be to attend the ' annual farmers coventlon at State College at Raleigh on Wednesday, July 28. That day will be Franklin County Day and the President, Nrs.j T H. Dickens, who is a Franklin coun-1 i ty woman la making a special effort to hare as many present on that day as possible. I State College is located near Pullen Park, a very desirable place tci spread a picnic lunch. For those who do not find It convenient to carry lunches, a good meal can be secured at the; college cafeteria for only twenty-five' cents. It Is not necessary that all those who attend State College on that date stay through the entire exercises, or j that they even attend the convention | at all. The only requirement is that presentatlve. This can be done In Pullen hall, the building In which the convention will be in session. ! A beautiful loving cup will be pre sented to the county having the larg est number to register on that date, so { In order to get credit for attendance It Is nscvssarv that all present re ? I gtster. Mrs. S. B Nash is making! a special effort to have one thousand Franklin county people In Raleigh at that time.. The object is two told,' first that Franklin oounty win the cup, and then as an honor to Mrs. | Dickens, the president. Mr W. H. Tarborough of Loulsburg, will ad-' dress the convention at that time. I If you have business In Raleigh I that week, make it convenient to go on Wednesday the 28th and while [ there take time to go to Pullen hall and reglater. AT THE METHODIST CHUBCH Next Sunday at 11 a. m. the pastor will preach on the "Sin of Silence.' He earnestly desires to see all the officials of the church present, all the parents, all the young people and all the children. If you hare a valid excuse or reason to satisfy your con eelence AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOU KNOW AMD SOME TOO DO NOT KNOW. Pergonal item* A beat Falka iai Their Friend* Who Travel And There. Messrs. Jack Brqwn and Pete Hoff. man visited Raleigh Sunday. ? ? Miss Beatrice Turner returned Mon day trom Wrlghtaville Beach. ? ? Mr. Jake Friedlander made a busi ness trip to Raleigh Wednesday. ? * * Miss Anna Gray Watson left Wed nesday to visit in Greensboro. Mrs. M. H. Aycocke and grandson. Billy Person, are visiting relatives in Oxford. m m Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb and daugbter, Miss Elizabeth visited New Bern last week. * * " Miss Mazle Ahrenberg, of Jackson ville, Fla., Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Jack Brown. i ? ? Mrs. G. M. West, of Raleigh, was a visitor to her niece, Mrs. Peyton Brown, last week. ? ? Mrs. Raye Grlmn and children, of Oxford, spent last week at the home of Mrs. W. T. Person. ? ? Miss Elizabeth Webb leaves Sun day for Columbia, S. C., to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. B. Webb. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gregory. - of Poplar Branch, are visiting Mr. ana Mrs. H H. Perry, of near town. I J Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Person and young son, Billy, visited Richmond and Farmvtlle, Va., last week. I * * i Supt. E. C. Perry left Monday for Chapel Hill to attend a summer school on public welfare work. ? ? Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Thompson, of Richmond, were visitors to his sister. Mrs Peyton Brown, the past week. I ' ! Misses Kate Allen and Margaret Wilder have returned from Washing ton, D. C., where they visited rela tives. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ballard, of Tampa, Fla., are visiting at the home of Mr. J. B. Jones, on North Main street. ? ? Mrs. Genevieve Freeman, who la attending summer school at Duke Dn* versity. spent the past week end with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Collins. ? ? Dr. E. S. Green and Misses Fran ces Green and Jane Sikes, of Monroe, who have been visiting Mrs T. W. Watson, returned to their home Sun day. ? ? Mrs. John A. Holden, of Amltyville, L. I., who has been visiting her re latives here for several weeks has re turned home. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Mamie Brown. ? ? Mesdam.es David Gaither. Robert Taylor and Robert Gaither of Newton, spent Tuesday in Loulsburg Mes dames Gaither and Taylor were be fore their marriage Misses Pearl and Josie Lancaster, formerly of Louis burg. ESTEBTAL>S PHLLATKEA*9 On Thursday evening, July 1, from t to> 10 o'clock Mrs. O. W May and Mrs. J. W. Neal delightfully enter tained the Phllathea Class of Center rllle Baptist church at the latter* licuce. Being near the 4th of July the tir ing room was beautifully decorated In red and white and blue. After a religious program was rendered and business meeting, a contest, "In Grand ma's Day," was given. Mr*. G. W. May being the winner received a leautlful handkerchief. Delicious re reshments were served consisting at hlcken salad saadwtchs and Iced ten, ifter which ice cream and cake wen erred. MILE BOCK RIMS Since we have had rack a alee sea son we will let you hear Croat aw Mr. K B. Wheeler and B W. ler were fllUera to Mrs. Htary 41 heart Sunday, who* haa beta eery UL We hope her a speedy feoorery. Mr. Harry Wheeler and Mr. May visited Mr. Rate* May afteraoeo. Mrs. Joe Mat on alsht with Mr. and Mrs Harvey ler Mr. sad Mrs. J. tX Harris speat last Thaistaj lllaraoon with Mr and Mrs. Baa* "-.'"VV-ediB